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学员编号: 年 级:八年级 第 小时学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 教师: 课 题Unit8授课时间:2013年 5月26 日09 :00 - 11 :00周日 备课时间:教学目标1.掌握如何表达应该给别人买什么礼物,掌握如何建议别人买礼物的表达法,掌握如何比较物品的品质。2.通过学习如何赠送礼物,对比中西方文化的不同。重点、难点一 、1.What should I get sb ? 2.Why dont you get/buy sb sth ?3.What about /How about sth ? 4.Its/They are too + adj .5.Present perfect tense .二、1.too + adj : 太 2.adj + enough :足够考点及考试要求. 1.What should I get my sister ?2.Why dont you get a camera ? hats too expensive .3.How about some tennis balls ? hey are too cheap .4.What about a watch ? Thats too personal .5.Whats the best present you have ever received ? A bike .教学内容一、新课(一)生词巧解1. 【词析】 音析:u读,e读e,字母组合tion读作。形析:suggest(建议)+-ion(名词后缀)义析:advice【典句】 He made the suggestion that we go by train.他建议我们坐火车去。【拓展】 1)同根词:suggest v.建议;提议2)suggest常用的结构:suggest doing sth.建议做某事(动名词作宾语)Ann suggested going to the Summer Palace next Sunday.安提议下周日去颐和园。2. 【词析】 音析:字母组合er在重读音节中读,o读。形析:person( 人)+-al(形容词后缀)义析:of a particular person;private【典句】 I have something personal to tell you.我有私人的事要告诉你。【拓展】 同根词:person n.个人3. 【词析】音析:e读e,字母组合cial在重读音节中读。形析:形近词especial(特别的)义析:something is more important or better than other things of its kind 【典句】 This is a special day in the history of our country.今天是我国历史上一个特殊的日子。【拓展】1)派生词:specially adv. 特别地;特殊地。如:He is not specially clever,but he works hard.他不是特别聪明,但他工作很努力。specialist n. 专家;专科医生2)special除了作“特殊的,特别的”解,还意为“专门的;专用的”。如:He has a special car because he cannot walk.他有一辆专车,因为他不能走路。4. 【词析】 音析:第一个e读,字母组合ei在重读音节中读。义析:to get something given or sent【典句】 Did you receive any letters today?你今天收到信了吗?【辨析】 receive与acceptreceive指收到了什么东西,不一定接受;而accept着重指以愉悦的态度或经过自己的争取而得到或获取某物。例如:I received an invitation from them,but I didnt accept it.我接到他们的邀请,但并未答应。5.【词析】 音析:字母组合ou读作。形析:形近词mouth (嘴)义析:a small animal that is covered in fur and a long thin tail【典句】 This is a field mouse.这是一只田鼠。【拓展】 注意其复数形式是mice。6.【词析】 音析:元音字母i发音,字母组合ch发。形析:形近词chill (寒战)义析:a son or daughter;a kid【典句】 They have a child.他们有一个孩子。【拓展】 其复数形式是children。7.fall asleep入睡【词析】 形析:fall(掉下)+asleep(睡觉的)【典句】 He was so tired that he fell asleep soon.他太累了,很快的进入了梦乡。【拓展】fall asleep意为“睡觉,入睡”,其同义短语是go to sleep。如:He falls asleep in the classroom.=He goes to sleep in the classroom.他在教室里睡着了。【辨析】 fall asleep与go to bedgo to bed表示“上床睡觉”,强调“上床”,未必“睡觉”;fall asleep意为“睡觉,入睡”。8. 【词析】 音析:两个e分别读e和,s读z。形析:pre+sent(send的过去式)义析:gift【典句】 He gave his mother a present.他给了他妈妈一个礼物。【拓展】1)present在句中作名词,意为“礼物”。如:I get many presents on Christmas.圣诞节我得到了许多礼物。2)present还有“现在”之意。如:I am learning English at present.现在我在学英语。She is a Chinese teacher at present.目前她是一名汉语老师。