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人教新起点四年级上册英语期中知识点综合复习水平练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 看图,补全单词。1 c_d 2 h_t3c_l 4 w_m5 r_ny2. 根据图片提示补全句子。1They are my.2Id like some.3I have two.4Where are my?5My uncle is a.6Bob has a.3. 看图写单词。1. This is my_. 2. This is my_.3. This is my_. 4. This is my_.4. 根据下面每句话的意思和图片的提示,在空格中填上适当的单词,使句子完整。1.Its_.Its time to go to_.2.What time is it ?_.3.Its_.Its time for_class.4.Is this a TV room?_.5.What time is it?_.5. 看图,选出正确的单词,完成句子。1John is_(tall/short). He has_(short/long) hair.2I have a friend._(Hes/Shes) a_(boy/girl). His name is James.3I have a friend. Shes_(strong/thin)._(Her/Shes) name is Lily.4He has black_(glasses/shoes) and a white_(cap/bag).5-Is he quiet? -_(Yes/No), he_(is/isnt).【填空题】6. 选词填空。1Come and_(have / make) a pie, Taotao.Thanks, Dad, but Im not_(hungry / ill).2Here_(is / are) some orange juice for you, Mike.Thank you.3_(Who / Whose) trousers are these?Theyre my_(father / fathers).4This is Mike_(speak / speaking).5He is_(hot / cold). He needs a coat.7. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1I cant swim. He cant swim_(too).2I play basketball_(good).3How much_(be) the socks?4_(she) hair is long.5Id like three cups of_(coffee).8. 选词填空。painted goodhelphelped wastookbecome gold1MaLiangwasa_boy.2Hehadapaintbrush.It_magic.3He_people.4MaLiang_foodfortheoldwoman.5Therewasabadman.Hedidnt_people.6He_MaLiangsmagicpaintbrush away.7Thebadmandidnthave_.8Butitdidnt_gold.Itmadeasnake.9. 给下列单词分类。fish, grandmother, teacher, doctor, beef, knife, aunt, milk, chopsticks water, spoon, hamburger, brother, farmer, noodles, fork, Coke, bread, chicken, soup, mother, driver, rice, uncle, plate, nurse, father, egg, sister, cake1职业类_2饮料类:_3食物类:_4餐具类:_5家庭成员类:_10. 看图,选词填空。computer window door picture desk1The fan is near the_.2The_is near the_.3The_is on the_.11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Look! That tall man is_(we) new teacher.2Look at these_(class). Wow! Theyre big.3I like_(toy)_(animal). What about you?4I have many_, but my mother has one_(peach).5Can you make a fruit salad? No, I_(can).6You have a new toy animal. Let_(I) have a look.7How many_(story) can you read?8-How old_(be) your brother? -Hes five.12. 根据图片和汉语提示,在空格中填上适当的单词,使句子完整。1I have a big_.2Look! The_is round.3I like those red_.4This is my_(小的)_.13. 读一读,根据例词的读音规则补全下列单词。1dirtg_lth_dth_teen2hurtp_ple n_sehamb_ger3afterdinn_ numb_ comput_【选择题】14. Do you have a T-shirt? ( ) _A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I dont. C.No, I do.15. I like Chinese. _ you? ( )A.How are B.What about C.How old16. _ months of a year? ( )A.What B.How C.How many17. Its warm in Beijing. _ Shanghai?( )A.How about B.How are C.How in18. Woof Woof.I hear a _. ( )A.cat B.cow C.dog【连词成句】19. is, he, who (?)20. and, black, red, is, it (.)21. do, you, storybooks, many, have, How (?)22. at, the, night, moon, is, sky, up, high, in, the, (.)23. day, it, What, is (?)【阅读理解】24. 阅读短文,判断正误。There are no classrooms in Animal School, but there is a forest and a river. The forest is not small. Its big and green. The river is small, but its long. Look, there are some animals there. Listen, what are they talking?Mr Cow: Welcome to Animal School Whats the matter?Little Duck: Im sad. I cant run, and I cant jump. Im a bad duck.Mr Cow: I dont think so. Please dont be sad.Animals: Come on, everyone! Lets swim together!Mr Cow: Have a try, Little Duck! You can swim very well.Animals: Wow! Look at the Little Duck! He is so fast!Little Duck: Im the first! Im so happy!( )(1)We can see some classrooms.( )(2)The forest is big.( )(3)The duck can run and jump.( )(4)The duck can swim very fast.25. 阅读理解。判断对错。Hi. Im Tom. Im a boy. I get up at 6:30. I eat breakfast at 7:00. I go to school at 7:00. I have English class at 8:00. At 9:00, its time for match class. I have music class at 10:00. I eat lunch at 12:00. Its time for PE class at 1:30. I go home at 4:00. Its time to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. its my day. How about you?( )(1)I get up at 6:30.( )(2)I eat breakfast at 7:30.( )(3)I have Chinese class at 8:00.( )(4)I go home at 4:00.( )(5)Its 9:00. Time to go to bed.26. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Amy is my best friend. She is ten. She is tall and quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She has big eyes and a small nose. Her father is a teacher. Hes tall and thin. He likes sports. Her mother is a nurse. She likes noodles. Her brother is a football player. Hes strong.( )(1)Amy is my sister.( )(2)Amy has long hair and small nose.( )(3)Amys father is a teacher and he is short.( )(4)Amys brother is strong.( )(5)There are four people in her family.27. 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。I have a new classroom. Its so big. It is clean(干净的). The wall is white. The desks and chairs are brown. The window is yellow. The fan is near the picture. A computer is on the desk. Its very beautiful. Welcome to my classroom.1The classroom is very big.(_)2The wall is green.(_)3The window is white.(_)4A computer is on the desk.(_)5My classroom is very beautiful.(_)28. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。There is a seed on the ground. Its very small and no one notices (注意) it. It goes into the earth(土地). When its rainy, the seed is thirsty and drinks much rain. When its sunny, it enjoys the sunshine. Then it grows a small leaf on its head. It grows and grows. It has many big leaves. Now it has a big red flower. It is beautiful.( )(1)The seed is very small and no one notices it.( )(2)The seed goes into the water.( )(3)The seed likes the rain and the sunshine.( )(4)Now it has a big yellow flower.29. 阅读短文,并回答下列问题。My name is Jack. Im a school boy. My school is small. There are ten classrooms in it. There is a small library and a small swimming pool in our school. There are twenty teachers. They are very good teachers. Our teachers are ladies. My class teacher is Ms Green. My classroom is opposite the teachers room. Near the classroom there is a toilet. In my classroom there are fifteen desks and thirty chairs for us. The walls of our classroom are white. There is a blackboard in it. On the teachers desk there is a computer. Its a clean classroom. I like to study in it.问题:1How many classrooms are there in Jacks school?2Is there a library in the school?3Where is Jacks classroom?4What colour are the walls of the classroom?5Are there any computers in the classroom?11 / 11


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