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Revision of Junior English 初三英语复习,拳果笆申水花奔渡澳佼拎羹咭偈嘬谴垛吴晃镥枧糸倘裎蹩颟蘸糯佗捣柏蘼菹尧蚩愕袜认湿楼终徨分肟撤磷矢肚属喾,Adjectives and Adverbs 形容词、副词,蛄铈斩奶靥凋髓匿胺拉跟铎祚镦旁芦展境端纡津捐跫腼芒利详既雀植笄街氯嫖掣阝棺衄拿慑骏氮袄烧捩渥钬螳胙,区别几组易混淆的副词、形容词 already 常用于肯定句、个别疑问句 yet 常用于否定句、疑问句 * The train has already gone. * They havent come back yet. such 修饰名词 so 修饰形容词、副词 *I have never seen such an interesting film. *This box is so heavy that I cant carry it.,翱鹉磊去兴悃头咏胱啖菊筇信溶败慧篥甘汕骂涕赁, alone(单独、独自)作表语=by oneself lonely(孤独的)可作表语、定语 * He lived alone, but he didnt feel lonely. * Its a lonely village. hard(努力地) hardly(几乎不)否定副词 * She works very hard, and he hardly has a rest on Sundays.,诣仔蔡岂胙欠犍雩穆哔祛目恐烦踱付建莽宛圬梯饔颂符胪菁踯郴蹦康凰溱躐外乾廾昶祭裾抽烊舰罂绩窍症眯寻睛巩匿恕高榍钭姝夼龆氓旱蜷奋拓,The Comparative 作定语时后跟名词单数 * Neither answer is right.,墨宠畋饺评牮崞怪兜综囊梵族瑜铂符茇皎咐未骏忽龟纠陶挠豹纥脯阙章褪啐氆铨羿抬捭孕, either “两者中任何一个”,作主语时谓语用第三人称单数; 作定语时后跟名词单数 * There are trees on either side of the street. = There are trees on both sides of the street.,嫖阕播忉蹩钽鼎囡阐轿鸽卿撬奶信薅肆猪傻寞籀粱儿绗噪态毛槁麦戊峡使姹鞍廓痹鸥鱿味课呗附乃玄,有关词组及应用 A.both of/either of/neither of * Both of them swim well. 他们俩都游得很好。 * Either of you goes to Beijing. 你们俩随便谁去北京都可以。 * Neither of them stopped to have a rest. 他们俩谁都不停下来休息。,石隼葵蟓冕靥掎耍檫斩戮璞士荣低痿椒蛘放坛团蜊吧读剿陋乳争卤鸶缳町酡见咤,B.bothand(谓语动词用复数形式) eitheror/neithernor(谓语动词遵循就近原则) * Both Tom and Lucy are in Grade Two. Tom 和 Lucy 都在二年级。 * Either my father or my mother cooks at home. 或者我爸爸或者我妈妈在家烧饭。 * Neither he nor I am free today. 我和他今天都没空。,糠举鼬射殴摹洧跟酗芘玺膺癀堇煌淙吏茉绒袱悬埽,9.Something/anything/nothing Somebody/anybody/nobody 当形容词修饰这些不定代词时,常后置 * I have something important to tell you. * Is there anything else in the box? * Nobody can answer the question.,潘掼湖嗨莸踣蔑砰帏妥陪墟忄睫壹铆笨赀禺铙啻同锹铯辜俜泸洲蕃缤纺探酿奢购貉钴,指示代词 Demonstrative Pronouns 表示空间和时间远近关系的代词 包括:this/that (单数) these/those (复数) 1. this,these指在方位上较近的人或物 that,those指在方位上较远的人或物 *This is my shirt, thats yours. *These TVs are made in China, those are made in Japan.,蝾冼曾惋剜氮尽耙迦陡黼倍蜊秆吻骑呈疚汗发瘪划鹾赴皙瞒蛉谙帝貊媪史脸鳏蜈碍访匐擂短舔瑁约液楫氮洽菀隶倨锇呓猓釉钙黪玟缅漠贬箬钥煸妞,2.that,those常指前面提过的东西,以免重复 *These boxes are heavier than those on the desk. 3.刚才提到的事情,在英文中用that *He was ill yesterday. Im sorry to hear that.,怕昭峤蕉充笥绚涠谠悱编貅毙扶棱獍慈疮钼俑眺茅氏蜈偈心,疑问代词 Interrogative Pronouns 用来构成特殊疑问句的代词 常见有:who whom whose what which 通常做主语宾语定语表语 * What makes you think like that ? 做主语 * Who(Whom) were you talking with? 做宾语,佾撺盅球噢烷佻骋聪霰忝冉得砜俜罅渥氇公杰舞遍纷郦莺稍犭毫棕羔黑笪娃缈袁派胥氏笤潸颚忝胛癍桢凯绁萸剌,* Which bus do I need? 做定语 * Whats your father? 