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2021/6/71Listening2021/6/72四级听力题型特点及分重四级听力题型特点及分重1.新闻和长对话新闻和长对话新闻:新闻:3篇,篇,7题(题(7%)长对话:长对话:3篇,篇,8题(题(8%)2.短文理解:短文理解:3篇,篇,10题(题(20%)3.复合式听写:复合式听写:1段(段(10%)2021/6/73四级听力复习策略四级听力复习策略 1.四级听力复习:至少提早三个月准备,扩大词汇量。四级听力复习:至少提早三个月准备,扩大词汇量。2.要养成复述和做笔记的习惯要养成复述和做笔记的习惯3.从真题中总结规律和解题技巧从真题中总结规律和解题技巧4.其他几个问题:其他几个问题:听力单词和短语需要总结 注意力的保持 难度控制 2021/6/74四级听力训练方法及注意问题四级听力训练方法及注意问题 Step 1:第一遍听录音时认真做题;:第一遍听录音时认真做题;Step 2:脱离文字材料再听:脱离文字材料再听45遍录音;遍录音;Step 3:在足够熟悉此段落的内容后,打开文字材料一:在足够熟悉此段落的内容后,打开文字材料一边听录音一边看,亦可听录音进行听写练习;边听录音一边看,亦可听录音进行听写练习;Step 4:跟着录音大声朗读,以提高自己的语速。:跟着录音大声朗读,以提高自己的语速。2021/6/75四级听力训练应避免:四级听力训练应避免:1.鸵鸟式听法鸵鸟式听法 很多同学听力过程中没有动手的习惯,听就是听,在做很多同学听力过程中没有动手的习惯,听就是听,在做题时才努力回忆与该题有关的信息。甚至有同学喜欢闭着题时才努力回忆与该题有关的信息。甚至有同学喜欢闭着眼睛听或者把头低下来伏在桌子上听,并认为这样注意力眼睛听或者把头低下来伏在桌子上听,并认为这样注意力更集中,但这样往往容易走神,听的效率非常低。更集中,但这样往往容易走神,听的效率非常低。2.多而不精多而不精 对于已经听过的材料,很多同学很少再听,这是一个错对于已经听过的材料,很多同学很少再听,这是一个错误的观念。片面追求练习的量,并不能有效提高做听力题误的观念。片面追求练习的量,并不能有效提高做听力题时的悟性,必须用心去感受才能收到显著的效果。时的悟性,必须用心去感受才能收到显著的效果。四级听力训练方法及注意问题四级听力训练方法及注意问题 2021/6/76 3.不愿对着文字材料大声朗读不愿对着文字材料大声朗读 很多同学认为听力就是听力,没有必要和朗读口语联系很多同学认为听力就是听力,没有必要和朗读口语联系起来。其实听力考的是口头语言,口语提高了,听力也就起来。其实听力考的是口头语言,口语提高了,听力也就自然而然上去了。同时朗读可以培养正确的语音语调,可自然而然上去了。同时朗读可以培养正确的语音语调,可以加强我们对文章的领悟力。以加强我们对文章的领悟力。4.训练时间安排不得当训练时间安排不得当 听力训练需要思想高度集中,故时间应安排在每天精神听力训练需要思想高度集中,故时间应安排在每天精神最佳的时候。训练时间不宜过长,每次连续听半小时至一最佳的时候。训练时间不宜过长,每次连续听半小时至一小时即可。由于听力是一种习惯成自然的技巧训练,因此,小时即可。由于听力是一种习惯成自然的技巧训练,因此,最好每天都能坚持进行,切忌三天打鱼,两天晒网。最好每天都能坚持进行,切忌三天打鱼,两天晒网。四级听力训练方法及注意问题四级听力训练方法及注意问题 2021/6/77News英语新闻特点英语新闻特点 英语新闻叙述结构英语新闻叙述结构新闻报道结构多采用新闻报道结构多采用“倒金字塔倒金字塔”结构和时间顺序结构。结构和时间顺序结构。“倒金字塔倒金字塔”结构结构:导语导语 副导语副导语 新闻主体新闻主体 2021/6/78英语新闻句式安排英语新闻句式安排句子大量使用修饰语句子大量使用修饰语,在基本句型在基本句型SV 或或SVO 的基础上的基础上进行扩展进行扩展,适度地展开其定语和状语结构成份。适度地展开其定语和状语结构成份。例例1:In Russias presidential election,Dmitry Medvedev,Vladimir Putins chosen successor,is heading towards an overwhelming victory of more than 65%of the vote.例例1中中Vladimir Putins chosen successor就是就是Dmitry Medvedev的同位语,即对梅德韦杰夫身份的介绍。的同位语,即对梅德韦杰夫身份的介绍。同位语常用于交代人物身份,职业,年龄以及组织结同位语常用于交代人物身份,职业,年龄以及组织结构的地点,性质等。构的地点,性质等。2021/6/79英语新闻的用词特点英语新闻的用词特点新闻词汇新闻词汇新闻词汇的特点是简短形象新闻词汇的特点是简短形象,动态感强动态感强,节省篇幅。节省篇幅。专有名词专有名词由于新闻报道会涉及人物,组织,机构,地点等等信息,由于新闻报道会涉及人物,组织,机构,地点等等信息,专有名字就会大量出现。专有名字就会大量出现。新词新词特点就是新,它会涉及现代生活的方方面面。这类词有的特点就是新,它会涉及现代生活的方方面面。这类词有的是旧词装新意,有的是有原有的两个词合成而为一个新是旧词装新意,有的是有原有的两个词合成而为一个新词,有的是由原由词派生出来的新词,当然也有新造词。词,有的是由原由词派生出来的新词,当然也有新造词。2021/6/710Model Test OneQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news items.1.A)The law of weapon purchasing in Illinois State.B)The relationship between crime and mental illness.C)The graduate student of Northern Illinois University.D)The shooting happened in Northern Illinois University.2.A)The gunman has mental illness.B)The gunman is dissatisfied with the university.C)The gunman is dissatisfied with the lecture.D)It is not clear.2021/6/711AudioscriptThe shooting occurred Thursday in a lecture hall at northern Illinois University in DeKalb,Illinois,north of Chicago.The gunman entered the hall dressed in black and carrying a shotgun and three handguns and began firing as students sought cover under desks.One student who escaped unharmed told reporters his life had changed as a result of what he experienced.Police said the gunman was Steven Kazmierczak,27,a former graduate student in Sociology at the school.Police say he purchased the shotgun and two of the handguns on Saturday,indicating he may have planned the attack in advance,but authorities have not determined a motive for the shooting.Kazmierczak had not criminal record and no history of mental illness.Under Illinois state law he would not have been able to purchase a weapon legally if there had been a record of arrests or mental problems.But police say he stopped taking an unspecified dedication recently and his behavior became erratic.1.What is this news items about?D2.What is the reason of the shooting?D2021/6/712Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news items.3.A)It has been influenced by war.B)It is devalued by its government.C)It is more competitive than before.D)It has turned