外研版(三起)三上Module 6《Unit 2 How old are you》ppt课件3.ppt

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外研版(三起)三上Module 6《Unit 2 How old are you》ppt课件3.ppt_第3页
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数一数: Lets sing and do the actions. “Ten little fingers” six cats eight dogs Happy birthday! Panpan: Im 3. Miki: Im 10. Amy and Sam: You are 3 and you are 10?! Panpan and Miki : Yes. Activity1: Listen , point and say. Listen to the Activity2 , point and say, then answer the questions. How old is Daming? 大明几岁了? Is his age badge right? 他的年龄牌对吗? 他们是怎样询问年龄的? Sam: Hello! Look, Im nine. How old are you,Daming? Daming: Im nine too. Look! Im nine. Amy: Nine? You are six. Daming: Oh! Im nine. 情景任务 医生与病人的对话: 当你去医院看医生的时候 ,医生都要问你两个最基 本问题 “ Whats your name?”“ How old are you?” Hello! Hello! Whats your name? Im How old are you? Im” Name Ages(年龄 ) Sam 10 Listen and sing How old are you, Sam? 情景交际: How old are you? _. A.Im fine . B. Im five. Panpan:Im 3. Miki: Im 10. Amy: _ 3 and _ ten. A. You are, you are B. Im ,Im Homework: 1)读 Unit2活动一,活动二三遍。 2)向你的家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的 情况。 3)为了给这学期过 9岁生日的同学举行庆祝活 动,请制作生日贺卡送给他们,并唱生日 歌祝福。


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