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传播学专业攻读博士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标贯彻党和国家的教育方针,培养德、智、体全面发展的教学、科研和适应国家经济建设和社会发展需要的高级专门人才,对博士生培养基本要求如下:1努力学习马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国,遵纪守法,品德良好,学风严谨,具有较强的事业心和献身精神,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。2系统掌握和运用本学的基础理论和研究方法,有很强的理论思维能力和理论创新能力,能够独立从事研究工作。3出色地完成博士学位论文。二、学习年限1本专业学习年限为36年。2经导师同意,并经学校批准,可提前申请学位或适当延长学习年限。三、主要研究方向1传播理论与方法2新闻与传播思想研究3新媒体研究4传媒经济与文化产业5国际传播与跨文化交流四、课程设置和学分要求(见表)五、博士生培养1博士在修满20个学分、硕博连读再修满68个学分后开始学位论文写作阶段。学位论文按照前沿性、创新性、理论性要求,在导师指导下完成。2博士生在入学一年后先完成学术史梳理,然后提交开题报告。开题书面报告不少于8000字,引文不少于60条。3开题报告应在一级学科内聘请五至七名教授、副教授参加评审。4在论文写作阶段,博士生应提交2000字以上的年度论文进展报告,由导师组织在二级学科内评审,论文选题跨学科的,应邀请不少于三名跨学科专家参加。5博士生培养实行导师、副导师和指导小组制。指导小组由导师牵头、不少于三人,有专业教授委员会审定,并在学校备案。指导小组是指导和管理博士生的学术群体,担负论文的开题、写作、答辩等的指导、督促、检查、评审等工作。6博士论文答辩有学科组织。答辩委员会成员应由所在的学科教授委员会推荐,并报学校批准。导师可参加自己知道的博士生的论文答辩,但无投票权。答辩委员会中本校专家不得超过60%。7为提高博士论文质量,可组织预答辩,并根据预答辩中专家提出的问题警醒修改,在进行正式答辩。8鼓励跨学科学生攻读传播学学士。跨学科学生除按要求修完规定的学分外,还必须选修23门本专业硕士课程。传播学专业博士研究生课程设置类 别课程编号课程名称学时学分开课学期备注学位课公共基础课马克思主义与社会当代思潮6031第一外国语(英语)12041,2专业 基础课 专业课现代西方传播理论4042中国新闻与传播思想研究4043必修课学术研讨课传播学发展趋势与中国传播业5Doctoral Program for Communication1.Objective of the ProgramThis program is aimed at implementing the CPC and the states guideline for education and, according to corresponding social demands, training high-level talents in the field of Communication and Journalism, who are to be academic researchers, or to be professionals in the related industries.1.1 The master candidates are expected to be qualified as the following: Comprehend Marxism theory, adhere to CPC fundamental political line; have a great affection for our nation; follow disciplines and obey laws; have good moralities; be rigorous in study style; be enterprising and ambitious; actively participate in and be devoted to the cause of national modernization.1.2 The master candidates are expected to lay a solid foundation in basic theories and acquire systematic, profound specialized knowledge, be able to conduct academic research or social practices independently and achieve creative results in his dissertation.1.3 The master candidates should take an active part in physical exercises and have a good physique2.Duration of the Program2.1 Normally, the Program should be completed within 3-6 years.2.2 If approved by both the individual candidates supervisor and university authorities, the program can be shortened or prolonged reasonably.3.Main Research Direction1The Theory and Research Methods of Communication2Studies in Thoughts of Chinese Communication and Journalism 3Radio and Television Journalism4Media Economy and Cultural Industries5International Communication4.Curriculum (see the chart)5. Research and Dissertations5.1 After obtaining 20 credits, the Doctoral candidates can start to prepare the dissertation, which should be instructed by his or her supervisor and meet the requirements of innovation, theorization and forward-sightedness.5.2 The Doctoral candidates should conduct a thorough examination of previous researches and study for one year submitting a plan of concerning dissertation. The 8000-word plan should contain 60 quotations at least and be evaluated by 5-7professors or associate professors of primary disciplines.5.3 In the middle of writing, the Doctoral candidates should submit a 2000-word in-progress report concerning dissertation, the evaluation of which should also be organized by individual candidates supervisor. 5.4 Each Doctoral candidate will have a supervisor. The advising group of each candidate is headed by his or her supervisor and composed of 3 teachers at least. Each supervisor is selected by the Professors Committee of individual specialty and the names of those supervisors are recorded into the universitys archive. 