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Unit 1 My new teachers 知识点展示: 1, words 2, textbook 3,重点句型 4,语法知识点 5, pronunciation words ( 1)特征: ( 2)称谓 年轻的 小姐 滑稽可笑的 女士 强壮的 和蔼的,亲切的 先生 年老的 ( 3)其他 矮的 像,喜欢 瘦的 来自 严格的 加拿大 积极地,活跃的 知道 聪明的,巧妙的 校长 安静的,文静的 大学生 有趣,逗笑 很,非常 但是 Zhang: I have three new teachers. Tim: Who are they? Zhang: A science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. Tim: Whos your English teacher? Zhang: Mr Carter. Hes from Canada. Tim: Whats he like? Zhang: Hes tall and strong. Hes very funny. Tim: I know. Hes my father. Zhang: Really?! A Read and write Part B I have a new math teacher. Her class is so much fun. Really? Whats she like? Shes young and pretty. Shes a university student. Is she quiet? No, she isnt. Shes very active. Yes, she is, but shes very kind. Cool! Is she strict? 重点句型: 1.Do you have new teachers? 你们有新老师吗?(疑问句中要用复数) 2. tall and strong又高又壮(能够用其他的形容词进行代换) 3. My English teacher has a kind heart. 我的英语老师有一颗善良的心。(主语是 第三人称单数,动词要用单三形式) 4. My music teacher sings nice songs. 我的音乐老师唱好听的歌。(主语是第三 人称单数,动词要用单三形式。会用这个短语造句) 5. They help us learn. They help us play. 他们帮助我们学习。他们帮助我们玩。 ( help + 动词原形) 6. When school is over, I want to stay. 当学校放学了,我想留下来。( 会用 . is over. 造句) 7. Whats he like? 他长什么样?(要和 What does he like?进行比较记忆) 8. We all like him. 我们都喜欢他。( like 后面跟名词的宾格形式,要会用 all, 放在 动词前面) 9. A science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. 一位科学老师, 一位美术老师和一位英语老师。(元音字母前要用 an) 10. Hes from Canada. 他来自加拿大。(来自哪里,后面要用国家,如: Canada, China, America,等等。) 11. Her class is so much fun. 她的课堂非常有趣。( 会用这个短语造句) 12. Shes a university student. 她是一个大学生。( university虽然是元音 字母开头,但是 【 ju:】 不是元音,所以用 a来修饰。) 13. Design a card for your favourite teacher. (为你最喜欢的老师设计一张 卡片。) 14. Thats for sure. 那是肯定的。(使用频率很高的口语表达。) 15. He was a football player. 他曾经是一个足球运动员。(过去时,表示曾 经,是个新的语法知道,六年级会学到) 16. I missed it! 我丢了它!(使用频率很高的口语表达。) 17. Can I join you? 我能加入你们吗?(使用频率很高的口语表达。) 18. Let me try. 让我试试吧!(使用频率很高的口语表达。) 19. Ten to three! We won! 10比 3!我们赢了!(使用频率很高的口语表 达。) 练习 1: choose the right answer ( )1,-Whos that young lady? - is our math teacher . A. He B. She C.I ( )2,-Is she kind? -Yes, he-. A. is B. isnt C. kind ( )3,-Miss Li is very strict,- she is kind. A. and B. but C. so ( )4,- is your music teacher? - Mr. Carter. A. where B. What C. Who ( )5,- is your art teacher? -In the art room. A. Where B. What C. Who 练习 2:连词成句 1. is, very, and, active, She, short (.) _ _. 2. is, lady, that, old, Who (?) _ _ 3.your, what, is, like, mother (?) _ _ 4.Math, our ,is, a, teacher, student, university (.) _ _ 语法知识点: 1、 以字母 y结尾的名词变复数 ,如果字母 y的前面是元音( a, e , i, o, u),就在 y 后面直接加 s。如: boy boys. 如果字母 y前面是辅音,则把 y变为 i, 再加 es. 如: lady ladies city cities story-stories. 2、 动词的第三人称单数 :(所谓第三人称单数,就是指既不是你也不是我的另外 一个人,可以是具体的人名,他,她,或它,也可以是称呼类,如 my mother, my friend等。当一个句子中的人物是第三人称单数,并且这个句子又是一般现在时态 时,该句子中的动词要使用第三人称单数形式。) have has like likes do does go goes watch-watches 3、 词语变化 : fun(形容词形式 )funny funny(名词形式) fun know(同 音词 )no he(宾格形式 )-him 反义词 : tall short long short young old new old strong thin fat thin kind strict active quiet 4、 be like与 do like: 在本单元中, Whats like ?的句型是主句型,这里的 like 是“像 一样”的意思 . Whats like ?是问某某长得什么样子 ,同学们千万别和 like的另一个意思“喜欢”相混了。它的答语一般用: He/She/ It is( 后面跟描 写人的外貌特征的词语 ),如: Whats your father like?你爸爸长得什么样子?。 而在 do like的句子中, like的意思才是“喜欢”的意思。如: What does your father like? 你爸爸喜欢什么? 5、 Who, What引导的特殊疑问句 ,用来对不熟悉的老师进行问答: Whos + 某人? Whats he / she like? He / She is + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词。 