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Unit 2 Getting a jobHaian Senior High School Xie Yong Unit 2 Getting a jobWhere and how can you find a job?Where and how can you find a job?You can find job vacancies(空缺空缺)advertised in newspapers.Where and how can you find a job?You can find information and help with job hunting in the local job centre.Where and how can you find a job?You can write a good covering letter to increase your chance of getting an interview.Where and how can you find a job?Doing some charity jobs in your gap year may help find a job in the future.ReadingTips for job interview success Read the lecture transcript quickly and answer the following questions.2.How many parts does the interview process have?3.What should you do to increase your chances of success in the interview?1.What is the lecture transcript about?Tips for job interview success.Three.Follow the professors advice.Its a talk between an employer and a potential employee.1.What is an interview?2.Whats the purpose of the interview?1)The interviewer can assess the interviewee.2)The job candidates can find out more about the job and the company.3.How many stages does an interview process have?What are they?Three stages.First,preparation;second,the interview itself;finally,what we should do after the interview.4.Why is it easy nowadays to learn about different companies?Most companies have a website that tells you most things you need to know.1)Give yourself a good shave.2)Put some styling wax in the hair.3)Wear hairpins.4)Wear smart clothes.5.The first impression is very important,how should we prepare for the first impression?(men)(men and women)(women)(men and women)6.The phrase“off the top of your head”in Para.4 means _.A.without delay B.on top of the world C.without careful thinking D.on second thought7.The phrase“having butterflies in your stomach”in Para.5 can be replaced by _.A.having a stomachache B.feeling nervous C.a blank memory D.aimless thought信口地信口地(做某事前做某事前)惊惊慌慌,紧张紧张Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases according to this part,each blank within 3 words.TipsTimeBody languageenthusiasticmaking eye contactNod or wagAn interviewinterest11.What should you do after the interview?Write to the company and thank them for giving me the interview.12.Translate this sentence into Chinese:If you follow the advice Ive given you today,landing an interview should be as easy as pie.如果你照着我今天给你的忠告去做如果你照着我今天给你的忠告去做,在面在面试中胜出就易如反掌。试中胜出就易如反掌。Tips for the interview processThe development of a textA titleA beginning paragraphBody paragraphsA concluding paragraphPara.2Para.3-11Para.3-6Para.7-10Para.11(Para.1)(Para.2-11)(Para.12)The topic of the lectureThe definition and purpose of the interviewThe conclusion of the lecturebefore the interviewduring the interviewafter the interview(Tips for job interview success)Whats the main idea of each part?How are body paragraphs developed?Before the interviewDuring the interviewAfter the interviewa c g b d e f h ij Suppose you are a university graduate looking for a job,you are receiving an interview from the managers of a wont have to answer questions off the top of your head during the interview.Language pointsoff the top of ones head 信口地信口地没有时间写讲稿没有时间写讲稿,我只好即席发言。我只好即席发言。Ill just have to give the speech off the top of my head.Theres no time to write it down.2.Dont worry about having butterflies in your stomach before the interview.have butterflies in ones stomach(做某事前做某事前)惊慌,紧张惊慌,紧张在登台之前我总是很紧张在登台之前我总是很紧张.I always have butterflies in my stomach just before I perform on stage.3.Smile when you shake hands with the interviewer and look him or her in the eye.look somebody in the eye直视某人,正视某人直视某人,正视某人我叫他直视我我叫他直视我,告诉我他把我的自行车怎告诉我他把我的自行车怎么了么了?I asked him to look me in the eye and tell me what he had done with my bike.4.Nod your head when you agree withnod ones head 点头点头她点头表示同意我的看法她点头表示同意我的看法.She nodded her head to show that she agreed with me.5.You should follow it up by writing to follow up 1)对对采取进一步行动,加强采取进一步行动,加强Lucy 打电话来进一步完成打电话来进一步完成 他的面试他的面试.Lucy followed up her interview with a telephone call.2)(把把.)進行到底進行到底;堅持完成堅持完成 他决定先把这笔生意做完。他决定先把这笔生意做完。He decided to follow up the business first.他把线索追究到底他把线索追究到底.He followed the clue up.Thank YouThank You


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