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第I卷(共105分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1、At what time will the woman wake her son up?A、7:15B、7:45C、7:502、When will the man go on holiday/A、In juneB、In julyC、In August3、How did the woman come to the city?A、On foot B、By busC、By car4、What does the girl mean?A、The girls got along well with each otherB、Its understandable that girls dont get alongC、The girls lacked the courage to fight5、Whats the mans advice for the owman?A、To lose weightB、To save moneyC、To tie a belt第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6、Where are the speakers?A、In a classroomB、In an officeC、At home7、What does the woman mainly want to talk to the man about?A、His score on the final examB、The difficulties he has with his studiesC、His poor academic performance8、What will happen to the man if he does not improveA、He will get BB、He will get a grade lower than BC、He will fail the course 听第7段材料,回答9至11题。12、What does the woman think of making friends online?A、Its interestingB、Its dangerousC、Its meaningless13、Why does the man spend so much time online?A、To find real friendsB、To improve his EnglishC、To play games14、What is attitude toward the womans advice?A、He will stick to his own ideaB、He accepts what the woman saidC、He agrees to think it over听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15、What are the speakers discussing?A、A birthday partyB、A weddingC、A formal dinner16、What do we know about the woman?A、Her name at birth was Sally DanielsB、She didnt think much of the foodC、She is good at dancing17、What were her parents speeches like according to the man?A、EmotionalB、PoliteC、Serious听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18、Whats the yearly growth rate of Indias economy since 1994?A、3%B、4%C、7%19、What does the speaker think of the population of India?A、Its a burden for the economyB、Its helpful for the economyC、Its aging quickly in recent years20、Which is NOT mentioned as a problem in India?A、UnemploymentB、PovertyC、Education第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)25、The more active you are ,the more likely youll be new friendsA、madeB、to makeC、makingD、to have made26、Normally, students will be given a certificate completion of the courseA、onB、withC、to D、in27、Robert has rich work experience, so it will for his lack of academic knowledgeA、pick upB、take upC、bring up D、make up28、We are so sorry for that ,well try to determine exactly went wrong that eveningA、where B、whatC、whichD、how29、New digital mobile phones definitely produce less radiation, but that doesnt mean that they should be used without cautionA、generallyB、ultimatelyC、relativelyD、necessarily30、The College Entrance Examination is around the corner, but we should strike a between study and relasationA、associationB、balanceC、compromiseD、certificate31、Being more realistic, the elderly have learned to focus on things that make them happy and let go of that dontA、themB、itC、thatD、those32、As a college freshman, he wanted to be an interpreter, he joined a translation clubA、forB、butC、soD、as33、Now its possible for us to be taken into“space”, we can experience weightlessness for a short timeA、whichB、whenC、whereD、that34、Wow, isnt this handsome device the most popular iphone5?Can I have a look at it? .A、No, you cantB、Sorry, its expensiveC、Of course, it looks goodD、Yes, go ahead35、Sometimes smiles be false , hiding other feelings like anger , rear or worry.A、mustB、shouldC、canD、would第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Jason Zenk heard his dog Penny barking outside, It was a bitter cold night ,Super Bowl Sunday, February 6 .The 13-year-old thought he had better see what was 36 Penny , He went into the garqge with some food scraps to 37 her down, Then he heard sobbing ,Jason ran back inside to get his father , Patrick ,who 38 the garqge and turned on the lights , Standing in the middle of the gqrqge was a little girl, crying.After 39 at her mothers house, Jamie Carrion bundled her sleepy kids, Averie and Abel , into a pickup truck and headed home , It was 7 p.m , dark and snow covered the road,Suddenly ,the truck began to 40 and careened(猛冲)into a ditch and rolled two or three times before coming to a stop , tilted into a snow bank on its passenger side, Carrion 41 out.“When I came to , I could hear Abel crying , It was pitch black ,and I couldnt see anything,” Carrion 42 , Anxiously ,she called to her children, 43 around in the dark for them, Finally ,she managed to turn the 44 on, In the dim glow she saw Abel in his car seat , His nose was bloody ,but he was not 45 hurt , Averie was nowhere in sight, In a panic ,she found her cellphone and called 911.Averie was 46 when the truck stopped rolling ,Realizing the urgency of the 47 , Averie wriggled thuough the broken passengers window and then tunneled out through a snowdrift ,Looking all around, Averie 48 a ligheted lamp post, She set off in that direction ,Soon a 49 came into eiew ,and a dog ran out to meet her, She stumbled out of the snow and into he 50 garage. The Zenks took 51 inside their home and gave her dry clothes, Jasons father jumped into his car and went to search for the 52 , He didnt have far to go ,Up ahead he saw the flashing lights of police cars and ambulances ,EMTs(急救人员)were 53 to jamie Carrion and Abel ,Cops told Patrick they were searching for a 54 child ,“I think I have who youre looking for,”Patrick told them.By mere 55 ,it was the first time in many years that zenks had stayed home for the Super Bowl.46、A、carelessB、consciousC、senselessD、curious47、A、phenomenonB、placeC、momentD、situation48、A、expectedB、spottedC、reachedD、realized49、A、storeB、bridgeC、truckD、house50、A、roughB、ruinedC、openD、fenced51、A、AverrieB、AbleC、PennyD、Jamie52、A、policeB、ambulanceC、accidentD、lamp post53、A、stickingB、tendingC、braveD、missing54、A、luckyB、frightenedC、braveD、missing55、A、mistakeB、thoughtC、emotionD、coincidence第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ARony Monzon who shielded his bcst friend from a spray of bulletssaid he woulent hesitate to take the same action again.The 13-year-old was sitting on a porch and eating pizza with DeneysiValdovinos, a girl hes known his whole life, when a gunman walked upAnd started shooting.