give away 赠送【词析】 形析:give(给)+away(离开)义析:to make a gift of【典句】 I gave away this gift to Tom.我把这个礼物赠送给了汤姆。rather than胜于【词析】 形析:rather(宁可)+than(比)义析:over【典句】 These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.这双鞋不好看,但是舒服。9.【词析】 音析:字母组合ea在重读音节中读作e。义析:in the place of something previously mentioned【典句】 If you cannot go,hell go instead of you.如果你不能去,他愿替你去。【辨析】 instead与instead ofinstead为副词,在句中独立作状语;instead of为介词短语,后面一般接名词、代词、介词或动词-ing形式。例如:She didnt call him.She wrote to him instead.=She wrote to him instead of calling.她没有给他打电话而是给他写了封信。10.【词析】 音析:词缀-ed 在字母t后读Id。形析:interest( 兴趣)+-ed(形容词后缀)义析:having or showing curiosity,fascination or concern【典句】 I am interested to hear your story.我很想听你讲故事。【辨析】 interested与interesting两个词都是形容词,但interested是过去分词作形容词,含有被动的意味,表示因为某事而感到有趣,主语通常是人。Lily is interested in modern music.丽丽对现代音乐感兴趣。interesting是现在分词作形容词,含有主动的意味,表示某事引起或使得他人感到有趣,主语通常是物。The story is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。11. 【词析】 音析:字母e和a均读作,字母组合ou读作。形析:en-(强调)+courage( 信心 )义析:to give support to【典句】 I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。【拓展】 encourage其后接复合宾语,构成短语encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。take an interest in 对感兴趣 【词析】 义析:be interested in【典句】 I took an interest in driving last year.去年我对开车很感兴趣。12.【词析】 音析:重读开音节词,第一个e发,元音字母i发本音a。形析:形近词beside (在旁边)义析:in addition;also,moreover;furthermore;otherwise【典句】 Besides English,he has to study German.除了英语,他还要学德语。【辨析】 except与besidesexcept所修饰的人或物被排除在外,不与大多数一致;而besides所修饰的人或物则被包括在内,与大多数一致。make friends with 与交友【词析】 形析:make(做)+friends(朋友)+with (与)【典句】 I made friends with people there.我与那儿的人们都交上了朋友。(二)例句精讲Section A1.Why dont you get her a scarf?你为什么不给她买条围巾呢?【巧解句构】 1)这是一个一般现在时态的特殊疑问句,第二人称作主语故借助助动词do。2)Why dont you+动词原形.?=Why not+动词原形.?都是表示建议的句子。【要点剖析】 get sb.sth.=get sth.to sb.给某人买某物这是动词后跟双宾语的用法,其中sb.(某人)为间接宾语,sth.(某物)为直接宾语。【拓展延伸】 能跟双宾语的动词还有buy,give,show,pass,choose等。如:请递给我一些纸。Please pass me some paper.=Please pass some paper to me.刘老师要求我们把家庭作业交给他。Mr.Liu ask us to hand him our homework.=Mr.Liu ask us to hand our homework to him.我为她买了一辆自行车。I bought her a bike.=I bought a bike for her.我奶奶总是给我讲故事。My grandma always tells me some stories.=My grandma always tells some stories for me.我的父母留给我一座大房子。My parents leave me a big house.=My parents leave a big house for me.Section B 3a1.However,life with a pig isnt always perfect.然而,和猪一块生活并不总是美好的。【要点剖析】 1)however是一个合成词,表示“无论如何”“不管怎样”,仍是一个副词,用来强调句子的语气。一般用作插入语,放在句首。2)life with a pig 和猪一起生活。with短语作定语。例如:The woman with a baby is my aunt.那个抱(领)小孩的妇女是我的阿姨。(介词短语修饰主语)The young man with long hair hurried off.那个留长发的小伙子急急忙忙离开了。(修饰主语)I dont know the girl with a red dress.