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Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.行为主义者认为,如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素,这些刺激因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展,那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高水平。Congress has made laws requiring most pressure groups to give information about how much they spend and how they spend it the amount and sources of funds, membership and names and salaries of their representatives.国会已经指定法律,要求大部分压力集团呈报他们花费了多少钱,怎样花的,以及款项的总额和来源,尘缘人数,代表的姓名和薪金等情况。We sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavor to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years.我们诚恳的希望,你们在表示祝贺之后,能做出共同的努力,以寻求一个公正而切实可行的办法来解决这个多年来一直困扰着联合国的问题。But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all know sources and reserves of these materials.可是现在人们意识到,其中有些矿物质的蕴藏量是有限的,人们甚至还可以比较合理的估计出这些矿物质“渴望存在多少年”,也就是说,经过若干年后,这些矿物的全部已知矿源和储量将消耗殆尽。It is probably easier for teacher than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seem to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.一旦了解英语的基本结构和句型,再往下学似乎就越来越难了,这其中的原因,也许教师比学生更容易理解。We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was rendered.我们时常忆起那失去的美,凋零的爱,当美如花绽放时未加留意;当爱神召唤时,未能用爱去回报,这种回忆常使人痛彻不已。The election system is such that such a large majority ordinarily cannot be attained on a major law unless at least large part of the three major groupsbusiness, agriculture and labor support it.除非某项重大议案获得商业,农业和劳工三大社会集团中至少大部分人的支持,否则这项议案通常也不能获得(国会)中大多数人的支持,这就是所谓的选举制。The number of the young people in the United States who cant read is incredible about one in four.大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run an electric motor is almost unbelievable.鱼能发电,其强度能点亮小灯泡,甚至能开动马达,这真令人难以置信。As he lies awake in bed, listening to the sound of those razor sharp drops pounding on the pavement, his mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flash backs, and a chill from within fills him with dread.他躺在床上,没入睡,听着雨点落在路面上啪啪作响,他思绪万千,恍恍惚惚进入了一条幽暗的通道,回想起许多痛苦的往事,心里一阵冰凉,不禁感到毛骨悚然。People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.尽管警察已接到命令,要做好准备以应付紧急情况,但人们不敢出门,因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能为力。There are several reasons why Kissinger no longer appears to be the magician that the world press had made him out to be an illusion which he failed to discourage because he has been said to have a tendency toward megalomania.全世界报界曾经将基辛格渲染成魔术师一般的人物,而他也没阻止人们制造这种错误的印象,因为据说他有一种自大狂的倾向,现在他不再像这样一种人物了,原因有这么几个。Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day and occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.也许在座的每一位每天都有机会进行一连串复杂的思维活动,这些思维活动与科学家在探索自然现象的起因时所经历的尽管程度不同,但类型是一样的。Despite the clear-cut technological advantages, the railroad didnt become the primary means of transportation for nearly 20 years after the first pioneering American railroads were introduced in the early 1830s.尽管铁路运输在技术上优势明显,但美国铁路在19世纪30年代早期闪亮登场后的近20年中却没有成为首要的交通运输手段。Modern scientific and technical books especially textbooks, requires revision at short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas, observations and discoveries.对于现代书籍,特别是教科书来说,要是作者希望自己书中的内容能与新概念,新观察到事实和新发现同步发展的话,那么就应每隔较短的时间将书的内容重新修订一下。


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