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【Top News】Daughters more popular英媒:房价削中国重男风High property prices and economic development have begun to erode Chinas traditional preference for sons, leading to a rise in the number of Chinese parents who say they want a daughter, the Financial Times of London reported Tuesday. The conventional wisdom - that China is a land of unwanted girls - is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons to work the fields and support parents in old age. Rising property prices are also driving the change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries. As a result, Internet chat groups have sprang up where women exchange advice on how to conceive girls.英国金融时报2日称,中国的高房价和经济发展开始削弱人们重男轻女的传统风气,越来越多的父母表示更喜欢女儿。文章称,城市化削弱了有儿子的优势,如儿子可以下田劳作、养老送终,因此养女多余的传统思想正渐行渐远。此外,按中国的传统,儿子结婚前必须给他置办好房子,因此目前的高房价也推动了民众思想的转变。时下,女性网上讨论怎样才能怀女儿的聊天群越来越多。*民声It is not only an apartment, says Zhang Yun, a Shanxi native who lives in Shanghai, alluding to the cost of educating and marrying off a boy. Sons bring economic pressure.but a daughter is a warm jacket for a mother when she is old, said Zhang.定居上海的山西人张芸(音译)表示:不光是一套房子的问题。她指出还有男孩的教育和结婚成本。儿子会带来经济压力而女儿在妈妈老时可是妈妈的贴心小棉袄。*数据According to a recent World Bank report, the gender imbalance favoring boys peaked in Beijing and some Chinese provinces in 1995 and has fallen since then. Other Chinese provinces saw a similar trend in 2000.根据世界银行最新报告,北京和一些省份的性别失调程度在1995年达到峰值,此后有所减弱。还有一些省份也于2000年出现类似趋势。Shoplifters love lipstick most亚太商铺小偷最爱唇膏Lipsticks, shaving products and perfumes were most frequently stolen commodities in shops in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Global Retail Theft Barometer released by the UK-based Center for Retail Research. Between July 2009 and June 2010, the Chinese mainland was among the 10 countries and regions worldwide with lowest rate of money lost from shoplifting, employee crimes and administrative errors. Chinese mainland retailers lost just $1.07b through such means. India had the highest rate in Asia-Pacific region.英国零售研究中心发布的2010年全球零售盗窃晴雨表显示,亚太地区商铺中失窃率最高的商品是唇膏、剃须用品和香水。报告指出,2009年7月至2010年6月间,中国大陆属于全球零售货品损耗率最低的10个国家和地区之一,损耗总金额约为10.7亿美元。货品损耗主要指顾客偷窃、员工盗窃以及管理疏漏。在亚太地区,印度损耗率最高。【In Brief】China will become the worlds biggest airplane market after the US in the next 20 years and will likely require 4,330 new commercial airplanes valued at $480b over the same period, according to a projection by Boeing Co.美国飞机制造商波音公司日前预测,中国将在未来20年里成为继美国之后世界上最大的飞机市场,届时中国可能需要4330架新商业飞机,总价值4800亿美元。Macaos October gambling revenue surged 50% from a year earlier to hit $2.36b, setting a record monthly high as the number of visitors ballooned during the Chinese mainlands Golden Week holiday at the beginning of the month.澳门10月份创下单月博彩收入新高,达23.6亿美元,同比增加50%。这归功于10月国庆长假期间涌入澳门的中国大陆游客。Starting on Monday, workers at a district council in eastern England must clock off and back on if they take a cigarette break, as they will no longer be paid for time spent smoking, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,11月1日起,英格兰东部一个区议会的员工若想抽根烟歇一会,必须打卡计时,他们在吸烟时段将不再获取工作报酬。Oil company BP announced a return to profit Tuesday, reporting a net profit of $1.785b in Q3 following a loss from the massive costs of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis.