人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 5 教学设计 1

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人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 5 教学设计 1_第1页
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Teaching Plan for Unit 5Teaching aims:. to learn to describe animals; to express preferencesGrammar: 1. Wh- questions and answers 2. adjectives of quality: kind of / really / very +adj.*Structure: 1. Why do you like pandas? Because they are kind of interesting. Why dont you like tigers? Because they are scary.Where are lions from? They are from South Africa.2. kind of / very / really + adj. cute, interesting, fun, smart, beautiful, scary, lazy, boring, friendly, shy, small, big *Vocabulary: refer to the wordlist on P123-P124Phrases: 1. kind of interesting 2. be from = come from 3. walk on two legs; 4. save the animals / elephants5. be in great danger 6. a symbol of good luck7. cut down trees8. South Africa9. *made of10. * kill elephants for their ivory*Writing: to write about your favorite animals*Sentences for writing: 1) My favorite animal is , because 2) It is / They are from .3) They live in .4) It is years old.5) It is kind of / very / really + adj.Use the following words to write a paragraph (at least 80 words): favorite, kind, from, because, can*Passage to recite: P26 2d Teaching procedures:Period One Animals in the zoo & pets at homeTeaching material: Section A1. Lead in : picture 1a Topic : animals (in the zoo) tiger, elephant, koala, panda, lion, giraffe2. Have students to talk about his favorite animals with a simple reason. adjectives: cute/ funny/ interesting / beautiful / smart fun / lazy3. 1b. Listen for the adjs for describing animals Pandas cute; giraffes beautiful koalas interesting4. Pair Work: If you go to the zoo with your partner, which animal do you like to see first. A: Lets see (first). B: Why do you want to see them? A: Because they are *B: Well, I want to see . They are my favorite animals. A: Why do you like them? B: The teacher can add more adjs. for Ss to learn: scary / friendly / clever / large / heavy5. 2a Listen and write the animals you hear. Draw a line from the animals to the description word and the countries they are from. Pandas kind of interesting China Koalas very cute Australia Lions really scary South Africa Notes: 1. 程度副词kind of, very , really kind of 程度轻,相当于 a littlevery / really 程度较强; really语气强,还能表示说话者发自内心的感受。“真正地”I think tigers are really scary. 我认为老虎真的很可怕。 不仅表示程度深,并且表达了作者内心深处的感受。Notes: 2. be from = come fromWhere are the pandas from? They are from China.Where do pandas come from? They come from China.6. Do you keep your favorite animals at home? Pets 2d Questions to ask: Does your family have pets? What pets? Can you describe your pet?(adjs.) What color is it? What is his/her name? Can he run fast? Listen to a conversation about pets, and fill in the chart.AnimalsNameDescriptionCan doPeters PetDogDingdingsmartwalk on two legsJennys moms petcatLazya big catkind of boringsleep all day* Thats a good name for her! Notes: 3. walk on two legs4. have a pet5. kind of boring6. sleep all day7.Thats a good name for her.Homework: 1. Review SA 2. 3a,3b P37Period Two Animals in dangerTeaching material: Section BTeaching procedures1. Review: Guessing game *materials for you J 1). Im very big. I have four legs and two big ears. My nose is very long. I like to eat peanuts. - elephant 2). I have a long neck. Im from Africa. Im beautiful and elegant. I can eat the leaves on the top of the tree. giraffe 3). Im good at climbing trees, but I do not like to move. I like sleeping. Im from Australia. - koala2. Pictures- animals: tiger, lion, panda, giraffe, elephant, koala Use the following adjs. to describe the animals. 1a Smart; friendly; beautiful; cute; lazy; scary; small; shy 3. 1c Listen and fill the chart.AnimalsMarys wordsTonys WordsElephantsInteresting; smartlazypandasBeautiful ; kind of shyKind of cute4. Elephants and pandas are in great danger.Can you think of other animals that are also in great danger? Lions; giraffes; elephants; pandas; tigers; koalas*Dolphins * Tibetan Antelope藏羚羊Where do they live?5. Show some pictures about Elephants. (new words) symbol, flag, cut down trees, ivory6. Read this website article and check the best title for it Lets save the elephants Read it again and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph. 1) The elephant is one of Thailands symbols. 2) Elephants are smart animals. 3) But elephants are in great danger. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory! 7. 2c Read the article again and complete the mind map.Useful Expressions:1. be from: we are from Thailand.2. save the animals (in danger) / elephants / the trees3. *a symbol of good luck4. walk for a long time5. never get lost6. be in great danger7. be made of: * things made of ivory8. cut down treesHomework:. 练习卷Period ThreeTeaching material: Learn to write about your favorite animalsTeaching procedures:1. Review2. How to describe your favorite animals SB 3a Becky is Jills favorite animal. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.3. Have a try: 3b 4. You can describe an animals from the following aspects:n Size: big / small / largen Color: gray / white and black / n Description: adj.n Activity: can do sth. n Place: live in be from “My favorite animals are . are my favorite animals. ”Homework:


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