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改错题常考要点一、代词代词中主要讲解六个问题(一) 掌握代词的几种格 主格、宾格、所有格 名词前面用代词来修饰,只能用所有格(my books)(二) 反身代词当主语和宾语表示同一事物时,宾语使用反身代词。He killed himself. (他自杀了)He killed him. (他杀了他)例:Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigatingAB a series of indicators that could help Cthemselves to predict earthquakes.D分析:D错,应改为them。如果用反身代词themselves,指代对象是从句主语that(即名词indicators),这显然是错误的。从句意来看,help的宾语应该是主句主语researchers,故应用代词宾格而不是反身代词。注意C并没有错,情态动词could 比can语气弱,表示较小的可能性。Indicator为征兆,这些征兆帮助他们来预言地震。主语是征兆,后面指研究者,不是同一个事物(三) 代词的单复数,代词的性别在考试中如果代词打横线,代词错误的概率是非常高的,因此代词打横线,应该先看代词有没有错。例:The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies(落基山脉) that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from it flowing into the ABCDPacific.分析:D错,应改为those。D指代复数名词waters, it是单数,显然是错误的,根据习惯故改为those。注意waters一词并没有错,它指江湖河海中的大片水域,可用复数形式。Water作为水是不可数名词,waters表示水域,通常使用复数形式,作主语谓语动词用复数。Work作为工作是不可数名词,work作为作品,可数不可数都可以,例如: Many of his works= much of his work, work都表示作品例:In 1920 the presidential candidate Warren Harding coined Athe word“normalcy”(常态)to express social andB economic conditions they promised the nation.CD分析:D错,应改为he。动作promised是由Warren Harding发出来的,故用第三人称单数he来指代。例:Many critics believe that Amy Lwell s most important Awork is not poetry, but his biography, JohnBC Keats, published the year of her death.D分析:C错,应改为her。his指男性,显然是错误的,应改为her与后面的her同指Amy Lowell.(四) Who和which的区别which指代事物或者动物,who指代人who/whom son往往要改为whose son, whose可以指代事物例:The human body contains more than six hundred muscles who A B account for approximately forty percent of the body weight.CD分析:B错,应改为which或that。先行词不是指人,而是指物,关系代词不能用who,故改为which或that。人体前面加定冠词the, account for 占有多大的比例,解释说明(五) that和which的区别介词后面使用which, 而不用that,in that除外例:When television was first introduced, the extent to that it AB would affect society could not have been foreseen.CD分析:B错,应改为which。The extent to which, 介词加which(引导定语从句),影响社会的程度没有被预见(六) 定语从句的特殊省略Reason后面有定语从句,中间往往省略why, Time后面有定语从句,中间往往省略when I do remember the time I heard the sweetest voice in the wild world.way后面有定语从句,中间省略了in which例:Research on pain has been neglected, although the mainly AB reason people take medicine is to relieve pain.C D分析:B错,应改为main。mainly为副词,不能个饰后面的名词,故改为形容词main。句子中people take medicine修饰reason,定语从句引导词被省略例:Commercial expansion from city to suburb hasaffected the way people in the United States-. (A) living and working (B) they live and work (C) live and work (D) to live and to work分析:选择C, the way people.影响了人们生活和工作的方式。二、介词介词是考试中出现的比较多的一个部分,而其中考的最多的就是介词的固定搭配问题。由于篇幅问题,我们在这里仅仅举出几个例题,在说明书手册中我们完整的列出了所有的介词搭配,这些列出的搭配在以前的语法题中出现过,只不过有的时候是正确的选项,有的时候重复考。(一) 介词搭配例:The teeth in the upper jaw function together those A BCin the lower jaw to cut, tear, and grind food.D分析:和一起,应该为together with,C错例:The Allegheny (阿勒格尼河)Mountain range is rich of coal. A B CD分析:B错改为be rich in例:The rotation of the Earth on its axis is responsible to the ABCalternation of periods of light and darkness.D分析:C错,应改为responsible for。形容词responsible后接名词作宾语时要加介词for。(二) 最重要的两个介词1、介词of 多余或者遗漏例:Mosquitoes usually lay eggs, singly or in batches, on top stagnant water.ABCD分析:D错,应改为top of stagnant。on top of 是因定表达法,意为“在上面”。例:Christopher Plummer is a Canadian actor who has AB starred in stage, television, and film productions onCboth sides the Atlantic Ocean.D分析:D错,应改为sides of the。 