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人教版小学英语五年级下册第二单元说课稿(原创)2009-08-17 16:41An interpretation of one lesson on Unit Two -whats your favorite seasonGood morning! My respected judges! It is a great honor to have a chance to stand here and talk to you today. What I am going to talk about is Unit Two -Whats Your Favorite Season- in the PEP Primary English Students Book-Book 2 in Grade Five.一、Analysis of textbookThe main topic in this unit is season. There are three major parts in this unit, including Part A, Part B and Part C. Obviously, it is impossible to finish this unit in one lesson hour, so I divided this unit into six lessons hours, and each part takes two lessons hours. And what I am going to talk about is the first lesson. The first lesson includes four small parts: Lets start, Lets chant, Lets learn and Lets find out.(一)、Important Points and Difficulties in this lesson1 How to answer the following questions: What is your favorite season (or Which season do you like best?)? What is the weather like? What season is it now? Why do you like spring/summer/fall/winter?2 How to help students be able to read, speak, listen and write the new words: such as season, spring, summer, fall and winter 3 Review some words on weather, such as cool, warm, hot, cold, windy, rainy, sunny, and cloudy. (二)、Teaching Goals in this lesson1. Study the four sentences patterns: What is your favorite season (or Which season do you like best?)? What is the weather like? What season is it now? Why do you spring/summer/fall/winter?2. The student can read, speak, listen and write the new words: season, spring, summer, fall and winter after finishing this lesson.3Develop the students interests in studying English by helping them speak English as much as possible.4. Teach the students some geographical knowledge on weather in different places.(三)、Preparations in this lesson 1. Prepare four typical pictures: a spring picture with beautiful flowers and green trees, a summer picture with hot sun and a weeping man, a fall picture with lots of fruits in the trees and a winter with lots of snows. 2. Prepare four pictures on a tree in spring, summer, fall and winter. 3. Prepare a big map, and the map are marked with some cities on it. 4. Prepare some red stars to award the students who do a good job in class. 5. Prepare a tape, a recorder and a fan.二、Teaching Methods and studying methods(一) Situational Teaching Method During the teaching procedure, I make several situational conversations for the students. For example, I choose some students to do the role-playing game, and let them play the roles in the textbook, and make their own conversation by themselves according to their reality. By doing this game, the students can have chances to practice their oral English and join into the teaching procedure. (二) Interactive Teaching Method Guessing game is one of activities in my teaching procedure. For example, the teacher makes body gestures, and the students guess what the gestures mean. By the interaction between teacher and students can avoid just the teachers talking, also can activate atmosphere of the class, and let them learn English by games.(三) Task-based Teaching Method In the first lesson, I design a task for the students, for example. I ask the students to draw four pictures in spring, summer, fall and winter and put the words on the pictures. By doing this activity, the students can memorize the new words better.