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中考应掌握的2000个短语词组from A to Z自始至终地A1一流的,头等的a bit (of)有一点儿a block of一大块a couple of两个,几个a few一些,少数几个a group of一群a kind of一种,一类a little一点,少量a lot许多,很多a lot of (lots of)许多,很多,大量a pair of一双,一副,一对a piece of一(块,片,张,件)half an hour半小时an hour and a half=one and a half hours一个半小时be able to do sth.能够做某事,有能力做某事from abroad自国外来go abroad到国外去be about to do sth.正要去做某事above all首先,尤其by accident偶然的,无意中的across the street过马路through the pipe穿过管道act of kindness善行social activities社会活动take action采取行动addto把加到in addition to另外take advantage of利用advertise for sth.在报刊等上刊登征求某人或某事的广告advise sb. to do sth.劝某人做某事be afraid of (doing) sth.害怕某事所产生的后果be afraid to do不敢去做某事,害怕after all终究.毕竟day after day日复一日one after another一个接一个,连续地after class下课以后after school放学后in the afternoon在下午this afternoon今天下午again and again=time again再三,多次地now and again有时,偶尔at the age of在岁时the Stone Age石器时代travel agency旅行社employment agency职业介绍所long ago很久以前agree to do sth.答应某事agree on sth.对某事取得一致意见agree with sb.同意某人的意见agree to sth.同意ahead of在之前go ahead进行,前进aim at sth. / sb.瞄准,对准by air/plane乘飞机on the air正在广播in the air在空中alarm clock闹钟fire alarm救火警all kinds of各种各样all over到处all right行了,好吧,(病)好了all the same还是,仍然all the time一直,始终all alone独自一人all along一直,始终all round到处all in all总的来说all the best一切顺利,万事如意(not) at all根本(不)all day (long)整天all the way一路上all the countries所有的国家all of the country整个一个国家the whole country整个一个国家that whole day那个整天this whole year今年一年a total of one hundred yuan总额一百元be allowed to do sth.得以允许做某事not nearly远不如nearly 50 students大约50个学生let alone更不用说leavealone不干涉a large amount of大量a certain amount of一定量a large amount of money大量的资金a large quantity of money大量的资金a large quantity of books大量书籍a large number of books大量书籍and so on等等be angry at sth.对生气be angry with sb.生某人的气one another互相(用于超两人或两事物)answer the door应声开门answer the phone接电话an answer to a question问题的答案answer for对负债answer the question回答问题reply to the question回答问题any other任何别的,另外的,其他的apologize to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉appeal to sb. for sth.恳求某人做某事the apple of ones eye掌上明珠,心爱的人the exhibition of international architecture万国建筑博览会argue with sb. about / over sth.为某事与某人争吵arm in arm手挽手Chinese Peoples Liberation Army中国人民解放军the Eighth Route Army八路军an army of一大队arrive at/in a place到达某地a work of art艺术品,工艺品asas 像(一样);如同as soon as一就,立即as soon as possible尽快地,尽早as if似乎,好像,仿佛as a matter of fact事实上as a result(作为)结果as far as(表示程度,范围)就;尽as long as 只要as usual通常地,平常地,照例,跟往常一样ask for请求,寻求ask for leave请假ask sb. to do sth.请求某人干某事associate with与联合,结交be good/poor at擅长于/对比较差at times时常,有时,不时at work在工作at breakfast / lunch / supper早/午/晚餐时at first/last起先,开始的时候/最后,终于at home在家(里),在国内at last最后,终于at once立刻,马上at school在学校,在上课,在求学at the moment此刻,目前,那时,当时at the same time同时at/on the weekends在周末at /on the weekends在周末at a time每次,一次at least/most至少/至多at present现在,目前be bad at不擅长be bad for有害于,对有害,对不利的go from bad to wrose越来越差bad manners没有礼貌keep balance保持平衡a bunch of bananas一串香蕉bank account银行帐号bank note纸币take (have) a bath洗一个澡be from来自,从来be to do sth.表示即将要发生的事情be located in位于have been in一直呆在某地have been at一直呆在某地(小地方可用)have been to去过某处have gone to已去某处because of由于(后接名词或代词)become of sb. = happen to sn.