我不认识那个穿红裙子的女孩。(修饰宾语)Lucy doesnt like dumplings with meat.露茜不喜欢肉馅饺子。(修饰宾语)【拓展延伸】 类似的词还有:when+everwhenever(无论如何),where+everwherever(无论何地)。However,I must go back today.我今天无论如何要回去。However hard he tried,he didnt catch up with the bus.无论他怎样努力,他还是没能赶上车。Whenever you come,we will welcome you.无论你什么时候来,我们都欢迎你。Wherever we come from,we should be good friends.无论我们来自何方,我们都应该成为好朋友。2.Now shes too big to sleep in the house,so I made her a special pig house.现在她长得太大了,以至于不能睡在房子里了,因此,我给她做了一个特殊的猪舍。【要点剖析】 too.to.太而不能当“某人”作主语时,理解为“太而不能”,若“某物”作主语时,则变为too.(for sb.)to.“(某物)对某人来说太而不能”。如:I am too tired to walk on.我累的走不动了。The box is too heavy for me to carry.这个箱子对我来说太重了而搬不动。【要点提示】 1)too.to.为否定意义,表示“太而不能干某事”,后面的动词不定式不能再加否定词。2)当“某物”作主语时,一定要加for sb.,因为后面的to do是人的动作,同时,动词不定式to do后面切勿再加宾语。3.Sometimes I dont have enough time to spend with her.有时候,我没有足够的时间陪她。【要点剖析】 enough time足够的时间,其中enough“足够的”是形容词,修饰名词作定语或作表语。修饰名词时,可以放在名词之前,也可以放在名词之后。【拓展延伸】 1)enough作副词时,修饰形容词和副词作状语,放在形容词和副词之后。2)句型enough to表示“足够能做”。此时句子的主语,是某人/某物。Ben is old enough to go to school.本够了上学的年龄了。David is strong enough to lift the big stone.大卫足够强壮,能举起那块大石头。That book is interesting enough for them to read.这本书他们读起来很有趣。The room is not big enough for us to live in.这间房子我们住不够大。【辨析比较】 表示前提“不够”时,可以用“not+adj./adv. enough to”表示,此时可将其中的形容词或副词替换为反义词,也可以用too.to句式表达,而句意不变。例如:1)The room is not big enough for us to live in.可以改写为:The room is too small for us to live in.这间房子我们住太小了。2)Peter did not leave early enough to get there on time.可以改写为:Peter left too late to get there on time.彼得出发太晚而未能按时赶到那儿。误区警示 1)too.to.与enough to.构成简单句式,只有一个主语。2)当“某物”作主语时,to do前加for sb.,to do后不加宾语。3)too,enough均为副词,所修饰的形容词或副词一定用原级。Why dont you learn to sing English songs?Self 1. .twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.有来自全国的24名青年歌手参加了英语流行歌曲大赛。【巧解句构】 这是一个简单句。主语twentyfour young singers from across China较长,是因为其中有一个地点状语from across China“来自全中国”。谓语是entered a contest意为“参加比赛”。by singing popular English songs作方式状语,在这里的意思就是“以唱英文流行歌为项目的比赛”。【要点剖析】 by是一个介词,用于说明手段和方式,可以理解为“通过;以的方式”等,其后可以使用名词和动名词作宾语。例如:【拓展延伸】 介词后跟动词时,应该用动名词。例如:Peter is good at playing football.彼得擅长踢足球。Thank you for asking me to your birthday party.谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。Han Mei went to school without having breakfast.韩梅没吃早饭。2.Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.有一部分歌手演唱的英语歌甚至同英语国家的人一样好。【要点剖析】 as.as“和一样”。其否定形式为not as/so.as,意为“和不一样”。例如:He can run as fast as his brother.他和他哥哥跑得一样快。He cant run as/so fast as his brother.他没有他哥哥跑得快。【辨析比较】 as well和as well as1)as well的同义词为too,意为“也”。例如:He speaks English,and Spanish as well.他既能说英语,也能说西班牙语。He can speak French as well.他也会说法语。