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航海英语题库改革版 - 教育文库 A. 0247 My ship is bound for Shanghai, with dangerous cargo on B. Performed C. Deformed D. Reformed 假设租约中规定索赔将被制止除非在规定的时期内索赔人指定和 A. B. Will be pulling C. Will have pulled D. Will be pulled 我猜测当我一年后从海上返回所有这些旧房子。 3370 I should like to rent a house, modern, fortable and _ in a quiet neighborhood. A. All in all-总而言之,头等重要的东西 B. After all-毕竟, 终究, 归根结底 C. -最重要的是, 首先; 尤其是, 特别是 D. Overall-总的说来;大体上 我想愿意租用一间房子,现代,舒适且在一个周围安静的地方。 3371 I hereby declare that MV Ameber has a summer deadweight tonnage of cargo of 12345 metric tons or a bale capacity of 18987 cu. meters. This is a sentence from _. A. Stability information B. Cargo surveyors report C. D. Sea protest 我在此声明Ameber轮夏季净载重量为12345公吨或包装舱容18987立方米。这一句来自。 3372 I declare _ on these forms hereto attached to be a true account of all stores, currency and gaming machines on board this ship. A. Properties B. Natures C. Kinds D. 关于这些附上的所有仓库,现金和博弈机的真实数量的,我声明在这些表格上。 3373 How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear? A. Light blue haze-轻蓝色烟雾 B. Light brown haze-轻褐色烟雾 C. Light gray haze-轻灰色烟雾 D. 一台正常运转的柴油机出现什么样的排气? 3374 How should signal flares be used after you have abandoned ship and are adrift in a life raft? A. Immediately use all the signals at once B. Use all the signals during the first night C. Employ a signal every hour after abandoning ship until they are gone D. 弃船后进入漂流的救生筏中,你将怎样使用信号火箭?3375 How many PPM of the oily water can be pumped out within 12 miles along the China coast line? A. At least 15 PPM-至少15PPM B. About 15 PPM-15PPM左右 C. -高大15PPM D. No less than 15 PPM-不小于15PPM 多少PPM的含油水可以在沿中国海岸线12海里以内被排放?3376 How is the master or operator of a vessel required to keep the crew informed of the regulations concerning the discharging of garbage overboard? A. Give each crewmember a copy of annex V of MARPOL B. Call an all hands meeting before sailing C. D. Have each person read and sign a copy of the regulations 船长或船舶操作者被要求如何保持让船员知道关于垃圾排放入海的规那么? 3377 How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel? A. It pulls the bow toward the bank B. It pushes the entire vessel away from the bank C. D. It heels the vessel toward the bank 被称为作用于沿狭水道航行船舶船体的岸吸现象如何影响船舶?3378 How does an inert gas system on a tanker function to prevent explosions in cargo tanks? A. De-energizes the charged mist effect B. Maintains a positive pressure on the vent header to cool the flammable vapors C. Inert gas filters out the flammable vapors from the cargo tank spaces D. 油船上惰性气体系统是如何防止货舱爆炸的?3379 How do you determine the weight of the vessel that is supported by the ground when a vessel has run aground? A. This requires extensive calculation and is usually performed only by a naval architect not by a ships officer B. Determine the point where aground and the draft at that point, then calculate it using the grounding formula C. D. Use the inclining experiment formula and substitute the change of trim for the angle of list 当船舶搁浅后,你如何确定船体被搁臵的重量?3380 Horizontal transverse motion of a vessel is known as _. A. Pitch-纵摇 B. Surge-船舶纵荡 C. -横荡 D. Heave-垂荡,起伏 船体的程度横向运动被称为 3381 Horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel is known as _. A. Pitch- (船只)前后颠簸,纵摇 B. C. Sway-摇动横荡 D. Roll- (横向)摇摆 船体首尾方向的程度运动被称为。 3382 High concentrations of H2S gas are most dangerous to personnel because they can _. A. Cause involuntary muscle contractions-无意识的肌肉收缩 B. C. Cause eye inflammation-眼睛发炎 D. Cause dizziness-头昏眼花 高浓度的H2S对人体最危险因为它们可以。 3383 Has any person _ on board during the voyage otherwise than as a result of accident? A. Die B. Dying C. Dyed D. 航次中除意外事故导致的死亡作为结果外是否船上有其别人员? 3384 Gross tonnage indicates the vessels _. A. Displacement in metric tons B. Total weight including cargo C. D. Draft in feet 总吨表示船舶的。 