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“整村推进”工程年度实施方案 “整村推进”工程年度实施方案 “整村推进”工程年度实施方案 狮山村是xx县XX年实施的扶贫开发整村推进工程村之一,根据上级文件精神,结合本村实际,制制定如下实施方案: 一、狮山村基本情况及贫困现状分析狮山村位于xx镇东南部,由原龙须坳、深山村及茶培场、石灰厂合并而成,因天生狮山睡美人而得名,东与黑石渡隔河相望,南与仙人冲村和落儿岭村毗邻,西与小堰口村接壤,北和俊卿社区相连,总面积平方公里,辖26个村民组,900户3057人,山场2万余亩,耕地1460亩,茶园1500亩,毛竹园2500亩,桑园400亩,板栗270亩。xx中学、651变电所、xx兵变旧址均座落在境内,狮山村设党总支,下设3个支部,共有党员96人,由于人均资源不足,劳动力素质不高,全村经济水平较低,现有贫困户177户,贫困人口409人,XX年人均纯收入2450元,明显低于全县、全镇平均水平,摆脱贫困的任务十分艰巨。村民经济收入主要靠毛竹、茶叶,由于该村村级耕地面积有限,人均不足亩,而且产量低,人均粮食占有量仅为200公斤,约60%的农户缺粮。老弱病残和子女就学压力大,制约了生产的发展,全村有这两类农户计62户,户均负债2万元左右,形成生活贫困。农田水利基础设施投入不足,因水灾给深水河大坝贺家院护坡造成了重大损毁,为600亩良田带来了安全隐患,同时造成10户农民失地,基本生活出现了困难。村级的基础条件很差,特别是村组道路质量差,阴雨天无法通行,给农户出售农副产品流通及村民出行带来了极大的困难。缺乏水利设施,水田灌溉无保障,粮食作物靠天收,人畜饮用水不卫生、安全得不到保证。群众文化水平低,大多数村民无一技之长,落后的生产方式不仅限制了农业生产技术进步,同时影响了外出务工人数和收入。 综上所述,狮山村处于极度贫困状况,大部分农户生产生活条件困难。二、滤布厂整村推进工程指导思想以党的十七大精神和科学发展观为指导,坚持以人为本、开发式扶贫方针,紧紧抓住县委县政府整村推进的机遇,围绕“8+1”总体目标,以增强基层组织战斗力,改善基础设施条件,千方百计增加农民收入,以茶叶协会和茶叶基地为龙头,加大培训力度,带动农村产业化发展,实现全村整体脱贫目标,使全村群众走上富裕的社会主义新农村之路。三、目标任务以增加贫困群众收入为核心,以改善群众生产、生活条件为重点,按照加强领导,集中力量,强攻重点,兼顾一般,因地制宜,限期达标的原则,紧紧围绕省政府推出的“8+1”基本标准,规划实施好XX年整村推进项目,主要是:1、基层组织建设压滤机滤布改善村级活动场所硬件,改善农民实用技术培训中心设施,使之成为整村推进的着力点,项目包括要装投影培训设备及各项规章制度上墙,预计需资金5万元。2、基础设施建设(1)宋家院至张冲公里公路,宽米,砼厚18cm,受益人口470人,工程需资金54万元,深山大桥至xx中学桥头公路,宽4米,长公里,砼石厚18cm的水泥路,受益人口890人,需资金30万元。(2)安全饮用水工程:铺设饮水主管道8000米,受益人口1100人,需资金32万元。(3)农田水利设施建设,维修深水河大坝,保护粮田240亩,大坝护坡总长1200米,混凝土 900立方米,需资金234万元,争取国家项目资金解决。张冲水库因年久失修,损坏严重,已不能满足防洪和农业的需要,实施张冲水库清淤、库坝加固、堰渠整修,共需资金20万元。3、社会扶贫项目(1)抓好规范茶农协会活动,发挥应有的作用,为广大茶农增收和全村茶叶生产的发展起到推动作用。(2)村民素质培养适时举办农村实用技术培训,积极开展推广农村新型技术应用,做到每户有一个科学明白人,掌握两门以上农村实用技术,年轻党员不仅自己掌握农业新技术,而且还能带领一个贫困户。充分把握劳动技能培训机遇,组织全村青壮年劳力参加技能培训,全年不少于140人次。贫困户危房改造。全村现有危房户15户,我们将积极争取民放危房改造项目资金及其它资金,给予资金支持和帮扶,力争1年内完成危房改造。4、调整农业产业结构(1)计划用三年时间改造茶园800亩,引进名优早茶品种50亩,建有机茶基地面积1000亩。(2)争取名优茶加工项目。建一座标准洁净化名优茶加工厂,需建厂房15间,引进名优茶制作设备三台套,项目共需资金40万元。(3)毛竹产业化。大力开展毛竹抚育,毛竹致富两大工程,通过垦复和引鞭扩园,使毛竹质量和面积进一步提高和扩大,鼓励农户多栽毛竹,发展毛竹,科技兴竹,积极引导有能力的农户发展毛竹加工,吸收贫困人口务工,增加群众增收速度。四、主要措施1、成立组织。村成立整村推进工作领导组,由村书记任组长,吸收村民代表、党员致富能手为成员,有针对性和带动性。把各项工作任务细化,任务落实到人,目标落实到户。2、措施详实,实施有力。对照方案,因地制宜,因人而宜,逐项拟定详细的实施计划,认真实施,真抓实干。3、排好时间,确保取得实效。按照上级要求,从现在开始,利用好一年时间,把各项工作任务安排到月到天,排好时间表,有条不紊,循序渐进,确保这项工作取得真正实效。4、进一步加强村班子的凝聚力和战斗力。作为XX年整村推进村,有上级党委政府的正确领导,有群众的积极拥护,村两委将更加团结奋斗,确保如期完成整村推进的各项工作任务。确保全村农民人均纯收入增速高于全省2个百分点。 xx镇狮山村委会 二0xx年六月一日 awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the partys eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Communist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of leapfrog development, requirements of first-class people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, 11th Five-Year youth career development planning, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the x year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, 11th Five-Year youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the digital XX League construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League XX magazine, the construction of the Communist Youth League work guidance and communication platform; expand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the XX youth electronic community website, the construction of information network and participate in the youth service platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of XX city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the XX Youth Research Institute and XX Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platform.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly XX youth development 11th Five-Year planning work. In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, combined with the actual development of adolescent XX, XX junior career scientific judgment of future development trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescents learning, youth culture and entertainment, exchanges and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop XX youth career development planning in 11th Five-Year XX, actively into the national economy and social development 11th Five-Year plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation. In the formulation, implementation of the XX foundation, 11th Five-Year youth career development planning , through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work plans for youth development, actively play with. Planning on implementation effect.(two) to grasp the overall situation, in-depth research, give full play to role of staff Explorer chamber. An in-depth study and practice of Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents, comprehensively and accurately grasp the profound connotation of Scientific Outlook on Development, Scientific Outlook on Development to improve as a guide, in-depth study of youth in the new era of growth, ability and level of the Communist Youth League work and youth career the development of the municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. According to the party, and the committees requirements, and the overall work around the XX Youth League Youth career development, actively play the subjective initiative, improve the ability to participate in the research work, a good staff and the municipal Party Committee Party think tank for work decision-making and deployment . around the center, serving the overall situation, the host of important documents and important document drafting work. Pay close attention to research on the ideological trend of the citys youth, a keen grasp of youth public