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2020 -2021 学年湖北省枝江市实验中学等十校联考七年级(下)期中英语试卷一第一节、完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)1(15分)Johnny is a school boy.He is nine(1)old.He lives(2)his mother in a smallvillage.Johnnys mother loves him very much,but he doesnt(3)to what his mother says.Johnnys favorite (4)is his room.He always plays (5)games there afterdinner.He shouts loudly when he wins (赢的时候大声地叫) a game,though (即使)(6) .His mother has to get up and asks him to be(7) ,but he asks her to go out.Johnny loves the food his mother makes,(8)she is good at cooking (烹饪).Shecooks(9)food for Johnny every day.It always(10)her a long time to cook ,but Johnny never says thank you to his mother.He (11)thinks that his mother should(应该) cook for him.After dinner,he always goes back to(12)room to play computergames quickly.His mom(13)all the dishes and cleans all the rooms.One day,Johnnys mom drives her(14)do all the housework (家务).He knows(15)very sorry and calls his mom to say thank you.to have a trip for two days.Johnny has to tired (疲累的) his mom is.He feels(1)A.minutes(2)A.in(3)A.talk(4)A.hall(5)A.card(6)A.sleeping(7)A.quiet(8)A.but(9)A.funnyB.daysB.forB.listenB.clubB.ballB.eatingB.noisyB.becauseB.trueC.weeksC.withC.writeC.placeC.numberC.readingC.youngC.soC.deliciousD.yearsD.atD.teachD.centerD.computerD.singingD.tidyD.orD.terrible(10)A.takes(11)A.sometimes(12)A.their(13)A.washes(14)A.bike(15)A.howB.savesB.eitherB.yourB.wishesB.subwayB.whyC.showsC.justC.herC.practicesC.boatC.whereD.leavesD.neverD.hisD.usesD.carD.when二第二节、综合填空:根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短 文完整通顺,语法正确。 每个空只能填一个词。(共 1 小题,满分 10 分)2(10分)What do you usually do after school?You may (也许) go home first and then finish(1)y homework.This is usually what a good student does.As (作为) a student, finishing homework is always the (2)f thing.After finishing your homework,(3)do you usually do?Stay (待着) at homeand watch TV?Well,that (4) (听起来) boring.I think you can do some(5) (其他的) things.One thing is to join some kinds of (6)c .You can join the music club to (7)(学习) to play the violin or the piano.You can (8)a join the sports club.You can play basketball,soccer and volleyball there.The other thing is to visit (拜访) old people and help them do some things.You can singand dance for them.You can also talk (9)them.As for me,I usually write stories.I(10) (梦想) of being a writer (作家) like Mo Yan one day.I think I must practice writing first.三第一节、 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共 2 小题,满分 20 分) 3(10 分)School Programs (项目)Green Middle SchoolGroup classes in art are offered (被提供) every day.You can watch shows and take classes every week with friendly teachers.Art Program is for Grade (年级) 9 only.Tel:6507207 Star SchoolSports Program for students of grades 78 starts (开始) in February!Dancing Program starts on February 15th.Students of grades 89 are welcome.Tel:6509036 Hillbrook SchoolMusic Program is offered every school day to students of grades 7 9.You can take violin lessons or piano lessons.Have a good time in our beautiful school.Tel:6509687 Eagle SchoolEvery child can be great.Our Development Program helps students of grades 8 9improve thinking skills(提高思维能力) through (通过) math,life skills,cultural activities (文化活动)Tel:6504035(1) offers Art Program.A.Hillbrook SchoolB.Green Middle SchoolC.Eagle SchoolD.Star School(2)Dancing Program is for students of