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初中英语时态总复习:一般现在时一、构成:1) 肯定形式:S+动词原形(v.)或单三形式 (v.s/v.es)+O.二、用法:1)表示经常性活习惯性的动作或存在的状态。I often go to school by bike.2) 表示客观事实或普遍真理。The earth goes around the sun. 3)表示主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等。e.g. He can swim. I work hard. I like watching TV. 三、与一般现在时连用的时间状语1) 表示频度的副词 always, often, usually, sometimes等。2)表频率的词组,如: once a year, twice a month, three times a week等。3)表一般现在的时间状语如:on Sundays, on Monday afternoon, every day, every year 等。四、形式 构成 例词第三人称单数, 直接加-s runs, likes以ch, sh, s, o ,x结尾的动词,在词尾加-es teach-teaches, wash-washes, go-goes, pass-passes, fix-fixes 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i加-es study-studies, try-tries以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接加-s stay-stays, play-plays 做题时常见错误如下:一、be动词与行为动词同时出现在句子中例:We are plant (plant) the trees in spring.答案:plant解析:学生往往会用汉语的思维方式去翻译,就成了“我们是在春天植树”。这是学习英语最忌讳的,要看语法是不是正确,在英语中,be是表状态,do是表动作,两种动词不能同时出现在句子中,可记住如下口诀:“英汉语言有差异,be 、do不能放一起,仔细琢磨细分析,语法千万要牢记。” 专项练习:一、 单选1 Jenny _ in an office. Her parents _in a hospital.A work works B works work C work are working D is working work2 One of the boys_ a black hat.A have B there is C there are D has3 He said the sun _in the east and _in the west.A rose; set B rises; sets C rises, set D rise; sets4 Wang Mei _ music and often _ to music.A like; listen B likes; listens C like; are listening D liking ; listen5 Jenny_ English every evening.A has study B studies C study D studied二、填空1 _your sister_(know)English?2The pot_(not look) like yours very much.3 Where _you_(have)lunch every day?4Who_(想要 )to go swimming?5 _she_(do) the housework every day?6 Jenny and Danny usually_(play) games in the afternoon .3)写出下列动词的相应形式 1. 第三人称单数: wash_ match _guess_ study_ finish_ go_ snow_ carry_ 2.写出下列动词的过去式:stop_ see_ drive _let_ carry_ keep_ join_ find_ think_ teach_ catch_ 3. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式: stay_ begin_ forget_ forget_ lie_ die _ run_ prefer_ give_ ring_ dance_ hope_ 4)改句子 1.Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答) 2.I have many books. (改为否定句) 3.Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)4.David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)5.We have four lessons.(否定句)6.Nancy doesnt run fast (肯定句)初中英语时态总复习:一般过去时一、构成:1) 肯定形式:S+动词过去式(v.+ed)+O.二、用法:1)表示过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态。I got up at six this morning.We visited the factory last week.2) 表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作。When I was in the countryside, I often swam in the river.3) 和一般过去式连用的时间状语Last night, yesterday, last week, some years ago, in 1995, in the past , the other day, at that time, just now 等。三、形式 构成 例词过去式与过去分词(规则变化) 直接加-ed work-worked以e结尾的动词,直接加-d live-lived以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i加-ed carry-carried, study-studied以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写加ed stop-stopped, plan-plannedeg. - How much money did you _ on the dictionary?- Seventy-nine yuan.A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take 答案 (B)The doctor _ a _ boy yesterday.A. had saved; dying B. saved; dead C. has saved; dead D. saved; dying 答案 (D)一、写出下列动词的过去式isam_ fly_ plant_ are _ drink_play_ go_ make _ does_ dance_worry_ ask _ taste_ eat_ draw_put _ throw_ kick_ pass_ do _二、用be动词的适当形式填空1. I _ an English teacher now.2. She _ happy yesterday.3. They _ glad to see each other last month.4. Helen and Nancy _ good friends.5. The little dog _ two years old this year.6. Look, there _ lots of grapes here.7. There _ a sign on the chair on Monday.8. Today _ the second of June. Yesterday _ the first of June. It _ Childrens Day. All the students _ very excited.三、句型变换1 There was a car in front of the house just now.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_2 They played football in the playground.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_四、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.2. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.3. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ to the park. (go)4. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?7. I _ (sweep) the floor yesterday, but my mother _.8. What _ she _ (find) in the garden last morning?She _ (find) a beautiful butterfly.9. It _ (be) Bens birthday last Friday 10. 10. We all _ (have) a good time last night.11. He _ football now, but they _ basketball just now. (play)12. Jims mother _ (plant) trees just now.五、句型转换1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)_ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup?分类复习 现在进行时态 1 用法: 现在正在进行或发生的动作例:I am reading an English book now. 我现在正在读一本英语书。 当前一段时期内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 例:They are living in Beijing these days. 他们这些天一直住在北京。2 与现在进行时连用的时间状语常见的有:now /these days /或有look ,listen等的提示 /4 现在进行时的构成:be +现在分词5 现在进行时的四个基本句型 肯定句 He is watching TV now. 否定句 He is not watching TV now. 一般疑问句 Is he watching TV now? 两回答 Yes, he is. No, he isnt. 特殊疑问句 What is he doing now?6 动词现在分词的构成 一般在动词尾加ing 例:play playing 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e加ing 例:make making 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这一辅音字母,再加ing 例:put putting 特殊的有 be being lielying tie tying die dying babysit babysitting hiccup hiccupping7 有些动词的现在进行时表示将要发生,常见的有gocomeleaveflymovestartarrivedo 例:I am coming. 我马上就来(将会来)He is leaving Wuhan for Beijing. 他将离开武汉去北京(将离开)What is Jim doing on vacation? 吉姆度假打算做什么?(将做什么)巩固练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Wheres our teacher? -He _(watch) a football match on the playground(操场) now.2. Dont make any noise. Jim _(sleep)3. They _(be)in the room now.4. How cold it is! Its _(snow)heavily.5. Listen! Peter and Becky _(talk)about the weather.6. Be quiet! My teacher is _(say)something.7. Its 8 oclock. They _(have) an English class.8. Hurry up! Your mother _(wait) for you downstairs.9. Where are the twins? -Theyre _(play)football at school.10. Mr. Jones cant come. He _(have)a meeting.11. Look! Sally and Jim _(swim)in the river.12. Look! They _ (run) along the street.13. We _ (practise) hard these days because we will have a big match next month.14. _ you _ (study) English? -Yes, I am.写出下列动词的现在分词sing _work _hike _smell _ take _run _be _put _ do _lie _get _ listen _study _ go _ die _swim _ fly _say _stop _eat _一般将来时态 1. 一般将来时的用法: 将来某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态:有两种表示方式:will+ 动词原形 例:It will rain tomorrow. 明天将下雨。be going to+动词原形 例:He is going to have a meeting tomorrow. 明天他将开会。2. 与一般将来时连用的时间状语常见的有:tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / next week / soon / in three days三天后 / in the year 2020 /3. 四个基本句型的构成will+ 动词原形be going to+动词原形特别词 will/ shall特别词am/ is/ are肯定句He will have a picnic tomorrow.He is going to plant trees tomorrow.否定句He will not have a picnic tomorrow.He is not going to plant trees tomorrow.一般疑问句Will he have a picnic tomorrow?Yes, he will. No, he wont.Is he going to plant trees tomorrow?Yes, he is. No, he isnt.特殊疑问句What will he do tomorrow?What is he going to do tomorrow?4. shall一般和第一人称用于疑问句 例:Shall we go to the park by bus? (第一人称,疑问句,用shall) I will go to Beijing tomorrow. (第一人称,不是疑问句,用will)5. 表示“将要”的第三种方式:be + 现在分词例:Jim is babysitting his sister this weekend. Jim这个周末要照看他的妹妹。 Tom is leaving Wuhan for Beijing. Tom 将离开武汉去北京。巩固练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Li Lei tells me he _(visit)the Great Wall(长城) this weekend.2. My mother _(buy)me a pair of new trousers tomorrow.3. She says she _(leave)soon.4. We _(go) skating if it doesnt rain next Sunday.5. There _(be)an English evening next week.6. Think over, and you _(get)a good idea.7. _Jim _(have)a picnic next Monday?-No, he _.8. I _(miss想念)you after you leave here.9. Who _(teach)you English next year10. He _ (be) back in three hours.11. Look at these clouds. It _ (rain).


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