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附 录AThe development of livestock transporters paperLivestock truck belongs to the store house bar type car one kind, store house bar type car is refers has the warehouse cage type or the fence car type structure, it is mainly used in the vehicle transport bulk grain food or feed, livestock and other goods. At present our country store house bar type car mainly bulk grain bulk truck, bulk carriers, livestock transporters, feed poultry truck, a beekeeper car etc. Among them, the bulk grain bulk truck, bulk feed transporter designed for warehouse cage type car, livestock transporters, poultry truck, a beekeeper vehicles for the fence type car.With the development of society, the automobile transport have developed rapidly. Among them, bulk transportation and container transport is the main development direction of automobile transport. Euramerican developed country since the 1930s began to research and application of bulk transportation, at present the scattered grain of material transportation accounts for about 80%, bulk truck technology also have very big development.Our bulk transportation start later, in the late 1960s first car market, then car bulk cement of various types of arise bulk cement truck, food truck, bulk cement truck, bulk pulverized coal electric vehicle, etc. At present, our country bulk transportation level is still very low, although since 1970s some domestic research departments and manufacturers in the bulk carriers, especially the development of car bulk cement achieved gratifying achievements, but compared with the developed countries, the country is still a big gap.In todays world, with the rapid development of economy, the expressway mileage rapid increase, car to specialization, fast pace, the development trend of ChongXingHua direction is more and more apparent, contributed to the special demand increases year by year. A. has become transportation and various special use main in the automobile industry that will be a pivotal status. Special automobile refers to device has a special equipment, have special function, used to undertake special transportation tasks or special assignments car, special automobile manufacture, production and application of not only in achieving specialization transportation and operations by the social attention and welcome, and in improving transportation efficiency and reduce the transportation cost, expand the application fields car has played a very important role.At present, Chinas pig, ox, sheep livestock and chicken, duck, goose to wait the buying and selling of poultry, egg transport is used mostly ordinary cars. Purchase season, still use tractor transporting, thus inevitable existence many insurmountable shortcomings. If transport unsafe, livestock high mortality rate, transport losses, etc. Each country by hundreds of millions of dollars of losses. Due to the economic benefit of transport backward, and low, make livestock management appear generally losses. Then double livestock transporters emerged, double livestock truck belongs to the store house bar type truck. And the standard of store house bar called store house bar type truck in special truck, car on exterior design, strive to modelling beautiful, internal rational structure, advanced technology and using high quality steel skeletons in strict accordance with industry standards, welded by jig, compartments board into corrugated type, suppress and high strength, with light-weight, store house bar railing can half complete disconnect and optional splits, lifting, convenient and practical, safe and reliable, etc. According to user requirements design double fresh animal vechile, lots of fruits and vegetables truck, etc. Suitable for the masses of users ZhongDuanTu highway transportation use, also can make ordinary bills in highly developed car use, the highway transportation, particularly the rapid development of modern logistics industry. Store house bar type truck will get rapid promotion, popularity. Is the city, the development of logistics market