遭遇(如何)go to bed就寝make the bed铺床beef cattle菜牛roast beef烤牛肉dried beef牛肉干notlong before没多久就,不一会儿就before long不久,很快long before很久以前beg sb. for sth.向某人恳求beg sb. to do sth.恳求某人干某事beg ones pardon请原谅begin with以开始to begin with首先begin to do = begin doing开始干某事in the beginning开始,起初at the beginning of在开始时at the back of在之后,在背后fall behind落后,掉队human being人类believe in sb.信任某人,信仰,信奉某种思想观念answer the ball应门铃ring a bell敲钟,打铃belong to属于had best最好,顶好make the best of尽量利用had better最好还是,还是好not better than并不比好,顶多不过是no better than跟一样,简直是between ourselves只限于我俩之间(不得外传)in between在中间,每间隔ride a bicycle/bike骑自行车go by bicycle骑车去later than稍迟于big cheese大人物talk big说大话bit by bit逐渐地,一点一点地blow ones nose擤鼻涕blow off吹散,吹熄blow up发脾气light blue浅蓝色的dark blue深蓝色的on board在船(飞机,公共汽车等)上life boat救生船motor boat摩托艇body guard保镖body building健美body and soul全部,整个,全身心booking office订票处be born出生于borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物both of(两者)都bothand两者都,既又a slice of bread一片面包a loaf of gread一条面包bread and butter(比喻)生计break down粉碎,瓦解break away from脱离break into闯入,破门而入break off打断,折断break out(战争,火灾)爆发,突然发生break the rule违反规定catch (hold) ones breath屏息,不出气out of breath气喘吁吁,上气不接下气bring down使倒下,降低bring in引来,吸收bring on使发展,进步bring up教育,抚养take sth. to sb.把某物带去给某人go and get去拿,去找,去请,取来get sth. back取回build up逐步建立buildinto把建成get (come) to business该干正事mind your own business别多管闲事on business有事,出差business hours营业时间international affair国际事物a historical event历史事件for one thing首先for another再者and things等之类be busy with sth.忙着干某事be busy with/doing sth.忙于做某事as busy as a bee比喻极其忙碌but for要不是,如果没有by and by不久以后by day在日间,在白天by oneself亲自by the way顺便说(问)一下learn sth. by heart默记by bus乘公共汽车by air mail寄航空邮件by car乘汽车by ship/sea乘轮船by train乘火车by ordinary mail寄普通邮件,寄平信by phone打电话by the side of在旁边call box公用电话亭make a call to sb.给某人打电话call at拜访某人call back回电话call on拜访call for要求,需要,提倡,号召call in招徕,召集call off取消,放弃call up征集,打电话,回忆a garbage can(美)垃圾桶a can opener开罐器can but do sth.只得,充其量不过can not but不得不cant help doing sth.情不自禁by plane乘飞机go by bike骑自行车in a car乘一辆汽车in a train乘一火车in a bus乘一辆公共汽车care for照管,喜欢care about对感到操心,忧虑,在乎take care小心,当心take care of照料under the care of在的照料下be careful with小心carry out执行carry off夺走catch fire着火catch hold of抓住,握住catch sight of突然见到catch up with赶上be caught in the rain被雨淋have / catch (a) cold患感冒,着凉,伤风cause deaths造成死亡at the turn of the century世纪之交by chance偶然take ones chance碰运气change buses ( trains, etc.)转乘公共汽车(火车等)for a change改变一下changefor把换成changeinto把变成change colour脸变色change ones mind改变主意be in charge of对负责charge for收费free charge免费check in办理登机Childrens Day儿童节Chinese New Year / Spring Festival春节cannot choose but do sth.不得不pick and choose 挑挑拣拣go to the cinema/movie(s)去看电影city hall市政厅lead a clean life过着廉洁的生活clear up收拾clear away把消除掉around (round) the clock昼夜不停地be close to在的附近close down关闭,倒闭,停业many clothes许多衣服a summer dress一件连衣裙an evening dress晚礼服coffee bar咖啡吧black coffee清咖啡white coffee牛奶加咖啡be at college在大学读书go to college上大学come across被理解,遇见,发现come back回来come down下来,落come from出生于,来自come in进入,进来come off成功,奏效come on快,走吧,跟我来come out出来,出现,刊出come round来访,前来come true实现come up来,上升,抬头come up with追上,赶上come to an end结束come to know知道come to life显得逼真,苏醒communicate with与交流compareto把比作comparewith与比较in concert一致地,一齐地connect oneself with和相联系connectto把接到上considerto be把看作consideras把看作,作为研究consist of由组成copy book习字贴copy right著作权,版权be in a tight corner处于困境be just around the corner在附近,即将来临at the corner在拐角处in the corner在角落里on the corner在某处的角外,在某一物体上round the corner在拐角处,即将来临at the cost of以为代价a dry cough干咳have a bad cough咳嗽得厉害in course of在过程中in the course of在期间of course当然be covered with被覆盖cover up包裹,隐藏cover an area of占地面积cry over sth.