grades .A.78B.89C.79D.68(3)If (如果) you want to learn the piano,you can call .A.6509687B.6509036C.6504035D.6507207(4)From the material,we can know that .A.teachers in Green Middle School are strictB.students of Grade 7 can join in Sports Program in JanuaryC.you can go to Music Program on SundayD.you can learn how to think in Development Program(5)You can probably (可能) read this material in a .A.dictionaryB.newspaperC.storybookD.science report (报告)4(10分)Today is Spring Festival.At Wuhan No.4 Hospital ,Hubei Province,two medical staff ( 医疗工作者)(感染的病人).Hu is a good man.He drives the ambulance(救护车) to take infected patients to thehospital every day.He works from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.Its a long time,but he doesnt stop to have a break.When a 120 call comes for helpZhang Jing works at the hospital for 20 years.At the hospital,she takes care of(照顾) theinfected patients every day.Zhang has two mobile phones.She makes over 300 phone calls aday toarrange for patients to come to the hospital.The two mobile phones always run out of power( 电量耗尽)after a long days work.Today Zhang can have a short time to talk with herdaughter on WeChat.But she only tells her daughter , Im fine now.Im sorry I cant be with you.I love you!(1)What does Hu do?A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A player.D.A driver.(2)How long does Hu work every day?A.For 8 hours.B.For 10 hours.C.For 12 hours.D.For 14 hours.(3)The underlined phrase arrange for means in Chinese.A.布置B.派送C.安排D.稳定(4)From paragraph 3,we can know Zhang .A.makes about 200 calls a dayB.is very busy every dayC.likes to talk with her daughter on WeChat when workingD.doesnt have to work during Spring Festival(5)In which column(栏目) can we see this passage?A.People.B.Job.C.Science.D.Sports.四第二节、 阅读短文,将方框里的五个句子还原到短文当中。(共 1 小题,满分 10 分) 5(10 分)A.Her school has a place for shoes,tooB.But she finds her shoes arent in the boxC.She lives in Japan and teaches English thereD.Im so sorry to take your shoes by mistake (失误)E.She puts her white shoes in the box as usualA funny thing happens (发生) to my sister Tina.(1).In Japan,people dont usuallywear their outdoor shoes in the house or at school.There are places for shoes in most buildings(大多数的建筑物). (2).Its a shoe box.Tinas classes are in the evening.On Friday,she goes to the school. (3).Then shegives an interesting writing class to her students.After class she gets ready(准备好的) toleave. (4).There is only one pair of black shoes!Its too late,and she has to get home.Soshe wears the black shoes and leaves.On Monday ,Tina goes to the school.She finds her shoes are in a shopping bag on herdesk!There is a note that says, (5) feels ashamed (羞愧的)!. But there is no name on the note.Someone really五第三节、根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。(共 5 小题,满分 5 分)6(1 分)这是我的全家福,我爱我的家人。(photo)This is my family and I love my family.7(1 分)不是你就是他跟我一起去图书馆。 (either)goes to the library with me.8(1 分)蒂娜的妈妈在家里对她很严格。 (strict)Tinas mother at home.9(1 分)汤姆正在外面骑自行车。 (ride)Tom outside.10(1 分)苏珊通常周六晚上去电影院。 (movie)Susan usually on Saturday evening.六第四节、书面表达。(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)11(15 分)假如你是李华,你们班有两名国际交换生想加入你们学校的英语俱乐部。请你 根据下面的日程表,用英语给他们介绍一下俱乐部每周的活动安排。星期星期一活动学唱英文歌曲时间下午地点219 教室4:005:00星期三观看英文电影晚上学校图书馆7:009:00星期五在英语角练习英语口语下午3:304:00学校操场参考词汇:歌曲 song英语口语 spoken English英语角 English Corner操场 playground要求:(1)介绍须包括表格中的所有要点,可适当发挥;(2)词数 70 左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello!Welcome to our English club._I hope you can join us.