例: A: Whos your English teacher? B: Mr. Carter. A: Whats he like? B: Hes tall and strong. 6、 Is引导的一般疑问句 ,谈论某位老师是否具有某方面的特征: Is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用: Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isnt. 例: Is she quiet? Yes, she is. 人称代词 主格: I we you she he it they 宾格: me us you her him it them 形容词性 物主代词: my our your her his its their 名词性 物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 后跟名词 能够在句子中独立作 主语、宾语或表语 Practise 1. _(他 ) is my brother. 2. I had a letter from _ (她 ). 3. Its all right; its only _(我 ). 4. Today _(我们 ) went in _(我们的 ) car; tomorrow _(我们 ) are going in _(他们的 ). 5. _(我 ) lend _(我的 ) books gladly to _ (我的 ) friends and to _(你的 ). 6. Can you help _(我 ) with _(我的 ) English. 7. When _(你 ) go to see _(你的 ) father, please take these books to _(他 ). 8. _(他们 ) found _(它 ) difficult to learn German. He her me we our we theirs I my my yours me my you your him They it Pronunciation seat peech tea ea jeans 【 i:】 Pronunciation sheep beef queen ee sleep 【 i:】 Pronunciation block blue black bl break 【 bl】 Pronunciation library bread brown br break 【 br】 练习 Read and judge ( )1.A. bring B. black C. block ( )2.A. beef B. sheep C. bread ( )3.A. brown B. blue C. break ( )4.A. kind B. like C. active ( )5.A. teacher B. three C. head 话题作文:用几句话介绍你最喜爱的老师。(长得怎样? 高还是矮?强壮还是瘦弱?年轻还是年老?性格 特征等等) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit 2 My days of the week 知识点展示: 1, words 2, textbook 3,重点句型 4,语法知识点 5, pronunciation Words 周一 - 周二 - 周三 - 周四 - 周五 - 周六 - 周日 - 做作业 - 看电视 - 读书 - 做家务 - 玩电脑游戏 - 思想品德课 - 社会课 - 天,日子 - 等待 - 明天 - 有,吃 -常常,经常 - 在什么时候 - 爱,热爱 - 也,太 - 怎么样? - wednesday Thursday Thursday On 在 时候 重点句型: 1. What classes do you have?你们今天有什么课? 注意提问要用复数 2. What do we have on Mondays? 每周一我们有什么课? 注意 Mondays的翻译是每周一 3. We have English, math and P.E. 我们有英语,数学和体育。 三个以上的名词或者形容词要注意最后两项之间加 and 4. - What day is it today? 今天星期几? - Its Monday.最基础的问法要会它的 一问一答 5. I like weekends. 我喜欢周末。 注意周末是很多天,必须要加 s 6. What day is it tomorrow? 明天星期几? What day is tomorrow? 7. Tomorrow is Thursday. 明天是星期四。 Its Thursday tomorrow. 8. I often paint or watch TV. 我经常画画或者看电视。 注意 or是或者的意思 9. Saturday is fun for me! 星期六对我来说很有趣。 很口语的表达方式。 10. Sunday is sweet for me! 星期天对我来说很甜蜜。 很口语的表达方式。 11. Its time to get up. 要会用 its time to来造句 12. I love Saturdays! 很口语的表达方式。 13. I do my homework. 我做我的家庭作业。 会用 his, her, your, their, Jacks,等来替换 14. What about you? 你呢? 很口语,等于 and you? 15. I can play with you. 我能和你玩。 要会用 play with 造句 16. Mothers Day is the second Sunday in May. 母亲节是在五 月的第二个星期天。 17. Fathers Day is the third Sunday in June. 父亲节是在六月 的第三个星期天。 18. In America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. 在美国感恩节是在十一月的第四个星期四。 19. In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October. 在加拿大感恩节是在十月的第二个星期一。 20. Its a new school year. 新学年到了。 很口语的表达方式。 21. I need to do some shopping. 我需要去买一些东西。 need后要加 to 22. I want a new pair of sneakers. 我要一盒新的运动鞋。会用 a new pair of 来造句 23. I need a box of crayons. 我要一盒蜡 笔。 要会用 a box of 来造句 24. What do you do on weekends? 你周末都做什么? 会用 I + 行为活动 + on weekends.回答 例: I watch TV on weekends. 25. Whats the matter? 怎么了? 26. I dont have enough money. 我没有足够的钱。 一、选择正确的答案 () 1.-What day is it today? -Its -. A. 7:30 B. Sunday C. sunny () 2 -What time is it? -Its - A. 9:30 B. Saturday C. Morning () 3-What do you have -Mondays? -We have music and P.E. A. in B. on C. at () 4-Tomorrow is Monday .Today is -. A. Tuesday B. Sunday C. Friday () 5 I often read books on Sunday evenings. What - you? A. about B. are C. can () 6-Whats your Aunt Cathy like ? - is kind and quiet. A. He B. She C. It () 7-When is Mothers day? -Its the second - in May. