
上传人:痛*** 文档编号:163010210 上传时间:2022-10-20 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:52KB
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冲刺英语易混单词一、同音异义词Aids 艾滋病aid帮助 allowed允许aloud 大声地 altar圣诞桌alter 改变 ark大船arc弧线 bail保释金bale包,捆 band带banned 取缔 base基础bass低音乐器 Beach海滩_beech bear熊,具有bare 光秃秃 bite咬,打byte字节 block街区bloc blue蓝色blew吹 bored无聊的board 委员,上船 bread面包,生计bredBreak打破brake刹车 brews酿制bruise 伤痕 browse吃草brows额 bury埋葬berry 浆果 cannon大炮canon规则 cereal谷物serial一系列chilichilly 寒冷的 choosechews咀嚼 clause条款claw 撕 colonel上校kernel谷粒 complimentary赞美complementary互补的core果核corps 一组 cou rse过程coarse粗糙的 creak咯吱作响creek 小河 cruise乘船游览crews全体 dessert甜食desert 沙漠 diedye染色fate命运fete 慈善会 findfine美好的fined使精练 flee逃走flea 跳蚤 flower花flour面粉 fur皮毛fir冷衫 guerrilla游击队gorilla大猩猩 heal治愈heel 足跟 heroin海洛因heroine女主角 himhymn赞美诗 horse马hoarse沙哑的 illisle岛aisle 过道 idle空闲的idol偶像knowsnoses 鼻子 leak漏leek 韭菜、葱 led二极管lead 领导 lighteninglightening mademaid 少女 marshal元帅martial战争的(marriy 结婚 married marriage marital夫妻的)mat席子matt mayor市长mare 母马 medal奖杯meddle 干涉 missedmist 薄雾 notknot 节 ourshours overseas在国外oversees pair一幅一pear梨pare 削掉 palate味觉palette调色板pallet paste面团paced pours倾倒pores毛孔 peak山峰peek窥视pique peer凝视pier码头 pigeon鸽子pidgin事物 plum李子树plumb 铅垂 pole电极poll 选举 queue行列cue暗示 rain下雨reign统治rein 缰绳 raiserazerays光线 sensor传感器censor审查官 sentcent分scent香水 shoot开枪chute降落伞soar翱翔sore 疼痛 soul灵魂sole唯一的Seoul 汉城 stair楼梯stare 凝视 stake桩steak 牛排 stationary静止的stationery文具 straight笔直的strait 海峡 swatswot sweet甜的suite一套房 taletail切,割tailor n.裁缝retail v.零售 taughttaut紧张的 team队 组teem充满 tear眼泪tier 一排 throughthrone 宝座 ticktic tire疲劳tide 潮汛 timethyme toe脚趾tow拖,拽 vain自负的vein 静脉 waitweight重量 warn警告worn waste浪费waist 腰部 wave波waive 取消 wayweigh week一周weak 弱的 wellwheel车轮 weveweave织成 wail 痛哭 whales鲸鱼Wales whatwatt 瓦特 wherewear穿戴ware 商品 whether是否weather 天气 whichwitch女巫 whole全部hole洞 wine葡萄酒whine 二、父注形近单词:steadily adv 稳步的 readily adv 迅速地 deadly adj 致命的 Particularly=especially特别地 practically=almost全部peculiar adj.奇怪的 Finish v完成fool n.傻子foolish adj.傻的 Contend=compete竞争content adj.满足的 Desert v.抛弃deserve v. 遇到,应得desert n.沙漠 Different adj.=varions=disparate不同的difficult adj. 困难的diffident adj.缺乏自信的 Cofident adj. 确信的diverse adj. 多样的disease n.疾病 Clear adj. 清楚的clean v.清洗 Top of顶部bottom of底部 Describe v. 描写distribute v.分布 Rain雨train火车 probable=possible 可能的 present v. 出席prevent v.阻止 fatal adj.致命的 fat adj. 肥的 fate n.命运fatefull adj.命运攸关的 expound v.expend v.扩展=extensiveadj.广阔的 append v. respond render vt. 报答tender adj.温柔的 touch v.接触 tough adj.坚韧,粗暴 =toughen v.使坚强=tougheness n.韧性 reduce v. 减少deduce v. 推论produce v.引起 protect v.保护protest v.反对,抗议 resign v. 顺从design 标记 exsistresist v. restrict v. 限制restract v.缩回contract v.缩短 restreat v.撤退 protract v. 延长hospital n.