“I dont know where he started shooting from the side and I was very scared and I ran inside, And then her dad told me that I was bleeding, I checked myself and I was bleeding from my chest , my arm; and I saw the little holes and I was very scared.”he said.Despite being scared , he said he didnt flle any pain and tried to remain calm, even trying to ease the fears of his own mother, whod been called to the home.Doctors said the teen was hit three thimes; in the arm , chest and hip, All of the bullets passed completely thuough his young bkdy.Valdovinos visited him in the hospital before his release late Thursday evening.“She was very thankful ,very very thankful because I saved her life,”he said.Doctors said they expect the Ronys recovery to take about six weeks.He said his faith has kept him strong,and he and his mother said they hope the shooter learns the error of his wyas;“I forgive him , I forgive him for what he has done to my son,”said Diana Monzon , “I feel sorry for this guy , I dont know what passed through his mind , and I hope that he realized that it aws my son, Tomorrow itll be someone else.”Rony wants to see the shooter brought to justice, “I know they didnt mean it for me ;they meant it for the other people,”he said ,“But I would like to know if they could catch them and then give them their sentence to know what they they had done to me , because this isnt fair for me.”56、The underlined word “shielded”can be replaced by .A、covered upB、comfortedC、hidD、maed up57、Who found Rony Monzon wounded in the first insance?A、Diana MonzonB、Deneysi ValdovinosC、Deneysi Valdovinos fatherD、Doctors in the hospital58、Which of the following statement is TRUE accordingto the passage?A、Rony Monzons mother was on the opot when the incident happenedB、The gunman wanted to kill Rony MonzonC、During the course, Rony Monzon wasnt frightened at allD、Rony Monzon was in serious condition after the shooting incedent59、Which of the following best describes Rony Monzon?A、Brave and selflessB、Cartious and negativeC、Unusual and shyD、Humorous and determined60、We can learn from the last two paragraphs that .A、Rony Monzons mother knows the gunman and will forgive himB、Rony Monzons mother is too scared to express her feelingsC、Rony Monzons hopes the gunman will be punishedD、the gunman has been put into prisonBMany plants and animals live close together, and they depend on each other, They are usually very different from their partner ,and yet all live easier lives because of each other , It is natrues idea of sharing.An example of partnership is the shark and pilot fish, The pilot fish a little fish only about nine inches long. He would be helpless if he hung around by himself in the mighty ocean,He makes up for his sixe with his smartness, He cleverly swims along beside the shark ,When the shark eats, the pilot fish gets the leftovers . And the pilot fish neednt worry about his safety ,The shark also gets benefits from this relationship, The pilot fish cleans food scarps and insects from the sharks hide.Another example of depending on each other is the sea anemone and striped clown fish, The sea anemone looks like a flower and has petals that contain poisonous stinging cells, When small fish swim into the petals, the petals, the anemone traps and paralyzes(使麻痹)them, However, the striped clown fish is able to swim into the sea anemone and is unable to be seen by his enemies ,To pay for his safety ,the clown fish bring food to the anemone, He alsoguides other fish into the anemones deadly trap.Large mammals such as the ox, antelope, rhinoceroses and African buffalo form shch a relationship with the redbilled oxpeeker , They provide daily meals for the bird, In fact the brid eats insects, The various large mammals act as a restaurant with a varied menu for the ox-peeker, What do they get in return from the bird? Free beauty treatments!Some plants live together in a beneficial relationship of symbiosis. The fungus(菌类)does not have cholrophyll(叶绿素)that plants need to make food, However , green algae does contain chlorophyll ,It is,therefore,able to feed the fungus along with itself ,But nothing is free!The fungus repays it by protecting the algae ,Since it takes in and stores water ,it can provide the algae with a non-ending water supply.61、Why does the pilot fish swim along beside the shark?A、Because he likes eating the waste given off by the sharkB、Because he can help the shark to get foodC、Because he can get food and protectionD、Because he needs the help of the shark to lead his way65、What is the stuucture of the passqge?A、B、C、D、CSpace is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星), but also because of rays from the sun and other stars ,The atmosphere again acts as out protective blanket on earth, Light gets through, and this is essenfial for plants to make the food which we eas ,Heat , too, makes our environment endurable ,Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off, As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of therir spacecraft , if they are inside, do prevent a olt of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space ,The unit of radiation is called“rem”(雷姆), Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on ,The trobble is that it is extremely difficuly to be sure about radiation damage -a person may feel perfecty well , but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged ,and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed (畸形的)chileren or even grandchileren, Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation and , during the outward and return journeys, the Apollo crew accumulated a large amount of rems ,So far ,no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short,We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere ,working in a space laboratory ,Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far. 66、According to the passage ,the atmosphere is essential to us because .A、it can reduce the number of meteorsB、it