CON012-Group Arrival

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Objtive :目标It is te poly hoto eliver roup uggag rmptl a fficient mann。能够准确有效地运送团队行李.rcedus :程序1. Wen th luggage ck arive, llman shuld loadthe l lgge.当行李车到达酒店时,行李员要卸下所有行李.2. Recrdown te tot nuber o luggage addoule c wit th epresetative th gae tnportaion copa and e rlaer。 As e toueadrto sig h group ugage eet。记录下行李数量并与团队领队或者行李运送公司代表确认。请团队领队在团队行李表签字。3. ny dmageshoul brtedtthe Conierge Sif eader imedaty ad onfirm with threpesentative and thoueade对于任何破损的行李要及时报告给礼宾部主管,并与团队领队或者代表确认。4. Damagelugage willnoteaceptednles he permission o theust obtaedo reprt of ae frm al AArline is attache。对于破损的行李知道从客人那里获得到旅行社或者航空公司的证明才可以接收。5. Te te lgge tagto all lugage imediatly立即将行李牌挂在行李上。6. Blma should then trceup te rooin list of the grotogether wih oom nber fom therecepion, if availabl。行李员要从前台获得团队入住名单和房间号码。7. ark do all theigned oomnmbron the luggage gsaccordingtte ooming lit。根据房间号码在行李牌上进行标注.8. In cas teis o am aonte lugage, eportt e tourlader, she/she can infom t gusts to idenf by thmselves。对于没有名字标牌的行李,告诉给行李领队,以便她能通知客人来确认是否是他们的行李。9. Fodstribuion,luga shoud be sepaatefor y fr fores divery运送行李时,要分楼层来运送。10. onierge t Lederthe asgn Bellan o lir lge t gust rooms accdiny。礼宾部主管要分配行李员给客人送行李.11. Detais ofth group uggaeouldberecor i the nouseruplge ontrolsheet fter dlvey(i. roo numerand te ota umb of lugg fr each roo。)在运送完行李之后要把详细信息记录在团队行李控制表上(例如:房间号码,每间房间的行李数量)12. Bellm sold paecal attention on dmgd oom forguet cllction.行李员要都于破损行李的客人领取格外关注。13. Unclaim lugage ll e eld n te luggaeroom for guests llcion.对于没有认领的行李要被放在行李房等候客人领取。14. Cnirge Shift Leadr hs o enure ll lgge re delivereto the est roos ithin ines fer grou cei。礼宾部主管要确保所有行李在团队入住30分钟后送达客人房间。文中如有不足,请您指教!2 / 2


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