x跨座式单轨车辆架车装置及其改进 车辆走行装置

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x跨座式单轨车辆架车装置及其改进 车辆走行装置_第1页
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x跨座式单轨车辆架车装置及其改进 车辆走行装置技术装备重庆跨座式单轨车辆架车装置及其改进贺观漆伟陈波摘要:重庆市跨座式单轨车运行以来,换轮架车使用了钢架结构、液车是沿用日本的方法,采用钢架结构(图)来支撑车体。首先用沉降梁装置将车体顶高左右缝隙后在轨道梁上垫上木方,然后从轨道梁的两侧分别将两个钢架抬放到木方之上,用来支撑车体,放置妥当后用螺杆连接紧固后,将车体落下,这两个钢架就将车体支撑起来,确认支护牢固方可落下沉降梁以及转压同步顶升装置来支撑车体。介绍跨座式单轨车换轮采用液压同步顶升装置的优点,但仍存在不足,需要进一步改进,为此,提出采用固定式液压同步顶升装置,并指出其设计中要注意的问题。关键词:跨座式单轨车;换轮;架车;液压顶升装置;技术改造跨座式单轨车的稳定运行源于轮胎与梁面间的摩擦,这种摩擦造成了胎面磨损。为了保证列车的运营安全,一般情况下轮胎走行万就要更换。跨座式单轨车更专用设备沉降梁,如图所示。转向架与车体分离前需要把车体支撑在轨道梁上,并保证支撑安全和稳定,这个过程称之为架车。将转向架与车体分离后降下,然后进行换轮作业。引言跨座式单轨交通属于城市轨道交通的一种,车辆转向架骑跨在单根轨道梁上运行,它能在大坡度、小半径曲线的区间稳定运行,特坡度多、曲线多且半径小的复杂地形条件,目前已在我国重庆轨道交通号线上采用。跨座式单轨车辆转向架较为独特,转向架构架由横梁、侧梁、端梁及导向、稳定车轮的支承架构成,其内部设有空气弹簧的辅助空气室;走行轮轴为单悬臂式,轮胎安装在轮辋上,轮心通过轴承支承在空心轴套上。每个轮轴上装有个填充氮气的钢芯橡胶走行轮,走行轮通过悬臂轴固定在转向架构架上,便于轮胎更换。单轨车辆转向架如图所示。别适合重庆市区地面高低相差悬殊、换轮胎需要利用换轮图跨座式单轨车辆转向架早期采用的钢架结构装置重庆市跨座式单轨车辆试运行初期架图换轮用沉降梁贺观:重庆市轨道交通(集团)有限公司,高级工程师,重庆26MODERN URBAN TRANSIT5xMODERN URBAN TRANSIT技术装备液压同步顶升装置的优点()大大节约了劳动时间,提高了工作效率。以前架车必须由人至少需要才能完成,现在采用同步顶升架车装置后只需要个人花费就能完成。采用钢架结构支撑,在拆装非动力转向架时,因为位置狭小必须要将前裙板拆卸才能放置钢架梁,拆装前裙板时要拆卸大而且,列车前群板是由铝件锻压而成,经常拆卸,易导致前群板的变形而难以恢复。采用液压同步顶升装置,由于千斤顶的设计比较小巧,不提高了工作效率。()降低了劳动强度,消除了安全隐患。由于钢架结构重,要想从地面移到轨道梁上,需要耗费大量的体力,而且由于架车位置狭小且钢架的体积过于庞大,在将钢架放置于木方上时十分困难,只有慢慢移动才能将其放置妥当,其劳动强度可想而知。采用液压同步顶升装置,因为千斤顶的质量只有左右且体积较小,所以,容易放置于木方之上,大大降低了劳动强度,同时也消除了架车装置落下伤人或损伤设备的安全隐患。()安全性大大提高。因为液压同步顶升装置的千斤顶有机械自锁功能,即使在液压装置密封件出现问题,压力被卸以后,也能通过锁紧螺母锁住千斤顶,不会因为卸压而导致车体的垮塌。同时由于是同在转向架落下之后车体能够平稳放置于轨道梁上,可避免车体倾斜受力不均而导致车体变形。重庆跨座式单轨车辆架车装置及其改进贺观等液压同步顶升装置轨道的改进现有液压同步顶升装置充其量只能算是早期钢架架车方式不得已的改进,仍然需要搭梯作业和自下而上的传递,每换一次仍必须重复安装、拆卸,仍有失手伤人的可将换轮过程中架车工序的问题彻底解决。将顶升装置设计为安装在与沉降梁相邻的轨道梁梁端的固定设备,着轨道梁纵向为新加上的固定式顶将顶升装置放置于特制的钢制结构中,这个钢结构的断面外形尺寸与轨道梁相同,以满足换轮作业的单轨车辆顺利通过轨道梁的要求。顶升装置的钢架与轨道梁端面用预埋螺栓固定,安装完成后,单轨列车开行到相应的位置,就可以通过顶升装置进行架车工作。固定式液压顶升装置设计中要考虑以下几个问题。()采用两段式升程设计,以解决油缸升程较高而产生的稳定性变差的问题。顶升装置工作时先将其下部基础升起,待接近后再启动上部油缸顶升并支撑车体。车体抬高后在装置侧面插入安全销,确保不会出现车体下降。()预埋在轨道梁端面的螺栓虑较大的安全系数和冗余,以确保整个装置的使用安全。()尽量考虑使用工具将液压图梁顶升装置沉降梁轨道梁固定式液压同步顶升装置量的螺丝,拆装一次至少需要,能。为此,需要改进设计,顶升装置便捷地安装到轨道梁端面,有利于日后维修拆卸。结束语采用固定式液压顶升装置,是需要将前裙板拆下就可以直接架车,为此,要缩短现有沉降梁尺寸,在沿为解决生产现场的实际困难,有目通过设计思路的拓展,把现场辅助工艺装备转变为梁端固定装置,可以极大地降低操作者的劳动强度,大大缩短换轮的辅助时间,生产现场的安全性问题也可以得到彻底的解决。在重庆轨道交通号线的换轮沉降梁装置的设计中,此项改进已经付诸实施。参考文献仲建华重庆跨座式单轨交通都市快轨交通,()胥春先跨座式单轨车转向架测试系统研究现代城市轨道交通,()周庆瑞,金锋新型城市轨道交通北京:中国铁道出版社,收稿日期升装置留出安装空间。如图所示。的、有针对性的一项技术改造措施。