sides为名词,the Atlantic Ocean也是名词,中间明显少了一个介词。2、介词by一种情况表示被动,be+过去分词+by另一种表示通过的方式, by doing例:The ceremony of marriage in the United StatesAB can be performed from a justice of the peace.C D分析:D错,应改为performed by。谓语动词是被动式,performed的动作执行者应该由介词by来引导。例:Along the east coast ,American Indian womens councils A could veto a declaration of war at refusing to B CD supply moccasins and field rations.分析:D错,应改为by refusing。通过拒绝提供鞋子和粮食,表示通过某种方式做某事要用介词by,故将at refusing 改为by refusing。例:Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with Aoperations on sets of numbers or other elementsBC that are often represented at symbols.D分析:D错,应改为by。动作的发出者应该用介词by来引导。三、谓语动词(一) 谓语动词的主谓一致、主谓分割原则例1:To the citizens of the United States, the bald eagle, A Americas national bird, symbolize strength and freedom.BCD分析:C错,应改为symbolizes。主语谓语用逗号分割开,主语the bald eagle为单数,谓语动词也应该用单数形式。、与后者一致原则notbut, 强调but后面的名词,not onlybut also、与前者一致原则名词+with/together with/as well as/including+复数名词,谓语用is, 中心词在前面,谓语动词应该与前面的名词保持一致 例:The athlete, together with his coach and ABCseveral relatives, are traveling to the Olympic Games.D分析:D错,与谓语动词与the athlete 保持一致,改为is、就近原则or, eitheror, neithernor,单数名词+or+复数名词+are如果把句子变为一般疑问句,也就是把be动词提到前面,那么变为is所以注意一点: 如果是陈述句,靠后面近,用复数 如果是疑问句,靠前面近,用单数例:The structure or behavior of many protozoans(原生动物) are AB amazingly complex for single-celled animals. C D分析:A错,应改为and。从谓语动词是复数形式判断,主语应该为复数,or连接两个名词时动词和后面的名词保持一致,behavior是用单数形式,因此只有改为并列连词and才能使主谓在数上保持一致。定语从句主语就近原则There are five apples that are red.apples是复数,因此从句谓语动词是复数。例:A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rocketsAcarry a supply that last just a few seconds.B C D分析:D错,应改为lasts。从句的逻辑主语a supply为单数,其谓语动词应为单数形式。the +形容词主谓一致The rich are not always happier than the poor.The rich 表示一类人,应该用复数、倒装句的主谓一致改错题倒装句的主谓一致一般考两种情况:a. there be 句型there be+名词+名词,那么最近的名词决定其形式b. between/ among 放在句首+be+名词,名词其实是主语,所以be和名词保持一致例:There are no known society in which left-handed people predominate.ABCD 分析:there be 句型由最近的名词决定其形式,society当然用单数,A错,there are 改为there is例:Between the foothills of the Andes and the Pacific AB Ocean are a dry coastal strip averaging about 30 C miles in width.D分析:倒装句,are改为is例:Among the favorite attractions at the National Air and AB C Space Museum in Washington D.C. are the filmD presented on the five-story-tall screen.分析:D错,应改为films , 主语实际上是名词,应该与谓语动词保持一致。、百分比结构的主谓一致fifty percent of + 名词one percent of + 名词谓语动词的形式和百分比多少没有关系,主要取决于后面的名词,比如: one percent of my students + are fifty percent of my time is spent on working. 这里要强调两个结构half of =fifty percentmost of + 可数名词+ aremost of + 不可数名词+ is例:Nearly half of the ancient meteor craters has been ABC found in central and eastern Canada. D分析:C错,应改为have been。介词of的宾语为复数名词短语,作主语的中心词half当然表复数,相应的谓语动词应为复数形式。例:Approximately fifty percent of the package utilized AB in the United States are for foods and beverages. C D分析:A错,应改为packages。从谓语动词用复数形式判断出主语是复数名词。注意food用复数表示不同种类的食品,beverage用复数表示不同种类的饮料,故(C)、(D)均没有错。(二) 谓语动词的时态、主要考察时间状语例 The metal aluminum ljuminim has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century.A BCD分析:Metal, aluminum同位语,in the nineteenth century为明显表示过去时间的状语, 因此应该用过去时态,把has been改为was、For和since的区别区别一:For 后面使用时间段,since 后面使用时间点区别二:Since 只能用在现在完成时态,For 最主要用在现在完成时和一般过去时 I has been a teacher for three years. I has been a teacher since 1996. I was a teacher for three years.