5.5 The oral defense of the dissertation is organized by individual specialty. The members of the Defense Committee are chosen by the Professors Committee of individual specialty and the names of those members are reported to the university authorities. Each supervisor can participate in his or her own students oral defense of dissertation, but has no right to vote.5.6 A stringent program should be implemented, which emphasizes such components as training standard and approaches, selection of supervisor and organization of advising group, and exam methods. Special attention should be paid to candidates behaviors and attitudes, and the whole process of dissertation writing as well.5.7 Students in other majors are encouraged to pursue the doctoral degree in Communication. In addition to obtaining compulsory credits, these students also have to select several graduate courses in CommunicationCurriculumCatagoryCourse NumberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarksAcademic Degree CoursesPublic Basic CoursesMarxism and Social Contemporary Trend of Thought6031The First Foreign Language( English )12041,2Basic and Specialized CoursesStudies in Frontiers of Communication Theory4042Studies in thoughts of Communication and Journalism of china4043Required CoursesSeminarsTrends in the Disciplinary Field5电影学专业攻读博士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标为了更好地贯彻党和国家的教育方针,教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的要求,培养德、智、体全面发展的教学、科研和适应国家经济建设和社会发展需要的高级专门人才,对博士生培养基本要求如下:1较好地掌握马克思主义的基本原理,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国,遵纪守法,品德优良,学风严谨,具有较强的事业心和献身精神,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。2在本门学科上掌握坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专门知识,具有独立从事学术研究工作的能力和创新能力,在学术或专门技术上做出创造性的成果。3身体健康。4在具体的专业培养目标上,本专业的主要研究对象是电影艺术及其相关的社会文化现象。电影学曾经是传统人文学科下艺术学的一个分支。近年来由于电影在当代社会和文化中性质和地位的转变,电影学已经成为一个集艺术研究、文化研究、媒体研究、产业研究和新技术研究等众多方向的交叉领域。本专业点要求博士生有坚实的人文基础、电影制作艺术和技术的相关知识、以及广泛的跨学科和跨文化背景知识,能在电影研究和相关的社会文化领域的某一方面做出有创新性的研究成果,毕业后具有较强的从事科研和教学的能力。二、学习年限1博士生的学习年限为3年;2硕博连读生学习年限为4.5-5年;3在职博士生学习年限为4-6年。三、主要研究方向1电影历史和理论研究2电影文化和美学研究3电影创作和批评研究4电影产业和技术研究四、课程设置和学分要求(见表)课程设置(见表)学分要求:三年制博士生课程学分要达到16学分以上。五、科研和论文要求1开题报告:(1) 选题:论文的研究课题应与本专业的前沿研究相关或者来自本专业相关的社会文化发展和建设中的重要应用性课题。(2) 条件:应当修满规定的16学分以上,并提交2篇文献研读报告或者学术讨论报告。(3) 要求:在入学一年内(专职博士生)或两年内(在职博士生)或三年内(硕博连读生)完成8000字以上的开题报告。内容包括文献综述、选题意义、研究目标、难点与特点、预期成果和可能的创新点等部分。引用文献不少于50篇。(4)评审:组织5名以上一级学科高级职称(含3名教授)的教师听取开题报告并进行评议,评议通过后方可开题。2阶段报告:在论文课题研究中期,在与开题报告相似的范围内,对论文进展情况进行阶段性报告和考核,以保证论文按进度完成。若偏差较大,给予黄牌警告。3论文工作、答辩及学位:按学校相关要求执行。电影学专业博士研究生课程设置类 别课程编号课 程 名 称学时学分开课 学期备注学位课公共基础课马克思主义与社会当代思潮6031第一外国语(英语)12041,2专业基础课专业课电影学的研究领域与方法(1)4041电影学的研究领域与方法(2)4042必修课学术研讨课5Doctoral Program for Film1. Objective of the ProgramImplementing the CPC and state guideline for education and according to corresponding social demands, this program is aimed at training high-level talents in the disciplinary field of Communication and Journalism, who are either to be academic researchers, or to be professionals in the related industries.1.1 The doctoral candidates are expected to do the following: to master Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory; to adhere to CPC fundamental political line; to have a great affection for our motherland; to follow disciplines and obey laws; to have good moralities; to be rigorous in study style; to be enterprising and ambitious; to be devoted to the cause he (she) aspires; to actively participate socialist modernization drive.1.2 The doctoral candidates are also required to lay a solid foundation in basic theories and acquire systematic& profound specialized knowledge; to be proficient in using a foreign language; to obtain preliminary knowledge in a second foreign language; to be able to conduct scientific research independently; to achieve creative results in his (her) dissertation. 