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开头句式模版1. To the general /public/popular minds, but I believe2. is a deep-routed/popular/widespread/common method/way of, but is it a fair/wise/reasonable one?The value/method is being questioned/challenged by more and more people.3. Recently the rise in/phenomenon of/problem ofhas drawn/aroused public/general/grave attention/international concern.社会现象:phenomenon社会问题:social issues4. One of the most searching/burning/pressing/interesting questions/problems facing/confronting our nation/society/world today is5. Now in many big cities/countries/colleges, an overwhelming majority of/ a significant proportion of/a sizable percentage of the public/college students . What accounts for/explains/lies behind the phenomenon?6. With the rapid/marked/amazing development/improvement/expansion of/increase/growth/decline in7. With the general/growing/common+awareness/recognition/acknowledgement of/commitment/devotion/dedication to8. Nothing /few things/ no idea/opinion/belief/view/attitude is /are more/as foolish/dangerous/untrue/undesirable/basic/important/essential than/as, which is widely/commonly/generally held by9. Never /nowhere in history/the world/China has the issue/change/idea of been more/as visible/evident/popular than that of today. /as10. We might marvel at the great/giant/extraordinary tremendous progress/stride/advance made in science and technology/nearly every field, but remain basically unchanged/the same as it was.11. “(名人名言).” Such is the opinion of/remark made by Bacon/Edison/Helen Keller/, one of the great minds. This view has been shared / confirmed time and again by.12. Throughout our lives/Historically/Traditionally, we tend to But most scientists/researchers have now found that13. In recent years, there is a steady/subtle/significant shift of14. In recent years, there is a general/healthy/growing tendency towards趋势tend toI am free from trouble.My freedom from trouble makes you envious.15. Should/What ? Opinions of/attitude toward vary greatly from person to person.Some regard/view, others argue/believe/claim(可以5个替换)16、The answer to/explanation forthis problem/phenomenon involves many/several complex/complicated/interrelated factors. For one thing, for another, still another,结尾句式模版From what has been discussed above/Taking into account all these factors/Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely/reasonably arrive at/come to/reach/draw the conclusion thatIn summary/conclusion/a word, I would like to say/It seems obvious that is a question that deserves/worthy of special attention /immediate notice /serious consideration from the public.We must search/look/cry/ for a (an) immediate/quick action/method, because the current situation/state, if permitted /allowed to continue/proceed, will surely/certainly lead to/result in the destruction/heavy cost.No easy/effective/instant method/remedy/solution is in sight/at hand/ to guarantee/solve the issue/the problem, but the common/general/public recognition of/awareness of /commitment tothe necessity/importance ofmight be the first step on the right way.We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal/destination, but once we are on the road, the chance to win is greater.引入转折或对比例子的模板1 The importance/significance ofcan not be overvalued/overstressed/overemphasized. It will/canthe great/considerable/deep effect/influence/impactthe change makes/exerts/has is obvious/apparent/evident.2 The advantages derived from A far outweigh the benefits we gain from B.3 (说一个事物如何好). However, it is not without limits/weakness/ faults/defects. The principal one is Besides4 A and B share several things in common. Both are alike in that 5Although the popular/nationwide/commonly-accepted belief/idea/assumption is that, a current/recent/new survey/poll/investigation indicated/reveals thatThey may be right/correct in/about saying/asserting that, but they seem to neglect to mention/take note of/take into account Closer examination /analysis/scrutiny, however, suggests/indicates that the claim/argument/assumption may not be supported/borne out by the evidence/fact.6 At first glance/thought/on surface/on the face of it, it may seem a sound idea/suggestion/solution, but on second thought/close examination, we find


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