into a global currency.4.A)Most experts support the four countries currency change.B)The meeting on Friday is useless for global recovery.C)Currency wars threaten global economic recovery.D)Policymakers should cooperate with central bankers.2021/6/713audioscriptIn recent months a string of countries,from Japan to Switzerland,Colombia to Israel,have tried to drive down the value of their currencies.Some experts call it“competitive devaluation.”Others,though,argue that it is nothing short of a currency warand far from boosting global recovery,it threatens to undermine it.So concerned are policymakers that the issue looks set to dominate talks on Friday at a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers.Dominique Strauss-Kahn,managing director of the International Monetary Fund,which hosts the meeting in Washington,set out the concerns in the Financial Times on Tuesday.“There is clearly the idea beginning to circulate that currencies can be used as a policy weapon.Translated into action,such an idea would represent a very serious risk to the global recovery,”he said.3.What has happened to Israels currency?B4.What can we learn from Dominique Strauss-Kahn?C2021/6/714Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news items.5.A)The preservation of coastal resorts.B)The closure of political disputes.C)The gap between the rich and the poor.D)The commitments to reduce carbon emissions.6.A)Promising.B)Hopeful.C)Disappointing.D)Satisfying.7.A)18.B)80.C)94.D)194.2021/6/715audioscriptThe latest round of United Nations climate change talks begins Monday in the coastal resort city of Cancun,Mexico.Representatives from 194 countries are scheduled to attend.Negotiators will try to close the political gap between commitments to reduce carbon emission made by developed and developing nations.Last years talks in Copenhagen,Denmark,carried high hopes for a binding global agreement to curb carbon emissions,but in the end delivered a disappointing and loose set of voluntary actions named the“Copenhagen Accord.”Eighty countries responsible for 80 percent of the worlds carbon emissions signed the accord,agreeingamong other thingsthat the global temperature rise should be limited to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.5.What is the latest round of UN climate change talks focused on?D6.How was the result of last years talks in Copenhagan?C7.How many countries signed the“Copenhagan Accord”?B2021/6/716Model Test TwoQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news items.1.A)They made more efforts to find more new cases.B)The tried to prevent the disease out of the capital.C)They held a public movement on hygiene information.D)They boosted the accuracy and promptness of their report.2.A)Its the first time that ingestion disease has broken out in Haiti.B)The death rate of ingestion disease is too high.C)Death number will keep increasing for a long time.D)Ingestion disease could join other local diseases in Haiti.2021/6/717audioscriptHealth officials in Haiti say nearly 300 people are now known to have died in an ingestion disease outbreak in the country.Although the number of new cases has slowed,hundreds more infections were reported on Tuesday.The UN and aid agencies are boosting prevention efforts in and around the capital,Port-au-Prince,with a public information campaign on hygiene.Experts say that after a long absence from Haiti,ingestion disease could now“settle”and become local disease.The UN said 25 more people had died of the disease on Tuesday,bringing the total to 284.A total of 3,612 cases have been reported.Health experts say they expect the outbreak will soon lessen but the disease will eventually join malaria and tuberculosis,becoming local disease in Haiti.1.What did the UN and aid agencies do for the disease?C2.What can be inferred from the health experts?D2021/6/718Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news items.3.A)The children of the international diplomatic corps.B)The program of international Baccalaureate