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逻辑与翻译 前与后 1: But we are getting ahead of the story. 不过我说到故事 后头 去了。 2: After you. 请 先 走。 /请走在 前面 。 静与动 1: The whole city is in holiday array. 全城 披上 节日盛装。 2: This is an article that carries conviction. 这是一篇 有 说服力的文章。 3: National Day falls on Friday this year. 今年的国庆节 是 一个礼拜五。 肯定与否定 : 1: -“You havent finished your homework, have you?” -The student shook his head and said, “No, I have not.” 学生 点点头 并说 “ 是的 ,还没有 ” 。 2: They had barely enough time to catch the train. 原译:他们仅有足够的时间赶上火车。 改译:他们差点儿没赶上火车。 正说与反说 Keep dry! 谨防潮湿! Wet paint! 油漆未干 ! Hunger march 反饥饿游行 Did I get your address right? 我没有弄错你的地址吧? Make yourself at home. 请不要客气。 例句 1 我相信,在高校工作的同志一定会增强 紧迫感和使命感,认真思考 “ 建设一个 什么样的大学 ” 和 “ 怎样建设这样的大 学 ” 这些重要问题,加强教育的宏观思 考和战略研究,紧密结合我国经济和社 会发展的实际,不断创新发展思路,制 定学校的发展战略规划,搞好科学建设、 师资队伍建设和校园建设,逐步建立现 代大学制度。 我相信,在高校工作的同志一定会增强 紧迫感和使命感, 认真思考 “ 建设一 个什么样的大学 ” 和 “ 怎样建设这样的 大学 ” 这些重要问题,加强教育的宏观 思考和战略研究, 紧密结合我国经济 和社会发展的实际,不断创新发展思路, 制定学校的发展战略规划, 搞好科学 建设、师资队伍建设和校园建设, 逐 步建立现代大学制度。 参考译文: I believe that people working in universities will have a keener sense of urgency and purpose. We should deliberate on such important issues as what kind of universities to build and how to build them, and on strategies for macro-managing education. We should also think imaginatively about development while mapping out strategies based on Chinese socioeconomic realities. We should endeavor to perform well in developing our faculty, campus, and fields of study. In this way, we will be able to establish a modern university system. 例句 2 In recent years, in the context of complicated and ever-changing international situations, China has, through deepening its commitment to reform and opening-up, overcome many difficulties and achieved progress in domestic economy and foreign cooperation. 对比原文: 近年来,中国面对复杂多变的国际形势, 克服困难,深化改革,扩大开放,国内 经济建设和对外合作均取得了新的发展。 分而译之 例句 3 十三亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展, 对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展, 具有极其重要的意义。 China is a country with 1.3 billion people. Its stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large. 也可以不分: The stability and rapid development of China, which has a population of 1.3 billion, are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large. 例句 4 贵校已故的费正清教授,就是毕生从事 中国历史文化研究的知名学者。 The late Professor Fairbank was a well- known scholar from Harvard. He devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture. 也可以不分: The late Professor Fairbank from your university was a well-known scholar who devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture. 分化组合 例句 5 中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史文 化传统。这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获 得扬弃和发展,对今天中国人的价值观念、生活 方式和中国的发展道路,具有深刻的影响。 In the prolonged course of development, China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions,/ which have been either developed or discarded with the changes of the times and social progress. /These traditions have exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people, and on Chinas road of development today. 回译:中国在自己漫长的发展过程中,形成了 优良的历史文化传统,它们随着时代变迁和社 会进步获得扬弃和发展。这些传统对中国人的 价值观念、生活方式和中国今天的发展道路, 具有深刻的影响。 原文:中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良 的历史文化传统。这些传统,随着时代变迁和 社会进步获得扬弃和发展,对今天中国人的价 值观念、生活方式和中国的发展道路,具有深 刻的影响。 例句 6 虽然在前进中也遇到这样和那样一些困难和风险, 但我们都顺利地解决了,不仅没有引起大的社会 震动,而且极大地解放和发展了社会生产力,保 持了社会稳定和全面进步。 We have successfully overcome various difficulties and risks in the course of our advance without causing great social unrest. Rather, we have succeeded in greatly releasing and developing productive forces and maintained social stability and an all- round progress. 回译:我们都顺利地克服了在前进中遇到 的各种困难和风险,没有引起大的社会震 动。不仅如此,我们还极大地解放和发展 了生产力,保持了社会稳定和全面进步。 原文:虽然在前进中也遇到这样和那样一 些困难和风险,但我们都顺利地解决了, 不仅没有引起大的社会震动,而且极大地 解放和发展了社会生产力,保持了社会稳 定和全面进步。 英译汉 按英语的结构顺序翻译 例句 7: I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile. 译文:我认为,如果一个人思路不清, 他写文章也不可能写得很清楚;如果他 喜怒无常,他的文章就会荒诞不经;如 果他思路敏捷,由眼前的事情联想到一 百件事情,要是不能尽力约束自己,就 会在文章里写满各种各样的比喻。 按汉语的结构顺序翻译 例句 8: The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slave; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. 译文: 美国人能否成为自由人,还是沦为奴隶; 能否享有称之为自己所有的财产;能否 使自己的住宅和农庄免遭洗劫和毁坏; 能否使自己免于陷入非人力所能拯救的 悲惨境地 决定这一切的时刻已迫在眉 睫。 分层处理 例句 9: Better roads and better vehicles induced the wealthier classes to live in the, suburbs of the cities. This tendency is now spreading rapidly downwards, concentrating manufacturing activity, business, government, and pleasure in the centers of the cities, but pushing the homes outward even at the cost of the discomfort of commuting. 译文: 道路更加平坦畅通,交通工具更加高速 舒适,使得富裕阶层开始居住市郊。这 一趋势目前正在发展到下层社会,生产 活动、商业贸易、政府机关和娱乐设施 等都集中在市中心,许多家庭不惜忍受 上下班的车旅劳顿之苦,居住到郊外。 例句 10 The automobile has brought many changes in American lifefor example, the remarkable growth of the suburbs in the past 25 years as many people who work in the cities now enjoy country living because of good roads and the ease of commuting by automobile. Heavy use of the nations highways has created a demand for roadside businesses of various kinds, including outdoor movie theaters, where audiences watch films from their automobiles and convenient roadside hotels known as “motels”. 译文: 汽车给美国生活带来了许多变化,例如过去 25年中郊区不断发展壮大。许多在城里工作 的人,由于道路畅通,开车上下班方便,现 在反而喜欢住在乡下。全国许多公路使用率 高,对各种路边 商业的需求应运而生,包 括可在汽车内观看的露天电影院,还有称为 汽车旅馆的路边方便旅馆。 例句 11 It was impressive to see, in our newspapers the other day, pictures of Chinese policemen in blue helmets preparing to join the United Nations mission in Haitian island buffeted by both human and meteorological storms, which is literally on the far side of the world from here. 参考译文: 前几天我们在报纸上看到头戴蓝盔、准 备赴海地执行联合国任务的中国警察的 照片,给我们留下了深刻的印象。要知 道,海地是一个天灾人祸不断的岛国, 与中国远隔千里。


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