货物可能是危险货物不仅因为它们可能危及船舶平安的事实,也是因为它们易于导致船舶的原因。 3386 Geographic range is the maximum distance at which a light may be seen under _. A. Existing visibility conditions, limited only by the curvature of the earth B. C. Existing visibility conditions, limited only by the intensity of the light D. Perfect visibility conditions, limited only by interference from background lighting 地理能见间隔 是灯光在可以被看到的最大间隔 。 3387 Generally, you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has_. A. B. Sternway C. No way on, with engines stopped D. No way on, with engines full ahead 一般地,当船在时,你可以在操舵装臵下最好的控制船舶。 3388 Generally speaking, a ship steaming across the north Pacific from Japan to Seattle is likely to experience _. A. Adverse currents for practically the entire crossing B. C. Favorable currents in the summer months and adverse currents in the winter months D. Variable currents having no significant effect on the total steaming time 一般地说,一船穿越北太平洋从日本到西雅图可能经历。 3389 Free radio pratique will be granted by the port health office in the following case _. A. Vessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on board B. Vessel with a dead body on board C. Vessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyage D. ,无线电电报检疫答应将被港口卫生官员批准。 3390 Free pratique means that _. A. Clearance requirements for all regulatory bodies have been met-制定条例机构的答应证要求已经被符合 B. C. Shipment will be made at no cost装船将免费 D. Tonnage taxes are not required to be paid不要求支付吨位费用 船舶进口检疫证意味着。 3391 For the most purposes the best relative wind is _ with speed normally 14 knots. A. About 35 degrees abaft the beam and ahead B. C. Around 35 degrees abeam and ahead D. Around 35 degrees abreast and ahead 最有利的视风相对风是船舶首尾方向上大约35度风速为14节的风。Xxh 3392 For many purposes possession of a bill of lading _ equivalent in law to possession of the goods. A. Have B. Has C. Are D. 许多情况下,拥有提单在法律上相当于拥有货物。 3393 For a vessel with trim, a decrease in GMT will cause the angle of inclination to _. A. B. Decrease减少 C. Remain constant保持不变 D. Stabilize at an angle of loll稳定在一个负稳性横倾角上 对于船舶的平衡,横稳性高度的减少将导致倾斜角的。 对于以共同海损分摊为条件的牺牲或开支,那必须对来说是共同面临的危险。 A. If he can do so without any risk to his vessel假设他这样做对他的船没有任何危险 B. If he can do so without undue delay假设他这样做没有不适当的延迟 C. D. Without regard to any danger to his vessel不考虑任何对自身船的危险 碰撞或事故发生后,每一艘涉及船舶的船长必须对受碰撞或事故影响的人员提供救助。 3396 First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to _. A. Lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops当出血停顿时,让病人躺下并包扎伤口 B. C. Apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops当出血停顿时,用冰包敷伤口并包扎 D. Apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it用热毛巾清洁伤口,然后用药物处理并包扎 对小切口或开放伤口的急救治疗是。 3397 First aid means _. A. Medical treatment of accident事故的医疗处理 B. Setting of broken bones固定断裂的骨头 C. D. Dosage of medications药物剂量 急救意味着。 3398 Fire in an engine partment is best extinguished with carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and by _. A. Closing the partment except for the ventilators封闭机舱,除通风机外 B. C. Leaving the partment open to the air将机舱与大气相通 D. Increasing the air flow to the partment by blowers用吹风机增加机舱流通量 机舱火灾最好用CO2气体扑灭并。 3399 Fetch is the _. A. Distance a wave travels between formation and decay波浪在形成和衰竭之间所传播的间隔 B. C. Time in seconds required for two crests to pass a given point两个浪尖通过某点所需的时间,以秒计 D. Measurement of a waves steepness波浪陡度的测量法 风区是。 B. Enters into-参加,缔结,订立 C. D. Enters to 留神来自上述两件或其中任一事件影响的损害,现船长我本海事声明,保存他在适宜的时间地点延伸本声明的权利。 C. Whether 书中答案为有误xxh D. That 无论是否签订了救助合同,救助费用属于共同海损,但应在海上运输中拯救风险中的财产。-书译 航程中有关方因救助所支付的费用,不管救助是否根据合同而进展,只要进展救助作业的目的是为了共同海上航程中涉及的财产脱离危险,便应作为共同海损。 参照1974约克-安特卫普规那么中规那么VI的1990修正案-规那么VIa 3402 Except when suffering from a head or chest injury a patient in shock should be placed in which position? A. Head up and feet down-头上脚下 B. C. Flat on back with head and feet elevated平放躺下,头脚升高 D. Flat above the head 除头部或胸部遭遇电击外的病人应如何放臵? 