(四) Group Study Method I divide the class into four groups and each group has its own name. Group study plays a very important role my lesson. By doing this, the students can study English in competitive cooperation. (五) Practice MethodPractice is very important. The students can not improve their English without practice, because practice makes perfect. By doing practice, the students can make full use of what they have learned in the class. 三、 Teaching procedures(一)Warm-up (1) Guessing game In warming-up step, after the teacher and students greet each other, the teacher begins to make body gestures on weather, such as cold, hot, warm, cool, rainy, windy, cloudy and so on., and asks the students what is the weather like now. And the students guess what kind of weather it is. Such as making a hot weather gesture, the teacher keeps fanning with his hand; making a cold weather gesture, and the teacher keep shaking. Any student guesses the right answer will be awarded a red star for his group. This step helps students go over some words on weather, and makes preparation for the new lesson.(二) Lead-in (1) Learning the new words The teacher takes out four typical pictures in spring, summer, fall and winter, and sticks them on the blackboard. Then the teacher asks the students what season is it, and puts the word season on the blackboard, and teaches the students how to read it. Then the teacher points at spring picture, and asks students what season it is. The students may not know the word spring, but they can answer it “Chuntian” in Chinese, then the teacher writes down the word spring below the picture, and teaches them how to read it. Using the same way, the teacher teaches other new words. After that the teacher invites some students to stand up and read the new words several times.(2) Guessing Game In this step, the students put the new words into practice. The teacher chooses a volunteer, and shows him a picture of tree, and he draws the picture, and other students guess what season it is based on the picture the volunteer draw. Anyone who guesses right will be awarded a red star for his group. Every group has one chance to answer the question.(3) Task: Drawing picturesIn this step, the teacher requires every student drawing four pictures in spring, summer, fall and winter, and putting the new words on them. (4) Showing the mapIn this step, the teacher takes out a big map, and sticks it on the blackboard, and shows the students some cities on the map, such as Lhasa, Beijing, Shenzhen, Kunming, Harbin, and Jianshui, and begins another Guessing game: the teacher asks “what is the weather like in Lhasa/Shenzhen/Kunming/Harbin/Jianshui in spring/summer/fall/winter”. The students use “it is windy/sunny/warm/cold/hot/warm/cool” answering the questions. Anyone who guesses right will be awarded a red star for his group.(5) Role-playingIn this step, I choose some students to do the role-playing game, and let them play the roles in the textbook, and make their own conversation by themselves according to their reality. Each group at least makes a conversation. Such as:Converstion1A: which season do you like best?B: winterA: why do you like winter?B: Because I like snows.Conversation 2A: what is your favorite season?B: I like summer.A: why do you like summer?B: Because I like swimming.Anyone who does well will be awarded a red star for his group.(6) Lets chant The teacher plays the tape of Lets chant, and the students follow the tape to chant together for two time. Then the teacher explains what the chant means. And chant it again.(7) Counting the red stars of each groupCongratulations to the winner group, and give them applauses.(8) Homework Each student is required writing the new words and four sentences patterns two times.