为哭泣cry out大叫,大喊the World Cup Final世界杯决赛(尤指足球)hair cut剪发cut short突然停止cut down砍倒cut off删去,切掉cut away切去,砍掉cut in插入dance with sb.和某人跳舞dance for joy高兴得手舞足蹈dance a ballet跳芭蕾舞a social dance交谊舞in danger在危险中,垂危,处在危险状态out of danger脱离危险before dark天黑前after dark天黑后a dark horse黑马(比喻)at dark黄昏时in the dark在黑暗中,秘密out of date过时的,废弃的up to date时髦的,现代化的at dawn在黎明时刻day and night / night and day日以继夜/夜以继日of the day当代的some day将来有一天after day逐日deal with处理decide to do sth.决心干某事depart for动身去某处depend on依靠,依赖beyond description难以形容give a description of描述at ones desk在读书,在写文章go into detail(s)详细说明in detail详细地develop into发展成为devote oneself to sth. (doing sth.)献身于be devoted to sth. (doing sth.)献身于keep a diary记日记an English Chinese dictionary英汉词典consult a dictionary查字典die for为战死die of应病而死die out消失,灭亡be dying for = be dying to do渴望做die from外因而造成的死亡differ from和不同differ in在方面be different from与不同in difficulty处境困难without difficulty毫不费力地discuss doing sth.讨论干某事under discussion在讨论中floppy disk计算机软盘do ones best尽最大努力do away with消灭,废除do without没有也行do sb. a favour帮某人一个忙have something (nothing) to do with与某事有关(无关)do ones homework做回家作业do some cleaning扫除do some cooking做饭do some shopping买东西do some washing洗东西do with处置,处理do for击败hot dog热狗rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨be ones bottom dollar孤注一掷next door在隔壁out of doors户外,在外面dormitory building宿舍楼down with打倒,把拿下dream of 想到dream of sb. (doing sth.)梦见某人/梦见做某事dress up穿着,打扮soft drink软饮料hot drink热饮料cold drink冷饮料drink up喝干,一饮而尽be in drink喝醉了fountain drink矿泉水drivers license (licence)驾驶执照drive sb. mad逼某人发疯,把逼疯drop in on sb.顺便拜访某人drop in at顺便拜访某地drop off打瞌睡drop out退出,退学a wild duck野鸭roast duck烤鸭do ones duty尽责,尽本份fall in ones duty失职each other互相help each other互相帮助ask each other互相询问be all ears全神贯注地倾听on earth到底in the east在某个地域的东部范围内on the east在某个地域东面相邻的地方at the east在某个地域之外的地方,两处不接壤eat up吃光,吞噬go economy乘(飞机的)经济舱have effect on对有影响of no effect无用egg shell蛋壳lay an egg下蛋a bad egg坏蛋,坏家伙walk on eggs当心eitheror或者或者,不是就是,要么要么on either side of the river在河的两边on both sides of the rivers在河的两边to each girl对每个女孩elder brother哥哥electric hair dryer电吹风electric light电灯or else否则,要不然in the end最后,终于end up结束at the end of在尽头at the end在末尾,在端by the end到为止English Evening英语晚会learn English学英语the English英国人enjoy oneself过得愉快enough to do sth.足够能enter for报名参加enter into开始,着手be equal to等于,相当于,能胜任be equal in在方面相等even if (though)即使,纵然even now即使在现在evening dress晚礼服evening school夜校evening paper晚报evening show(电影等的)晚场at all events无论如何in the event of万一,如果for ever永远ever since从以来every now and then有时,间或every other每隔every job日常工作every activity日常活动every day每天for example例如set an example for为树立榜样make an example of sb.惩罚某人以警戒他人be excellent in在方面优秀except for除以外Excuse me.原谅,打搅一下,对不起in excuse of为辩解make an excuse for为辩护take exercise运动do exercise做练习physical exercises体育do morning exercises做早操catch ones eye引人注目in ones eyes在眼中eye exercise眼保健操to ones face当着某人的面in the face of在面前face to face面对面地in fact事实上,实际上fail to do sth.没有干某事,不能做某事fail (in) sth.