3403 Every wrongful act willfully mitted by the master or crew against their vessel and her cargo defines _. A. Negligence-忽略 B. - C. Piracy-海盗行为 D. Mutiny-反叛,造反,兵变 船长或船员对其船或货物的任何成心的违法行为定义为3404 Every entry required to be made in the official logbook shall be signed by the _. A. Mate on watch值班驾驶员 B. C. Master only仅船长 D. Purser, one of the mates, and some other member of the crew管事,一个驾驶员和其他一些船员 每一个被要求记录到正式航海日志的内容必须被签字。 3405 Every deliberate act of wrongdoing by the master or any of the crew against the ship or cargo, without the authorization or privity of the shipowner or his agent, is _. A. - B. Dangerous-危险的 C. Erroneous-错误的,不正确的 D. Strenuous-发奋的,使劲的,紧张的 没有船东或其代理受权或默认的任何船长或船员对船或货物的错误的成心行为是行为。 3406 Every act of assistance or salvage, which has had a useful result, should give a right to _ remuneration. A. Obtainable-可得到的,可获得的 B. - C. Profitable-有用的,有益的 D. Approvable-可批准的,可赞同的 每一个有效果的协助或救助行为应给予报酬的权利。有权获得报酬 3407 Even where the contract was not made between the master and the consignee, it has been held _ the master maintain an action against consignee upon an implied promise to pay the freight, in considering of his letting the goods out of his hands before payment. A. Where B. Which C. D. When 即使船长和收货人之间没有合同,船长拥有保持一个诉讼对收货人在货物交出他的手之前暗示支付运费的承诺。 即使运输合同不是船长和收货人之间签订的,但船长有权就默视的支付运费事由向收货人提起诉讼 3408 Enquiries regarding the maritime mobile service may be made to the supervisor at either Singapore Radio _ the International Telephone Exchange as appropriate. A. And B. Nor C. With D. 有关海上挪动业务的咨询,根据情况,可以向新加坡话台的监理员也可以向国际 交换台的监理员提出。 3409 Electric generators can be protected against overload _. A. With switches开关 B. With a governor on the engine机器上的调节器 C. D. By using heavy wire使用粗钢丝 发电机可以通过被保护以防止超负荷。反对.以保护 3410 Either _ may be discharged on the ground of impossibility of performance or on the ground of delay, where no breach of contract by either party has taken place. A. Contract合同 B. C. Person个人 D. pany公司 任一可能由于不可能履行的原因或由于延误的原因被免责,假设任何一方均没有发生违背合同。假设双方均未违约而不能履行合同或履行合同受到延误,那么任一方均可免责 341l During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel _ heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course. A. Moved B. C. Drived D. Went 航次其间遇到暴风和恶劣天气,当时且到如此程度以致于时常有必要改变航向。 3412 During the course of a voyage, a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The master should submit a report of marine accident, injury or death if the _. A. Injured needs first aid-受伤者需要急救 B. C. Injury results in loss of life only伤害仅当导致身亡时 D. Injury is the result of misconduct伤害是由于处理不当 在航次其间,一船员坠落到主甲板上并且脚踝受伤。船长应递交海上人身伤亡报告假设。 3413 During storm conditions on a vessel, the mooring tensions should be adjusted so that _. A. All mooring lines have a different tension所有系泊缆绳具有不同的张力 B. The leeward lines have higher tension than the windward lines下风舷缆绳比上风舷缆绳具有更大的张力 C. D. All horizontal tension forces on the windward lines are no greater than the vertical tension forces上风舷缆绳上的所有程度张力不超过垂直张力 船在暴风环境下,系泊张力应被调整以便。 3414 During loading or discharging, where the delay is due to the ship-owners fault, or that of his servants or agents acting within their authority, the time actually delayed is to be _ in calculating lay days. A. Precluded-n. 排除 B. Included-包括,包含 C. D. Diluted-冲淡,变淡,变弱,稀释 在装卸货物其间,假设由于船东的过失或其雇员或代理的权利范围内的行为造成的延误,那么实际被延误的时间将被计算在规定的装卸货时间里。 3415 During a storm, the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as _. A. B. Mooring tensions decrease缆绳张力的减小 C. KG increasesKG值增加 D. KG decreasesKG值减小 在风暴其间,系泊缆绳疲劳损坏的时机将随着而增加。 在风暴中,缆绳破断的可能性会因船舶运动的加剧而增加。