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday () 8-How many days in a week? -? A. Seven B. Six C. Five () 10-Can you play ping-pong with me on Sundays? -Sorry, I ?. A. dont B. am not C. cant () 11-What do you have on Fridays? - A. I have English and math. B. I have 3 new teachers. C. Yes, it is. 二、连词成句 1、 is, it, what, today, day (?) 2、 you, what, about (?) 3、 do, you, what, on, have, Mondays (?) 4、 I, watch, on, TV, Saturdays (.) 5、 too, homework, I, my, do (,.) 知识点: 1、当询问别人喜欢哪些课程时, classes应当用复数形式,因为别人喜欢的课程可能不 止一门。 What classes do you like? 你喜欢哪门课程? 2、表示星期几的七个单词,开头第一个字母都要大写。其简写形式为前三个字母加点。 week 星期,周。(一周包括七天) How many days are there in a week? There are 7.一个星期有几天 ?七天。 Weekend周末(包括周六和周日) How many days are there in a weekend? There are 2.一个周末有几天 ? 2天。 在英语国家中,一个星期的第一天是星期天 Sunday. The first day of a week is Sunday. 3、当介词 in, on ,at 后面跟表示时间的词语时 ,表示在某年或某月(当只有年和月的时 候),用 in.如 in May在五月。 In 1988,在 1988年。表示在某段时间,如在上午,下午, 晚上也用 in.如 in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. 表示在某日,在星期几时, 用 on。如 on Monday, on Sunday . 表示在几点几分,在具体时间时,用 at. 如 at 6:30, at 9 oclock. 4、近义词: often(经常 ) usually(常常,通常) 5、 play with 和 在一起, with后面常用人称代词的宾格形式。 如: I can play ping- pong with you.我可以和你一起打乒乓球。 6. I like Mondays. John likes Sundays. 这里的 likes是 like的三单形式,在一般现在时的 句子中,如果主语是第三人称单数,注意动词要变成三单形式。 7、 Today is Sunday. I like Sundays. 在这个句子中,前一个星期日 Sunday是特指“今 天是星期一”,所以用单数形式,而后一个星期日 Sundays是泛指所有的星期日,所以 用复数形式。 PRO Read and choose How 1,town snow mouth2,coat house cry 3,fly cream clean4,close crop clock 5,class blue crow 6,clothes crown Unit 3 乔平平 老师 1.看图片学单词 2.活学活用:用英文单词玩“萝卜蹲”游戏 cabbage 卷心菜 eggplant 茄子 green beans 青豆 tofu 豆腐 potatoes 土豆 tomatoes 西红柿 pork 猪肉 mutton 羊肉 fish 鱼 猜一猜这些菜都是 用什么做成的呢?(用 英文单词回答) 1.学习背诵重点句式 2.编对话:进行自主对话练习(注意语 音语调,培养语感) A: What do you have for lunch? B: I have eggplants and tomatoes. What about you? A: I have (1) A: What would you like for lunch? B: Id like bread for lunch. A: Its not healthy. Id like= I would like 我想要 ( 2) A: Whats your favorite food? B: (My favorite food is )beef. A: What about you? B: (My favorite food are )eggs. (3) A: I like apples, theyre tasty/sweet! B: I dont like grapes, theyre sour. theyre= they are dont= do not (4) Im hungry. Its time for lunch/dinner. Heres our school menu. That sounds good. ( 5) 1.学唱英文歌 2.词汇拓展(发音及拓展词汇) 3.故事时间(翻译、听力练习) window窗户 yellow黄色的 snow雪 grow 成长 floor地板 flower花 flag旗帜 flow流动 ow fl coat外套 boat船 goat山羊 road路 fruit水果 frog青蛙 from来自 fridge电冰箱 oa fr 汤圆: 饺子: 粽子: 月饼: sweet dumplings dumplings zongzi mooncake READ AND JUDGE ()1.A.window B. yellow C. cow ()2.A.grow B. how C. snow ()3.A.coat B. mouth C. road ()4.A.flower B. fruit C. fridge ()5.A.brown B. blue C. black Choose the right answer ()1.-your favourite fruit? A. what B. whats C. why ()2.what do your have -lunch? A. in B. for C. on ()3.I like mutton. - tasty. A. it B. theyre C.its ()4.he likes bananas. Because -sweet. A. It is B. theyre C. hes ()5.id like some and -. A. potato ;tomato B. potatos; tomato C. potatos ;tomatos ()6.im too heavy. I have to eat -. A. beef B. mutton C.vegetables ()7.Do you like mooncakes ? A. cant B. dont C.am not 连词成句 1.do, what , have , you, lunch, for (?) 2.your, favourite, whats, food (?) 3.I, apples, they, sweet, like, are(.) 4.have, onions, and, I, fish (.) 5.like , you, potatoes, do, tomatoes, or (?)


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