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学习好资料欢迎下载非谓语动词用法比较He came here to borrow a bookpretended to be reading when my mother came in.She is said to have bee n sent to Europe on bus in essBeing a stude nt, he was in terested in books.Having donehis homework, he went to bed.The question being discussedis important.四用法比较(一)不定式和-ing形式作主语的区别1. -ing和不定式都可以作主语,-ing作主语表示一般或抽象的经常性,习惯性行为,不定式作主 语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。Learning a foreig n Ian guage is very useful.It is not very good for you to smoke so much .你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)2. -不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。常见句型有it is adj. (of/forsb.) to do sth.It took will and patience to do anything well. It is nice of you to say so.3. -ing 在It is no use/ no goodjseless + doing”结构中作主语,it 为形式主语。It is no good writing to him; he never answers letters. 写信给他不妥,他从来不回信。It is no good crying the spilt milk. 覆水难收4. 主表对称原贝U Seeing is believing.To seeis to believe.(二).不定式和ing形式作宾语的区别1. -ing形式作宾语通常表示一般的、经常性的行为,而不定式作宾语表示特定的、具体的、一次性动作I like swimming ,but I don t like to swim today.2. 1)有些动词或短语要求只接不定式作宾语:hope/ ma nage/ refuse/ prete nd/ pla n/ offer/ decide/学习好资料欢迎下载agree/ fail/ afford/ happen/ should(would) like/love/ be likely + to do2)有些动词或短语只接ing作宾语:enjoy喜欢;practise练习;finish完成;avoid避免;imagi ne 想象; keep 保留; mi nd 在意; miss 错过; suggest 建议;admit 承认 ; risk 冒 险;dislike 讨厌;appreciate 欣赏;forgive 宽恕; delay 耽搁; excuse 原谅;feel like 想 要; give up 放弃; put off 推迟; look forward to 期望,keep on 直,set about着手, She finishedreading the book (看完这本书) yesterday.Will you admit havi ng broken the wi ndow?你承认不承认打破了窗户?Do you feel like taki ng a walk?你要不要去散步?We are look ing forward to coming to China.我们期待着来中国。Do you mi nd my smok ing in the room ?你介意我在室内吸烟吗?(三)作宾补时,三者的区别1.有些动词接不定式作宾补:(和宾语有主谓关系强调动作将发生或全过程;表一次性动作)Tell/ order/ persuade/ i nvite/ force /warn / en courage/ get/ ask + sb to doHe asked me to finish the work in time.2感官动词,使役动词后接do/doing/done作宾补:do(和宾语有主谓关系强调动作将要发生或已经完成,do变被动以后前要加to.)doing(强调动作正在进行,尚未完成;延续性动词)done(表动作已经完成,或被动,多强调状态)注: have make letget(使役动词 );listen to hear look at see watch observe notice findfeel(感官动词)I heard her sing the song many times.I found her listening to the radio.I heard her singing the song whe n I passed her room.Speak louder so that you can make yourself heard.I had my bike repaired yesterday.(四)作表语时三者的区别1).不定式作表语一般表示具体动作,特别是表示将来的动作。My job is to help the patie nt now.(说明主语具体内容)2)-ing形式作表语: 表示抽象的、一般性的经常性的行为。(说明主语具体内容,主表可换位)His hobby is collecting stamps 表令人如何如何”(主语所具有的特征),如: astonishing exciting moving surprising tiring interesting amusing shocking worryingHis report is interesting. The music sounds exciting.3)-V-ed :让人感到如何如何 ”(主语所处的状态)如:astonished excited moved surprisedtired in terested amused shocked worrieddisappo in ted frighte ned marriedpleased puzzled satisfied 等The cups are broken.She is interested in the job.Clea ning wome n in big cities usually get paid by the hour.(五)作定语时,三者的区别1.不定式作定语表未来的动作且后置,若为动宾关系,动词须为及物动词。常常修饰代词 anything/something/noting,名词 chanee/ opportunity等或由序数或形容词最高级修饰的名词。You are the third one to en ter the roo m.I have somethi ng importa ntto say.I need a pen to write with.The question to be discussed tomorrow will be important.2. -ing作定语表多位于其前表示其性能、用途(无时间性)He has a readi ng room.a sleep ing car表正在进行(主谓关系)即主动进行,可换为定语从句;a sleeping boy The girl gathering flowers isbeautiful. The questi on being discussed now is importa nt.3. 