题库参考翻译 3416 During a period of whiteout, you should expect which of the following? A. Snowfall or blowing snow下雪或高吹雪 B. C. Harsh contrast between sun-illuminated snow cover and the background在太阳照射的雪地和背景之间刺眼的反差 D. Hazy horizons with extensive mirage effects有广泛雾气影响的朦胧海平面 在出现乳白天空其间,你应该预期以下哪种情形?3417 Due to the nature of a vessels construction for a particular trade, it does not fully ply with the provisions of SOLAS. Where will this be indicated? A. B. On the reverse of the particular SOLAS certificate affected- C. On the face of the certificate of inspection在检验证书的正面上 D. Nowhere; the vessel must ply to engage in international trade没有,船舶必须满足从事的国际贸易 由于特殊商业用处的目的,船舶构造的性质不能完全满足SOLAS公约的规定。这将在什么地方出现? 3418 Drinking salt water will _. A. Be safe if mixed with fresh water假设混合淡水是平安的 B. Prevent seasickness防止晕船 C. D. Protect against heat crs防止中暑性痉挛 饮用海水将。 3419 Deviation to save _ is always justified, unless it is expressly stipulated otherwise. A. Property财产 B. A vessel in danger遇险船 C. D. Freight and cargoes in danger处于危险中的运费和货物 为救助而绕航总是正确的,除非另有明确的规定。 B. pletes完成 C. D. Does not plete没有完成 货物交付给承运人,货物的移交,即使承运人受雇于买方,除非当事双方的意图有明显相反的意思。 3422 Delivery of a vessel to a charterer is called _. A. Chartering租用 B. Dispatching派遣 C. Fixing固定,安装 D. 移交船舶给承租人叫。 3423 Daylight saving time is a form of zone time that adopts the time _. A. Two zones to the west-向西二个时区 B. Two zones to the east-向东二个时区 C. One zone to the west-向西一个时区 D. 夏令时是采用的一种区时形式。 3424 Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the_. A. Mariners Guide航行者指南 B. C. Nautical Almanac-航海天文历 D. Tide Tables-潮汐表 有关旋转潮流方向和速度的资料可以在里被找到。 3425 Damage to another vessels cargo, caused by a collision, is covered under which marine insurance policy? A. B. Fire火灾保险 C. Protection and indemnity-保赔协会保险 D. None of the above 对方船由于碰撞造成的货损包含在以下的哪一个海上保险单里?3426 Damage caused by lightning, a storm, or a sudden gust of wind may be within the exception of _. A. B. The Queens enemies公敌行为 C. Inherent vice in the goods货物的内在缺陷 D. The negligence of the owner of the goods货主的忽略 闪电,风暴或突然的阵风导致的损害可能属于的免除范围。 An atmospheric disturbance manifested in strong winds acpanied by rain, snow, or other precipitation and often by thunder and lightning. 暴风雨雪以强风伴随雨,雪或其它降水并经常带有雷电为表现的大气剧烈运动 3427 Cracks may be prevented from developing at the corners of welded plating inserts by _. A. Squaring the corners开口处形成矩型 B. C. Plug welding the corners-开口处塞焊 D. Slot welding the corners-开口处槽焊 船体的裂缝的进一步开展可以通过参加在焊接钢板来预防。 3428 Contracts whereby the possession and control of a ship vest _ the charterer are being more mon today especially in the oil tanker trade. A. On B. To C. At D. 将船舶的占有权和使用权承租人的合同现今越来越多了,特别是油船更是这样。 3429 Consideration should be given in planning for the mooring orientation in a new location so that in adverse weather a crane is available to off load the supply vessel on what side of the unit? A. Weather side-上风舷,上风方面 B. C. Upwind side迎风舷 D. Crosswind side-横风侧风舷 在一个新的地方系泊,船的系泊方向方案应被考虑,以便在恶劣天气中船吊可以卸下位于其供给船上的物品 3430 Conditions for crossing a rough bar are usually best at _. A. Low water slack-低潮平流 B. - C. High water ebb-高潮退潮 D. High water flood-高潮涨潮 通过海底不平的浅滩的条件通常最好是在时。 3431 pliance with the terms of the load line certificate on a vessel is the responsibility of the _. A. Ballast control operator-压载调整操作员 B. Barge supervisor驳船管理人 C. D. Operators representative操作员代表 船舶遵守载重线证书条款是的责任。 3432 Chemical tankers are generally referred to the cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of _. A. B. Solid chemicals in bulk固体散装化学品 C. Chemicals in bulk散装化学品 D. Cargoes in bulk散装货物 散装化学品船通常指的是被建造或被改装的且用于装载的货船。 D. Take off-拿掉,取消,脱衣,起飞,减弱,分开 租约通常包含一个条款规定租金必须每30天提早用不打折扣的现金支付,假设没有支付那么船东有权从承租人处船舶。 3434 Charles Island (LAT 41 degrees 11.5 N, LONG 73 degrees 03.4 W) is _. A. A high, rocky pinnacle with steep cliffs B. A low, sandy island barren of all vegetation C. Identified by a tall prominent flagpole D. Charles岛。xxh 3435 Chafing gear should be placed _. 第 24 页 共 24 页


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