考试不及格fall through失败,落空fall asleep入睡fall in患病fall in love with爱上某人fall off跌落fall away (from)(离)遥远fall from the bike从自行车上摔下来fall into asleep睡着了be familiar to对熟悉be famous for以而著名be famous as作为很有名be far from离很远far away遥远的on the farm在农场fast food快餐a quick response快速反应a quick jump迅速一跳Father Christmas圣诞老人find favour with sb.得宠于某人feel like sth. (doing sth.)想field events田径赛field hospital野战医院in the field在田野上fight for为而战fight against / with与战斗fight sth.与灾难斗争fight pollution与污染作斗争be filled with被注满/灌满fill in填充,填写develop a film冲印胶卷see a film看电影find out找出,查明,了解look for寻找fine weather好天气fine actor优秀演员good days好日子good students优秀的学生a good chance适当的机会finish sth. (doing sth.)完成finish off吃完,喝完be on fire在燃烧,着火make a fire生火set fire to放火烧first aid急救first name名first class第一流的for the first time第一次in the first place首先first of all第一,首先at first首先go fishing去钓鱼be fit for sb.适合某人fit sb.(大小)适合某人ground floor一楼(英)first floor一楼(美)/二楼(英)flower show花展flower arrangement插花,花道as follows如下be fond of爱好mental food精神食品green food绿色食品healthy food保健食品make a fool of sb.愚弄,嘲笑All Fools Day = April Fools Day愚人节(4月1日)on foot步行,走路at the foot of在下端football game足球赛for good永远for the time beimg暂时,眼下for a while暂时,片刻weather forecast天气预报force sb. to do sth.强迫某人做某事forget to do sth.忘记干某事(这件事没有干)forget doing sth.忘记干了某事(这件事已经完成)in the form of以形式be free from没有see sb. free释放,使自由make friends with 与交朋友be friends with和友善,与交情from now (then) on从此以后,今后;从那时以后from time to time有时,不时from door to door挨家挨户from day to day一天一天地in front of面对,在前面at the front在前线fruit juice果汁fruit bowl水果盘make full use of充分利用be full of充满make fun of 拿开玩笑in fun = for fun开玩笑地,闹着玩地in future = for the future今后,从今以后in the future在将来collect coins收集硬币collect stamps集邮gather coins积攒硬币gather stamps把邮票集中在一起gather the children in the room把孩子们聚集在房间里generally speaking总而言之get along/on (with)进展,与相处get away逃跑get back返回get down下来,落下get down to开始认真(做某事)get dressed穿衣服get home回家get in touch with与联系get off (a bus)下(车)get on with与相处得get ready for为作准备get through通过,接通(电话)get to到达get together聚会,联欢get up起床get warm (cold)变温暖(冷)have got拥有have got to do sth.必须干某事get in the way挡道get in进入,收集get on (a train)上(火车)get rid of摆脱get it right使得它正确girl hood少女时期give away分发give sb. a call给某人回电话give a talk作一次演讲give advice提建议give back归还,送回give sb. a hand助某人一臂之力,帮某人一把give in屈服give off发出(光等)give out分发give up放弃give sb. a message给某人带个口信go against反对,不利于go ahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧go away离开go back回去go by过去,经过go for a walk去散步go home回家go in for参加,从事于,酷爱go off走开go on继续go on to do sth.继续做另一件事go on with/doing sth.继续做某事go over复习,仔细地再读一遍go shopping/bowling去购物打保龄球go through浏览,翻阅go to school上学go up走上前去,上涨,上升go bad变坏have a go at sth. (doing sth.)尝试go boating去划船go round顺便去,绕道去go to a concert去听音乐会go to a lecture参加讲座go to (the) hospital去医院(看病)go to town进城go on a picnic去野餐go for a swim去游泳go on for a trip去旅游go out熄灭go to jail入狱go to sleep入睡go wrong出错be good for对有益a good many(修饰可数名词)许多,很多be good to对友善be no good to对没作用graduate from (at)毕业于graduate in毕业于某一专业a great many(修饰可数名词)许多,很多a great deal of(修饰不可数名词)许多,很多group by group一组接着一组group singing小组唱grow up成年,长大grow out of来自于,来源于form / break a habit of doing sth.养成/戒除习惯had better do sth.还是做好,最好还是做had better not do sth.