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SQS-Check ListElectrical EquipmentSQS-ChecklistFor electrical equipment 电气安装检查表Content of the SQS-List:Page:目录: 页:1. Technical Documentation1 技术文档2. Electrical Cabinet2-9 电气控制柜3. Control Panel10-11 控制面板4. Machine installation12-15 机械安装Last update: 08/2005最新版: 08/2005Project-No.项目号_Project Description项目描述_Stations-No.站号_Customer客户_Circuit Diagram No.电气图号_Date of Check检查日期_Responsible Person负责人_Signatures of the responsible inspector when checked:检查人员签名:1. Technical Documentation checked by:_技术文档检查Name姓名Date日期2. Electrical Cabinet checked by: _电气控制柜检查Name姓名Date日期3. Control Panel checked by:_操作面板检查Name姓名Date日期4. Machine Installation checked by:_机械安装检查Name姓名Date日期1.Technical Documentation技术文档O.K.not O.K.not rel.not O.K. O.K. (who, when)1.1Current electrical schematic available?(production documentation)需要对照图纸来进行检查 _, _2.Electrical CabinetO.K.not O.K.not rel.not O.K. O.K. (who, when)2.1General2.1.1Is a nameplate with description installed?铭牌是否安装?(Manufacturer, electrical schematic No., Line voltage, line frequency, control voltage, line current, insurance, manufacturing year)(制造商,电气图号,线电压,频率,控制电压,线电流,保险,出厂日期)? _, _Mechanically secured from the outside?是否固定可靠? _, _High voltage label applied? Mechanically anchored?高压警示是否固定可靠? _, _Plain language labels applied in the language of the operator country?是否采用客户所在国家的语言? _, _2.1.2Seals and design of power panel according to protective type IP 54?电气面板的设计是否符合IP54? _, _No open holes and punch troughs? 是否有暴露的冲孔? _, _Is the plug connection easy to disconnect and not possible to mix up?所有的插座是否插拔方便,是否容易混淆? _, _Single wire to door enclosed in harness so pressure points or pinch places will not occur when opening / closing the door?连接到门的单芯线在门开关的时候不能被压到。 _, _2.1.3Door lock, closing mechanism operating smoothly?门锁是否开关自如? _, _Closing direction of door considered?是否考虑关门方向? _, _Are key positions uniform?锁的位置是否统一? _, _Lock with cabinet key?是否采用标准的控制柜锁? _, _2.1.4Sturdy wiring diagram file jacket available? 图纸夹是否固定可靠?( Sufficiently sized, min. 50 mm deep, not glued!)(合适的尺寸,至少50mm深,不允许用胶水粘合!) _, _2.1.5Are all operating equipment identified in accordance with the wiring diagram?所有电气设备是否根据电气图标识? _, _Description permanently applied to the unit or below the equipment (e.g. on the connecting cable). 所有的标志是否固定安装? _, _Do not apply the description to the cable run cover!禁止将标签粘贴在线槽盖上! _, _Are wires permanently connected to electronic equipment and to safety related component identified with connection numbers?导线是否连接可靠? _, _2.1.6Painting properly applied?喷漆质量是否合格?( scratches, peeling paint, paint texture)(划痕,脱皮,喷漆材质) _, _2.1.7Are not used plug-in card positions blocked?空余的插槽是否封住? _, _2.1.8Is the stand up stability of power panels also assured with door open and swing-out frames?控制柜是否固定可靠? _, _Are the mounting plates and swing-out frames securely screwed down? ( shaker table test ! )电气安装底板和翻板是否用螺栓固定?(可摇晃桌面测试!) _, _2.1.9Is electrical equipment only in original condition installed and the installation instructions being followed?电气设备是否根据安装手册安装? _, _2.1.10Are inductive loads (breakers, relays) protected by RC link, diode or Arrestor?电感负载是否采用保护措施? _, _2.1.11Out-sourced assembly units (Mechanical, Pneumatic, and Hydraulic) are not permitted! 机械,气动,液压部件禁止安装在柜内! _, _2.1.12The installed height of operating and setup elements to be between 0.4 to 2.0 m over floor level! 操作或设置装置必须安装在离地0.4到2米的高度。 _, _Are terminal connections a minimum of 0.2 m. and equipment connections a minimum of 0.4 m. above floor level?端子排距离地面高度不小于0.2米,电气设备距离地面高度不小于0.4米。 _, _Are there only control, alarm and measuring instruments installed in doors? (Permissible are also ventilators and cooling units) 门上只允许安装控制,报警和测量仪器。 _, _2.1.13EMV measuresThe assembly base plate is considered the central focus point. The power panel frame must be connected to the base plate with sufficiently large cross sectional area. The base plate is the distributor of ground wire connections to outside surfaces.电气安装底板是接地中心点。控制柜主体与电气安装底板必须用交叉接地线相连。接地必须从电气安装底板分散到外部。 _, _The power panel doors must be connected to the power panel frame with 2 ground straps on the hinge side of the door.控制柜的门与电气安装底板必须用带状接地线相连。At simultaneous use as safety ground wire, the connecting points must be identified with the SL symbol. _, _The rail mounted on the base plate must be connected to it through a low resistance connection.导轨与电气安装底板相连时尽可能保证低电阻。 _, _I/O box cover must also be installed in the power panel (for EMV reasons). 在控制柜内的I/O盒子也必须加盖(因为EMV的需要)。 _, _Shielding of BUS cables must be routed through EMV cable clamps.Check if this is required also for other shielded wires!总线电缆的屏蔽线必须与EMV电缆夹连接。检查其它的电缆是否按照上述方法连接。 _, _2.1.14Are there catch pans for condensation water at cooling units?空调器的冷凝水是否由容器接入? _, _2.1.15Power panel cleaned up and tidy?控制柜是否干净和整洁? _, _2.2Power connection电源连接2.2.1Is connection to power line done according to below wiring diagram?电源线是否根据电气原理图连接? _, _Power lineConnection to TN-S power line (normally up to 16mm2 Cu):PE - Terminalwith PE identified _, _Connection toTN-C power line (from 25mm2 Cu ):Power linePENblue or blackPEllPEllPEllPEllPEllNllNllNllNllNllL1llL2llL3llPE terminal must be close to power terminalN TerminalNote: After feeding the PEN cables to neutral and ground wires, these may no longer be bundled together. _, _2.2.2Are the power line terminals L1, L2, L3 safely covered against hand contact and identified with high voltage symbol?电源线端子是否受保护以免用手触及,旁边是否有高压警示。 _, _2.2.3Are power conducting wires fed to the main breaker in separated cable ducts, resp. enclosed in yellow harness?主接触器前端的电源线是否用黄管套住? _, _2.2.4Is a cable clamp provided for the power line feeder? 主电源线进线是否固定住?Metal cable clams must be grounded with hex castel nut.金属护套必须用六角螺帽接地。 _, _2.3Main breaker主断路器 (official VDE description from 11/1998)2.3.1Can the main breaker be locked out in the off position?检查主断路器是否可以关断。 _, _Is emergency stop function button / handle red with yellow background; if not, is button black or gray?紧急按钮的手柄是否红色,背景是否为黄色? _, _Is there a difference between main breaker and single line breakers?主断路器与单相断路器是否由区别? _, _Is main breaker labeled Main Breaker in plain language!主断路器是否用所在地的国家语言标示? _, _Are main breaker terminals, resp. connection terminal covers safe against manual contact? 主断路器的接线端是否容易让手触及? _, _Main breakers up to 63A are accepted for installation in door.After approval up to 100 A (25 mm2).63A以下的主断路器可以安装在门上。63A至100A的断路器经许可才能安装在门上。 _, _Main breaker is combination with door lock must not be used. (See N54 B1 Section主断路器禁止与门锁合装。 _, _Unrelated to the installation of the main breaker, it must be assured that it is also possible to turn it on and off with the door open! 当主断路器与门锁合装时须保证门开闭自如! _, _Is the operating handle of the main breaker easily accessible between 0.6 m to 1.7 m above floor level?主断路器的手柄必须安装在离地0.6至1.7米的高度。 _, _2.3.2Voltage to the main breaker _, _Devices that, after disconnected from the main breaker still carry voltage:是否有主断路器断路后仍然带电的设备: _, _Can they possibly be set up together? Or separate?它们是否放置在一起? _, _Terminals covered, e.g. with clip-on cover? (covered to protect manual contact)端子是否保护以免手触碰? _, _Are components that are not protected for manual contact covered?是否有哪个元件的端子不受保护,手容易触碰。 _, _All components equipped with warning labels, resp. name plate below - however not only on the cable duct?所有元件都配有标签。 _, _Are, as a matter of priority, yellow covered cables installed or black single conductors in yellow jacket?是否有黑色导线放在黄色管子?No orange or yellow single wires! 没有橙色或黄色的导线!The wire color must still be visible and the yellow jacket must end outside the cable duct! 导线颜色在黄管末端的导线的颜色应看得见。Enclose also the blue N-cables in yellow jackets!蓝色的中性线也可放在黄色的导管中! _, _2.4Protection against direct hand contact防止手触碰的保护2.4.1Are live parts over 25 V/AC resp. 60 V/DC protected against direct manual contact?25VAC或60VDC的带电部分是否容易被手触碰? _, _Be careful in potential areas of contact. For instance, fuses or breakers, finger safety protection; otherwise, consider hand pullback safety device?小心潜在的触电部位。例如熔断器或断路器,是否受保护,否则须考虑手能迅速缩回。 _, _Are power rails covered? Also at the ends?