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定语从句翻译1. 那些帮助他人的人是世界上最幸福的人 。(those)2. 杭州是我游玩过的最漂亮的城市。(visit)3. 这张照片让我想起我们一起度过的欢乐时光。(remind)4. 那位参赛选手昏倒的原因是摄影棚里太热了。(the reason)5. 去年我去了北京。 那是我第二次到长城游玩。(the second time)6. 我们感谢你为我们所做的一切。(all)7. 学校运动会被取消了, 这让学生们非常失望。(which)8.在大树下有三十四个来自十班的学生。9.我妈妈有一本书,它的封皮看起来很漂亮。10.这就是以前你给我的那支笔。11.有一位正拄着拐杖的老太太。12.这套公寓就是你曾经住过的。13.刚才跟你说话的女孩是谁?14.我记得我出生的那一天。15.昨天我去了我哥哥工作的地方。16.请让我知道你买到那本书的地方。17.我不喜欢他的原因是因为他太笨了。18.你能否向我解释下你迟到的原因。19.这些照片是我去年在北京照的照片。20.他是我常常和你谈到的那个人21.雷锋是一名经常帮助其他人的战士。22.这张照片使我想起了在夏令营度过的日子。23.不努力学习的学生不会通过考试的。24.她上周买的房子非常好看。25.这就是他爸爸工作的地方。26.你们已经取得了很大的进步,这使老师非常高兴。27.众所周知,他是一个好学生。28.北京是中国的首都,它是一座美丽的城市。29.我永远都不会忘记我们在高中学习的那段时光。30.周星驰Stephen Chow,1962年6月22日出生于香港,是家中唯一一个男孩,从小跟着他的三个姐姐在上海长大。答案1.Those who help others are the happiest people in the world.2.Hangzhou is the most beautiful city which I have visited to.3.This photo reminded me of the happy time we spent together.4.The reason why that competitor fainted was because the temperature of the sound stage was too hot.5.Last year I went to Beijing.That was the second time Ive been there.6.We are thankful to all you have done for us.7.The school sports meeting was put off,which disappointed all the students.8.There are thirty four students who are from class ten under the big tree.9.My mother has a book whoes cover looks very beautiful. 10. This is the pen which you gave me before.11.There is an old lady who is leaning on the stick12.This apartment is the one which you lived in before./where you lived before.13. who is the girl that was talking to you?14. I remember the day when you were born. 15. yesterday I went to the place where my brother work.16. Please let me know the place where you bought this book. 17. The reason why I dont like him is because of his foolish. 18.Can you tell me the reason why you are late next time. 19. These are the photos that I took in Beijing last year. 20. He is the person who I often talk to you about . 21. Lei is a soldier who often helps someone else. 22. This picture reminds me of the days when we spent in the summer camp.23. The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam.24. The house, which she bought last week, is very nice.25.This is the place where/in which his father works.26.You have made great progress, which makes your teacher very happy.27. As is known to us all, he is a good student.28. Beijing, which is the capital city of China, is a very beautiful.29. Ill never forget the days when I studied in senior school30. Born on June 22,1962 in Hong Kong, Stephen Chow, the only son in his family, grew up in Shanghai along with his three sisters.


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