intercity economical products.Although China special vehicle development has made great progress, but China special automobile industry with overall from Europe, America, Japan and other countries and regions, compared to the advanced level in domestic special automobile market development is slower, market segmentation, product ray enough big, cannot satisfy user homosexual individualized demand, low level of competition is relatively serious, mainly reflects in following aspects. (1) production enterprise too much too scattered, currently China most special automobile production enterprise symptom is: ChangDian dispersed, on a smaller scale, development ability are relatively weak. (2) product structure is unreasonable, because China is in developing countries to developed countries in the process of transformation, infrastructure construction also at peak, so China special automobile market demand or to transport supplies, meet the infrastructure construction is given priority to, plus China labor resources abundant, the market form decided the Chinese special vehicle structure form a single, presented at single function, low value-added products too many conditions. (3) high scientific and technological content of products lack of independent research and development capacity. (4) production process tooling level is low. (5) the development and production of special chassis with market demand still have difference. (6) special-purpose automobile market development certain limits.The development of specialized automobile industry in China market space is huge, economic development brings refinement, social division of labor of special automobile demand performance for diversity. Along with market demand increases, technology demand increase, will push towards the brand, specialized automobile factory specialization, collectivization, scale direction. The new situation, how to narrow the gap with foreign developed countries, the Chinese special automobile market bigger and stronger is an important and far-reaching subject. With Chinas sustained economic development, national policies and the gradual improvement in the industry, believe that the joint efforts, our special automobile industry through actively participates in the international market competition, will catch up with and even surpass the developed countries of the world development level, achieved by China manufacturing to China to create leap.Along with the healthy development of the national economy, the continued expansion of domestic demand, our special automobile market will obtain rapid development. In the next few years are mainly concentrated in focusing on the development of urban construction, service and high grade highway transportation aspects. Specific to the following aspects: 1, Dump TruckWith the expansion of domestic demand in recent years the policy of national implementation, actively investing in infrastructure construction and the construction of large project, all of the corresponding dump vehicle demand have plenty of growth, and the big and heavy tonnage is the direction of development, mov proportion will further increase.2,Traction carWith Chinas highways and roads of growth, the highway, the highway expansion to improve transport efficiency brings the need, this will be for the leading models in the future in highways big volume of van semi-trailer will greatly increase, the corresponding half hanged tractor demand will also be greatly increased, and long distance transportation of high-power, highway of tractor is the hot market demand.3, Tank carTank cars including common tanker, bulk cement car, concrete mixing truck, and use the high pressure tanker relatively few, chemical liquid gas tanker, suck unclean liquid tanker, etc. Along with the development of the western region oil and gas resources will drive petrochemical oil-refining development, so big a tanker demand will also increase. The half hanging large-tonnage tanker growth rate will also accelerated.4, Bulk cement car and Concrete mixerIn recent years, along with the rise of