过去分词作定语有(动宾关系,表完成)即被动完成,可换为定语从句。a broken cupThe question discussed yesterday is important.All the people invited to the meeting are VIP.(All the people who are invited to the meeting are VIP.)We can see a lot of fallen leaves on the ground.(We can see a lot of leaves which have falle n on the groun d.)(六).作状语时,三者的区别(常都可以变为状语从句)1)不定式作状语通常表示原因(谓动之前)目的(谓动之后)(可用so as to/in order to替换) 结果(意想不到的结果,常为only to do)We were very excited to hear the news .To get there on time I got up very early.He travelled around the world to give lectures.He rushed to school only to find there was nobody there.2)-ing或过去分词 作状语通常表示 原因 时间 条件 让步 结果(意料之中) 伴随(逗号)(主语一致性;-ing表主动,过去分词表被动)Hearing a sound ,the baby stopped crying.Given an apple, the child stopped crying.Not satisfied with the result, we decided to do the experime nt aga in.Having lived in the country for many years, she knows how to grow vegetables.When/If heated, ice will be changed into water.Seen from the top of the mountain, the village looks very small.Being very small, computers are widely used.His pare nts died, leavi ng him an orpha n.He cut off the electricity,preventing a n accide nt.The teacher en tered the room,followed by some stude nts.The teacher en tered the room and he was followed by some stude nts.非谓语动词特殊用法:一. 下列情况用不定式: .sth. be adj(harddifficulteasyheavy) to doThe questi on is difficult to an swer. .sb. have sth. to doI have a lot of work to do. .There be sth. to doto be done There is no thi ng to talk about. .find (thi nkfeelc on sidermakebelieve)it adj to do sth There is no n eed to do. 一般介词后面不可用不定式作宾语,(except, but除外)He has no choice but to lie dow n and sleep.She did nothing but cry.注:不定式作结果/程度状语常见五种结构: so.as to do 如此 以致suchas to do如此以致enough()to do 足以tooto do太而不能only to do 结果/未曾料到 做了某事二. 在 “have difficulty (trouble, problem, a hard time, fun, a good time) (+in) + doing ; be busy (in)+doing ; There is no point (in) + doing 等结构中,in 常要省去。The children are busy doing their homework. 孩子们忙于做作业。There is no point (in) making the simple experiments once again. 再做一次这种简单的实验是毫无 意义的。三. 在(be) worth后面只能用-ing的主动态来表示被动意义。His suggestion is worth considering.他的提议值得考虑 ,此句可转换成:His suggesti on is worthy to be con sidered.四. 下列动词即可不定式作宾语也可不定式作宾补:wan texpectwishpromise + (sb) to do五. get have leavekeep +sb doing使处于某状态 )I m sorry I ve kept you waiting.六. 注意下列动词的用法:allow adviseforbidpermitintend (sb) consider(认为 考虑)-sb to do doingbe used to -do被用来做某事 doing习惯做某事canthelp- doing情不自禁做某事 to do不能帮助做某事love, like , prefer- doing 般性经常动作 to do 一次性动作need, require, want (需要)- doing= to be donetry- to do 试图做某事 doing试着做某事start, beg in, con ti nue,(两种形式意义区别不大)-doing to dostop- to do 去做另一事 doing 停止做某事go on- to do继续做另一件事 doing继续做同一件事mean- to do想要做某事 doing意味做某事remember, forget, regret - doing ing 动作先于谓动 to do 不定式动作后于谓动 catch + sb doing (撞见某人正在做某事 ) I caught a man steali ng my purse.七. 固定搭配:必须用-ed做状语be located in坐落在be fixed on固定在be buried in沉思,专心于;被埋葬在be lost in thought 陷入沉思 be dressed in 穿着 be caught in the rain 被雨淋了be separated from 与 分离 be satisfied with 对 感至U满意 be seated坐下;坐落于be engaged in参与; 从事于; 忙于 be armed with用 武装;装备有Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.八. 独立成分作状语Gen erally speak ing般来说Frankly speaking 坦白的说To tell you the truth 说实话 judging from/by 根据来判断 considering 考虑至U


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