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2022年高中英语Unit3Protectingourselves教案9牛津译林版选修科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M10 Unit3 Protecting ourselves第9课时计划上课日期教学目标1.Learn some info about Aids.2.Master the usage of the words and phrases教学重难点To help students understand what is aids教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1 Greetings Step2 Revisions Step3 Lead-in Step4 Teaching procedures Language points 注意:二者用于否定句时含义相同,意思是一样的。 eg. He did nothing besides (except) this. 除这件事外,他什么事也没做。 2. apart from兼有besides和except for两种含义,后接名词、代词或动名词。 3. but含义与except相同,都表示递减的概念,二者在多数情况下可以互换,但用法稍有区别。 except可以代替but,但but并不一定都可以代替except,如果句中有no、all、nobody、who、where等不定代词或疑问词时,多用but;后跟宾语从句时,多用except。 but for含义有时与except for相同,但主要表示“要不是”,常用于虚拟句,表示一种假设。 but位置的变化会引起人称代词主、宾格的变化。 No one but I (except me) knows it. No one knows it but me (except me). 4. other than含义与exceptbut相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分,后接名词、代词或不定式。 eg. In that case there is nothing you can do other than wait. (2001年上海春季高考题) 3. Therefore, these places gradually come to have more and more similarities with the industrialized, urban areas. (P22)因此,这些地方逐渐和那些工业化的市区有了相似处。1.) come to: 逐渐,慢慢的come常用短语及用法come across to find (something or someone) by chance偶然遇见,发现He came across some old love letterscome up with to suggest or think of (an idea or plan)提出Reublinger came up with a great idea for the ad campaign.come at to move quickly toward (someone) to attack them袭击He came at me with a knife.come byto obtain (something)获得,得到A good boss is not so easy to come by.Id like to know how she came by that black eye.come off (SUCCEED)to happen as planned or to succeed 取得成功I thought the party came off really well.come on (HURRY)to move or act quickly or more quickly 表示一种催促,鼓励Come on - were going to be late if you dont hurry!You can also say come on to express annoyance or lack of belief: Oh, come on! You dont expect me to give up my bed for him?come to (BECOME CONSCIOUS) to become conscious again after an accident or medical operation苏醒过来She sat by the childs bedside until he came to.to reach (a particular point)达到,提到His hair comes down to his shoulders.We havent come to a decision on the matter yet.If you come to terms with something, you learn to understand and accept it: 接受Hes trying to come to terms with his wifes death.If something comes to light, it becomes known: 明了,变清晰Fresh evidence has recently come to light.If something comes to rest, it stops: 停止The car hit the curb and came to rest in a ditch.come trueIf something you desire comes true, it happens: 实现Id always dreamed of owning my own home and now my dream has come trueHow come 口语:怎么会的How come you got invited and I didnt (= Why did that happen)?作业布置教学心得


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