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Unit 22 Communication Workshop Writing Period 2 Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to write a report. Step 1:Pre-writing Task 1: Brainstorming Subject: Noise pollution and noise control measures in China Step 1:Pre-writing Task 2: Reading Read the text quickly and do Ex 1 on P12. Positive Comments Negative Facts B C Conclusion Step 1:Pre-writing Task 3. Pay attention to the language! Answer the following questions. Aims of the Report A D How did the writer express his aim? This report aims to. How did the writer describe the noise problem facing China? With her large population, this is a serious problem facing China. We can be optimistic about Chinas future. The Chinese g- has adopted several noise control plans and w did the writer express positive comments? conclude the essay? with new regulations and urban planning, noise pollution levels should drop even further. P12-2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. According to For example although However, 5. as a result 6. such as 7. In addition 8. To sum up 9. In this way Step 1:Pre-writing Task 4: linking words To give an example: For example such as A, B, C and so on Take as an example especially / particularly To list major point: whats more, in addition, besides, furthermore To contrast a point: on the other hand, on the contrary, however To conclude a point To sum up, as a result, in a word, in short, To show effects: without doubt, chiefly, as a matter of fact, in fact Para 1. Para 4. Para 2. Para 3. Introduce aim or background information List all the negative findings. Write a simple conclusion or List any positive findings. How to write a report 1.Layout (格式 ) ( P97 ) 2. Tense? 3. In what style? Aims of the report Negative Comments Positive Comments Conclusion use formal linking words. Write a report on waste pollution. Step 2: While-writing Water pollution Air pollution Waste pollution Global warming Environmental Disasters Endangered animals Alternative 1 Writing 随着社会的快速发展及人们生活水平的提高,大量的固 体垃圾产生,垃圾污染越来越严重。请你根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇报告 (report),谈一谈中国垃圾污染 的现状及采取的措施。 现 状 措 施 1.工厂产生大量的固体废 物 ,很多无法分解 break up through natural processes。 2.人口快速增长,产生大 量的生活垃圾 3.白色垃圾,污染严重 1.制定法律禁止企业乱排放 废物。 2. 垃圾分类 sort,再生利用 recycle 3. 市民不使用塑料袋,使 用纸袋, 购物袋或布袋。 Para 1. Introduce aim or background information Aims of the report Subject: waste pollution and waste pollution measures in China. Date : Nowadays waste pollution has become more and more serious . This report aims to assess the current levels of waste pollution in China and to consider appropriate control measures. Para 2. List all the negative findings. Negative Comments There are several disappointing facts. With the fast development of industry, a large amount of solid waste is produced by factories , some of which is difficult to be broken up through natural processes. Due to the rising population, more products are being used and as a result, quite a few daily waste comes out. What worse, white pollution, which is mainly caused by throwing plastic bags into the nature, has become a far bigger threat to the environment. 1.工厂产生大量的固体废物 ,很多无法分解 break up through natural processes。 2.人口快速增长,产生大量的生活垃圾 rubbish, trash, daily waste 3.白色垃圾,污染严重 Para 3. List any positive findings. Positive Comments However, there are some encouraging things. Both the government and the citizens have realized how serious the problem is. They have taken action to fight against waste pollution. For example, governments make laws and regulations to prohibit factories from dumping industrial waste into the nature. In addition, daily trash is sorted and some of the waste materials , such as old newspapers and glass are recycled. Instead of using plastic bags, citizens are also advocated using paper bags shopping baskets or bags made of cloth when shopping. 1.法律惩罚乱排放的企业。 2. 垃圾分类 sort,再生利用 recycle 3. 市民不使用塑料袋,使用纸袋购物袋或布袋。 pump/pipe into rivers, dump Para 4. Write a simple conclusion or Conclusion acceptable Underline any words or phrases you like. Step 3: Post-writing: 2. Peer-editing Pair-work: Read your partners passage and make your evaluations. Lets share our reports on different issues ! Step 3: Post-writing: 3. Presentation Thank you for your attention! 我们周围有很多噪音污染 , 如图所 示 , 请谈谈从自己做起如何改善噪音污染 . 交通运输噪声:75% 城市建设噪声:14.4% 社会生活和公共场所 噪声:5.6% 其它:5% 常识:噪声级为 30 40分贝是比较安静的正常环境;超过 50分贝就会影响睡眠和休息。 由于休息不足,疲劳不能消除,正常生理功能会受到一定的影响; 70分贝以上干扰谈 话,造成心烦意乱,精神不集中,影响工作效率,甚至发生事故;长期工作或生活在 90分贝以上的噪声环境,会严重影响听力和导致其他疾病的发生。 Alternative 2


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