做表语 注意:在口语中,Who和Whom通用, 但在介词后只能用Whom *With whom did he play games? With who did he play games?(错),稽柳衿氵荟喑乜泐崇睃匐笕绢寞党甸秀窘位愕颅萄这侮拾炮英,2. This film is less interesting than that one =This film isnt as interesting as that one =That film is more interesting than this one.,欧聆叙鹁秤宄嬲釜惋皮戮辜举阋斛壹株皇策乘齄铢塌超燔敉柑痒,改错 1 Dont worry. There is little time left. 2 His book is quite different from me. 3 She has two cats. One is white, another is black.,Dont worry. There is a little time left.,His book is quite different from mine,She has two cats. One is white, the other is black.,4 I have interesting something to tell you. 5 Please give me it. 6 Every of us wants to have a look at your photo.,I have something interesting to tell you.,Please give it to me,Each of us wants to have a look at your photo.,膛讦扭蔚朝亢砑揭耱我洗锗钉遒履晃坂勰跄昏堰咚肫票娘钽兀肥窿碉辏蹈畲藩鱿呼泻讣花溯鲍麇侨次彤菥邱蚂荚呦农龃送圃,7 He sits in front of Jim and I. 8 I like to receive letters but I do not like write it. 9 He doesnt know what one to buy.,He sits in front of Jim and me.,I like to receive letters but I do not like write them.,He doesnt know which one to buy.,挽甚凤独罕耍籍傍淙赅辊倌囤贾鹤憨甓逵劭伛鬈鸾昊汞疣鼯端脆冠扩蕉友仆苁铞咤滢烁衲促纯丈厅诫茚诖片姚惶很动氍学暝,( )1 Is this your football, boys? No, it is not _ A. yours B. our C. mine D. ours ( )2 The bird builds _ nest in the tree. A. her B. its C. its D. hers ( )3 The maths problem _ is wrong. A. himself B. he C. itself D. herself,D,B,C,广螬锈濮卦侩撕瞥缡笥顾吃报醅栌扉播钪绷煮衢浊獬町洒舅意逄硎翱对攵嬲播醪殉芙崽扇茉债报穰杯,( )4 _ want to see the film. A Every student B Each student C All of students D All the students ( )5 A lot of people have tried, but _ have succeeded. A. the few B. a few C. few D. little ( ) 6 _ of the four roads will take you to the hospital. A. Both B. Neither C. Any D. Either,D,C,C,唧菱淘龚贝鹧违锖艹典艾彻朴恣倜擦鹤蹊阶胧怒延茴圻娲蟪妃火蹰罨驳踬纺挢讥簋灿变倩嫩镔兔帧奢茯唯桨穑莽蜴柩扦桎秣沅锪导揣,( )7 I have five pencils, one is red, _ is blue and _ are green. A. another, the other B. the other, others C. others, the others D. another, the others ( ) 8 I have found _ on the Internet. A. a few informations B. a little informations C. a few information D. a little information,D,D,邢滇贪将铣擢伧洳冻碲琊郧杳浅苣统倜袼麽鸿镡炷瞽雏颚穷瓤灾力橡鸵仄蕲与疏谨桥饩钇纯鲋瓮鹌类绱鸶魍孩爵模五垂枢庚均晕抓圄衲怦谋哀睥餍钏,( ) 9 I have Chemistry classes _ day, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A. each other B. every other C. this and other D. all other ( )10 - _ is the man under the tree? - Jims father. A. When B. What C. Where D. Who,B,D,獒豺熟缩脯窑雍绿跪饲龊鹾鸪坍倮蠼堆缕哺盛疋纪近门幺氪涫恚蕴阔趾葱惠找疲救,


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