这种表达可以,for three years表示一段时间,was 表示过去做了三年,现在不是老师了例: Since 1921 the budget of the United States becameABthe primary responsibility of the president.C D分析:A错,应改 In. since一般要求主句用完成时态,而句中谓语动词为过去式,其时间状语应与之呼应,故改Since为In。例:Adella Prentiss Hrghes served as manager of A B C the Cleveland Orchestra since fifteen years.D分析:D错,应改为for。since引导时间状语时,主句谓语动词为一般完成时;主句谓语动词为一般过去时要用介词for;而且一段时间用for, 而不是since。52. In general, prawns lived in shallow coastal waters or in streams. ABC D自然现象和客观事实用一般现在时态,live(三) 谓语的语态语态主要表示是主动语态还是被动语态。有四组动词是改错题中常考的:、prove My advice proved to be wrong. 我的建议被证明是错的尽管是被证明,但习惯上用主动;例:A majority of the reports received from people claiming A to have seen the legendary Loch Ness Monster have proven to beBC mistakes, misconceptions, or they were being tricked.D分析:D错,应改为tricks。并列连词 or在此连接名词,如果把D理解为并列句,不仅时态不对,语义也有问题,故将整个句子改为名词。have proven to be是正确的。、Locate,Situate这两个词可以用作主动,表示把放置在地方;确定的位置Bats locate obstacles.蝙蝠确定障碍物的位置这两个词也可以用作被动My school was located near the river.区分locate的主动和被动比较难,但是有一个技巧存在:locate如果用作主动,后面必须跟宾语例:The center of gravity of the human body - behind the hip joint.(A)locates (B)locating(C)to locate (D)is located 分析:空格处显然缺谓语动词,故首先排除不能作谓语的B和C。动词locate后面没有宾语,所以用作被动,表示“位于”,所以D为正确选项。、表示需要概念的动词need, want, require等My watch needed repairingMy watch needed to be repaired.、表示人的情感的动词move, annoy, surprise, please等He is so moving.他令人感到感动。He is greatly moved. 他感到非常感动。主动和被动技巧总结:如果句子中有一个“过去分词+by”, 如果断定它是谓语的话,前面必然有be动词例:The Tennessee Valley Authority has chartered by the A United States Congress in 1933 to construct dams,Bpower structures, and flood-control works along C the Tennessee River and its tributary streams.D分析:A错,应改为has been chartered。由信号词by可知前面的谓语动词为被动语态形式。四、非谓语动词(一) 分词现在分词和过去分词的区别、用于句首作状语,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动例:Won its war for independence in 1783, the United States then A struggled to establish its own economic and financial system.BCD分析:分词作状语,主要看是主动还是被动,美国赢得应该是主动,所以A错,改won为winning、用于名词后面作后置定语,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动例:In the nineteenth century the Mohave Indians lived in AB the Northern Hemisphere grew their crops on river bottom lands.CD分析:B错,生活在什么地方的人,人生活是主动,因此改为living一些动词后面必须用doing对于加doing的词来说,考试中一般出现一个,下面这些词都是要加doing的,请考生牢记。mind, finish, enjoy, celebrate, advocate, suggestdelay, quitforgive(原谅),tolerate,avoid, escape(逃避)spend+名词+doing; have trouble/difficult/a problem/ +doing例:Long before the dawn of recorded history, humans celebrated to harvest their ABCDcrops.分析:D错,应改为harvesting。及物动词celebrate直接带名词、名词短语或动名词短语作宾语,故将to harvest改为harvesting。例:Some experts have advocated to bring that country into the talks, A B to revive the intermittent dialogue that began after the 1967 Middle East War.CD分析:A错,advocate 后面直接跟doing, 改为advocate bringing(二) 不定式A. 动词不定式的省略、help后面可以省略tohelp to dohelp sb. to do例:A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid ABthe habits that might shorten the lives.C D分析:D错,应改为their. 定冠词在句中不如代词所有格明确,如果lives后面有定语就可以用the。注意(A)并没有错,help后面可以接不带to的不定式。、使役动词后面要省略to, 这样的动词只有三个make, let,have sb. do sth注意get不是使役动词,get sb. to do sth.例:A conductor used signals and gestures to let the musicians ABto know when to play various parts of a composition. CD分析:let是使役动词,后面不需要to, C改为know、感官动词 hear, feel, watch, see, notice, observe see sb do sth.