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Managing MarketingInformation,营销信息管理,天马行空官方博客: ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,5- 1,Objectives 目标,Understand the importance of information to the company. Know the definition of a marketing information system and be able to discuss its subparts. Learn the steps in the marketing research process.,向公司解释信息的重要性。 定义营销信息系统并讨论其组成部分。 概述市场研究过程的几个步骤。,5- 2,Objectives 目标,Learn how companies analyze and distribute marketing information. Realize the special issues some marketing researchers face, including public policy and ethical issues.,解释公司怎样分析和传播营销信息。 讨论一些市场调查人员面临的具体问题,包括公共政策问题和伦理问题。,5- 3,Case Study 案例研究,“New Coke” was a fiasco; consumer complaints resulted in the return of “Coke Classic” after only 3 months. $4 million was spent researching “New Coke”.,Key issue: the research problem was too narrowly defined, and consumer feelings were ignored. Poor judgment in result interpretation was also a problem.,Coke 可口可乐,5- 4,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Marketing Information System (MIS) Consists of people, equipment, and procedures that gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.,营销信息系统(MIS) 指能够为营销决策时,准确地收集、整理、分析和评估并分送转达所需信息的人员、设备和程序。,5- 5,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Assessing Marketing Information Needs The MIS serves company managers as well as external partners. The MIS must balance needs against feasibility: Not all information can be obtained. Obtaining, processing, sorting, and delivering information is costly.,评估信息需求 MIS不但服务于公司管理者,也服务于外部合作者。 MIS必须平衡需求与可行性: 并不是所有信息都是可以获得的。 获取、处理、储存和传递信息的需要成本的。,5- 6,Internal data is gathered via customer databases, financial records, and operations reports. Advantages of internal data include quick/easy access to information. Disadvantages stem from the incompleteness or inappropriateness of data to a particular situation.,Internal data 内部数据,内部数据的来源有消费者数据库、财务记录和操作报告。 内部数据的好处包括迅速和易于获取数据。 缺点包括对于特定情况数据会不够完备或有错误。,5- 7,Marketing intelligence 营销情报,营销情报是对竞争对手和市场营销环境发展的公开可得信息的系统收集和分析。 竞争情报的收集活动大幅度增长。 竞争信息有许多来源。,Marketing intelligence is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and trends in the marketing environment. Competitive intelligence gathering activities have grown dramatically. Many sources of competitive information exist.,5- 8,Company employees Internet Garbage Published information Competitors employees Trade shows Benchmarking Channel members and key customers,公司雇员 因特网 垃圾 公开信息 公司竞争者 贸易展 补缺市场 渠道成员,Sources of Competitive Intelligence竞争情报的来源,5- 9,系统地设计、收集、分析和报告与某个组织面临的特定营销问题有关的各种数据和资料。 市场调查过程的步骤。,Marketing research 市场调查,Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Steps in the marketing research process.,5- 10,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Steps in the Marketing Research Process: Defining the problem and research objectives. Developing the research plan for collecting information. Implementing the research plan collecting and analyzing the data. Interpreting and reporting the findings.,市场调查程序: 确定问题和调查目标。 制定调查计划以收集信息。 招待调查计划收集和分析数据。 解释并报告调查结果。,5- 11,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Step 1: Defining the problem and research objectives Dont confuse the symptoms of the problem with its cause when defining the problem. Exploratory, descriptive, and causal research each fulfill different objectives.,步骤一:确定问题和调查目标 在定义问题时不要混淆问题的症状与成因。 探索性调查、描述性调查和因果性调查满足不同的目标。,5- 12,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Step 2: Developing the Research Plan Research objectives guide the determination of specific information needs. Research proposals outline the type of data needed and the research plan. Secondary data: Information collected for another purpose which already exists. Primary data: Information collected for the specific purpose at hand,第二步:制定调查计划 目标研究帮助确定具体信息需求。 调查建议列出了所需的数据类型和研究计划。 二手信息:已经存在的为其他目的而收集的信息。 原始信息:为当前目标而专门收集的信息。,5- 13,Secondary data 二手信息,二手信息的来源: 政府信息 因特网、商业数据库、在线数据库 出版物 优势: 迅速获得 比原始数据花费少 缺点: 信息也许并不存在或不可用。