医院 hospit n.客人 hospitable adj.好客的,殷勤的reform v.改革 conform v符合(form=shape形状,形式) graduate v. 毕业gradual adj. 逐步的degrade v.退化,堕落 (grad=go,step 步)equalitiy 平等equivalence 对应物equator赤道(equ=same,equal等于)access n.通道process v.进步(cess=go,move走)restrict v.限制retract v.缩回,收回一、熟词僻义(同义替换):backsupport banprohibit, restraint bidoffer, proposal blastexplosion, criticize strongly boostraise, promote clashconflict curbcontrol, restriction cutreduce, curtail dealbargain, negotiation drivecampaign, movement envoydelegate, ambassador jobemployment, profession gunmanman with a gun hitcriticize, affect badly holddetain, arrest keyimportant, vital markcelebrate missiondelegationoustexpel, replace, drive out pollgeneral election, public opinion surveyprobeinquiry, investigation pulloutwithdrawal raidsearch, attack, robberyrallya mass assembly rapblame, criticize slashreduce, criticize slaymurder, kill spurencourage, stimulate talksnegotiation, conference topexceed, surpass tiesdiplomatic relations urgepromote, propose, advocate voiceutter, express vowpledge, declare, promise wooseek, try to winalterchange, modify Aidassist askinquiry assaildenounce axedismiss/reduce balkimpede banprohibit/forbid barprevent bareexpose/reveal blastexplode bidattempt boostincrease checkexamine dipdecline/decrease easelessen splitdivide endterminate floutinsult gutdestroy headdirect holdarrest lopdiminish mapwork out nameappoint/nominate mullconsider optchoose oustexpel perilendanger pledgedetermine plotconspire plungeplummet probeinvestigate raidattack rapcriticize rebukecriticize slaymurder soarskyrocket swapexchange swayinfluence trimreduce weighconsider 三、临时造词 Euromart(European market)欧洲市场 haves and havenots富人与穷人 stick and carrot policy大棒加胡萝卜政策 shuttle diplomacy穿梭外交Competitive products拳头产品 the oilforfood program石油换食品计划 the landforsecurity deal土地换安全谈判 the waitanddeath issue边等待边观望态度 readytoeat food方便食品 aftersales service售后服务 afterschool activity课外活动 a roundtheclock service昼夜服务 A bynomeans negligible role绝不能忽视的作用 a nevertobeforgotten film a corruptionfree society无腐败社会A terrorstricken country被恐怖笼罩的国家 a searchandrescue mission营救任务 one country, two systems一国两制 hacker黑客 fingerscan指纹扫描四、派生词:旧词加词缀Anti(反对,排斥): antibiotics astro(太空) auto(自动) compu(电脑的) geo(地球的) hyper(超过,过度的) multi(多重的) non(非,不) pre(前) post(后) super(超级的) semi(半的) cracy(政体) zation(化)五、地点,建筑物名的指代 Foggy bottom美国国务院 Capitol Hill美国国会 Oval Office总统办公室 Buckingham白金汉宫 Whiteball英国首相官邸 Downing Street英国政府 Fleet Street英国新闻界 Scotland Yard英国警方 Wall Street华尔街 Broadway百老汇 Elysee法国政府 Quai dOrasy法国外交部 Kermlin克里姆林宫 Hollywood好莱坞 Silicon Valley硅谷 GOP美国共和党 Twin Towers世贸大楼 Pyongyang朝鲜政府 Pentagon美国国防部


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