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复合句引导词复合句引导词 的考查的考查对于复合句引导词的考查主要有以下对于复合句引导词的考查主要有以下六种六种类型:类型:一、根据一、根据前后分句的前后分句的逻辑逻辑关系关系或或一些固定一些固定句型句型 与与搭配搭配命题。命题。1.You may use the room as you like so long _ you clean it up afterwards.2.I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps.正确理解正确理解句意句意是解题关键。同时,考生是解题关键。同时,考生要全面掌握各种要全面掌握各种从属连词从属连词的意思和用法,并的意思和用法,并熟记一些熟记一些常用句型常用句型。aswhen二、根据引导词在从句中是否二、根据引导词在从句中是否充当充当成分成分、充当、充当 什么什么成分成分命题。命题。1.People in Chongqing are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten years.2.A person _ e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e-mails.whatwhose 该命题角度主要涉及该命题角度主要涉及名词性从句名词性从句与与定语从句定语从句。答题时,如果是名词性从句,可根据答题时,如果是名词性从句,可根据句意句意与与引导词引导词在从句中在从句中是否充当成分是否充当成分来选择;如果是定语从句,来选择;如果是定语从句,则主要根据则主要根据先行词先行词在定语从句中在定语从句中充当什么成分充当什么成分来选来选择。择。三、考查定语从句中三、考查定语从句中“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”。1.Gun control is a subject _ which Americans have argued for a long time.2.The man,the legs of _ were disabled,pulled out a gold watch.aboutwhom 关系代词前关系代词前介词介词的选择,可用的选择,可用还原法还原法答题,即把先行词还原到从句中,根据先答题,即把先行词还原到从句中,根据先行词或从句行词或从句谓语动词的搭配谓语动词的搭配或或句意句意来确定来确定该用什么介词。该用什么介词。四、利用某些相似句型设置陷阱。四、利用某些相似句型设置陷阱。1.Nancy enjoyed herself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.2.It was at ten oclock _ he came back home.3.It was ten oclock _ he came back home.when 考生要考生要注重注重语境语境,弄懂弄懂句意句意,强化,强化对易混知识的辨析,有意识地对易混知识的辨析,有意识地消除思维定消除思维定势势。thatwhen五、通过增加限定语、同位语、插入语等成分,五、通过增加限定语、同位语、插入语等成分,增加句子的复杂程度。增加句子的复杂程度。1.I still remember the story,believe it or not,_ we got lost on a rainy night.2.It is Shanghai,the leader of the national economy,_ is located in the east of China.thatthat 解答这类题时,可将题干中那些解答这类题时,可将题干中那些不必考不必考虑的干扰成分删除掉虑的干扰成分删除掉,保留句子的主干成分,保留句子的主干成分,或将句子或将句子适当移位重组适当移位重组,使复杂的句子简单,使复杂的句子简单化。化。六、将复合句与强调句、倒装句、感叹句、省六、将复合句与强调句、倒装句、感叹句、省 略句等结合在一起考查。略句等结合在一起考查。1.I just wonder _ it is that makes him so excited.2.Unsatisfied _ he was with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.whatthough/as 解此类题,考生要在把握好以上几种句解此类题,考生要在把握好以上几种句型的基础上,熟练掌握不同句型的变换规则。型的基础上,熟练掌握不同句型的变换规则。语法填空语法填空 1.You cant borrow books from the school library _ you get your student card.2.All the dishes in this menu,_ otherwise stated,will serve two to three people.3.Whenever I met her,_ was fairly often,she greeted me with a sweet smile.4.The how-to book can be of help to _ wants to do the job.5.It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future.before/unlessunlesswhichwhoeverthat6.By nine oclock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_ which appeared rare rainbow soon.7.Eric received training in computer for one year,_ which he found a job in a big company.8.I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction _ which she had come.aboveafterfrom9.How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen?10.Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.11.News came from the school office _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.12.So sudden was the attack _ the enemy had no time to escape.13.It was not _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.since/whenwherethatthatuntilthat


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