(9) Blackboard writing planUnit 2 What is your favorite season1. Season, spring, summer, fall, winter.2. What is your favorite season/which season do you like best. I like.3Why do you like .? Because.4. What is the weather like in .? It is .5. What season is it? It is 四、My teaching plan concepts Let students study English in situational conversation; let students study English competitive cooperation; let students study English in happiness; Let students have no fear in studying English.五年级下册第二单元说课稿各位评委,各位老师,早上好!很荣幸能够参加今天的说课面试。我说课的内容是:人教版的小学五年级英语下册Unit 2 what is your favorite season一、教材分析本单元的主题是Season, 由 Part A, Part B 以及Part C三大部分组成。内容量大,不可能一节课上完,所以我把整个单元分为六个课时,每个部分用两个课时。我说课的内容就是第一课时的Part A内容。第一课时的内容包括四个小部分,它们分别是:Lets start, Lets chant, lets learn 和Lets find out. (一) 重点和难点1听、说、读、写新单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter.2. 运用四个句型进行问答:1 What is your favorite season (or Which season do you like best?)? What is the weather like? What season is it now? Why do you spring/summer/fall/winter?3复习有关描述天气的单词,例如:cool, warm, hot, cold, rainy, sunny, cloudy (二) 教学目标1学习四个句型的问答: What is your favorite season (or Which season do you like best?)? What is the weather like? What season is it now? Why do you spring/summer/fall/winter?2学生能够听、说、读、写新单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter.3通过使学生多开口说英语,培养学生学习英语的兴趣以及用英语表达的能力。4使学生了解一些地理知识,特别是气候方面的知识。(三)课前准备 1准备四张典型的季节图片:春景图是红花绿树;夏景图是艳阳高照、汗流满面;秋景图是果硕累累;冬景图是白雪茫茫。 2准备四张不同图片,这四张图片是相同一棵树在春夏秋冬的不同景象。 3准备一些关于不同天气的图片。 4准备一幅地图,并在地图标注上课本出现的城市的相对应的地理位置。 5准备一些小红星,用于课堂奖赏。 6准备录音机、磁带和一把小扇子。二、教学法 (一)情景教学法在教学过程中,我为学生创造了几个情景对话。例如:让学生扮演课文对话中的角色,让他们根据实际进行英语会话。情景教学法让学生有机会去练习口语,参与到教学过程中来。(二)互动性教学法 在我教学过程,我设置几个猜迷游戏。例如:教师做肢体语言,让学生猜当时的天气情况。通过师生互生,能够避免教师独自讲课,学生只听不说的局面,现时能够激活课堂气氛,让学生在互动中学习英语。(三)任务型教学法 在这一节课中,我给学生安排一个任务:让他们去画四幅简单的春夏秋冬画,并把所学到单词标到图画上,通过这样做,能够帮助学生更好记忆单词,丰富课堂活动。 (四)小组合作学习 我把所有的学生分为四个小组,并为每个小组命名。小组合作学习策略是非常重要的学习策略,能够培养学生的团队意识和集体观念,让学生在合作竞争中学习英语。(五)练习法 做练习在学习英语过程也是非常重要的,学生只有通过练习才能运用到他们在课堂中所学到知识,达到巩固知识,学好英语的目的。三、教学过程 (一)热身-猜迷游戏 课堂开始,教师与学生问好,然后教师开始做有关天气的肢体语言,让学生根本教师的肢体语言来猜测天气情况。例如做天气非常热的肢体语言,教师可以用手不停扇扇子;做天气冷的肢体语言,教师可以表现为被冷得全身发抖,在这个游戏中,教师也可以请学生来做肢体语言,让其它同学来猜。猜对的话,就为猜对那个小组奖励一个小红星。通过这个游戏,能够帮助学生复习有关天气的单词,并为新课的导入做铺垫。 (二)新课导入 (1)学习新单词 教师拿出准备好的四张季节图,然后粘贴在黑板上,接着问学生:What season is it? 同时在黑板上定下season,带着学生领读,然后让学生猜这个单词的意思。如果猜对的话,就给猜对那个小组奖励一个小红星。然后教师指着春景问:what season is it? 可能学生不认得spring这个单词,但他们知道是春天,于是教师就把spring写到春景图下面,并教学生怎么读。然后教师再用相同的方法来教summer, fall, winter这几个单词。 教完新词后,教师邀请一些同学起来试读,如果读不对,就帮助学生纠正。(2)猜迷游戏:猜季节这个游戏能够帮助学生迅速把所学到的单词用到练习中去。教师先选一个自告奋勇的同学,然后背对其它学生,把一棵树四个季节图选其中一幅图来画,其它学生就根据所画的图来猜季节。猜对的话,就给猜对那个小组奖励一个小红星。然后再邀请三个同学来做相同的游戏。(3)任务:画图做完游戏后,教师要求每个学生画四幅简单的春夏秋冬图,并把所学单词标到图画上。(4)展示地图教师拿出已经准备好的地图,然后把它粘贴到黑板上,给学生指出北京、拉萨、深圳、昆明,哈尔滨和建水的地理位置。然后又开始激动人心猜迷游戏。教师可以使用句型“what is the weather like in Lhasa/ Shenzhen/ Kunming/ Harbin/ Jianshui in spring/summer/fall/winter?”来进行提问,学生用句型“It is windy/ sunny/ warm/ cold/ hot/ cool”来回答。答对的话,就给答对那个小组奖励一个小红星。(5)角色扮演在这个教学步骤中,我请一些学生到讲台上来,然后充当教材对话的角色,进行实际演练,每组学生至少一次演练,演练的例子可以自编。如:对话1A: which season do you like best?B: winterA: why do you like winter?B: Because I like snows.对话 2A: what is your favorite season?B: I like summer.A: why do you like summer?B: Because I like swimming.(6)说唱部分教师播放 “lets chant” 的录音,学生跟着录音说唱两次,然后教师讲解说唱内容的意思,然后再说唱一次。 (7)数红星,定胜者祝贺赢得红星最多的小组,给予他们掌声鼓励。(8)家庭作业 要求学生抄写所学的新单词和四个问答句句型两次。(9)板书设计Unit 2 What is your favorite season?1. Season, spring, summer, fall, winter.2. What is your favorite season/which season do you like best. I like.3. Why do you like .? Because.4. What is the weather like in .? It is .5. What season is it? It is 四、我的教学设计理念 让学生在情境对话中学习英语;让学生在竞争合作中学习英语;让学生在快乐中学习英语;让学生学生不再畏惧学习英语


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