the housing boom and public infrastructure construction of development of bulk cement caused the car and concrete mixing the car is in great demand.5, Municipal transportMunicipal transport including large buses, pavement sweeper, can change the CheXiangShi car, suck FenChe garbage compression, sewer dredge car, all kinds of YouZhengChe, sprinkler and cleaning tall buildings to aloft working car etc. As countries establish accelerating urbanization, in order to adapt to all kinds of urban construction need special construction projects will be huge demand is very rich, and varieties will. Urbanization will not only drive economic development, at the same time for all sorts of special needs will increase up, pull the car industry development.6, Highway maintenance vehiclesThe rapid development of national highway, with five longitudinal and transverse give priority to seven of road network, the complete skeleton national highway traffic total mileage will reach 3.5 million kilometers. As the great western development constantly advancing and western regions of the increasing expressway mileage, large highway pavement maintenance QingZhangChe, car, pavement sweeper, rescue trailers, take the large crane JiuYuanChe etc have big market.7, Fire trucksThe number of specialization, the special jin-wei more and more, but the actual situation of car from view, at present our country engines in quantity and quality of there is great, especially models lack structure unreasonable, the special low proportion of the total amount of 69.2%, water pottruck accounted for, and the special (except pitchers, dry powder, foam outside of the vehicle) only 10%. In the future the special will become the specialization of the key demand.8,Medical exclusiveA. including the ambulance, medical treatment of medical CaiXieChe, epidemic prevention ambulance, car, assay car etc. 2003 national due to the influence of the SARS epidemic and southeast Asia countries currently popular bird flu virus, will greatly boost domestic medical exclusive demand.9, Airport exclusiveCurrent, the country to establish the airport construction on the development of western China, along with the airport is built, the airport car, need the ramp baggage car, food supplies, the plane large car tanker truck, JiuYuanChe, fire truck aircraft tractor, etc. In addition to the airports power engines for no other than domestic production of all with enterprise production, but one of the big tonnage refuel aircraft in the car, structure and technical performance, can not completely guaranteed, arid improve soon pass level.10, Oilfield exclusiveOilfield in universal special is the heavy tonnage truck chassis with various drilling and workover on such a special equipment operation. Along with the development of the western oil resources, the western regions with the vehicle demand desert oilfield large cementing car, drilling car, life cars, car and other types of repairing.11, Container carWith the high-speed development of national economy, modern logistics speeding up and used in meat, quick-frozen food, cold, dairy products and fruit class commodity production and transportation, container transportation will increase of Chinas automobile transportation development is an important direction of container car every year, the demand will increase greatly.Along with the development of our national economy, improvement of peoples living standard. People on the poultry, meat products demand has increased dramatically. And livestock and poultry breeding sites away from downtown, so it needs to fresh livestock and poultry transportation to the designated place. So the market demand of livestock transporters bigger also. And double livestock transporters can transport chicken, duck, goose to wait to poultry, can also transport pig, ox, sheep, meet consumer and evaluated the animal breeding owner needs, thus double livestock transporters in recent years more and more domestic market demand, market prospect. Special automobile manufacture, production and application of not only in real door to door professional transportation and operations by the social attention and welcome, and in the large scale enhancement transportation efficiency and reduce the transportation cost, expanding car aspects of application field play an important role, automobile transport system, can reduce damage in transit goods sent to improve transport and the safety and reduce the pollution, and protect the environment. With the development of economy, livestock transporters presents ChongXingHua, intelligent, high-grade, multipolarization development trend.