provides sufficient light for plant growthC、it supplies the heat necessary for human survivalD、it protects us against the harmful radiation from outer space67、We know from the passage that .A、the effect of exposure to radiation may be slow in comingB、being exposed to even an extremely tiny amount of radiation is fatalC、radiation is completely avoidable in space explorationD、dugs that can decrease the damage of radiation effectively have been found68、According to the passage ,the harm radiation has done to the Apollo crew .A、is littleB、seems underestimatedC、is greatD、remains unknown69、It can be inferred from the passage that .A、astronauts will have changed children or grandchildrenB、decreasing space radiation damage is no easy jobC、without the protection of the atmosphere people will surely dieD、well-protected space explorers are not under the threat of radiation70、The best title for this passage would be .A、The Atmosphere and Our PlanetB、Research on RadiationC、Effect of Space RadiationD、Importance of Protection Against RadiationDEarlier this month, Michelle Obama and 23 school children helped prepare the ground for an organic vegetable garden on the South Lawn of the white house. The first laky showed the young gardeners how to turn the soil for the 100 square meter gqrden.The students from nearby Bancroft Elementary Schoolwill help grow 55 kinds of vegetables, herbs and berries , They will plant organic seedlings in a few weeks , The White Housesill provide organic fertilizer(肥料)for the garden .Crops will include lettuce ,spinach ,broccoli, peas, onions and berries , Missus Obama said two beehives will provide honey, The whole Obama family ,including the president, will pull weeds in the garden , The total cost of the seenlings and rfrtilizer is 200 dollars.The vegetables and fruit will help provide meals for the Obama family ,White House workers and guests, The prodeuce will also go to a nearby center that provides food for homeless people. Michelle Obama said the main goal of the garden is to educate children and influence communities to choose and prepare healthful food.The garden will be the first on the White House Lawn since World War II, President Franklin Roosevelts wife Eleanor planted what was called q “Victory Garden”as part of the war effort in 1943.Eleanor Roosevelt urged all Americans to grow their own vegetables and fruits , Nuch of the nations farm produce at the time was feeding American soldiers, More recently ,President and Missus Clinton had a small garden, But it was planted in containers on the roof of the White House.The White House garden marks a victory for people like Professor Michael Pollan of the University of California, Berkeley , The writer and food expert has worked to increase public education about good food, He said gardens like the one at the White House help people reconnect with food and eat more healthfully.In a public letter to Mister Obama several months ago, Michael pollan said a white House garden would set a revolutionary example of healthful eating and local farming for the whole country.71、According to Michelle Obama, the main purpose of the garden is to .A、promote public awareness of environmental protectionB、educate people to be hard-working and do things by themselvesC、set an example to people to eat healthilyD、help those who are homeless72、Which of the following descriptions about he vegetable garden is Not True?A、It covers an area of 100 square metersB、The White House will provide organic fertilizer for the gardenC、It only provides vegetables and fruit for the Obama familyD、President Obama will also share the work in the garden73、From Paragraph 6 we can see .A、people like Professor Michael Pollan have tried to raise public awareness of healthful food B、the White House garden was built under the guidance of Professor Michael PollanC、Professor Michael Pollan was not taken seriously until the White House garden was builtD、Michael Pollan is the first to think of the idea of growing food in the garden74、Who is the first person to build a garden on the White House Lawn?A、Michelle ObamaB、President Franklin RooseveltC、Eleanor RooseveltD、Missus Clinton75、It can be concluded from the passage that .A、vegetable gardens will be increasingly popular in American familiesB、it will save a lot to grow vegetables and fruit in ones own gardenC、more gardens in the White House will be builtD、Michelle Obama is good at gardening第II卷(共45分)第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题,第78题2分;第76、77、79题,每题3分;第80题4分,满分15)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求回答问题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。1Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old saying that love is blind , They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression (抑制)of activity in the areas of the brain controlling critical thought , It seems that once we get close to a person ,the brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced , The study ,by University College London, is published in Neurolmage.2The resarchers found that romantic love and motherly love the brain. They both suppress neural(神经的)activity associated with criltical social assessment of other people and gegative emotions The UCL team scanned he brains of 20 young mothers while they viewed pictures of their own children, children they were very similar to those identified in an earlier study looking at the effects of romantic love, Both studies recorded increased activity in parts of the brains reward sywtem . More surprisingly ,however, both studies also showed reduced levels of activity in the necessary for making negative judgments.3Leak researcher Dr, Andreas Bartels said it was very important that romantic and motherly love were viewed by the brain in a highly positive waybecause both were important to the continuance of the species.76、Whats the main idea of the passae?(no more than 10 words) 77、Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 6 words) 78、Complete the following statement with proper wor


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