,Secondary data sources: Government information Internal, commercial, and online databases Publications Advantages: Obtained quickly Less expensive than primary data Disadvantages: Information may not exist or may not be usable.,5- 14,Evaluate the Following When Judging Data Quality 判别数据质量时要评价以下因素,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Relevance Accuracy Currency Impartiality,相关性 准确性 及时性 公平性,5- 15,Primary data 原始数据,计划收集原始数据 调查方法: 观察法、调查法、实验法 访问方法: 邮寄、电话、网络、个人采访 抽样计划: 样本单位、样本规模、抽样过程 研究手段 调查问卷、仪器设备,Planning primary research: Research approaches: Observation, survey, experiment Contact methods: Mail, telephone, online, personal Sampling plan: Sampling unit, sample size, sampling procedure Research instruments: Questionnaire, mechanical instruments,5- 16,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Research approaches: Observation research using people or machines Mystery shoppers, traffic counters, web site “cookies” are some examples. Discovers behavior but not motivations. Ethnographic research expands observation research to include consumer interviews.,调查手段 使用人员或机器进行观察研究 例如:秘密买者、顾客计数器、网站“cookie”。 发现行为,但不是动机。,5- 17,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Research approaches: Survey research is widely used to gather descriptive information. Single source data systems gather information from consumer panels Survey research faces many problems Experimental research investigates cause and effect relationships.,研究方法: 调查者在收集描述性信息时使用很广泛 单一来源数据系统从消费者抽样中收集信息 调查研究面对很多问题 实验研究致力于研究成因和效果关系。,5- 18,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Key Contact Methods Include: Mail surveys Telephone surveys Personal interviewing: Individual or focus group Online (Internet) research Each contact method has strengths and weaknesses,主要访问方法包括: 邮寄调查 电话调查 个人访谈: 个人或小组深度访谈 在线(因特网)调查 第种访问方法都有有优势和劣势,5- 19,Strengths and Weaknesses of Contact Methods Relate to:访问方法的优势和劣势关系到:,Flexibility Sample control Data quantity Cost Interviewer effects Speed of data collection Response rate,可变性 样本控制 数据量 成本 访谈效果 数据收集的速度 反应率,5- 20,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Sample: subgroup of population from whom information will be collected Sampling Plan Decisions: Sampling unit Sample size Sampling procedure: Probability samples Non-probability samples,样本:从总体中挑选出的一部分 抽样计划决策: 样本单元 样本规模 抽样过程: 概率抽样 非概率抽样,5- 21,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Research Instruments: Questionnaires Include open-ended and closed-ended questions Phrasing and question order are key Mechanical instruments,调查手段: 调查问卷 包括封闭式问题和开放式问题 措词和问题次序很关键 仪器,5- 22,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Step 3 of the Research Process: Implementing the Research Plan Involves collecting, processing, and analyzing information. Step 4 of the Research Process: Interpreting and Reporting the Findings,第三步:实施调查计划 包括收集、处理和分析信息。 第四步:解释并报告调查结果,5- 23,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Analyzing Marketing Information Customer relationship management (CRM) helps manage information. CRM offers many benefits and can help a firm gain a competitive advantage. Technology alone cannot build profitable customer relationships.,分析营销信息 顾客关系管理(CRM)会帮助管理信息。 CRM有很多好处,可以帮助公司获取竞争优势。 只有技术不能建立可获利的顾客关系。,5- 24,Marketing Info. System营销信息系统,Distributing and Using Marketing Information Routine reporting makes information available in a timely manner. User friendly databases allow for special queries. Intranets and extranets help distribute information to company employees and value-network members.,传递并使用营销信息 常规报告使信息及时可得。 用户友好的数据库允许消费者提供质疑。 内部网和外部网可以帮助向公司雇员和价值网成员传递信息。,5- 25,Other Considerations其他方面,Marketing research in small businesses and not-for-profit organizations International marketing research Public policy and ethics Consumer privacy issues Misuse of research findings,小型企业和非营利组织的市场调查 网络营销调查 公共政策和伦理问题 消费者隐私问题 调查结果的误用,


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