还是不做好,最好还是不做have a haircut理发in half成两半half of 的一半the second (minute, hour) hand秒(分,时)针on one hand, on the other hand一方面另一方面by hand手工制作on hand在手头hand in hand手牵手hand in 上交hand out分发hand over移交hand down把传下来hang back犹豫hang up挂断电话happen to do sth.碰巧做某事happen to sb.发生到某人身上do harm to对有害have (got) to不得不have a good time玩得很愉快,过得很愉快have fun with玩得高兴have a class/lesson上课have a lesson上课have a look看一看have a rest休息一下have a swim游泳have a talk谈话have a walk散步have a meeting开会have a match比赛have breakfast吃早餐have dinner吃正餐have lunch吃午饭have no idea不清楚have supper吃晚饭have sports进行体育活动have to不得不have good manners讲礼貌have bright eyes长着一双明亮的眼睛have got a bad headache头痛have a look at看一看,请看()have a try试一试keep ones head保持头脑清醒use ones head动脑筋head for向走去from head to foot从头到脚hear from sb.收到某人来信hear of听说at heart内心heart and soul全心全意地lose heart 丧失勇气,灰心take heart鼓起勇气from ones heart真诚地help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人干某事cannot help doing sth.忍不住干某事help yourself to sth.自已取,自已来help sb. out帮助某人解决困难help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事here and now此时此地here and there到处by herself她独自地,她独立地high and low上上下下high jump跳高on high高高在上high mountains高山hobby group兴趣小组hold a meeting举行会议hold on等一等(别挂电话)hold ones breath屏住呼吸hold out 伸出hold up举起take hold of抓住keep hold of紧握on holiday在休假public holiday法定假期take a holiday休假at home and abroad在国内外see sb. home送人回家hula hoop呼啦圈lose hope丧失希望hope to do sth.希望干某事ride a horse骑马on horseback骑马how old(年龄)多大,几岁how long(时间)多久how far(距离)多远how soon多快how many多少(接可数名词)how about sth. (doing sth.)如何how often(频率)多久,多常,多长的时间一次how much多少(钱),多少(接不可数名词)huge amounts of大量的hunt for 追捕go hunting去打猎hurry up赶快hurry off匆匆离开in a hurry匆忙地in no hurry不急Id like 我想要Im afraid恐怕idle away虚度stand idle袖手旁观if only但愿,要是就好了fall ill得病,病倒了in all总共in a word简言之,总而言之in common共同,共有in debt欠债in need of需要in order为了in other words换言之,换句话说in peace安静地,宁静地in public当众,公开in surprise惊奇地,吃惊地,惊讶地,in time及时in a minute一会儿in addition另外in charge of主管,负责in hospital住院in line成一排,成一直线in no time立刻in this way这样on ones fifties在某人五十岁时in return作为回报in the middle of在中间in the years to come在即将到来的几年中in trouble处于困境中in connection with与相连接in jail坐牢in 13 years time十三年后in touch联系,接触a rapid increase增长,增加individual sports个人运动instead of代替,而不是be interested in对感兴趣introduce to 把介绍给invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人干某事by itself独自地,独立地in itself本身send to jail = put in jail入狱be in jail在狱中break jail越狱lose ones job失业be out of a job失业do a good job干得不错join in参加,加入join up联合起来,连接起来join the army参军join the two parts with glue用胶水把两个部分粘上for joy因为高兴be filled with joy充满喜悦to ones joy使人高兴的是long jump跳远jump the queue(不按顺序排队)插队jump to conclusion冒然断定just a minute等一下just now现在,刚才just wait and see(就请)等着看吧just like 正好一样just then正在那时be keen on喜爱keep a word做记录keep fit保持健康keep in touch (with)(与)保持联系keep off阻挡,不让接近,勿踏,勿踩keep ones promise履行诺言keep ones word守信keep up保持,维持keep doing sth.继续(做某事)keep quiet保持安静keep up-to-date赶时髦keep.from阻止,使免于keep in把关在里面keep in mind握紧keep on doing继续干keep a watch留心,看守,警惕key hole钥匙孔the key to the bike自行车的钥匙(all) kinds of各种各样的Kings English标准英语knock down击倒,撞倒knock at (on)敲门knock into 撞在上knock over撞倒,撞翻be known as作为而出名be known for因而出名be known to为熟知know of听说过,知道know about了解,知道的情况be well-known出名by land由陆地come to land(船)抵岸,(飞机)着陆on land在陆地上


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