步顶升,个千斤顶所升高度相同,承受较大的剪切载荷,设计时应考28MODERN URBAN TRANSIT5/x现代城市轨道交通ABSTRACTSPromotion for Equipment Self-innovation Process of TransitDevelopment Strategy of Self-innovation TransitSignal System in ChinaDing Jianlong1In order to ensure the success of signal system (CBTC) jointlydeveloped by China Academy of Railway Sciences and GuangzhouMetro Company, the self-innovation implementation strategies of sig-nal system, such as the current basic conditions of localization, thetechnical route of self-innovation, the establishment of product certi-fication system, as well as implementing national policy and creatingdevelopment environment of science and democracy are also describedand analyzed.New-type Under-floor Lifting Jack for Maintenance of Mul-tiple UnitsZhang Shushen, Liu Guangdan, Yu Guizhong, et al.5Taking the railway multiple units as examples, the structurecharacteristics, maintenance mode and methods of rail transit mul-tiple units are introduced. DDT-I under-floor lifting jack with self-invented technology solves the general problems of under-floor lift-ing jack both at home and apoad. Its design principle with universalsignificance completely fulfills the maintenance requirements of ur-ban rail transit multiple units.Solution of Special Telephone in Urban Rail TransitChen Dongfa15Combining with the construction experiences of Suzhou Metro Line1 and 2, the construction schemes for special telephone system of railtransit are analyzed and compared. Then, the scheme of safe and reli-able digital dispatching telephone system with advanced technologyis presented.Lifting Equipment of Chongqing Straddle-Type Monorail Vehicleand Its ImprovementHe Guan, Qi Wei, Chen Bo26 After the operation of straddle-type monorail vehicle in Chongqing,the lifting jack for wheel changing uses steel framework structureand hydraulic synchronous lifting equipment to support car body.The advantages and the further improvement of hydraulic synchro-nous lifting equipment applied by the straddle-type monorail vehiclefor wheel changing are introduced. The adoption of fixed hydraulicsynchronous lifting equipment is suggested, and the problems whichshould be noticed in design are indicated.Analysis on Rail Damping Design of Urban Rail TransitGuo Jicheng29Based on the vipation mechanism of rail transit and the rail damp-ing principle, the rail damping design of urban rail transit and itsdamping measures are studied.Application of Grouting Reinforcement by Sleeve Valve Pipe inProtection of Viaduct Pile FoundationXu Furong, Li Qiuquan33Before the construction of deep foundation pit of Xian MetroLine 1, the nearby viaduct foundation needs grouting reinforcementby sleeve valve pipe. From the aspects of reinforcement assumption,construction implementation and reinforcement effect, the techni-cal measures for reinforcement by sleeve valve pipe are discussed.Force Analysis on Turnover Board of Locking Device in Straddle-Type Monorail TurnoutWu Shuqiang35The load of turnover board of locking device in straddle-type mono-rail turnout is analyzed. According to the different conditions, theforce to turnover board is