电源轨道是否加盖? _, _Are high voltage subassemblies ( 1000 V ) covered to protect for hand contact and applied with warning labels Warning High Voltage and high voltage symbols?高压部件( 1000 V )是否受保护,以免手触碰?是否由高压警示? _, _2.4.2Is the distance from live parts over 50 V/AC resp. 120 V/DC to metal cover minimum 10 mm?金属保护盖与50VAC或120VDC的带电部件的距离不得小于10mm。 _, _2.5Protection against indirect manual contact间接触电的保护2.5.1Are all metal parts that, in case of power failure, could carry a voltage over 50 V/AC, resp. 120 V/DC connected to the ground wire at the ground wire connection?电源掉电后,带有50VAC或120VDC的金属部件是否可靠接地? _, _2.5.2Are the ground wire connections consistently green / yellow throughout?所有的接地线是否都是黄绿线?At braided cables (ground straps), it is sufficient to attach clearly visible ground symbols at the ends or at the connecting points 。接地母线在接地处是否固定牢靠。 _, _2.5.3Minimum cross section of external copper ground wires:接地铜线的最小截面积: _, _Cross section S of the outside conductor to the power line conn.电源线的截面积Minimum cross section of the external ground wire:接地线的截面积S 16 mm2S 16 mm2 35 mm2S / 22.5.4Is there a separate connection terminal available for each incoming and outgoing ground wire?每个通向外部或内部的接地线之间是否由连接? _, _Is there a proper terminal screw provided for the ground wire (not just clamped under a mounting screw)?接地线是否配有合适的螺丝? _, _Is the connection location open or is a Rittal ground wire contact disc used?是否采用齿型垫圈? _, _Check the tightness of the screw and the ground wire terminals! 检查接地端子与螺丝是否固定可靠? _, _Are the ground wire terminals green / yellow?接地端子是否为黄绿? _, _Do not splice ground wire! 禁止接合接接地线! I.e. The ground wire must not be broken, for instance, due to some maintenance work!例如施工时将接地线破坏。The power panel frame does also serve as the central SL distribution rail!电气安装板也作为中心接地分散点。 _, _Are connecting locations identified with ground symbols?接地连接部位是否有接地标记? _, _2.5.5Are ground wire cross connections from terminal block to terminal block marked with target description? 从分线盒到分线盒的接地线是否标识目标路径? _, _2.6Protection against unintentional shock through ground connection _, _2.6.1For larger cross sections is grounding done through conventional terminal?大线径的接地线采用传统接线端子。 _, _2.6.2Is the control circuit (Stk) grounded?控制回路是否接地? Make measurement between control circuit and ground! _, _2.6.3Bridge between PE and TK must be = green/yellowPE与TK连线采用黄绿线。 _, _2.6.4Is a cycling 24V current supply installed 24V电源是否已经安装? _, _Protected on the primary side with a motor overload breaker?是否采用三相断路器保护马达。 _, _2.6.5Are components in the control circuits, such as limit switches, plugs, terminal blocks, subassembly carrier, etc. connected to the ground strap, unrelated to the level of the voltage?限位开关、插头、接线盒等是否接地? _, _2.6.6Are input/output subassemblies, processor plug-in units and power supply for the electronic equipment connected according to the manufacturers specifications and connected to the ground wire?I/O单元,插件处理单元、电源等是否按照安装手册安装,是否接地? _, _2.7Short circuit and overload protection短路和过载保护2.7.1Are the separate power circuits protected against short circuits?单个的电源回路是否有短路保护? _, _2.7.2Do the safety values and the setup values for the motor overload breaker agree with the values in the circuit diagram and the values specified on the units?马达过载短路器的设定值是否与电气原理图和马达铭牌上标明的一样? _, _Is wiring to fuses uniformly connected from below?导线是否连向熔断器的下端? _, _Is wiring to motor overload breakers uniformly connected from above?马达是否有过载热保护? _, _2.7.3Are plugs for 63A nominal current and up equipped with a combination breaker?通过电流超出63A的插头必须配备断路器。 _, _2.8Wiring (cables, terminals, plugs)接线(电缆、端子、插头)2.8.1Are wire colors correctly selected?导线颜色是否正确? _, _Main power circuit for alternating (AC) black主电源回路采用黑色。 _, _Neutral conductor from main circuit N light blueN线采用浅蓝色。 _, _Ground wire PE green/yellow接地线采用黄绿线。 _, _Control circuit for direct current blue直流控制回路采用蓝色。 _, _Wiring to the main breaker see Section2.3.2连接至主电路 Section2.3.2 _, _Wiring from external control voltage for linking several machines together (external voltage) orange外部控制电压回路采用橙色。 _, _Shielded cables transparent or white保护管路可用透明或白色。 _, _2.8.2Are flexible wires provided with cables shoes or wire-end sleeves?屏蔽线是否有护套?Check the grip of the wire-end sleeve for conductors with large cross section! _, _Check tightness of connections, especially at the main breaker, power rails, etc!Make critical tests of conductors with large cross sections!检查线路连接的可靠性,尤其是主电源开关,等! _, _Make random sampling checks of soldering points and crimp connections!抽样检查焊接头和压接头。 _, _For conductors 0.1-0.5mm2 use insulation terminal!0.1-0.5mm2的导线与端子排连接时,要采用辅助绝缘端子。 _, _2.8.3Are all terminals permanently identified, easy to read and in conformance to the wiring diagram?是否所有的端子都有标识,且容易辩识,是否与图纸相符。 _, _Are all terminal strips identified and easy to read?是否所有的端子号容易辩识? _, _Are only the number of wires connected to the terminal block as permissible according to the terminal manufacturer?端子排上接线的数量是否与生产厂商规定的数量一致? _, _Are spare wires connected to one end only already installed on terminal?多余的导线是否连接在空余的端子排上? _, _2.8.4Can the external conductors according to the wire diagram be listed on the terminals? 外部导线的线号是否根据图纸标在端子排上?(Cable number, color identification, rubber number) _, _2.8.5Plug connections: Have measures been taken to eliminate unintentional mix-up?是否测试以免插头相互混乱。 _, _2.8.6Are ground wire connections to plug devices designed leading to and is the ground wire the longest wire?插头上的接地线是否标明去向?该接地线的长度是否最长? _, _2.8.7Are sufficient cable ducts being used? 线槽容量是否合适?Are all cable duct covers provided and easily installed?线槽是否都有盖子,是否容易装卸? _, _2.8.8Are mounting and terminal locations of the electrical components and terminals easily accessible? 电气设备的接线端子是否容易操作。( Distance from cable duct to terminal approx. 20 mm )线槽与分线盒的距离为20mm。 _, _3.Control Panel Operator Bench BoardO.K.not O.K.not rel.not O.K. O.K. (who, when)3.1Are all spare openings closed with plugs? 预留孔是否已用端盖封闭? _, _Is a cabinet lock installed? 电气柜锁是否安装? _, _Does the red mushroom emergency stop button, have a yellow background?红色紧急停止按钮是否有黄色标签? _, _3.2Is all electrical operating equipment in accordance to the electrical schematic and are they permanently identified on the base plate or on the component itself? 电气元件是否都已按照设计图纸的规划方案固定在安装板上,或固定在元器件本身? _, _3.3Are control panel housing, base plate and door grounded?(Cross-section, ground wire contact discs, separate connection screws! ) 控制面板,安装基板及电气柜门是否都已接地?应考虑线径,接地接触盘,分离接触点。 _, _Are all incoming and outgoing ground wires provided with their own connection terminal? 所有的进线及出线接地是否都有合适的连接终端? _, _Are ground wire connecting locations identified with the ground symbol? 接地点处贴上接地保护标签了吗? _, _3.4Are all terminals permanently identified, easy to read and in conformance to the wiring diagram? 接线终端是否根据设计图纸贴上标签,容易辨认? _, _Are all terminal strips identified and easy to read?所有的段子排都明确标识并容易辨认? _, _3.5Are only the number of wires connected to the terminals as permissible according to the terminal manufacturer? 终端允许进线数目是否参考了厂商的标准?Special case: Two wires in a single terminal location only with a double wire end sleeve. This applies also to the WAGO terminal.特殊情况:如果一个终端有两条进线须使用双线进线接线端子,此原则亦适用于WAGO终端。 _, _3.6Are all plug connections sufficiently identified?所有的连接插头都标识了吗? _, _3.7Are cable feed-throughs provided with strain relief?主电源电缆进线口处有金属保护套管吗? _, _Are there any sharp edges in the cable feed-through areas? 电缆进口处边缘是否平滑? _, _3.8Are connecting cables to the doors of the control panel so routed that no pressure or kink points will occur by opening and closing the door?连接到门上的电缆布线方案是否能在开关门的情况下避免扭曲或纠结电缆? _, _Are cable bundles braced at both ends? 电缆束两端能否拉牢? _, _For tilting and turning service units is a twist-resistant cable used, e.g. lflex Robot 900 from Lapp Co.?运动和翻转的部件的连接电缆是否是柔性电缆? _, _3.9Are as few as possible cable straps being used? 电缆捆扎带应尽量少 _, _Cable straps must be cut off straight to minimize the risk of injury? 电缆捆扎带应剪切平齐以防止引起不必要的伤害 _, _3.10At operating panel CPS21 the central ground wire must be connected directly to CPS21 module with 10 mm2!操作面板的中性接地必须直接连


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