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Unit1 Revision词汇词汇:1名词名词(n.):name telephone number phone friend China school 2动词动词(v.):meet 3代词词(pron.):your his her she he 4.形容词(adj):nice first last middle5.数词数词:zero one two three four five six seven eight nine1.am/is(复数复数)2.hello(同义词同义词)3.nice(同义词同义词)4.you(形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词)5.two(同音词同音词)6.four(同音词同音词)7.her (主格主格)8.his(主格主格)9.first(反义词反义词)10.China(形容词形容词)arehigoodyourtooforshehelastChinese英汉互译英汉互译 1.我的名字我的名字 2.你的名字你的名字 3.他的名字他的名字 4.她的祖母她的祖母 5.她的父母她的父母 6.电话号码电话号码 7.我的朋友我的朋友 8.在中国在中国 9.中学中学 10.姓氏姓氏11.身份证身份证 12.名字名字英汉互译英汉互译 1.my name 2.your name 3.his name 4.her grandmother 5.her parents 6.telephone 7.my friend 8.in China 9.middle school 10.last name11.an ID card 12.first name根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子 1.你叫什么名字你叫什么名字?我叫詹妮我叫詹妮.2.见到你我很高兴见到你我很高兴3.我是玛丽我是玛丽.4.他是杰克吗他是杰克吗?5.你的电话号码是多少你的电话号码是多少?6.他姓什么他姓什么?7.我的朋友在中国我的朋友在中国.根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子 1.Whats your name?My names Gina.2.Nice to meet you.3.Im Mary.4.Is he Jack?5.Whats your telephone number?6.Whats his first name?7.My friend is in China.二、单词填空二、单词填空1._(he)pen is black.2.Is this yellow ruler _(you)?3._(she)name is Susan.4.This is _(I)key.5.Nice to meet _(your).6.Let _(we)play tennis!HisyoursHermyus1.My first name is Gina.(对划线提问)2.Her telephone number is 14399898.(对划线提问)3.Nice to meet you.(应答语)4.Im Helen.(一般疑问句)根据学生卡写一篇自我介绍(不少于根据学生卡写一篇自我介绍(不少于5句话)句话)动词动词be 的用法的用法 动词动词 be有三种形式即有三种形式即am,is,are。I后是后是am,you,they后后是是are,is跟着他跟着他(he)她她(she)它它(it),单数用,单数用is,复数一定用,复数一定用are.一定要记住。一定要记住。肯定句:主语肯定句:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它其它.否定句:主语否定句:主语+be(am,is,are)+not+其它其它.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Is this your pen?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.(注意注意:把陈述句改为一般疑问句时:把陈述句改为一般疑问句时,句中有句中有I要要 改为改为you,有,有my改为改为your.)用动词用动词“am,is,are”填空填空1.I _ Tony.2.She _ his mother.3.He _ my brother.4.It _ a key.5.How _ you?6.You _ a student.(学生)学生)7.I _ her sister.8.She _ my cousin.9.He _ my grandfather.10.It_ an orange.11._ this your pen?-Yes,it_.12._ that your backpack?-Yes,it_.13.What _ your first name?14.These _ my photos.amisisisareareamisisisIsisIsisisare15._ these your pencils?-Yes,they _.16.Those _ my rulers.17._ those his sharpeners?-No,they _.18.What _ this in English?-It _ a watch.19 What color _ the bookcase?-It _ red.20.What _ these?-They _ tables.21.What _ those?-They _ beds.22.What color _ these sofas?-They _ blue.23.Where _ my backpack?AreareareArearentisisisisareareareareareareis连词成句连词成句1.the,teachers,are,under,desk,books,the2.is,the,my,chair,hat,on3.to,these,please,take,brother,your,things4.table,are,my,books,math,the,onThe books are under the teachers desk.My hat is on the chair./Is my hat on the chair?Please take these things to your brother.My math books are on the table.6.spell,you,watch,how,do7.card,is,school,this,ID,my8.at,Kate,call,769-5126How do you spell watch?This is my school ID card.Call Kate at 769-5126


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