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Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来【New words and expressions】生词和短语 turn n.行为,举止 deserve v.应得到,值得 lawyer n.律师 bank n.银行 salary n.工资 immediately adv.立刻 I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago,but he is now working at a bank.He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.He has never borrowed money from me.While he was eating,I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.To my surprise,he gave me the money immediately.I have never borrowed any money from you,Tony said,so now you can pay for my dinner!One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来turn n.(action that may help someone)n.行为;举动dosb.agood(bad)turn 帮了某人的忙(倒忙)eg:Actually the worms do the cattle farmers a good turn.实际上,蚯蚓为那些以牛耕地的农夫们做了件好事。He will do a good turn to anyone if he can.只要可能,任何人他都愿意帮忙。onegoodturndeservesanother(something that you say which means if someone does something to help you,you should do something to help them)eg:He fixed my bike so I let him use my computer.One good turn deserves another.deserve v.应得到,值得1、deserve+n.You deserve the best.你应该得到最好的 He deserved a promotion.These views deserve serious consideration our attention.这些看法值得认真考虑我们注意。2、deserve to do:应该.She deserved to be punished.I think they deserve to be congratulated.我认为他们应得到祝贺。I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago,but he is now working at a bank.我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来.托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班.lawyer n.律师lawyers office:律师事务所bank n.银行_?the bank:抢银行a blood bank 血库。a_?bank 储蓄银行。safe as the bank 十分安全。n.堤,堤防;岸,河畔。the right left bank(顺流方向的)右左岸。a sand bank沙洲。He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还.salary n.薪水,薪金,薪俸。salary 指公职人员、职员等拿按年、按月计算的“年薪”或“月薪”a salary man领薪族(a salaried man)。工人等拿的“工资”叫做 wages 一般按日、按时或按件计算。payback 1偿还,还钱给(某人);EG:Will you lend me$10?I will pay you back next month.能借给我10美元吗?我下个月还你。2回报。EG:How can I pay you back for all your kindness?我该怎样报答你的好意呢?payoff1还清(债),给清工资后遣散;EG:It took him six years to pay off the loan.2得到好结果,使得益(be successful)。EG:We worked away for months in all weathers,and the hard work at last pay off very much.我们不论天气好坏,连续干了三个月,艰苦的劳动终于有了很好的结果。off for backShould I pay _ the drinks?We should be able to pay _ the debt within two years.He will pay _ the money in monthly installment Did your plan pay _?Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.He has never borrowed money from me.While he was eating,I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前.他从未向我借过钱.当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑.attable:吃饭吃饭He seldom talks at table.他进餐时很少说话。atthetable:坐在桌子旁边坐在桌子旁边Please seat yourself at the table.请在桌旁边就坐吧?Its my treat.我请客Lets go dutch.AA制This time is your treat.next time is my turn.GoDutch的来历的来历 英国人喜欢打仗、而且不管交战的对手是谁?不管这场战役到底结果是英军大胜、还是英军惨败,只要战争结束之后赶快帮敌人取一个浑号、来嘲笑一番。当英国人与土耳其土耳其大打出手之后,从此土耳其(Turk)在英文里面的意义就叫做残暴的人。当英国与西班牙西班牙大干一场之后,从此西班牙人在英文里头就化身为吹牛皮的人(Spanish athlete)。当英国人与俄国人干俄国人干完架之后、俄国人从此就与野蛮人划上了等号。最惨的还是荷兰人荷兰人,因为荷兰人与英国人在三百多年前争夺大西洋霸权的时候,曾经打了长达二十六年、历经三次惨烈大决战的战争。这场英荷大战,其实双方互有胜负、两败俱伤!英荷两军都没有人敢说自己赢得这场战争!不过当战争结束之后,英国人就开始卯足全力来丑化荷兰人丑化荷兰人。所以英文里面的荷兰(Dutch)几乎都是不好的字眼。我们日常生活生活最常用的荷兰浑号式英文,末过于Go Dutch(各自买单付款),这是一个暗讽荷兰人非常吝啬的常用英文词组。不过现在很多人为了不想让荷兰人太伤心,所以已经用share cost来代替Go Dutch这个带有偏见的英文成语。To my surprise,he gave me the money immediately.I have never borrowed any money from you,Tony said,so now you can pay for my dinner!令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我.我还从未向你借过钱,托尼说道,所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!immediately adv.马上,立即英国一(就)(as soon as)。I told him immediately he came.他一来我就告诉他了。Immediately after this.随即紧随这之后She came immediately.她立刻就来了。Stop smoking immediately!立即停止抽烟!Wire reply immediately.请即回电。training immediately before fighting临战训练
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