2)as well as意为“同;和;也”。用来连接名词和代词等。谓语动词用单数还是用复数形式,要根据as well as前的名词或代词来确定。与动词连用时,用v.-ing形式。3.Both winners were very modest,and said that they didnt think they were better than the other singers.两位获胜者都很谦虚,他们说他们认为他们并不比其他的歌手好。【巧解句构】 这是一句由and连接的并列句。前一个分句是“主系表”结构的句子。后一个分句省略了主语both winners,是一个包含两层宾语从句的主从复合句。第一层为间接引语,是that.singers,表示said的内容;其中包含第二层是they.singers,作think的宾语。4.She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.她还说唱英语歌使她对学英语更加感兴趣。【巧解句构】 本句是一个复合句,主句为She also said,后面的部分为谓语said的宾语从句;在宾语从句中singing English songs为动名词短语作主语,made为谓语动词,而her more interested in English则为复合宾语,形容词短语interested in learning English作宾语her的补足语。宾语从句中的谓语动词make作使役动词,意思是“使”,其后面可以用形容词等作宾语补足语。5.He agrees that it is a good idea to have fun with English.他同样认为在英语中获得乐趣是个好主意。【巧解句构】 1)该句是包含宾语从句的主从复合句。宾语从句that it is a good idea to have fun with English以that为引导词,作agree的宾语。2)宾语从句中it是形式主语,不定式to have fun with English才是真正主语,意为“在英语中获得乐趣是个好主意”。【要点剖析】 fun指“乐趣,兴致”,为不可数名词。have/get fun with sth.指“在中获得乐趣”。有时也可以说have/get fun out of doing sth.。如:He has got a lot of fun with his hobbies.他从自己的业余爱好中获得了极大的乐趣。She gets fun out of teaching children.她从教孩子们这项工作中得到了乐趣。6.If not,why dont you find out about it?如果没听说过,你何不去了解一下它的情况呢?【巧解句构】 1)这里的if not为一省略形式。原句应为if you have never heard of the Beijing Speaks English program,因为大部分内容与上文重复,所以省去了。2)find out意为“找出,发现”。与find稍有不同的是,前者更多指通过调查、研究、努力等找出一些抽象的东西,如信息、事实等,后者则通常接较为具体的东西。如:I want to find out more about Mars on the Internet.我想在互联网上查找到更多有火星的信息。【拓展延伸】 类似的结构很多。如:If necessary,I will go there to give a speech.=If it is necessary,I will go there to give a speech.如果有必要,我会到那里做一次演讲。If so,there is nothing to regret.=If the matter is so,there is nothing to regret.如果事情是这样的话,就没有什么可遗憾的了。7.It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.它提出了让北京人对学英语感兴趣的方法。【巧解句构】 该句是一个简单句,to take an interest in learning English作ways的后置定语。【要点剖析】 take an interest in表示“对感兴趣”。介词后跟动词时,应该用动名词。(三)语法解读(一)情态动词shouldshould为shall的过去式,与其他情态动词一样,其后接动词原形。1.表示义务,意为“应该;应当;最好”,比must委婉。如:You should apologize to him.你应该向他道歉。You should not eat so greedily.你不应该如此贪吃。My teacher said (that)I should study harder.老师说我应该更加用功地读书。2.与疑问词连用,表示意外、纳闷、惊讶等,意为“究竟是;到底”。如:Why should you think that way?你到底为什么那么想呢?How should I know?我怎么会知道?(二)现在完成时态意义:现在完成时态表示到目前为止已经完成的动作。与完成时态连用的状语常见的有:already,yet,ever,never,just,before 和for,since引起的时间。They have already finished their homework.他们已经完成了作业。I have travelled many cities in China.我在中国已旅游了许多城市。She hasnt drawn the map.她还没有画这幅地图。He has moved to Beijing for four years.他搬到北京已经4年了。(1)当动作未中断,即当该动作以一个持续、不中断的动词出现时,要用现在完成进行时代替现在完成时。试比较:I have written six letters since breakfast.早饭以来,我写了六封信。I have been writing letters.我一直在写信。