calculated in detail, and the intensity ofturnover board is corrected by applying finite element analysis soft-ware COSMOSWorks in Solidworks.Design of Fully-closed Noise Barrier in Shanghai Rail TransitLine 6Ma Na38The design and noise reduction effect of fully-closed noise barrierin Shanghai Rail Transit Line 6 are introduced. The steel frameworkof noise barrier is used in the overhead catenary simultaneously re-ducing the volume and project cost. The max practical noise reduc-tion effect of fully-closed noise barrier is up to 23 dB(A), and theaverage is about 20 dB(A).Strengthening Enterprise Management and Improving EconomicBenefit Dong Chunmei48Under the background of economic globalization and marketization,the enterprise economic benefit and market competition must beimproved. From the aspect of strengthening the enterprise internalmanagement, the thinking and approaches improving the economicbenefit of manufacture enterprises are presented in order to continu-ously perfect and create the enterprise internal management.Discussion of Automatic Train Operation Subsystem Design forIntercity Rail TransitXi Bo51Aiming at traits of intercity rail transit, this paper analyzes the sub-system implementations of Automatic Train Operation System (ATO)in Urban Rail Traffic. In the aspects of system functions, device con-figuration and the working principle, the paper, combined with theengineering conditions, discusses the ATO function design imple-mented by the signaling system of intercity rail transit.Study on Application of Build-Transfer (BT) Mode in Construc-tion of Urban Rail TransitSheng Yuping54The original construction mode of urban rail transit fully domi-nated by the government cannot meet the requirement of new age sothe BT mode emerges under the new situation. The successful appli-cation experiences of BT mode in construction of domestic urban railtransit, as well as the problems and difficulties existed during theimplementation process are introduced. The improvement measuresare also presented.Research on Reliability-Centered Vehicle Maintenance Systemwith Minimal Maintenance Period ofTwo DaysFan Zhongsheng, Zhou Weibing59The reliability-centered vehicle maintenance system establishedby Shenzhen Metro Line 3 is introduced. The minimal period of twodays is realized in the initial routine maintenance of vehicle. The pro-cess and achievements of“two-day maintenance”are presented. Themethods, procedures and experiences for establishing the reliability-centered vehicle maintenance system are described. The practical sig-nificance and development trend for establishing the vehicle mainte-nance system of urban rail transit are discussed.


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