2022年高中英语必修四:Unit 3 A taste of English humour难点解析

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2022年高中英语必修四:Unit 3 A taste of English humour难点解析1. His charming character The Little Tramp is well known throughout the world. (Reading)此句中throughout用作介词,它也可作副词,表示地点或时间,意为“遍及于,到处;从头至尾,在整个期间”。如:They searched throughout the town for the lost child. 他们在镇上到处寻找那走失的孩子。The house was painted green throughout. 那房子全部漆成了绿色。They worked like that throughout the year. 他们整年都那样工作。The girl remained silent throughout. 那女孩始终保持沉默。2. He played a poor and homeless person, who wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick.(Reading)walking 是-ing形式作定语修饰stick, 此处用来说明stick的用途或作用, 可变成定语从句a stick which / that is used for walking。如:There is a beautiful swimming pool in our school. (= a pool which / that is used for swimming) 我们学校里有一个美丽的游泳池。Have you bought a ticket for the sleeping car? (= a car which / that is used for sleeping;car在此作“火车车厢”解) 你买到卧铺票了吗?-ing形式作定语时, 还可用来说明它所修饰的名词“正在干”或说明名词的性质与特征。如:The teacher criticized the sleeping boy in class. (= the boy who was sleeping)老师批评了上课睡觉的男孩。I have seen the interesting film three times. 这部有趣的电影我已看过三次了。3. This character was a social failure but he was loved by all who watched the films for his determination in overing difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.(Reading) difficulty 在此句中是可数名词, 意为“困难的事,难题等”。如:She met with many difficulties when she was traveling in Africa.她在非洲旅游时,遇到了很多困难。All kinds of difficulties have to be overe. 所有难题都必须克服。difficulty 还可作不可数名词, 常用于下列结构:have difficulty (in) doing sth. / with sth.; There is difficulty in doing sth. 等, 意为“干有困难”。如:I have difficulty in solving the maths problem / with the maths problem. 我解这个数学题有困难。There is some difficulty in understanding the passage. 这篇文章不好理解。4. The film is set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousands of people rushed there in search of it. (Reading)be set in意为“以为背景”。如:The novel is set in Paris in the 18th century.那本小说以十八世纪的巴黎为背景。The book is set in 17th century Spain.这本书以十七世纪的西班牙为背景。


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