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第二周复习教案Teaching aims:一般将来时 请求允许的句型及其答语 了解含有双宾语的句型结构Teaching difficulties and the key points:一般将来时 请求允许的句型及其答语 了解含有双宾语的句型结构Teaching procedures: Step 1:review the last lesson (10min) will+动词原形 be going to 动词原形、有计划打算的意思 一般将来时 现在进行时表示一般将来时位置移动 (come go arrive leave start begin fly) 一般将来时的时间状语标志:this afternoon、this evening、 tomorrow、the day after tomorrow、in+时间段(in the days)、next day 练 习We (arrive) tomorrow There is going to be (be) a meeting this afternoon What is she going to be (be)when she grows (grow)up Where (shall、will) we meet? At this time next week I (shall、will) be in CanadaShall表示将要,将会的意思,当主语是I 或We 时,通常用shall 代替will,表示 提出、征求意见We (shall、will)meet at the gate of school(对划线提问)What (shall、will) I wear to the party?Step 2:含有双宾语的句型结构(10min) 我把球踢给你A : I kick the ball to you B : I kick you the ball 主语+ 动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物) 主语+动词+直接宾语(物)+to 间接宾语(人) givepassshowsend kick引导双宾语常见的词有:有的时候不用to,而用介词for,常见的动词有buyMy mother buy a pen for me My mother buy me a pen Step 3:请求允许的句型及其答语(5min)Do you mind if I try again?=Do you mind my trying again(举例,你介意我在这儿吸烟吗) Would you mind teaching me? Do/Would mind+do-ing表示请求许可,你 Do you mind passing me the ball? 介意做.吗?劳驾. 否定形式 Would you mind not putting your bike here? Do/Would mind+not do-ing表示请 Do you mind not throwing bottles around ? 求许可,你介意不做.吗? Doyoumind (make)aspeechattheconference?Do you mind (not talk)loudly?Do you mind my ( I )trying ( trying )againStep 3:let students finish 2 in the page10,and to find out the answers 不介意: Not at all 介意: Sorry/I am sorry for/about that Certainly not I am afraid you can not Of course not You d better not Step 4:to summary 根据黑板上的板书提问学生的本次课的重点(5min)


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