英国石油公司2日宣布,该公司在遭遇墨西哥湾漏油事故后已扭亏为盈,第3季度净利17.85亿美元。【Top News】SZ residents feel the pinch深市民赴港购生活用品As commodity prices continue to surge in Shenzhen, a sudden influx of local shoppers is pouring into Hong Kong to snap up the basic necessities of life, the China Securities Journal reported Wednesday. Many shoppers go equipped with large, empty suitcases, in which they stuff their purchases. Outside the Sheung Shui Railway Station, a Shenzhen housewife who only gave her first name Xiaowen packed bags of natural sea salt into her already-full suitcases, before going home. Xiaowen said she was reluctant to go so far to buy products but shopping in Shenzhen has become so much more expensive than in Hong Kong.据中国证券报3日报道,因为近期深圳物价飞涨,一大批深圳市民开始奔赴香港购置生活必需品。他们大多都随身携带空行李箱,用来填装自己血拼的战利品。在香港上水火车站,满载而归的深圳主妇小雯就将一包包天然海盐塞进鼓鼓的箱子里。小雯称这也是迫于无奈,因为深圳不少东西已经贵过香港了。Did You Know?你知道吗?-The Shenzhen consumer price index (CPI) rose 3.8% in September from the same period last year, according to the latest figures from the municipal statistics bureau.根据深圳统计局的最新数据,今年9月,深圳居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨高达3.8%。Airbus eyes Chinese deal 空客或从中国获大订单European plane maker Airbus is in negotiations that could lead to the sale of around 100 passenger planes to China during a November 4-5 visit to France by President Hu Jintao, sources familiar with the matter said, Reuters reported. The potential $10b deal dominates a list of contracts sought by French-based companies in a week which may also see preliminary contacts between China and Dassault Aviation over cooperation in business jets, the sources said. Deals for about 150 aircraft were struck at each of 2 previous state visits to China by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his predecessor, Jacques Chirac.据路透社报道,有知情人士称,欧洲飞机制造商空客公司正与中国洽谈,希望在中国国家主席胡锦涛11月4-5日访问法国期间与中方签下约100架客机的订单。据称,此项潜在订单的价值可能高达100亿美元,是法国公司本周试图赢得的一系列中国订单的主要组成部分。法国达索飞机制造公司也有望就商务机领域的合作与中国展开初步接洽。法国总统萨科齐和其前任希拉克此前两次对中国进行国事访问期间,中法曾分别达成约150架飞机的购买协议。【Word Power】赔偿金上限 cap on liability例句:British oil giant BP has told a court it was committed to waiving the legal cap on its liability from the Gulf oil spill that could have limited the companys liability cost to $75m.英国石油业巨头英国石油公司已向法院承诺放弃该公司对海湾漏油事件的法定赔偿金上限,此前该公司的赔偿金限额在7500万美元以内。定价机制 pricing mechanism例句:Reform of the natural gas pricing mechanism has been on the Central Governments agenda for a long time. 天然气定价机制改革在很久以前就已经被提上了中央政府的日程。【Top News】60% of gray handsets exported山寨手机六成销往海外The gray handset market in China has been growing since 2007, but the use of counterfeit handsets in the domestic market has been dropping, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported Wednesday. Now about 40% of the counterfeit handsets produced in China are sold at home and 60% overseas. Market research firm iSuppli predicts that gray market handset unit shipments will total 175m in 2010, but only 25m will be purchased by domestic consumers and the other 150m will be exported to India, Southeast Asia, South America and Africa. By 2011, only 12% of the Chinese counterfeit handsets will be sold in China and by 2012, only 10.5%.据南方都市报10日报道,自2007年起,中国山寨手机市场不断壮大,但国内市场的购买量却在下滑,目前内外销比例大致是四六开。据市场研究公司iSuppli统计,2010年我国山寨手机出货量达1.75亿部,而被国内市场消化的仅有2500万部左右,剩下的1.5亿部全部出口海外。