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in的典型用法小结in是最常用的介词之一,其意义和用法不下二十余种,由它构成的短语更是不计其数,是高考试题中常出现的考点;它还可用作副词和形容词,作为副词的用法也有近十种。下面我们一起总结一下in的几种典型用法。一、 in用作介词1. 表示在某范围或者空间内的某一点,常译作“在内 / 里面”。如: The story happened in Sichuan Province. 故事发生在四川省内。 You can see thousands of stars twinkling in the sky. 你会看到成千上万颗星星在空中闪耀。2. 表示在某物的形体或范围中,常译作“在内,在中”。如: She was still lying in bed at eight this morning. 今天早上八点钟时她还在被窝里躺着。 He was so hurried that he left the key in the lock. 他是如此地匆忙,竟把钥匙忘在锁里面了。3. 表示构成的整体 / 局部,包含在内。如: All the paintings in his collection were bought in Japan. 他收藏的所有的画都是在日本买的。 We can clearly recognize his farther in him. 在他身上我们可以清楚地看到他父亲的影子。4. 表示在某段时间以后,后面接表示一段时间的名词短语。如: Well return in a few days. 我们几天后就回来。 Mom will be well again in three weeks time. 妈妈三周后就会好的。5. 表示穿着,戴着。如: He was dressed in a dark suit at the funeral. 葬礼上他穿者一套深色西服。 The lady in white was in charge of the company. 那位白衣女子掌管着这家公司。6. 用于描述具体的环境。如: Now they are still standing in the rain. 他们现在还在雨中站着呢。 They could see nothing in the darkness. 黑暗中他们什么也看不见。7. 表示所处状态或状况或表示正在进行的动作。如: I bought the car ten years ago, yet it is still in good condition. 我这辆车是十年前买的,现在仍然很好。 Please put the books in good order before you leave. 离开前把书整理好。 When I entered the room, he was in conversation with a teacher. 当我进屋时,他正和一位老师说话。8. 表示某事的形式、形状、安排或数量。如: The students sat in rows on the playground. 学生们一排排地坐在操场上。 When new school year begins, the students come to school in twos and threes. 新学期开始了,学生们三三两两地来到学校。9. 表示所使用的语言、材料等。如: Please write the composition in blue ink. 请用蓝色墨水写作文。 The young man can read articles written in English and French. 那年轻人会读用英语或法语写的文章。10. 表示关于;在方面。如: The street was twenty metres in width. 街道宽二十米。 That was a small country rich in oil. 那是个富有石油的小国家。二、 in用作副词1. 表示在里面,在内。如: I especially like coffee with milk in. 我尤其喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。2. 表示进入。如: You shouldnt let anyone in if they cant show their pass. 没通行证谁也不能进入。3. 表示在家或在工作单位。如: Nobody was in when I called. 我打电话时家里没人。三、 in用作形容词 in用作形容词时的意思是“时髦的,流行的”。如: What do you think will be the in colour this year? 你认为今年会流行什么颜色? She was surprised to find that miniskirts were in again. 她吃惊地发现超短裙又流行了。即学即练 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并体会in的用法。1. _ the silence of the pauses, we could hear each others breathing and could almost hear our own heartbeats. (湖南 2007)A. In B. ForC. Under D. Between2. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _ creates further problems.(湖北 2007)A. in short B. in caseC. in doubt D. in turn3. _ fire, all exits must be kept clear. (天津 2007)A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of4. Many Chinese universities provided scholarships for students _ financial aid. (天津2008)A. in favour of B. in honour ofC. in face of D. in need of5. When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have _ for her, but now all her worries are gone. (湖北2008)A. in need B. in time C. in preparationD. in storeKey : 1-5 ADCDD


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