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【写作任务】假设你是高三学生陈辉,你在某英文杂志社Help栏目中Talk with Mr. Helper的主持人Mr. Smith帮助下减轻了压力,目前在备考中一切顺利。现在请你给Mr. Smith写一封感谢信,要点包括:1. 感谢Mr. Smith;2. 如何减轻压力;目前学习状况;3. 再次表达感谢。注意:1. 词数100左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Smith,Im Chen Hui, a student that you helped three weeks ago. _ Yours, Chen Hui写作步骤Step 1: 审题(1)体裁:此书面表达要求写一封信表达感谢,属于应用文;(2)人称:以第一人称和第二人称为主;(3)时态:以一般过去时为主。Step 2: 内容要点及写作顺序(1)表达感谢;(2)“我”采纳了 减压 的建议;(3)参加体育运动减压;(4)听音乐放松自己;(5)“我”已改变对考试的态度;(6)“我”在上周测试中得了第一名;(7)没有你的帮助,“我”不会取得这么快的进步;(8)“我”目前忙于备考,但也会抽时间参加社交活动;(9)“我”相信在即将到来的考试中“我”会取得成功;(10)再次致谢。Step 3: 注意事项(1)分段:此感谢信正文可以分为三段。第一段:表明写信目的感谢;第二段:如何减轻压力并告知对方自己目前的学习情况;第三段:再次致谢。(2)感谢信写作要有诚意,语言要具体,不能落空或落于俗套。(3)行文思路要清晰,拓展信息要合理,用语要简洁、精炼,避免使用繁杂句式,前后要照应,句、段之间要使用恰当的衔接成分。参考范文Dear Mr. Smith,Im Chen Hui, a student that you helped three weeks ago. Im writing to express my deep appreciation of the kind help you offered to me. Having consulted you, I followed your advice on how to cope with stress. To begin with, I took some physical exercise, such as playing football. Additionally, by listening to music, I became relaxed. More importantly, I have changed my attitude toward exams. In the test held last week, I got the first place. Without your help, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress. At present, while occupied with my studies, I manage to spare some time to participate in some social activities. Im convinced that Ill succeed in the coming exam. Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you. Yours, Chen Hui点评(1)此感谢信写作正文结构安排恰当,拓展信息合理,表达准确、语气恰当。正文共分三段。第一段:表明写信目的感谢;第二段:如何减轻压力并告知对方自己目前的学习情况;第三段:再次致谢。(2)范文使用的亮点词语:appreciation, consult, cope with, additionally, rapid, occupied with, spare及participate in等。亮点句式:Having consulted you (V-ing结构作状语), Without your help, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress (虚拟语气的使用), while occupied with my studies ( 状语从句 的省略)等。【一句多译】1. Having consulted you, I followed your advice on how to cope with stress.After I consulted you, I followed your advice on how to deal with stress.After consulting you, I took your advice on how to cope with stress.2. More importantly, I have changed my attitude toward exams.What is more important is that I have changed my attitude toward exams.I have changed my attitude toward exams, which is more important.It is more important that I have changed my attitude toward exams.3. Without your help, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress.If it hadnt been for your help, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress.If you hadnt helped me, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress.Had you not helped me, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress.But for your help, I wouldnt have made such rapid progress.4. At present, while occupied with my studies, I manage to spare some time to participate in some social activities.At present, while Im occupied with my studies, I manage to spare some time to participate in some social activities.At present, although Im occupied with my studies, I manage to spare some time to participate in some social activities.


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