广州版英语五年级下册Module 5 Unit 10How to stay safe课件

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广州版英语五年级下册Module 5 Unit 10How to stay safe课件_第3页
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Unit10 How to stay safesafety 安全Safety first 安全的safe安全的cross横过crossing人行横道、十字路口road 路cross the road 穿过马路cross the street 穿过大街safety crossing安全的十字路口traffic交通light灯traffic lights交通灯Traffic light is red.Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossing.在交通灯区或安全的十字路口穿过路口。Dont cross the road when the traffic light is red.当红灯亮时不能穿过马路stair楼梯up stair楼上down stair楼下Dont run on the stairs.money 钱candy 糖果stranger 陌生人Dont take any money or candy from strangers in the street.在大街上,不要从陌生人那里拿钱或糖果。trouble 麻烦、烦恼in trouble 遇到烦恼Do tell your teacher if you see a classmate in trouble.如果看见你的同学有麻烦,告诉你的老师。hour 小时during school hours 上学期间without 没有Dont leave the school during schoolhours without asking your teacher.在上学期间不要离开学校,除非问了老师。should 应该shouldnt 不应该He shouldnt play football on the road.他不应该在马路上踢足球。He shouldnt walk a dog on the road.他不应该在马路上遛狗。She shouldnt walk a dog in the park.她不应该在公园里遛狗。You shouldnt cross the street when the traffic light is red.Its too dangerous.Dont cross the street when the traffic light is red.Its too dangerous.You shouldnt _.watch TVfor too longIts bad for your eyes.Dont _.watch TVfor too longIts bad for your eyes.You shouldnt _.eat too full(吃太饱)Its bad for your health(健康).Dont _.eat too full(吃太饱)Its bad for your health(健康).You shouldnt _.play on the stair.Youll fall down.Dont _.play on the stair.Youll fall down.You shouldnt _.swim in the lake.Youll be dangerous.Dont _.swim in the lake.Youll be dangerous.You shouldnt _.play on the roadYoull be dangerous.Dont _.Youll be dangerous.play on the road


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