schools.C)The school district in the suburb of Detroit,Michigan.D)“Mother Earth”class in IB elementary schools.4.A)Subject areas are separated.B)Classes are held in the open air.C)“Mother Earth”class covers math.D)Teachers prepare classes together.2021/6/719audioscriptInternational Baccalaureate schools began decades ago as a way to teach the global-trotting children of the international diplomatic corps.Now,IB schools welcome all kinds of children.The program combines what are considered to be the best teaching techniques,a rigorous curriculum stressing writing and analysis,and an international perspective.The goal is to develop involved,articulate global citizens.Bloomfield Hills is a wealthy suburb of Detroit,Michigan.The school district here has set up an International Baccalaureate program at Lone Pone Elementary.At IB elementary schools,subjects like math and reading are not taught separately.Subject areas are integrated,so lessons in“Mother Earth”class,for example,cover vocabulary,literature,history,and ecology.2021/6/720The program also breaks down the proverbial wall.Teachers are required to compare notes and plan class together.Thats the“beat practice”that IB schools have adopted because it develops teachers skills.3.What does this news item mainly deal with?B4.What can we know about the IB elementary schools?D2021/6/721Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news items.5.A)White ash.B)High temperature water.C)Poison gas.D)Hurricane.6.A)Less than 10.B)About 20.C)About 120.D)More than 750.7.A)They have found too many dead bodies.B)They want to persuade people to move away.C)They dont know what might happen next.D)They need space to carry out the research.2021/6/722audioscriptIndonesias Mount Merapi has erupted with its biggest explosion in more than a century,killing at least 70 more people,burning down homes and blanketing the region in white ash.Authorities said Friday this latest in a series of eruptions over the last 11 days was the most ferocious yet.750-degree(Celsius)gas flowed down the mountainside in a thunderous roar.The heat was so intense that clothes and blankets were fused to the injured as they fled for safety.The death toll from the eruptions has now risen to about 120 and is expected to increase as rescuers pull bodies out of the ash and broken rocks.Volcano experts said the Friday blast was the biggest since the 1870s.With the unpredictability of the volcano,authorities widened the danger zone around the mountain to 20 kilometers.5.Which of the following is probably the result of the eruption of Mount Merapi?A6.How many people have been killed by the disaster?C7.Why did Authorities widen the danger zone?C2021/6/723Model Test ThreeQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news items.1.A)The womens marathon at the historic Brandenburg Gate.B)The final day of the Championships competition.C)Nick Symmonds win of the 800-meter semifinal heat.D)The final of the mens four-by-400-meter relay.2.A)3.B)4.C)7.D)8.2021/6/724audioscriptThe womens marathon opens the final day of competition,but that 42.2-kilometer race,which begins and ands at the historic Brandenburg Gate,is only the beginning.The women go for the gold in three other events,including the long jump,four-by-400-meter relay and 1,500 meters.Anna Willard of the United States is one of three Americans to make the 444-meter finals and she told VOA Sports about her plan for Sunday.The Men will also be busy Sunday with four gold medal events.They begin with the javelin throw,followed by the 1,500 and 800 meters.American Nick Symmonds won his 800-meter semifinal heat,despite having three runners in front of him trip and fall down.The last event of the Championships will be the final of the mens fou-by-400-meter relay.1.Whats the topic of this news?B2.How many gold medal events will take place in the last day?D2021/6/725Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news items.3.A)It might hinder people from going shopping.B)It could cause serious traffic