opinion guidance, timely reflect the citys youth events and problems, do XX youth opinion edit work. To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the partys eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Communist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of leapfrog development, requirements of first-class people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, 11th Five-Year youth career development planning, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the x year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, 11th Five-Year youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the digital XX League construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League XX magazine, the construction of the Communist Youth League work guidance and communication platform; expand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the XX youth electronic community website, the construction of information network and participate in the youth service platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of XX city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the XX Youth Research Institute and XX Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platform.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly XX youth development 11th Five-Year planning work. In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, combined with the actual development of adolescent XX, XX junior career scientific judgment of future development trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescents learning, youth culture and entertainment, exchanges and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop XX youth career development planning in 11th Five-Year XX, actively into the national economy and social development 11th Five-Year plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation. In the formulation, implementation of the XX foundation, 11th Five-Year youth career development planning , through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work plans for youth development, actively play with. Planning on implementation effect.(two) to grasp the overall situation, in-depth research, give full play to role of staff Explorer chamber. An in-depth study and practice of Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents, comprehensively and accurately grasp the profound connotation of Scientific Outlook on Development, Scientific Outlook on Development to improve as a guide, in-depth study of youth in the new era of growth, ability and level of the Communist Youth League work and youth career the development of the municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. According to the party, and the committees requirements, and the overall work around the XX Youth League Youth career development, actively play the subjective initiative, improve the ability to participate in the research work, a good staff and the municipal Party Committee Party think tank for work decision-making and deployment . around the center, serving the overall situation, the host of important documents and important document drafting work. Pay close attention to research on the ideological trend of the citys youth, a keen grasp of youth public opinion guidance, timely reflect the citys youth events and problems, do XX youth opinion edit work. To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance1 / 1 awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the partys eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Communist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of leapfrog development, requirements of first-class people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, 11th Five-Year youth career development planning, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the x year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, 11th Five-Year youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the digital XX League construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League XX magazine, the construction of the Communist Youth League work guidance and communication platform; expand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the XX youth electronic community website, the construction of information network and participate in the youth service platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of XX city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the XX Youth Research Institute and XX Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platform.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly XX youth development 11th Five-Year planning work. In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, combined with the actual development of adolescent XX, XX junior career scientific judgment of future development trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescents learning, youth culture and entertainment, exchanges and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop XX youth career development planning in 11th Five-Year XX, actively into the national economy and social development 11th Five-Year plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation. In the formulation, implementation of the XX foundation, 11th Five-Year youth career development planning , through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work p


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