I have waited for her many times.我等她许多次了。Ive been waiting for you for half an hour.我已等了你半小时了。(2)现在完成进行时可以和一个时间短语连用,也可以没有时间短语。这样用时,它有别于现在完成时,现在完成时只有增加“for six days”“since June” “never”等时间短语,才能表达这种类型的动作。现在完成时单独用时,表明一个简单的完成了的动作,而现在完成进行时单独用时,表明一个持续了一段时间的动作,并且仍然在继续或者最近才结束。What have you done?你干什么了?(指的是一个单一的动作)可能的回答:I have broken a teapot.我打碎了一把茶壶。What have you been doing?你一直在做什么?(指的是做了一段时间并仍然继续进行或刚刚停止的动作)可能的回答:I have been practising the piano.我一直在练习弹钢琴。(四)听说速递Giving suggestion 给出建议在人们的日常交谈中,业余爱好是经常谈论的话题。为了让别人接受我们的建议,一定要避免使用带有命令口气的词语和方式,而要用婉转语气。常用以下句型:如:“Why dont you.?” “Why not.?” “Youd better.”“Do you think.?” “What about.?”等。1.Why dont you.?/Why not.?为什么不呢?(在not后应用动词原形)Why not go out for a walk?Why dont you go out for a walk?为什么不去散散步呢?Why not wear a T-shirt?=Why dont you wear a T-shirt?为什么不穿一件T恤衫呢?Why dont you/Why not spend more money on books?为什么你不能在买书上多花点钱呢?2.Lets.让我们(后接动词原形)Lets go to the movies.让我们去看电影。Lets make it half past nine.我们定在九点半吧。3.Shall we.?我们去好吗?Shall we go to the movies?我们去看电影好吗?Shall we go to the zoo?我们去动物园好吗?4.How/What about.?怎么样?(about后应用名词、代词或动词-ng形式)How/What about a quarter past ten?十点一刻怎么样?How/What about something to drink?来点喝的怎么样?对上面这些句型的回答,常有以下几种:(1)当同意对方的建议时,一般用:Yes,I think so.是的,我想是这样。 Yes,I agree.好,我同意。OK./All right.行。/好吧。Thats a good idea./Good idea.那是个好主意。/好主意。(2)当对于对方的好意、帮助表示接受时,一般用:Yes,please.好的,请便吧。Thank you./Thanks a lot.谢谢。/非常感谢。(3)当对于对方的帮助或要求表示委婉地谢绝时,一般用:I dont think so.我不想那样。Sorry,I cant.对不起,我不能Im afraid.我恐怕Id love to.But.我很乐意,但是(4)Youd better.“你最好”,在better后应用动词原形。否定形式为:Youd better not.(5)Would you like.?表示“你想要吗?”,在like后跟名词、代词或动词不定式。(6)Will you please (not).?表示“请你(不要)好吗?”,在please后应跟动词原形。(五)读写指导议论文高分要诀【点石成金】 议论文是作者对某个问题或某件事进行分析、评论,表明自己的观点、立场、态度、看法、主张的一种文体。写议论文应注意下面的几个环节:(1)审准题目文章的中心要根据对题目的分析来确定,一定要弄清主题的内涵,确立与文章相联系的主题思想,表达不能偏离主题,否则即使内容再精彩,也是“跑题”作文,得分将会大打折扣,因此,最重要的是先审清题目,确立要表现的中心。(2)构思结构就是开放思路,启动联想,构想表现形式,勾勒出文章的结构层次,依次写出引言段,主题句,发展段和结尾句,努力使之新颖、别致。(3)选择材料这一点很重要,一定要围绕想表现的中心去选择、组织材料,所选的材料必须典型精要。(4)表达就是用最确切明了的语言贯穿材料,表达自己的思想,力争用符合英语语法规则、英语表达习惯的语句写作,用最顺畅自然的词、句、段去表达中心思想,与表现中心无关的话即使再生动形象也不要去写。【任务导入】 请根据自己学英语的体会,以How to learn English well为题写一篇100词左右的文章。【常用词汇】 take an interest in,should,encourage,instead of,native,suggest,make great progress【常用句型】 1.as.as.2.We must.3.Wed better.4.If you.,youll.【参考答案】How to learn English wellSome people think that if we want to learn English well,we must take an interest in it,and then we should encourage ourselves to learn grammar well.Others believe that we cant learn English well unless we keep in mind as many English worlds and phrases as possible.Which opinion is right?I dont agree with them in my opinion,the best way to learn English well is to learn and use English all the time.Dont be afraid of being laughed at.Wed better do a lot of listening,speaking,reading and writing instead of remembering.We must forget our native language and form the habit of thinking and writing in English.If you learn English in this way that I suggest,youll make great progress.