1.3 He or She should take an active part in physical exercises and have a good physique.1.4 This programs main interest is the frontiers in Mechanics. It aims to foster students competence in mathematics, mechanics and physics and advanced computer analysis methods. Therefore, they could independently start research and solve problems and thus they could successfully develop mechanics and serve the society. 2. Duration of the Program 3 years for Doctoral candidates4.5-5 years for master-doctor degree4-6 years for in-service Doctoral candidates 3. Main Interests1Film history and theory 2Film culture and aesthetics3Film production and criticism4Film industry and technology4. Courses4.1 Courses (see the chart)4.2 credits: at least 16 credits 5. Research and Dissertations 5.1 Proposal(1) The themeThe dissertation should be relevant with frontiers of Film or relevant with great cultures concerning national economy. (2) Prerequisites Doctoral candidates are required to obtain credits required (at least 16 credits) and submit 2-3 literature reading reports (3) Requirements Three-academic-year doctoral candidates are required to submit a 8000 word report concerning dissertation within one year after the enrollment, in-service doctoral candidates and master-doctoral candidates are required to finish the report within 2 years. The report should include literature summary, the meaning of the dissertation, research aim, difficulties, features, expected results, would-be innovations, etc. Quoted literatures should be at least 50. (4) Check and approval Public seminars are required. Five or more teachers with senior academic titles (including 4 professors) should attend the presentation and give their comment; the writing of the dissertation can be prepared after the pass of the check.5.2 In-progress reportAt the middle of writing, candidates should submit reports concerning dissertation so as to ensure the dissertation may proceed as schedule. If the warp is rather big, warning will be given.5.3 Oral defense of the dissertationAccording to related regulations set by the university authoritiesCurriculumCatagoryCourse NumberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarksAcademic Degree CoursesPublic Basic CoursesMarxism and Social Contemporary Trend of Thought6031The First Foreign Language( English )12041,2Basic and Specialized CoursesStudies in Film(1)4041Studies in Film(2)4042Required CoursesSeminars5数字媒体技术与应用专业攻读博士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标1努力学习马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国,遵纪守法,品德良好,学风严谨,具有较强的事业心和献身精神,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。2掌握坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专门知识;具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力,在科学或专门技术上作出创造性的成果。3积极参加体育锻炼,身体健康。4数字媒体技术与应用专业主要研究数字媒体的处理、传播与设计技术与方法,以及数字媒体技术与系统的应用与开发。本专业以数字媒体技术研究与开发为切入点,注重技术与内容的融合,在影视、动画、游戏、互动媒体、展示等数字内容行业有着广阔的应用和市场前景,是当前数字技术研发与应用热点。要求学生掌握坚实的理论基础与系统的专业知识,能独立从事数字媒体技术与数字内容领域的研究、技术开发和设计工作。二、学习年限1博士研究生的学习年限为3年。2硕博连读生的学习年限为4.5-5年。3在职博士生的学习年限为4-6年。三、研究方向1数字媒体技术和数字内容创作与设计2三维视觉计算和实时渲染技术3数字媒体展示与控制技术四、课程设置及学分要求1课程设置(见表)2学分要求(1)三年制博士生:课程学习的学分为20学分(2)硕博连读生:硕士生课程可免修“科学社会主义理论与实践”,硕博连读生总学分64学分。(3)在职博士生:课程与三年制博士生相同,但时间安排可按“在职任务”的实际状况灵活安排。3为提高博士生的学术水平,要求在攻读期间作学术报告或主讲3次,在核心期刊发表论文3篇。五、论文工作1成立博士生指导小组博士生的培养应实行指导教师负责制,提倡导师指导与集体指导相结合,可成立由指导教师牵头,35人组成的指导小组,小组参与制定博士生培养计划,检查博士生学习和论文工作,根据有关规定和博士生的实际表现,有权提出淘汰或中止研究生培养。2论文选题开题报告(1)选题:论文的研究课题应与本专业的前沿研究相关或来自与本专业有关的国民经济中的重大技术问题。(2)开题的必要条件:应修满培养计划规定的学分(博士生阶段至少20学分)和递交23篇文献阅读专题报告或学术讨论会小结报告。(3)对开题报告的要求:在入学的一年内(三年制博士生)或二年内(硕博连读生、在职博士生)完成8000字以上的开题报告,内容包括文献综述、选题意义、研究内容、难点与特点、预期成果和可能的创新点等部分,引用文献不少于50篇。(4)对开题报告的评审:组织7名高级职称(教授4名)的有关教师听取开题报告和进行评议,评审通过后方可开题。开题报告为公开性报告,应在第四学期结束前完成。3论文阶段报告在论文课题研究的中期,在与开题报告相近的范围内,对论文的进展情况进行阶段报告和中期考核,以保证按进度进行,若偏差较大,给予黄牌警告。