参考答案与试题解析一第一节、完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)1(15 分)Johnny is a school boy.He is nine(1) D old.He lives(2) C his mother in asmall village.Johnnys mother loves him very much,but he doesnt(3) says.to what his motherJohnnys favorite (4)C is his room.He always plays (5) D games there afterdinner.He shouts loudly when he wins (赢的时候大声地叫) a game,though (即使)(6)A .His mother has to get up and asks him to be(7) A ,but he asks her to go out.Johnny loves the food his mother makes,(8)she is good at cooking (烹饪).Shecooks(9) C food for Johnny every day.It always (10) A her a long time to cook ,but Johnny never says thank you to his mother.He (11) C thinks that his mother should(应该) cook for him.After dinner,he always goes back to(12) D room to play computer games quickly.His mom(13) A all the dishes and cleans all the rooms.One day,Johnnys mom drives her(14) D to have a trip for two days.Johnny has todo all the housework (家务).He knows(15) A tired (疲累的) his mom is.He feels very sorry and calls his mom to say thank you.(1)A.minutes(2)A.in(3)A.talk(4)A.hall(5)A.card(6)A.sleeping(7)A.quiet(8)A.but(9)A.funny(10)A.takesB.daysB.forB.listenB.clubB.ballB.eatingB.noisyB.becauseB.trueB.savesC.weeksC.withC.writeC.placeC.numberC.readingC.youngC.soC.deliciousC.showsD.yearsD.atD.teachD.centerD.computerD.singingD.tidyD.orD.terribleD.leaves(11)A.sometimes(12)A.their(13)A.washes(14)A.bike(15)A.howB.eitherB.yourB.wishesB.subwayB.whyC.justC.herC.practicesC.boatC.whereD.neverD.hisD.usesD.carD.when【解答】(1)D 名词辨析,B 天,D 年 is a boy.是名学生,数词+year(s) old 多大年 龄。(2)C 介词辨析,B 为,和,D 在,用 with。(3)B 动词辨析,B 听,D 教 mother him much he what mother ,故答案是 B。 (4)C 名词辨析,B 俱乐部,D 中心 room.应该是最喜欢的地方是他的房间。(5)D 名词辨析,B球,D电脑 shouts when wins a game,他大声喊叫 play games , 故答案是 D。(6)A 动词辨析,B 吃,D 唱歌 mother to up 他妈妈得起床,他大声喊叫,故答案 是 A。(7)A 形容词辨析,B 嘈杂的,D 整洁的,他大声喊叫,应该是让他安静点。(8)B 连词辨析,B 因为,D 或者,因为她擅长烹饪,故答案是 B。(9)C 形容词辨析,B 真的,D 可怕的,因为她擅长烹饪,故答案是 C。(10)A 动词辨析,B 节省,C 展示,根据她每天为约翰尼做美味的食物,故答案是 A。(11)C 副词辨析,B 或者,刚刚,根据上句她做饭总是要花很长时间。应该是他只是 认为他妈妈应该做这些。(12)D 代词辨析,B 你的,C 她的,根据 he goes to(12)room play games ,故 答案是 D。(13)A 动词辨析,B 希望,D 使用 mom(13)all dishes cleans the ,故答案是 A。 (14)D 名词辨析,B 地铁,D 汽车 drives ,故答案是 D。(15)A 疑问词辨析,B 为什么,D 什么 has do the (家务).Johnny 做所有家务, 故答案是 A。二第二节、综合填空:根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短 文完整通顺,语法正确。 每个空只能填一个词。(共 1 小题,满分 10 分)2(10分)What do you usually do after school?You may (也许) go home first and then finish(1)y our homework.This is usually what a good student does.As (作为) a student , finishing homework is always the (2)f irst thing.After finishing your homework,(3)what do you usually do?Stay (待着) at homeand watch TV?Well,that (4) sounds(听起来) boring.I think you can do some(5)other(其他的) things.One thing is to join some kinds of (6)c lubs .You can join the music club to (7)learn(学习) to play the violin or the piano.You can(8)a lso join the sports club.Youcan play basketball,soccer and volleyball there.The other thing is to visit (拜访) old people and help them do some things.You can sing and dance for them.You can also talk (9) with them.As for me ,I usually write stories.I (10)dream(梦想) of being a writer (作家) like Mo Yan one day.I think I must practice writing first.【解答】(1)your.考查形容词性物主代词。结合句意,结合首字母,故答案为 your。(2)first.考查序数词。结合句意,完成作业总是 _ 事情,判断空格处词义为首要的。 (3)what.考查疑问代词。结合句意,你通常做_,故答案为 what。