典题热题例1 (2010四川江津模拟)What he said was _ difficult for us _ understand.A.so;thatB.very;to C.too;to D.such;that思路解析: 本题考查too.to.句型,too.to.表示“太而不能”,后面的动词不定式不能再加否定词。答案:C误区警示 本题的误区是因记不清too.to.句型的用法而错选。深化升华 解此类试题,必须对too.to.句型和so.that结构的区别了如指掌,too.to.句型中,若“某物”作主语时,表示“(某物)对某人来说太而不能”;so.that表示“如此以至于”,that后跟一个句子。例2 (2010江苏南京模拟)Colours can change our moods and make us _ happy or sad,energetic or sleepy.A.to feelB.feelingC.feltD.feel思路解析: 本题考查使役动词make的用法。当使役动词make作谓语时,后跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,即make sb.do sth.“使某人做某事”。答案:D误区警示 本题的误区是有些同学按照一般的规则,动词作宾语补足语通常用不定式或动名词形式,故错选成A或B。深化升华 英语中的一些动词,如使役动词let,have,make,感官动词feel,see,watch,notice,hear等,当它们作谓语时,后通常用省to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例3 (2010 浙江杭州模拟)What are you going to do with your pocket money?_ give it to the children from AIDS(艾滋病)?A.What aboutB.What forC.Why dontD.Why not思路解析: 本题考查表建议句型的不同用法。空后跟的是动词原形,所以用Why not。答案:D误区警示 有些同学记不清表建议的几种句型的区别,因而错选。深化升华 Why not.?=Why dont you.?“为什么不呢?”,其中在not后应用动词原形,What(How)about.?表示“怎么样?”,其中介词about后应用名词、代词或动词ing形式。例4 (2010吉林模拟)Teenagers should _ to choose their own clothes. A.allowB.to allowC.be allowedD.allowed思路解析: 本题考查情态动词should的用法。should与其他情态动词一样,其后接动词原形。答案:C误区警示 本题的误区有两个:一是容易忽略情态动词should后要接动词原形的情况;二是注意不到被动语态。深化升华 要想做对此类试题,必须记住情态动词后要接动词原形的原则。例5 完形填空(2010天津模拟) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Canada is the second largest country in the world.It is over 7000 kilometres from the 1_ coast(海岸)to the east.It 2 six time zones.3 it is 9:00 a.m.in Vancouver on the west coast,it is 1:30 p.m.in St Johns on the east coast.English and French 4 the two main languages in Canada.About 60 percent of 5_ people speak English,and about 25 percent speak French.More 6 70 percent of its population live in cities near the US border(边境).Ottawa is the capital.Every year millions of tourists go there to 7 museums and take part in the cultural(文化的)activities.Toronto is the largest city of the country 8 about 2.5 million people.Montreal is 9 second biggest Frenchspeaking city in the world.The maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada.The Canadian flag has a red maple leaf on a red 10 white back ground.1.A.west B.east C.south D.north2.A.is B.had C.has D.have3.A.Which B.What C.WhereD.When4.A.are B.is C.will be D.has been5.A.their B.his C.its D.our6.A.up B.over C.about D.than7.A.see B.visit C.look D.find8.A.with B.forC.fromD.at9.A.aB.anC.theD.