强调过程 see sb doing sth 正在做某事B. 动词不定式的固定用法(1)表示第一人the first woman to do sth. (2)表示迫使的动词一般考三个, allow/ enable/ call, +sb. + to do例:Besides providing clues to the nature of atoms, mineral analysis AB allows to speculate geologists about the ancient Earth.CD分析:allow.to do是固定短语,allow的宾语应在不定式之前,即把C改为: allow geologists to speculate。(3)表示倾向的形容词 be more likely to do 更有可能作某事 be inclined to do倾向于做某事 be lieable to do 易于的 be apt to do (4)表示目的的名词,一共有7个这样的词,这一条也是最重要的。固定的句式: the purpose , the purpose of sth is to do sth.the objective 目标aimgoalreason理由function功能intension意图例:The function of Louis Sullivans architecture was providing A large uninterrupted floor areas and to allow ample light into the interior.B CD分析:the function to provide, A错例:The chief goal of biochemistry is for understanding the structure A and behavior of the carbon-containing compounds Bthat make up various components of a living cell.CD分析:the chief goal is to understand, A错(5) 其他同根名词ability to do受到be able to 的影响attempt to do 企图decision to do 决定, 受decide的影响ambition, be ambitious to do effort例:For ancient people, myths were often attempts explanation AB catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions.CD分析:B错,应改为to explain。 attempts后应跟动词不定式短语表目的,故将名词explanation改为to explain。例:In the early 1960s the Civil Rights movement made great AB efforts for registering members of minorities to vote.CD分析:efforts to register, C错C. 动词不定式的其他用法(1) be to do 表示已安排好或者注定要发生的动作,属于将来时态的范畴She and Anne are to meet at two oclock. (2)不定式的完成式为“to have done”,表示不定式的动作在谓语动作之前发生,这个完成式通常表示一般过去时I am glad to see you. I am glad to have seen your mother yesterday.yesterday是一般过去时,修饰have seen.(3) 形容词后面使用动词不定式,主动表示被动It is difficult to decide.五、句子的结构句子的结构主要考查四个出题方向。(一) 主语的重复名词+代词+谓语,这个代词永远是重复的主语,永远是错的例:Woodrow Wilson he was an idealist who refused to make any AB compromises concerning the establishment of the C DLeague of Nations.分析:代词he不是同位语,主语重复;如果是下面这样的主语,那么便是主语同位语A prolific writer, Woodrow Wilson例:Two unique features of the Arctic they are AB lack of precipitation and permanently frozen ground.C D分析:选项B中的they和前面的主语two unique features重复(二)谓语的重复完整的句子后面又多了一个谓语,往往改为定语从句例:A paragraph is a portion of a text consists ofAB one or more sentences related to the same idea. CD分析:B错,应改为consisting of或which consists of。句中有两个无法连接的谓语动词,而且前一个谓语动词下面没有划线,故改consists为非谓语动词形式或在它前面加which使之成为从句谓语动词。(三)谓语的缺少例:Most mammals to maintain a relatively constant body AB temperature, regardless of what the air temperature might be. CD分析:A错,应改为maintain。句中缺谓语动词,故去掉不定式符号to 使maintain变成谓语动词。(四)主句的重复主句的重复总是考even, instead, during, despite等引导的句子, 但是实际上它们无法把两个句子连接起来,因为它们都是副词或者介词,连接两个句子应该用连接词连接例:Salmon spend most of their adult lives in salt water, despite ABCthey return to their freshwater birthplaces to spawn and die.D分析:C错,应改为though。despite是介词,后面一般接名词作宾语,而在句中它后面却跟着一个完整的句子,所以改为连词though。例:Solar eclipses occur during the Moons shadow AB sweeps across the face of the Earth.CD分析:B错,应改为when或as。介词不能引导条件状语从句,根据题意改为从属连词when或as。例:Even many early leaders of the United States have provided ABnames for towns, only George WashingtonCis remembered in the name of a state.D分析:A错,应改为Even though。even为副词,不能引导从句,根据题意,改为引导让步状语从句的Even though。