accident.C)It might be harmful to some peoples health.D).It could add more holiday atmosphere.4.A)In the middle of winter.B)Just before Christmas.C)During Christmas.D)After the Christmas holiday.2021/6/726audioscriptA massive storm that dumped about a half-meter of snow from Virginia to Maine did more than frustrate motorists.It added to the woes of retailers that were already bracing for weak holiday sales as the United States struggle to emerge from the deepest and longest recession of the post-World War era.The storms timing could hardly have been worse,blanketing the most-populous regions of the United States on the last weekend before Christmas,when millions of Americans are preparing to exchange gifts.Even before the storm,the national Retail Federation was predicting a one percent drop in US holiday sales compared to last year.Although an economic recovery is believed to be underway,US unemployment remains stubbornly high and consumers appear more focused on saving and debt reduction than spending.3.What could be the result of the snow mentioned in the news item?A4.When did the snow drop according to the news item?B2021/6/727Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news items.5.A)Japan.B)South Korea.C)The United States.D)Australia.6.A)Trade imbalances.B)Unstable currency values.C)Regional disputes.D)New members applications.7.A)9.B)19.C)20.D)21.2021/6/728audioscriptUS president Barack Obama and other leaders are in Japan for the two-day Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit.They are meeting in the port city of Yokohama on the heels of the G20 summit in Seoul,where trade imbalances and currency strains dominated discussions.Those issues are also expected to top the agenda at the APEC summit.In Yokohama,Mr.Obama will push for a regional free trade agreement.The Trans-Pacific Partnership would cut import tariffs for nine countries,including Australia and Japan.Washington hopes such a partnership would lead to the larger goal of free trade among all 21 APEC countries.5.Where will the APEC Summit be held?A6.What will the APEC Summit focus on?A7.How many APEC countries are there altogether?D2021/6/729Model Test FourQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news items.1.A)Offering services to help people stop smoking.B)Raising taxes.C)Warning people about the dangers of tobacco.D)Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising.2.A)More than 5 million.B)More than 8 million.C)More than 1 billion.D)More than 10 billion.2021/6/730audioscriptThe world Health Organization in urging countries to follow six policies to prevent millions of deaths linked to tobacco use.The six policies are known as MPOWER,spelled M-P-O-W-E-R.The letter M means monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies.The P is for protecting people by establishing smoke-free areas.O is for offering services to help people stop smoking.The letter W means warning people about the dangers of tobacco.E is for enforcing bans on tobacco advertising and other forms of marketing.And R is for raising taxes on tobacco.2021/6/731A World Heath Organization report says raising tax is the single most effective way to reduce tobacco use.A study found that government now collect an average of five hundred times more money in tobacco taxes each year than they spend on control efforts.The report says tobacco now causes more than million deaths a year.It predicts this number will rise to more than eight million by the year 2030.By the end of the century,it says,tobacco could kill one billion peopleten times as many as in the twentieth century.1.What is the most effective way to reduce tobacco use?B2.How many people die from tobacco each year?A2021/6/732Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news items.3.A)The discovery of voice recording.B)The development of guitar and popular music.C)Les Pauls musical experience and death.D)Les Pauls own radio show in Chicago.4.A)When he was 10 years old.B)When he was 13 years old.C)When he was a host in