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2023职称英语等级考试用书(综合类)新增完形填空2On the Net Friends Come and Go, Talking of.The young woman was visibly 1 and clearly wmated to get something off her chest.Whats up? I 2.Ive just been defriended, she said.Now defriended is a word 3 I am not familiar. I have been befriended4 - and befriended - many people since arriving in Beijing. But defriended?It turns 5 this is a new word created by the Interact-savvy younger generation specifically in relation to the worldwide social networking phenomenon, Facebook.Those who join can invite friends to become members of the site, 6. They can then share photographs, chat, swap messages and observations and perform a host of other mutually accessible applications.Ive seen some peoples sites 7 hundreds of friends, all moments away down a fiber optic cable, providing they are logged on to their computers or hooked up to a high-spec cell phone.It creates the possibility of befriending anyone in the world who has online access. Currently, Facebook has 150 million users. That means theres a lot of friends out there.The 8 is that you can be defriended - you can be denied access to the Face, book site someone who had previously invited to be his or her friend. And you can do it without the potential for instant recrimination.Where once, in the school playground on child might have petulantly shouted 9 another, Im not going to be your fried any more the same hurt and loss of face can be performed remotely with the chick of a button.A 10 aspect of defriending is that, un like With other applications such as the what are you thinking about? posting a digital depository of the often dire, 11 , dull and desperate, no message is sent out alerting you or your contacts about the change m status. You only find out you have 12 when you try to visit a friends site, and you find you can no longer get in. the delay of the discovery is all too often doubly hurtful.Just as bombs are dispatched impersonally 13 an unseen enemy in modem warfare, 14 relationships are blown out of the window with the same callous disregard, without the risk of any face-to-face comeback. One second you arc there, 15 you are d.词汇:savvyadj. 聪慧的,机智的swap v. 互换recrimination n. 反控告、反责callous adj. 麻木的、无情的petulantly adv. 暴躁地fiber optic cable 光缆depository n. 仓库,储藏所练习:1. A) satisfied B) friendly C) moved D) upset2. A) complained B) explained C) inquired D) argued3. A) with which B) in which C) which D) that4. A) on B) by C) with D) in5. A) about B) out C) around D) in6. A) too B) either C) yet D) neither7. A) exaggerating B) overstating C) boasting D) showing off8. A) benefit B) advantage C) downside D) merit9. A) at B) in C) on D) farward10. A) neutral B) controversial C)astonishing D) remarkable11. A) exciting B) dreary C) cheerful D) bright12. A) been dumped B) dumped C) being dumped D) dumping13. A) forward B) for C) into D) against14. A) and B) since C) so D) but15. A) the next B) the first C) the first D) a next答案与题解: upset是“心烦的、苦恼的”意思。根据上下文来看,被从好友名单上删除之后,这种情绪是合理的。 inquire在这里表达“打听、询问”的意思。 关系代词在定语从句作介词宾语时,从句常由介词+关系代词的结构引导,从句中动词词组familiar with中的介词with移到which之前。 by与动词的被动语态连用,表达行为的主体。 turnout表达“结果是” too在这里表达“也”。yet、either和neither都用在否认句中。 假如boast后面跟表达成就或者所有物的宾语时,表达“以做过而自豪”或者“拥有”的意思。exaggerate和overstate是夸张、夸大的意思,show卖弄、夸耀的意思。 从上下文的意思来看,这句话说的是这种做法的负面影响,因此只有downside这个词符合题意。 shout at表达“怒斥、大声斥责”的意思。 这句话说的是随意删除好友存在有争议的一面,而其他三个选项各自表达“中性的”、“令人惊讶的”以及“卓越的”,都不符合作者的原意。 dreary表达“沉闷的、枯燥的”,与前后的dire以及desperate并列,此外三个选项都不符合句义。 dump表达“抛弃、丢弃”的意思。这句话的意思是,当你去一位朋友的网页时,你才会发现你已经被他从好友名单上删除了,因此应当用动词的被动语态。 against在这里表达“反抗、对抗”的意思。 这两个从句之间是因果关系,因此使用表达因果关系的连词so。 the next省略了second,表达“下一秒”。关于网络交友和分手这位年轻的女子明显地不安,想要抒发胸中的闷气。“怎么了”?我问她。“我刚刚被朋友抛弃了”。她说。如今,对于我来说,被朋友抛弃不是一个熟悉的词,自从我来到北京以后,我已经成为许多人的朋友,也被许多朋友所抛弃。结果显示,这是一个新词,是由互联网精明的年轻一代创建的Facebook发明的,它特别与全球社会网络的现象有关。那些已经加入成为该网站成员的也可以邀请朋友加入。然后,他们可以共享照片,“聊天”,互换信息和意见,并执行其他应用程序互相访问的主机。我见过一些人的网站吹嘘,数百个朋友,假如他们登录到自己的电脑或挂接到一个高规格的手机,就即刻离开了光缆。它为世界上在线访问的任何人发明了“成为朋友”的也许性。目前Facebook有150万用户,这意味着有很多“朋友”产生于这里。这样做的缺陷是,你也许被朋友抛弃。你也许被以前曾邀你成为他或她的朋友的人拒绝访问,你可以这样做而不立即被指责。也许有一次,在学校操场,一个孩子暴躁地向另一个人喊叫,“我再也不想成为你的朋友了”,现在通过远程控制,点击按钮同样的可以导致伤害,使一张脸消失了。对于被朋友抛弃一个有争议的方面是,不像其他的申请,诸如“你在想什么呢?”(往往可怕,阴郁,沉闷和绝望的数字存储),任何信息都不会被发送来改变你和你的联系人的关系。你只知道当你尝试访问“朋友”的网站,你会发现你不能再进去了,这一发现的迟延往往是双重伤害。正如在现代战争中炸弹被无情地发射到一个看不见的敌人,这种关系也被无情地抛出窗外,没有任何面对面卷土重来的危险。只要你在那里一秒钟,你将被删除。


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