六、比较级和最高级比较级和最高级的出题非常有规则,一共有5个出题方向,并且每次考试必然考两个(一)比较级或最高级形式上的重复例:The most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which A involves using a circular dish with a small pocket at the bottom. BCD分析:A错,应改为easiest。easiest本身已是最高级,不必再用most,这是最高级形式上的重复(二)比较级和最高级之间的混用例:The greenest and plentifulest leaves are the leaves of grasses.A BCD分析:B错,应改为most plentiful。 plentiful是多音节形容词,须在前面加most构成最高级。例:The more fearsome of all the animals in the Western HemisphereA B CDis the grizzly bear.分析:A错,应该用最高级most,含有介词of, among, in 表示的范围状语使用最高级。(三)比较词than的前面一定要有比较级改错题中,通常会看见than前面有一个原级例:Film directors can take far great liberties in dealing with A B concepts of time and space than stage directors can.CD分析:B错,应改为greater。根据后面有than一词可以判定前面的形容词用比较级形式,注意far, much 修饰比较级。(四)在asas以及否定not soas, not asas的中间使用形容词原级as sweeter as, 这是不对的,应改为as sweet as(五)the 和比较级最高级的关系、比较级前面可以出现the, 修饰后面的名词the taller boy、副词的最高级加不加the均可以例:Although flies live longest in cool temperatures, it breed A B prolifically when temperatures are warm, food is abundant, and humidity is moderate. C D分析:副词的最高级加不加the均可, 所以A正确,从从句的主语可以看出,B应该改为they、形容词的最高级作定语前面必须使用the, 如果不作定语的话,加不加the均可以例:Of all the Native Americans in the United States, AB C the Navajos form largest group. D分析:D错,应改为form the largest。形容词最高级前面要加定冠词。陷阱1, earliest, 有两种可能,一种可能是early的最高级,最早的语言,the earliest language另一种可能作名词,表示早期,必须和时间的名词连用,earliest time, earliest ages, 表示很早的年代,很早的时代,也就是说,如果以后碰上earliest后面加上times, ages, 前面不用加the例:The belief in fairies have existed from earliest times, and the literature of many ABCcountries includes tales of fairies and their relationship to humans.D分析:A错,应改为has existed。主语是单数名词the belief,而不是复数名词fairies,故谓语动词是单数形式。earliest times表示表示很早的时代是正确的。陷阱2,如果最高级前面有所有格的话,不用加the例如:my best friends例:Salt Lake City, Utahs capital and largest city, is industrial ABCand banking center.D分析:C错,应改为is an industrial center。center为可数名词,它的修饰词前面应有不定冠词。Utahs largest city, 题目中其实是省略了Utahs。例:Faults in the Earths crust are most evidently in sedimentary(沉积) Aformations, where they interrupt previously continuous layers.BCD分析:A错,are的表语必须用evident, 为什么不加the, 因为作表语,而不是定语七、平行结构改错题考的最多的一个方向便是平行结构(一) 对等连接词一共有三类连接平行结构的词单一式: and, or ,but相关式: bothand, not but, either or, neithernor the sameas;asas,not soas,not asas such as, so that. tooto, fromto, fromuntil, betweenand, not onlybut also(also可以省略),Not only +主谓,also not onlybut also(also可以省略)+as well, 短语式: as well as rather than (而不是) other than (除之外) instead of (代替)考试的方式往往是搭配中有一个单词是对的,另一个单词却不对例:John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975, AB but he is now living in Detroit.CD分析:B错,应改为from。“从某年到某年”要用“fromto”这个表达法,不能用since to。例:Even as he wrote copiously on so diverse topics ABas education ,politics ,and religion ,Lewis Mumfordremained active in city and regional planning.CD分析:B错, 改为such diverse topics as, 出现as, 往往要注意前面一半(二)平行的内容第一、引导词性的平行,词性的平行本质上是语法作用的平行例:Photoperiodism is the functional or behavioral response of ABan organism to changes in duration of daily, seasonally,CDor yearly periods of light and darkness.分析:D错,应改为seasonal。在daily, seasonally和yearly三个并列的词中,daily和yearly是形容词,seasonally是副词,故改为形容词seasonal,共同修饰名词periods,三个形容词的平行,词性平行第二、名词单复数的平行但是如果既有可数名词,又有不可数名词,可以不平行例:The main advertising media include direct mail, ABC radio, television, magazines, and newspaper. D 分析:D错,应改为newspaper


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