外销的区域集中在印度、东南亚、南美、非洲等地。按其预测,到2011年,山寨手机内销量将仅占12%左右,到2012年这个比例更将下降至10.5%。Housing prices in Chinas 70 large- and medium-sized cities rose 0.2% in October compared with September, the National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday. But the rate of increase is down 0.3 percentage points compared with the rate of increase in September.国家统计局10日发布数据,10月份全国70个大中城市房价环比上涨0.2%,涨幅比上月缩小0.3个百分点。The Chinese mainland has approved exchange of the yuan and the new Taiwan dollar in Guangdong, to attract more Taiwan residents to the Asian Games host province, Xinhua reported. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange has given permission to the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Bank of China to make such exchanges, said Fan Liqing, spokeswoman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office Wednesday.据新华社报道,国台办发言人范丽青10日表示,为方便台胞到广州观看亚运比赛,国家外汇管理局已批准中国工商银行、中国银行在广东省开办新台币与人民币现钞双向兑换业务。【Word Power】输入型通胀 imported inflation例句:Because the United States issuance of dollars is out of control and international commodity prices are continuing to rise, China is being attacked by imported inflation. 由于美元发行失控,国际商品价格持续上涨,中国正面临输入型通胀的危机。【Markets】Dow Jones11,346.75 -60.09 -0.53% Nasdaq2,562.98 -17.07 -0.66% 【Highlights】2010 CPI to exceed 3%发改委:今年CPI将超3%Gray skills important at work7成人看重职场灰色技能MSN a winner in cyber war3Q交战酣MSN坐收渔翁利New way to regenerate breasts研究:用干细胞再造乳房Mother-in-law a burden盘点:英国婆媳矛盾焦点Law suffers nerve condition啰嗦唐僧患病嘴歪(图)【Cover Story】China, UK ink a $1.2B deal英国赢东航12亿大单Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron in Beijing Tuesday, Xinhua reported. After their talks, Cameron and Wen oversaw the signing of several agreements. The highlight of the deals is a $1.2b order from China Eastern Airlines to purchase Rolls-Royces engines to power 16 Airbus-330 jets, the largest such deal by far during a trip by the largest official British delegation ever to visit China. Cameron said he targeted annual trade of more than $100b with China within 5 years.据新华社报道,国务院总理温家宝9日与英国首相卡梅伦在北京举行会谈。会后,两国领导人见证双方数个商贸合同的签订,其中,英国发动机制造商劳斯莱斯获东航大单成为焦点。根据这份价值12亿美元的合同,劳斯莱斯为东航16架空客A330飞机提供发动机,这是这支英国史上最大规模访华采购团迄今所获得的最大订单。卡梅伦之前在接受采访时表示,希望未来5年中英年贸易额达到1000亿美元。【Top News】2010 CPI to exceed 3%发改委:今年CPI将超3%Chinas consumer price index (CPI) will rise more than the governments target of 3% this year, said Zhang Ping, National Development and Reform Commission head, Tuesday. It is the first time a government official has said the full-year target will be missed. Besides upward pressure on commodity prices caused by natural disasters, imported inflation led by depreciation of the US dollar is also pushing up the CPI. Speculation in food and bulk commodities is another major factor, Zhang added.国家发改委主任张平9日表示,估计2010年全年的物价指数要高于年初国家制定的3%目标。这是国家部委有关负责人首次表态认为今年物价涨幅会超过3%。张平说,物价形势严峻受各方面因素的影响,一是自然灾害比较多,导致物价上涨;一是输入性的涨价因素美元的贬值造成这一段时间国际市场的价格都比较高。除自然灾害和国际因素以外,国内对食品以及大宗商品的投机炒作也是造成物价上涨的主要原因之一。【Top News】China tightens housing loans中国推住房公积金新政China, in a bid to curb speculation, will require a 50% down payment from home buyers who are seeking Public Housing Fund mortgage to purchase their 2nd homes. The minimum down payment for first-time buyers will be 20% to 30% depending on the homes size, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the countrys banking regulator said Wednesday. China will also prohibit use of the Public Housing Fund mortgage to buy 3rd homes.