(4)sounds.考查动词的第三人称单数形式。本文用一般现在时,句意理解为那听起来很 无聊。(5)other.考查代词。根据汉语意思写出单词 other,句意理解为我觉得你可以做一些其 他的事情。(6)clubs.考查可数名词复数。some kinds of 后跟可数名词复数,故答案为 clubs。(7)learn.考查动词原形。根据汉语意思写出单词 learn,句意理解为你可以加入音乐俱 乐部学习小提琴或者钢琴。(8)also.考查副词。结合句意,结合首字母,故答案为 also。(9)with.考查介词。talk with sb 为短语,句意理解为你可以和他们聊天。(10)dream.考查动词原形。根据汉语意思写出单词 dream,句意理解为我梦想着有一天 成为像莫言一样的作家。三第一节、 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共 2 小题,满分 20 分) 3(10 分)School Programs (项目)Green Middle SchoolGroup classes in art are offered (被提供) every day.You can watch shows and takeclasses every week with friendly teachers.Art Program is for Grade (年级) 9 only.Tel:6507207 Star SchoolSports Program for students of grades 78 starts (开始) in February!Dancing Program starts on February 15th.Students of grades 89 are welcome.Tel:6509036 Hillbrook SchoolMusic Program is offered every school day to students of grades 7 9.You can take violin lessons or piano lessons.Have a good time in our beautiful school.Tel:6509687 Eagle SchoolEvery child can be great.Our Development Program helps students of grades 8 9improve thinking skills(提高思维能力) through (通过) math,life skills,cultural activities (文化活动)Tel:6504035(1) offers Art Program.A.Hillbrook SchoolB.Green Middle SchoolC.Eagle SchoolD.Star School(2)Dancing Program is for students of grades .A.78B.89C.79D.68(3)If (如果) you want to learn the piano,you can call A .A.6509687B.6509036C.6504035D.6507207(4)From the material,we can know that D .A.teachers in Green Middle School are strictB.students of Grade 7 can join in Sports Program in JanuaryC.you can go to Music Program on SundayD.you can learn how to think in Development Program(5)You can probably (可能) read this material in a .A.dictionaryB.newspaperC.storybookD.science report (报告)【解答】(1)B. 细节理解题。根据文中 Green School classes art offered every , 每一天故选 B。(2)B.细节理解题。根据文中 Dancing starts February of 89 welcome.舞蹈课 程于 8 月 15 日开始。故选 B。(3)A.细节理解题。根据文中Music is every day students grades can violin orlessons.Have a time our school.Tel:6509687学校每天都为 79 年级的学生提供音 乐课程。在我们美丽的学校玩得开心。( 4 ) D. 细节 理 解题 。根 据 文中 Our Program students grades improve skills through math,life ,cultural (文化活动) fun我们的发展计划通过数学、科学、文化活动和有趣的游戏帮助 39 年级的学生提高思 维能力。(5)B.推理判断题。短文大意主要是介绍了几个学校的项目,内容。所以应该是在报纸 或者布告上出现。4(10分)Today is Spring Festival.At Wuhan No.4 Hospital ,Hubei Province,two medical staff ( 医疗工作者)(感染的病人).Hu is a good man.He drives the ambulance(救护车) to take infected patients to thehospital every day.He works from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.Its a long time,but he doesnt stop to have a break.When a 120 call comes for helpZhang Jing works at the hospital for 20 years.At the hospital,she takes care of(照顾) theinfected patients every day.Zhang has two mobile phones.She makes over 300 phone calls aday toarrange for patients to come to the hospital.The two mobile phones always run out of power( 电量耗尽)after a long days work.Today Zhang can have a short time to talk with herdaughter on WeChat.But she only tells her daughter , Im fine now.Im sorry I cant be with you.I love you!(1)What does Hu do? A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A player.D.A driver.D(2)How long does Hu work every day?CA.For 8 hours.B.For 10 hours.C.For 12 hours.D.For 14 hours.(3)The underlined phrase arrange for means C in Chinese. A.布置B.派送C.安排D.