4学术交流的要求博士生在学期间,应积极参加本学科的学术活动以及国际国内的学术交流。博士生申请学位前,除确因特殊原因以外,必须在国外重要学术期刊和国内核心期刊上发表与学位论文有关的学术论文二篇(至少一篇是第一作者),其中有一篇被收入EI、SCI、ISTP索引的学术刊物中,或在上述期刊上发表与学位论文有关的学术论文一篇,并有一项专利证明或一项经省部级以上(含省部级)主持鉴定、验收的重要成果(排序前三名)。5导师组学位论文审查制度在预答辩前,博士生指导小组对学位论文质量进行审查,不符合要求者不能提交预答辩。6预答辩制度博士生预答辩制度应在正式答辩前三个月举行。预答辩通过者才能进行正式答辩。7论文答辩(1)前提条件:在完成论文、指导教师初审、23名教授复审认可后,且已在核心期刊发表(含录用)3篇论文和递交不少于参加5次学术讨论会,经导师评定成绩的约500字小结后方可申请论文答辩。(2)通信评审和答辩:按照研究生部相关规定执行。数字媒体技术与应用专业博士研究生课程设置类 别课程编号课 程 名 称学时学分开课学期备注学位课公共基础课现代科学技术革命与马克思主义6031第一外国语(英语)12041,2专业基础课专业课数字媒体技术4041图形图像算法基础4042必修课学术研讨课5Education Program for Doctoral Candidates in Digital Media Technology and its Applications1. The Aim1.1. Candidates are required to study hard in Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. They should adhere to the partys basic lines, be patriotic, and abide by law and disciplines. Based on a sound moral integrity, a rigorous and scientific attitude towards academic work, and a strong sense of dedication, they should endeavor to contribute to the ongoing socialist modernization drive. 1.2. Candidates must have a firm theoretical foundation in their special fields and broad background in related areas. They should be competent in undertaking independent scientific research, and capable of making original contributions to their scientific and technological discipline. 1.3. Candidates must take an active part in physical exercises and keep fit.1.4. The discipline of Digital media technology and its applications researches mainly the principles and technology in the fields of digital media processing, communication and design, as well its applications and developments of digital media technology and system. In the bases of research and development of digital media technology, it also take more attention to the compound specials with techniques and contents, and have more perspectives of applications and marketing in the digital content fields of film, television, animation, games, interactive media, exhibition etc., and it is the hot point of research, development and application of digital technology. The requirements to doctoral candidate are that to master fundamental theories and systemic special knowledge, and to have the comprehensive and independent ability to research, develop and design in the fields of digital media technology and digital media content. 2. Duration of Study2.1. The program for regular full-time doctoral candidates lasts three years. 2.2. For those who take a continuous master-doctoral program, the total duration of study range from four and half years to five years.2.3. Part-time candidates who have a job while pursuing a doctoral degree can extend their study to four and half to five years.3. Directions of Research3.1. Digital Media Technology and Digital Content Design3.2. 3D Visual Computation and Real-time Render Technology3.3. Digital Media Exhibition and Control Technology4. Courses and Credits4.1. The curriculum is given in the table below.4.2. Credits1)For the regular three-year full-time program: 20 credits.2)For the continuous master-doctoral program: a total of 68 credits are required, in which Theory and Practices of Scientific Socialism is waived.3)For part-time doctoral candidates: the required courses and total credits are the same as the regular full-time students, but specific arrangements can be made based on particular situations. 3. In order to ensure a high level of academic standard, candidates are required to give 3 talks or seminars, and publish 3 papers in peer-reviewed journals during their study.5. Research and Thesis5.1. Supervisory GroupThe supervisor takes charge of education of his/her doctoral students. A supervisory group headed by the supervisor and 3 to 5 teachers should be formed. Members of the group join the supervisor to work out a plan, check the course work and research of the candidate. The group is entitled to decide whether the candidate should proceed or be advised to terminate the study according to his/her performance. 