为抑制投机投资性购房,住房城乡建设部、银监会等部门3日联合印发关于规范住房公积金个人住房贷款政策有关问题的通知,规定使用住房公积金贷款购买第二套个人住房时,首付款比例不得低于50%。公积金购买首套房的首付比例,根据所购房屋的大小不低于20%-30%。第三套住房公积金贷款停发。Did You Know?你知道吗?-Urban residents must pay a portion of their income into Public Housing Fund to be eligible for low-interest loans, while their employers also contribute.住房公积金制度是指城镇职工必须将收入的一部分缴存住房公积金,以获取低利率住房贷款。职工所在单位也需为职工缴纳一部分公积金。Show your face to get money广州产ATM机拒口罩墨镜A new type of ATM will reject customers requests to withdraw money if they try to hide their faces by wearing masks, sunglasses or hats, Guangzhou Daily reported Wednesday. The new machine, developed by GRG Banking, one of the largest ATM manufacturers in China, can also record the serial numbers of the banknotes withdrawn from it to provide proof for those drawing counterfeit money from the machine.据广州日报3日报道,我国最大银行ATM柜员机制造商之一的广电运通日前发布新型ATM,如果取款人用口罩、墨镜和帽子遮挡相貌特征,ATM将拒绝服务。据悉,这种ATM还能记录每张钞票的序列号,如果取到假钞,ATM的记录就能为客户提供证明。Alibaba earns admiration大陆最受尊敬企业三甲The Wall Street Journal Asia Wednesday issued its annual review of Asias 200 most-admired companies. E-commerce company A Ltd was the top-ranked Chinese mainland company in 2010, with high scores in the innovation and vision categories. Alibabas strong performance echoes the significant growth in the Chinese mainlands online e-commerce market, said the newspaper. China Merchants Bank took the 2nd place for Chinese mainlands companies, followed by Tencent Holdings. Nintendo Co Ltd was ranked the most-admired company in Japan, and Samsung Electronics Co was the most admired company in South Korea.华尔街日报亚洲版3日发布了亚洲200家最受尊敬企业榜。阿里巴巴位居中国大陆市场榜首,在创新和远见方面获得高分。招商银行、腾讯控股位居亚军和季军。华尔街日报称,阿里巴巴的卓越表现体现了中国大陆网络电子商务市场的大幅增长。此外,日本的任天堂、韩国的三星电子分别摘得各自市场桂冠。The World Bank Wednesday raised its forecast for growth of Chinas GDP for 2010 to 10% from its previous estimate of 9.5%.3日,世界银行将中国全年GDP增速预期从9.5%上调至10%。【Top News】Rivals take advantageQQ360混战对手趁机渔利As Internet company Tencent and Internet security company Qihoo become further immersed in a scuffle, their rivals immediately took actions to promote their own products, aiming to take advantage of the mess. Kingsoft and Kaspersky, Qihoo 360s rivals, announced separately Thursday morning that their anti-virus products will be free for one year. Fetion, Tencent QQs rival, called netizens to stop struggling to choose from Tencent QQ and Qihoo 360, and use Fetion instead in a pop-up frame.在腾讯和奇虎360激战得不可开交之时,两家的竞争对手们纷纷有所动作,企图趁机坐收渔利。4日早晨,金山和卡巴斯基分别宣布自己的杀毒产品免费一年。移动飞信也弹出对话框,呼吁网友不要再纠结QQ和360二选一,选择飞信。*评论-Tencent and Qihoo 360 have dragged the public into their fight. This incident has broken myth and shown that the little penguin (Tencents symbol) that has brought a lot of fun and good memories in the past 12 years has turned into a huge crocodile. It stares at its clients and rivals, ready to pounce and bite at any time. Today Morning Express腾讯和360打仗,却把无辜的公众拉下水。这起事情至少宣告了一个神话的破灭,这个在过去的12年里曾经给大家带来无数乐趣、带来无数美好记忆的小企鹅原来已经变异为一只大鳄鱼,它虎视眈眈地审视着自己的用户和竞争对手,随时准备扑上去咬一口。今日早报-The root of the fight between Qihoo 360 and Tencent is that Tencent has expanded its product line into the Internet security industry, in which Qihoo 360 has the most market share. China Economic Times360与腾讯冲突的根源,其实在于强大的企鹅将产品的触角伸向了360一直占据绝大多数市场份额的互联网安全领域。