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六年级北师大版英语上册期中整理复习知识点巩固练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 【单词拼写】1. 写出下列动词的过去式。catch_ do_eat_ get_tell_2. 根据首字母提示完成句子。(1)Yang Liwei is a p_.(2)She was very p_ of her son .(3)Last night, we w_ home at 11:30.(4)I want to f_ into space someday.(5)My mother m_ a birthday cake for me.(6)There are 24 h_ in a day.3. 读句子,结合首字母填空。1. I p_on my hat and coat.2. S_is warm and rainy.3. He couldnt go. He had no f_.4. In s_, I like to sit in the sun.5. Why do you like winter? B_I like to make a snowman.4. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Mrs Black sings songs.She is a _ .(sing)2.Li Lei _ (like)making kites.3.What does your sister_ (do)?4.Can he _ (go)with us?5.Im a policeman . I enjoy_ (help) people.5. 写出下列单词的适当形式。1.want(过去式)_2.go(过去式)_3.worry(过去式)_4.kid(同义词)_5.skate(动名词)_6.arm(复数形式)_【填空题】6. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I want to be a_(write).2He_(want)to help people.3Many_(child)dont care about their teeth.4I want to write_(story)for children.5Music makes people_(happy).7. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1To get there faster, you can_(take bus, take a bus).2I_(feel/feeling) sick.3_the help_the teachers, the students have made great progress_their study. (on, in, of, with)4Everything_(turn/turns) green in spring.8. 填空题。1Today is Lucys birthday. She is h_a party with her friends.2My favourite season is_.3That old man is my_.4In spring it is often warm. In autumn it is_.5Its very c_. Heres your j_.9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I_(fly) kites with my sister this Sunday. Would you like to join us?Sure, I love_(fly) kites.2The girls_(be) in the classroom, they are in the playground.3Do you know the_(visit) names? They_(get) there three days ago. They_(visit) Tai Lake tomorrow.4Its often_(rain) here in spring. Listen! It_(rain) now.5_(who) gloves are_(this)?10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Three years ago we_(begin) to learn English.2There_(be) a lot of flowers in the park.3Tom is_(go) to stay in Beijing for two days.4I want to see all those famous_(place).5I can help_(they).【选择题】11. Tingting _ apples very much now. ( )A.love B.loved C.loves12. Leo _ up early and went to school this morning. ( )A.get B.gets C.got D.getting13. 选出不同类的单词: ( )A.meat B.eat C.wash14. 选出下列每组词中不同类的一项。1A.happy B.sad C.swim D.exciting( )2A.slept B.gift C.went D.hurt( )3A.jacket B.dress C.sweater D.ride( )4A.read B.newspaper C.book D.magazine( )5A.my B.her C.your D.she( )15. China is _ for the Great Wall. ( )A.famous B.great C.clean【句型转换】16. 句型转换。1. See the doctor. (变否定句)_see the doctor. 2. Tony takes some medicine.(变一般疑问句)_Tony take_medicine?3. Ihurt my foot.(对句子主题意思提问)4. be next careful time.(连词成句)5. Please get lots of sleep. (同义句替换)Please get_sleep.17. 按要求改写句子。1Lily had a good time last night.(同义句转换)Lily_last night.2It is a nice picture.(改为感叹句)_nice picture!3Waste energy.(改为否定句)_energy.4Wepicked some orangeslast weekend.(对句子主题意思提问)_you do last weekend?5Rubbishmakes the streets dirty.(对句子主题意思提问)_the streets dirty?18. 句型转换。1.Can you answer my questions?(作肯定回答).2.Its good for you. (变否定句) 3.He gets upat 6:00 in the morning.(对句子主题意思提问)4.Li Ming will go home by plane tomorrow. (用last week改写)5.Those are oranges.(改写成单数)19. 句型转换。1We will visit the Sydney Opera House. (将句子改为现在进行时态)2They saw a robot dancer. (变为一般疑问句)3I havea pair of sunglasses. (对句子主题意思提问)4Can you see that sign?(作肯定回答)5He is eating a sandwich. (改为复数形式)20. 按要求完成句子。1. My cousin is walking fast with his father in the park,(用often改写句子)My cousin often_with his father in the park.2. Nancy does well at school.(用never改为否定句)Nancy_at school.3. You mustntrunon the road.(对句子主题意思提问)What_do on the road?4. There are on children in the music room.(改为同义句)There_children in the music room.【阅读理解】21. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Mother: Whats wrong, Mike?Mike: I feel ill. Should I count to ten?Mother: No, you should see a doctor.Mike: Oh, no! I cant go to the zoo today.Mother: Dont be sad. We can go next time.Mike: OK. Thanks, Mum.1Mike feels ill.(_)2Mike should count to ten.(_)3Mike should see a doctor.(_)4Mike can go to the zoo today.(_)5Mike will go to the zoo next time.