不填10.A.or B.and C.butD.however思路解析: 本短文主要讲加拿大的一些情况,介绍了它是世界上第二个最大的国家,它的主要语言是英语和法语,并且还介绍了它的几个主要城市。 每小题的具体解题思路是:1.本句意为“从西海岸到东海岸有7000多千米”。东西是相对的,因此选A。2.本句主语是it,且是一般现在时态,由此可排除B、D项。根据句意应用has。3.when表示“当时候”,引导时间状语从句。4.主语是两者,是复数,且本句用一般现在时。因此谓语动词用are。5.本句意为“它的百分之六十的人说英语”。its指“加拿大的”。6.more than是固定短语,意为“多余,超过”。7.visit museums表示“参观博物馆”,A、C、D项都不合适。8.with表示“有”,本句意为“多伦多是加拿大最大的城市,有250万人口”。9.the+序数词+形容词的最高级+名词,表示“第几个最的”。10.red and white指“白色和红色”,and作连词,连接两个并列关系的词、短语或句子。答案: 1.A2.C3.D4.A5.C6.D7.B8.A9.C10.B深化升华 做此题的同时,还可以学习一些有关加拿大的知识,了解它的大小,语言,城市化程度和几个主要城市。例6 短文改写(填空型“阅读理解”题)Most American businesses are open five days a week.American school children go to school five days a week,too.American families usually have a two-day weekend.The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.Over the weekend,people spend their time in many ways.Many families enjoy the weekend together.They may go shopping,go for a drive,or visit friends.They may also invite friends over and have a party at home.Many families take part in sports during the weekend.Running,hiking,playing volleyball and swimming are popular in summer.Skiing and skating are the favorite winter sports.Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or in their houses.Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens.Some families spend weekends to paint or repair their houses.For most American,weekends are very busy.Most American 1 five days a week and they have a twoday 2.The people of many families spend their time in different 3.They may go out to see their friends or _4_ friends to come to have a party at home.Over the weekend,many people are interested in _5 .Some of them like to go 6 in summer and 7 in winter.Some families are often 8 with their flowers and 9 in their gardens.The others are busy 10 or repairing their houses at the weekend.思路解析: 通读短文,可以根据短文的大意和句子的句法结构来完成短文的改写。短文中交代,美国人一般一个星期只工作五天,第1空没有谓语动词,根据意思判断应用work。而第2空可以从原文中找到同样的短语have a twoday weekend,所以应填写weekend。在填写第3空时,应根据句子“.people spend their time in many ways.”来完成。所以第3空应为ways。第4空应用动词来填写,根据短文的交代,人们或去看朋友,或邀请朋友到家里来,而根据invite sb. to do sth.(邀请某人做某事)可知,此空要填invite。第5空应用名词填写,根据对短文的理解,美国人周末喜欢运动(sports)。而夏季去swimming/hiking,冬季要skating/skiing,所以6、7空答案分别为swimming/hiking,skating/skiing。在填第8空时,除了理解短文外,还应知道词组be busy with sth.(忙于做某事)的用法。另外,从下文也可以找到答案。第9空填写的单词和flowers并列,根据短文可以判断应用vegetables。而第10空所要填写的单词和repairing并列,根据短文的意思,应用painting。答案:1.work2.weekend3.ways4.invite5.sports6.swimming/hiking7.ska


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