中国经济时报-Tencent has done an extremely great job in plagiarism and monopoly.-S CEO Zhang Chaoyang腾讯将抄袭和垄断做到极致。搜狐CEO张朝阳-It seemingly is a fight to protect users privacy, but in fact its a fight over vested interests.-Industry watcher Jiang Debin表面上看,这是场用户隐私保卫战,实质上是利益之争。行业观察人士江德斌Chinas stocks rose to a 7-month high Thursday. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index climbed 1.85%, or 55.95 points, to close at 3086.94. The Shenzhen Component Index gained 1.52%, or 203.03 points, to finish at 13595.73. 4日,沪深股指创7个月以来新高,截至收盘,沪指报3086.94点,涨55.95点,涨幅1.85%;深成指报13595.73点,涨203.03点,涨幅1.52%。【MrLee真给力】北京市发改委于近日再次发布公告称,将于近期召开本市民用天然气价格调整方案听证会,以研究民用天然气价格调整方案。Reform of the natural gas pricing mechanism has been on the Central Governments agenda for a long time. The National Development and Reform Commission have said that it will implement pricing reform for some natural resource.天然气定价机制改革在很久以前就已经被提上了中央政府的日程。国家发展和改革委员会已宣布将对一部分自然资源实施定价改革。natural gas pricing mechanism即天然气定价机制,也可以用pricing regime来表示定价机制。Price作为动词意思是给定价钱,给标价,例如:The new car is priced very competitively.(这种新车的定价很有竞争力。)有分析家认为中国的天然气应该提价,应该更好地与国际价格接轨(linked with international prices);然而也有人认为现在不是提价(price hike)的好时机,因为消费者价格指数(consumer price index)等因素会带来不少压力。【Word Power】投机性需求 speculative demands例句:Speculative demands have been prominently checked with falling house trading in major cities.随着主要城市住房交易量下滑,投机性需求得到明显遏制。相约自杀suicide pact例句:The parents of a boy who killed himself in a suicide pact arranged over QQ, are suing its owner, Shenzhen-based Tencent Holdings Ltd.因儿子通过QQ参与相约自杀活动身亡,其父母将QQ服务运营商深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司告上了法庭。【Cover Story】Credit cards to get a makeover信用卡世纪变革倒计时The simple credit card is about to get a makeover, The New York Times reported. Citibank will begin testing a card that has 2 buttons and tiny lights that allow users to choose at the register whether they want to pay with rewards points or credit. Other card issuers are testing even more technologically advanced cards, including some that can double as credit and debit cards, and cards with fraud protection built right into the plastic. One, for instance, shows a portion of the account number only after the cardholder enters a PIN.据纽约时报报道,普通信用卡即将迎来一场大变革。花旗银行将开始测试一款带有一对按钮和小指示灯的信用卡,用户在结账时可以选择使用积分还是信用付款。其它发卡行则在试验技术含量更高的卡片:有的身兼二职,可同时作为信用卡和借记卡使用;还有的在塑料卡面上嵌入了防欺诈功能。比如,有一种卡片上的部分卡号,只有在持卡人输入密码后才会显现。China has become Volvos 3rd largest market, with more of its car models to go on sale in the worlds largest auto market this year, Alexander Klose, CEO of Volvo Cars China said Friday.沃尔沃汽车中国销售公司首席执行官柯力世22日表示,中国已经跃升为沃尔沃汽车全球第3大市场,该公司今年计划将把更多产品引入中国。【Highlights】China welcomes WTO ruling世贸组织裁定美国违规Bush promotes new book小布什宣传新书Kitten rescued by firefighters猫咪冲进马桶惊险获救When to visit Guangzhou亚运特稿:游穗最佳时间Tips: Dutch courage点津:荷兰人的勇气Success comes with a high EQ脱口秀:智商情商面面观【Cover Story】Car plate price soars沪私车牌照拍卖创新高 As auto sales peaked in October, car plate prices in Shanghai surged for a 2nd consecutive month, xinhuanet reported Saturday. The average price for a private car license was up to record RMB43,000 this month, said Shanghai International Commodity Auction Co. The lowest bid also rose to RMB43,000 this month, an increase of RMB1,200 from last month. The government offered 9,000 car plates for auction in October. This months auction attracted 14,941 bidders, fewer than last month.