5.2. Selection of Topic and Kickoff Report1)The research topic should be in a forward position of the scientific field, or come from major technological problems arising in the national economy.2)Necessary conditions for the kickoff: The candidate must obtain required credits, in which a minimum of 20 credits must be earned during the period of doctoral study, and have submitted 2 or 3 reports based on literature surveys or seminar talks.3)A kickoff report of no less than 8000 words must be submitted within one year for the regular full-time candidates, or two years for the continuous master-doctoral candidates or part-time students, which contains a review of the literature, significance of the topic, problems to be studied, key points and special features, expected results and possible innovations. The number of cited references must not be less than 50.4)Assessment on the kickoff report is made by a group of 7 senior teachers including at least 4 professors before the candidate can proceed with the research. The report must be given openly before the end of the fourth semester.5.3. Mid-term ReportIn the middle of the research, the candidate should review, and provide a report on, his/her work carried out according to the plan in order to make sure that the research goes properly. A warning is given if major discrepancy from the plan is found.5.4. Academic ExchangesCandidates should take active part in various academic activities including international and domestic exchanges. The candidate must publish 2 papers related to the research topic in major international and/or national journals (at least one as the first author). At least one paper must be in a journal indexed by SCI, EI, or ISTP. Alternatively, one paper must be published in such a journal, and one research achievement be patented or officially approved by provincial or ministerial (or up) authority with the candidate ranked among the first 3 investigators.5.5. Review of Thesis by the Supervisory Group The supervisory group evaluates the thesis before a preliminary defense session can be held. The preliminary defense should not bet held if the thesis is not up to the standard.5.6. Preliminary DefenseA preliminary defense session should be organized three months before the formal defense. Only the preliminary defense is passed, can the candidate proceed to defend his/her thesis.5.7. Defense of Thesis1)The defense can be held only when the thesis is completed and reviewed by the supervisor plus 2 or three professors, 3 papers have been published or accepted by major refereed journals, and a summary of about 500 words based on the attendance of no less than 5 seminars are presented.2)Correspondence Review and Defense of Thesis: The thesis is sent to 10 experts in related fields for a correspondence review. With no less than 8 referees approving the thesis, and after necessary modifications based on the referees comments, a defense session is organized. In case the defense fails, the matter is sent to the University Office of Graduate Education for assessment, and appropriate measures are taken according to the regulations.Curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Digital Media Technology and its ApplicationsCatagoryCourse NumberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarksAcademic Degree CoursesPublic Basic CoursesModern Science and Technology Revolution and Marxism 6031The First Foreign Language ( English )12041,2Basic and Specialized CoursesDigital Media Technology4041Basis of Graphic and Image Algorithm4042Required CoursesSeminars5


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