稳定(4)From paragraph 3,we can know Zhang .A.makes about 200 calls a dayB.is very busy every dayC.likes to talk with her daughter on WeChat when working D.doesnt have to work during Spring Festival(5)In which column(栏目) can we see this passage?AA.People.B.Job.C.Science.D.Sports.【解答】(1)D.细节理解题。根据第二段 He the to infected to hospital every ,因 此可知他是一名司机。(2)C.细节理解题。根据第二段 He from am 8:00 ,即 12 个小时。(3)C.词义猜测题。根据第三段 Zhang two phones.She over phone a day for to to hospital.可知张有两部手机,因此猜测划线单词的含义为安排。(4)B.细节推理题。根据第三段 The mobile always out power( after a days , 因此推断张每天很忙。(5)A.文章来源题。根据第二段和第三段 Hu a good Jing at hospital 20 ,而张静 在医院工作了二十年,因此判断我们可以在人物栏目中看到这篇文章。四第二节、 阅读短文,将方框里的五个句子还原到短文当中。(共 1 小题,满分 10 分) 5(10 分)A.Her school has a place for shoes,tooB.But she finds her shoes arent in the boxC.She lives in Japan and teaches English thereD.Im so sorry to take your shoes by mistake (失误)E.She puts her white shoes in the box as usualA funny thing happens (发生) to my sister Tina.(1) C .In Japan,people dont usuallywear their outdoor shoes in the house or at school.There are places for shoes in most buildings (大多数的建筑物). (2) A .Its a shoe box.Tinas classes are in the evening.On Friday,she goes to the school.(3) E .Then shegives an interesting writing class to her students.After class she gets ready(准备好的) toleave. (4).There is only one pair of black shoes!Its too late,and she has to get home.Soshe wears the black shoes and leaves.On Monday ,Tina goes to the school.She finds her shoes are in a shopping bag on herdesk!There is a note that says, (5) D . But there is no name on the note.Someone really feels ashamed (羞愧的)!【解答】细节推理题。(1)C.根据前句A funny thing happens (发生) to my sister Tina.我妹妹蒂娜发生了一 件有趣的事。可知说的是作者的妹妹,应说她住在日本。故选 C。(2)A.根据前句There are places for shoes in most buildings (大多数的建筑物).大多数建筑物都有放鞋的地方。可知说的是放鞋子的地方,应说她的学校也有专门放鞋子的地 方。(3)E.根据前句On Friday,she goes to the school.星期五。可知说的是去上学,应说她 像往常一样把她的白鞋子放在盒子里。(4)B.根据后句There is only one pair of black shoes!只有一双黑鞋,结合选项。故选 B。(5)D.根据前句There is a note that says,有一张纸条写着,结合选项,我错拿了你的鞋。 五第三节、根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。(共 5 小题,满分 5 分)6(1 分)这是我的全家福,我爱我的家人。(photo)This is a photo of my family and I love my family.【解答】a photo of 意为一张.的照片。故答案为 a photo of。7(1 分)不是你就是他跟我一起去图书馆。 (either)Either you or he goes to the library with me.【解答】Either .or . 不是.就是.谓语动词遵循就近原则。根据句意不是你就是他跟我 一起去图书馆和语法可知用一般现在时。故答案为:Either you or he。8(1 分)蒂娜的妈妈在家里对她很严格。 (strict)Tinas mother is very strict with her at home.【解答】be (very) strict with sb 对某人严格。故答案为:is very strict with her。9(1 分)汤姆正在外面骑自行车。 (ride)Tom is riding a bike outside.【解答】ride a bike 骑自行车。故答案为:is riding a bike。10(1 分)苏珊通常周六晚上去电影院。 (movie)Susan usually goes to the movies on Saturday evening.【解答】goes to the movies 去电影院。根据句意苏珊通常周六晚上去电影院和语法可知 用一般现在时。故答案为:goes to the movies。六第四节、书面表达。(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)11(15 分)假如你是李华,你们班有两名国际交换生想加入你们学校的英语俱乐部。请你 根据下面的日程表,用英语给他们介绍一下俱乐部每周的活动安排。星期星期一活动学唱英文歌曲时间下午地点219 教室4:005:00星期三观看英文电影晚上学校图书馆7:009:00星期五在英语角练习英语口语下午3:304:00学校操场参考词汇:歌曲 song英语口语 spoken English英语角 English Corner操场 playground要求:(1)介绍须包括表格中的所有要点,可适当发挥;(2)词数 70 左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hello!Welcome to our English club._I hope you can join us.【解答】Hello!Welcome to our English club.Let me tell you the activities of our school Englishclub. 【高分句型一】We have three activities every week.On Monday afternoon ,we watchEnglish movies from 7:00 to 9:00 in the school library. (星期三)On Friday afternoon I hope you can join us.


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