据新华网23日报道,受到车市传统旺季影响,上海10月私车牌照拍卖价格继续走高。本月上海私人、私企客车额度投标拍卖均价突破4.3万元,创出年内新高。据上海国际商品拍卖有限公司公布的拍卖结果显示,本月私车牌照最低成交价为4.3万元,较上月高出了1200元。据悉,10月份上海车牌投放量为9000张,竞拍人数14941人,略低于上个月。Did You Know?你知道吗?-Beijing vehicle administration office has decided to remove 4 from car plates randomly offered by the system, the Beijing Evening News reported. The new policy will have little effect on current traffic restrictions, under which vehicles are banned from the roads 1 out of 5 working days, based on the last digit of their license plate. 据北京晚报从北京市交管局获悉,北京市车辆号牌选择方案将剔除含4牌照。交管部门同时表示,剔除含4牌照对5日制尾号限行构成的影响相当微小。China welcomes WTO ruling世贸组织裁定美国违规China welcomed the World Trade Organizations (WTO) ruling that the US imposition of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on 4 types of Chinese imports was inconsistent with WTO regulations, the Ministry of Commerce said Saturday. The 4 categories of Chinese imports are standard steel pipe, rectangular steel pipe, laminated woven sacks and off-road tires, according to an online statement posted on the ministrys website. The US should conduct trade remedy investigations strictly in accordance with the WTO regulations, the ministry said.中国商务部23日表示,欢迎世贸组织裁定美国对中国4种商品采取的反倾销和反补贴(双反)措施违反世贸规则。根据商务部网站,这4种遭到美国双反的商品是标准钢管、矩形钢管、复合编织袋和非公路用轮胎产品。中方认为,美方应严格遵守世贸规则开展贸易救济调查。【Top News】Philanthropy lags in China美刊:中国慈善精神缺失Though Chinas number of billionaires is 2nd only to the US, for most Chinese people, the idea of charity seems detached from their daily life, reported Sunday. Chinas total donation amount in 2009 is $7.5b, which is a negligible fraction of the $300b annually donated in the US. Typically, only around 20% of Chinas annual donations come from individuals; the rest are made by private enterprises. In the US, that number is closer to 70%.美国时代周刊网站24日报道,虽然中国的亿万富豪数量在世界上仅次于美国,但对大多数中国人来说,慈善这个概念离他们的日常生活还很远。中国2009年的慈善捐款总额为75亿美元,与美国的3000亿美元相比只是微不足道的一个零头。另外,中国每年的捐款中只有大约20%来自个人,其余的来自私企。而在美国,近70%的捐款来自个人。Did you know?你知道吗?In 2009, China alone accounted for 25% of the worlds total luxury consumption, making it the 2nd largest luxury market after Japan, whose GDP per capita is more than 10 times higher.中国在2009年成为仅次于日本的第2大奢侈品消费市场,占全球奢侈品消费的25%。而日本的人均GDP超过中国的10倍。The 7th China ASEAN Expo closed on Sunday with a new record of accumulated trading amount of $1.71b, a 3.5% increase compared with last year, Xinhua reported.据新华社报道,第七届中国东盟博览会于24日闭幕,商品贸易成交量再创新高,累计交易总额达到17.12亿美元,比去年增长3.5%。【Highlights】China reviews vehicle tax bill车船税法草案首次审议No home decoration during games亚运期间禁装修卖烧烤Kids want iPhone for Xmas儿童圣诞礼物首选iPhoneSelina sent back to TaiwanSelina返台治疗被剃光头11 jump fearing devil 法裸男喂奶致集体跳楼New trend: hillbilly teeth美国修牙新趋势:大牙缝【Cover Story】Virtual credit card coming?阿里巴巴推虚拟信用卡E-Commerce Company Alibaba is planning to distribute a virtual credit card connected to customers Alipay accounts, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported. Alibaba is doing research through analyzing questionnaires on its online shopping website Taobao. The credit card wi


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