Chicago.D)When he was at a local restaurant.2021/6/733audioscriptGuitar legend and recording industry pioneer Les Paul died on Thursday,August 13,at a hospital in White Plains,New York,of complications from pneumonia.He was 94 years old.Known for his virtuosity on guitar,Paul made breakthrough discoveries that forever changed the sound of popular music.Les Paul single-handedly changed the course of music when he developed his solid body guitar,and discovered a new way to record voices and instruments.Paul became known as the“Wizard of Waukesha,”by people in his Wisconsin hometown.Born Lester William Polfuss,he was self-taught on guitar,and loved to experiment with electronic equipment.He performed country music at a local restaurant when he was 10 years old,and by age 13,had built his own broadcasting station and recording device.He played and traveled with country bands and even hosted his own radio show in Chicago.3.What is this news item about?C4.When did Les Paul build his own broadcasting station?B2021/6/734Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news items.5.A)Sleeping.B)Holding a meeting.C)Indulging themselves.D)Quarreling.6.A)Soldiers.B)Teachers.C)Lawyers.D)Businessmen.7.A)Fire.B)Mobile phone signals.C)Body bomb.D)Light.2021/6/735audioscriptAnother bomb has gone off in southern Thailand,the fourth in 24 hours.The latest blast that is reported to have injured four soldiers was in Yala province.Even while senior government officials held an emergency meeting to discuss three bombs overnight,the fourth was detonated.The blast in Yala on Monday marks a return to form for violence in the southernmost provinces,where soldiers,police and local officials have been targeted by almost daily shooting and small explosions.But the attacks overnight represent a different kind of threat to Thailands national security.2021/6/736The three explosions on Sunday killed two people and injured as many as 60.All of the blasts are thought to have been trigged by a mobile phone signals in the first major attacks outside the southernmost provinces in the large cities of Hat Yai and Songkhla.5.What were the senior government officials doing when the last bomb went off?B6.Who were targeted by daily shootings and small explosions in the southernmost provinces?A7.What were the blasts triggered by?B2021/6/737Model Test FiveQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news items.1.A)More than 5 million.B)More than 10 million.C)More than 25 million.D)More than 30 million.2.A)To help identify where infectious diseases are developing.B)To help small and medium size business grow.C)To help improve public services.D)To help two climate change programs.2021/6/738audioscriptThe Internet search engine company called Google has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor.The money will be spent over the next five to ten years in several areas,including poverty reduction and private business development.Aleem Walji works for Google.orgthe part of the company that gives money to good causes.He spoke to us from San Francisco,California.He said the first project to receive money will help identify where infectious diseases are developing.In Southeast Asia and Africa,for example, will work with partners to strengthen early warning systems and take action against growing health threats.1.How much money will Google spend in helping the poor?C2.What is the first project of the Company intended to do?A2021/6/739Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news items.3.A)About 4.12 million units were sold.B)They declined to their lowest level.C)There was a decline of 10%than that in July.D)They indicated a start of rise in August.4.A)They are much stronger than their expectations.B)They might reach to 4.25 million units per year.C)They will be out of control on next months report.D)They indicated the housing industry has recovered.2021/6/740audioscriptExisting home sales climbed for the second month in a row


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