畜禽运输车的发展概述畜禽运输车属于仓栅式汽车的一种,仓栅式汽车是指具有仓笼式或栅栏式结构的车厢的车辆,它主要用于运输散装颗粒食物或饲料、畜禽等货物。目前我国仓栅式汽车主要有散装粮食运输车、散装饲料运输车、牲畜运输车、家禽运输车、养蜂车等。其中,散装粮食运输车、散装饲料运输车为仓笼式汽车,牲畜运输车、家禽运输车、养蜂车等为栅栏式汽车。随着社会的发展,汽车运输得到了飞速的发展。其中,散装运输和集装箱运输是汽车运输发展的主要方向。欧美发达国家自20世纪30年代便开始研究和应用散装运输,目前其散粒物资运输约占80%以上,散装运输车技术也有很大的发展。我国散装运输起步较晚,20世纪60年代末期第一辆散装水泥车问世,随后相继出现了各种型式的散装水泥运输车、粮食运输车、散装电石粉运输车、散装煤粉运输车等。目前,我国散装运输的水平还很低,虽然20世纪70年代末以来国内一些科研部门和厂家在散装运输车的研制方面,特别是散装水泥车的研究取得了可喜的成绩,但与国外发达国家相比,仍有很大差距。当今世界,随着经济的快速发展,高速公路里程的迅速增加,汽车向专业化、高速化、重型化方向发展的趋势越来越明显,促使对专用车的需求逐年增加。专用车已成为运输及各种特殊用途的主力车种,在汽车工业中占有举足轻重的地位。专用汽车是指装置有专用设备、具备专用功能、用于承担专门运输任务或专项作业的汽车,专用汽车的研制、生产和应用不仅在实现专业化运输和作业方面受到社会的广泛重视和欢迎,而且在提高运输效率、降低运输成本、扩大汽车的应用领域等方面都发挥着极重要的作用。目前,我国猪、牛、羊等牲畜及鸡、鸭、鹅等家禽蛋品的收购销售,运输工具大多采用普通汽车。收购旺季时,还使用拖拉机运输,因而必然存在许多不可克服的缺点。如运输不安全,禽畜死亡率高,运输亏损等。每年给国家造成数亿元的损失。由于运输工具落后,经济效益低,使禽畜经营普遍出现亏损。于是双层畜禽运输车应运而生,双层畜禽运输车属于仓栅式运输车。而仓栅式运输车的标准称为仓栅式专用运输车,车厢在外型设计上,力求造型美观、内部结构合理、工艺先进,采用优质钢材为骨架,严格按照行业标准焊接而成,厢板经工装夹具压制而成瓦楞型,具有较高的强度,同时具有自重轻、仓栅栏杆可半拆、全拆和随意升降、方便实用、安全可靠等特点。根据用户要求设计制作双层鲜活动物运输车、瓜果蔬菜运输车等。适合广大用户的中短途公路运输使用,也可作普通载货汽车使用,在高度发达的公路运输业,特别是现代物流产业的飞速发展。仓栅式运输车必将得到迅速的推广、普及。是城市、城际物流运输市场开发的经济型产品。虽然中国专用汽车发展取得了很大进步,但是,中国专用汽车行业整体上与欧、美、日等国家和地区的先进水平相比,国内专用汽车市场开发比较缓慢,市场细分程度不够,产品雷同性大,不能满足用户个性化需求,低水平竞争还比较严重,主要体现在一下几个方面。(1)生产企业过多过散,目前中国大多数专用汽车生产企业的症状是:厂点分散,规模较小,开发能力较弱。(2)产品结构不合理,由于中国正处于发展中国家向发达国家转变的过程中,基础设施建设还处于高峰期,所以中国专用汽车市场的需求还是以运输物资、满足基础设施建设为主,加上中国劳动力资源比较丰富,该市场形态决定了中国专用汽车现阶段呈现结构形式单一、功能单一、低附加值产品过多的状况。(3)科技含量高的产品缺乏自主研发能力。(4)生产工艺工装水平低。(5)专用底盘的开发生产与市场需求仍有差距。(6)专用汽车市场的拓展受到一定的限制。我国专用汽车行业发展的市场空间是巨大的,经济发展带来社会分工的细化,将对专用汽车的需求表现为多元化。随着市场需求的增大,技术需求的提高,势必推动专用汽车制造厂向着品牌化、专业化、集团化、规模化方向发展。新形势下,如何缩小与国外发达国家的差距,将中国专用车市场做大做强是一项重要而深远的课题。随着我国经济的持续发展,国家各项政策的逐步完善,相信在全行业的共同努力下,我国的专用汽车产业通过积极参与国际市场竞争,一定会赶上甚至超越世界发达国家的发展水平,实现由中国制造向中国创造的飞跃。随着国民经济的健康发展,国内需求的持续扩大,我国专用汽车市场也将取得飞速的发展。今后几年发展的重点主要集中在城市建设、服务和高等级公路运输方面。具体到车型上体现在下列方面: 1、自卸汽车 随着近几年来国家实施扩大内需的方针,积极投资基础设施建设和兴建大型工程,都对相应的自卸汽车需求量有大量的增长,而且大、重吨位的自卸车是发展的方向,所占的比例也将进一步增大。 2、牵引汽车 随着我国高速公路、高等级公路的高速增长,高速公路、高等级公路拓展带来的对提高运输效率的需要,这将为我国公路今后的主导车型大容积的厢式半挂车将大大增加,相应的半挂牵引车的需求量也将大量增加,并且大功率、高速公路长距离运输的牵引车是市场需求的热点。 3、罐式汽车 罐式汽车包括常见的油罐车、散装水泥车、混凝土搅拌运输车,以及使用量相对较少的液化气高压罐车、化工液罐车、吸污液罐车等。随着西部地区油气资源的开发必然会带动石化炼油业的发展,因此大型油罐车的需求也会增大。大吨位的半挂式油罐车增长比率还将加快。 4、散装水泥车及混凝土搅拌机 近几年来,随着房地产热的兴起和公共基础设施建设的开发等原因导致了对散装水泥车及混凝土搅拌车的大量需求。 5、市政用车 市政用车包括大型公交车、路面清扫车、可换车厢式的垃圾压缩车、吸粪车、下水道疏通车、各种邮政车,洒水车及清洗高层建筑物的高空作业车等。随着国家确立加快城市化进程,为适应城市建设需要的各类建筑工程专用车需求量将会很大,而且品种会十分丰富。城市化进程不仅会拉动经济发展,同时对各种专门的需要会增多起来,拉动专用车行业的发展。 6、高速公路维护车辆 我国高速公路的飞速发展,以“五纵七横”为主骨架的公路网的完成,我国高速公路通车总里程将达3.5万公里。随着西部大开发的不断推进和西部地区高速公路里程的不断增加,大型高速公路清障车、路面养护车、路面清扫车、救援拖车、带大型起重机的救援车等有大的市场。 7、消防车 专业化、特种消防车的数量愈来愈多,但从在用车辆的实际情况看,目前我国消防车在数量和质量上还存在很大的欠缺,尤其是车型结构不合理、特种消防车比例过低,水罐车占总量的69.2%,而特种消防车(除水罐、干粉、泡沫以外的车辆)仅占10%。今后专业化的特种消防车将成为需求的重点。 8、医疗专用车 医疗专用车包括救护车、医疗急救车、采血车、防疫车、化验车等。由于2003年初全国“非典”疫情的影响和当前流行于东南亚国家的禽流感病毒,将大大刺激国内医疗专用车的需求。 9、机场专用车 当前,国家把机场建设确立为西部大开发的重点,随着机场的建成,机场大量需要舷梯车、行李运送车、食品供应车,飞机大型的加油车、飞机牵引车、救援车、消防车等。除机场专用的大功率消防车国内尚无生产以外,其他都已有企业生产,但其中的大吨位的飞机加油车,在性能结构和技术保证上,还不能完全过关,急待尽快提高水平。 10、油田专用车 油田专用车,是在通用型的重吨位货车底盘上加装各种钻井、修井等作业的专用装备而成。随着西部石油资源的开发,西部地区的非沙漠油田用车辆的需求大型固井车、钻井车、生活车、修井车等车型。 11、集装箱车 随着国民经济的高速发展,现代物流的加快以及用于肉类,速冻食品、冷饮、乳制品及鲜果类商品的总产量和运输量的增加,集装箱运输将是我国汽车运输发展的一个重要方向,国家每年对集装箱车的需求量将大大增加。随着我国国民经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高。人们对禽类、肉类制品的需求量急剧增加。而畜禽的养殖场地远离市区,这样就需要将鲜活畜、禽运输到指定地点。因此畜禽运输车的市场需求量也较大。而双层畜禽运输车既可以运输鸡、鸭、鹅等禽类,也可以运输猪、牛、羊等中大型动物,满足消费者和养殖业主的需要,因此双层畜禽运输车近年来国内市场需求量越来越大,市场前景十分广阔。专用汽车的研制、生产和应用不仅在实现门到门的专业运输和作业方面受到社会的广泛重视和欢迎,而且在大幅度的提高运输效率、降低运输成本、扩大汽车的应用领域等方面都发挥着重要的作用,汽车运输的专业化,可以减少运输途中的货损和货差,提高运输的安全性,同时减少了污染,保护了环境。随着经济的发展,畜禽运输车呈现出重型化、智能化、高档化,多极化发展的趋势。


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