(_)22. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。In December 2010, Mary got a surprising gift. A young man Ray came to visit her with a shirt. It was a shirt with a picture of Spiderman.Six years ago, Marys son Tom was ill in hospital. Ray was in hospital, too. The two children liked to talk about Spiderman. But later, the two boys were in different hospitals. In November 2010, Ray saw the shirt with Spiderman on it in a shop and bought it. He wanted to give it to Tom.But Ray didnt know that Tom died two years ago. Ray cried when he heard it. But Mary thought his visit was a great gift for her.(1)The young man brought to Marys house _.A. a picture B. a bag C. a shirt(2)Tom was Marys _.A. friend B. son C. student(3)Ray and Tom liked to talk about _.A. food B. Spiderman C. clothes(4)Tom died in _.A. 2004 B. 2008 C. 201023. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Mrs. Brown is very fat. Dont eat meat and cakes any more. Her doctor says to her. Im going to stop her eating them, doctor. Her husband says. The next morning, Mrs. Brown cuts a very small piece of the cake and eats it. Its very good. She cuts a bigger piece of it and eat it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake. My husband is going to be very angry. She says, What am I going to do? She makes another very quickly, and eats half of that. Then she leaves the other half on the table. Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very glad.(1)Because Mrs. Brown is very fat, her doctor tells to stop eating _.A. meat and cakes B. cakes and chocolateC. milk and meat D. meat and fish(2)The next morning _ makes a very beautiful cake.A. Mr. Brown B. Mrs. Brown C. neither of them D. their mother(3)_ eats more cakes in the day.A. Mr. Brown B. Mrs. Brown C. neither of them D. their mother(4)When Mr. Brown comes back, the cake on the table is _ half in fact.A. the same B. the second C. the third D. the fourth(5)Mr. Brown is very happy because _.A. he thinks his wife begins to stop eating cake B. his wife is at homeC. his wife is not fat again D. his cake is not the same half24. 阅读短文,回答下面问题。ImLiMing.Im10yearsold.ImaChineseboy.NowIamin Canada.IlivewithJennysfamily.Theyareverygoodtome. OnChristmas,IhadChristmasdinnerwiththefamily.Herparentsgavemeacamera.NowIcantakepictureswithit.IgavethemaChineselanternasaChristmasgift.Theylikeitverymuch.1HowoldisLiMing?Heis_yearsold.2WhereisLiMingnow?Heisin_.3WhodoesLiMinglivewithinCanada?Heliveswith_.4WhatgiftdidJennysparentsgiveLiMing?TheygaveLiMinga_.5WhatdidLiMinggivethefamilyasaChristmaspresent?Hegavea_tothem.25. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。Today is Saturday. Mike is going to the nature park with his classmates. They are going there by bus and the bus station is close to Mikes home. The nature park is a little far, but the No.6 bus will take them there. He also has plans for tomorrow. He is going to the bookstore and buy some comic books on Sunday morning. In the evening, he is going to see a film. He will have a good time on the weekend.( )(1)It is Friday today.( )(2)They are going to the nature park by bus.( )(3)They will take the No.7 bus.( )(4)Mike is going to buy some word books on Sunday morning.( )(5)Mike is going to see a film on Sunday evening.26. 阅读对话,判断正误。Waiter: Hello, can I help you?Li Ming: Yes, I would like two hamburgers.Waiter: Beef hamburgers or chicken hamburgers?Li Ming: Beef hamburgers. How much are they?Waiter: Thirty-five yuan.Li Ming: OK. Thank you.Waiter: You are welcome.( )(1)Li Ming wants to eat chicken hamburgers.( )(2)Two beef hamburgers cost seventy yuan.( )(3)There are two kinds of hamburgers in the supermarket.( )(4)Li Ming is very polite.【写作】27. 书面表达。每个单位或集体都有自己的规则,那么你们班的班级规定是什么呢?请把它们写下来吧!要求:根据提示来写,不少于五句话。提示:class rules, Please Dont28. 写作文。请写一篇关于圣诞节的作文,内容包括:节日的时间、打算做什么、有什么样的祝愿等。要求:(1)不能少于5句话。(2)内容真实,语法正确。Christmas is my favourite holiday! 29. 书面表达。MyFamilyRules.(假如你是Mike,家里有很多约束,你写信给你的笔友John,倾诉你内心的烦恼和不快。开头已给出,不少于60词。)Dear,John,Imnothappy30. 小小习作园。根据给出的信息写一篇题为My penpal的小作文,介绍一下你的笔友李梅的基本情况。不少于五句话姓名:李梅年龄:12住地:昆明上学方式:通常骑自行车,有时步行。学习情况:喜欢的科目是英语和数学。爱好:跳舞,练武术理想的职业:英语老师31. 请任选一图,根据图示创编对话或写语段。13 / 13


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