六年级英语上册M4 Uint1练习题

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六年级英语上册M4 Uint1练习题一 .短语翻译:1. 在感恩节_ 2.对.说谢谢_ 3. 在国旗日_ 4.升旗_ 5.唱歌_ 6.告诉我更多_ 7.美国的节日 _ 8.我的最爱的节日_ 9.吃一顿特别的饭_ 10.在电视上_ 11.一次大的家庭聚餐_ 12.观看一场大的橄榄球比赛_ 13.听起来不错_主格宾格汉语我你他她它我们你们他/她/它们二选择( ) 1 Tomorrow is _. A flag day B Flag day C Flag Day( ) 2 What do you do _Flag Day ? A at B in C on ( ) 3 We _flags and we _songs. A fly , sing B flies , sings C flying , singing( ) 4 Thanksgiving is _favourite festival. A I B my C me( ) 5 On Thanksgiving Day, we say “thank-you” _our food , family and friends. A at B in C for6. This song _ good. A. sound B. sounds C sounding 三在句子中画出错误的单词,并在横线上写出正确的。1 My favourite festival is thanksgiving. _2 That sound nice. _3 We watch a big football game in TV. _4 I think I like Thanksgiving , to. _5 Can you tell me more about America festivals ? _6 We watch a big football game in TV. _7 Please say “sorry” on Tom . _四、 代词(一)人称代词人称代词的主格在句中做_ , 是动作的_; 人称代词的宾格在句中做_, 是动作的_ .1. _often play games with my friends after school . (我) 2. Excuse _ , where is Zhongshan Road ?(我)3 ._(他们) give _(她)many books . 4. _(他) helps _(我们)to plant trees .5 ._(我)beat _(他)twice . _(他)beats _(我)twice .(二)汉语意思中有“的”形容词性汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词不能_, 后面必须加_ ; 1 This is _ book.(我的) 2 That is not _ruler . (她的)3 These are _ apples . (他的) 4 Those are _pencils . (他们的)5 Are these _ pens? (你的)五. 先分类,后填空。A.钟点 B节日 C生日 D季节 E星期几 F年份 G月份 H具体日期 I早上,中午,晚上In + _ On +_At +_ Sunday _ July _ the spring _ Flag Day _ 8:30 _Toms birthday _ _ 6th, June _ the evening_ the autumn _ the morning _ the first of May六 连词成句1. is Flag Day today ( . )2. What on Flag Day do do you (?)3. We and the flag sing songs we fly ( . )4. Bread my favourite food is ( .)5. We on TV watch a game football big ( . )6. I like I too like Thanksgiving think ( ! ) 7. Its family a big dinner ( . )8. Do your to thanks say dog you ( . ) 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册M4练习题一 .短语翻译:2. 在感恩节_ 2.对.说谢谢_ 3. 在国旗日_ 4.升旗_ 5.唱歌_ 6.告诉我更多_ 7.美国的节日 _ 8.我的最爱的节日_ 9.吃一顿特别的饭_ 10.在电视上_ 11.一次大的家庭聚餐_ 12.观看一场大的橄榄球比赛_ 13.听起来不错_主格宾格汉语我你他她它我们你们他/她/它们二选择( ) 1 Tomorrow is _. A flag day B Flag day C Flag Day( ) 2 What do you do _Flag Day ? A at B in C on ( ) 3 We _flags and we _songs. A fly , sing B flies , sings C flying , singing( ) 4 Thanksgiving is _favourite festival. A I B my C me( ) 5 On Thanksgiving Day, we say “thank-you” _our food , family and friends. A at B in C for7. This song _ good. A. sound B. sounds C sounding 三在句子中画出错误的单词,并在横线上写出正确的。1 My favourite festival is thanksgiving. _2 That sound nice. _3 We watch a big football game in TV. _4 I think I like Thanksgiving , to. _5 Can you tell me more about America festivals ? _6 We watch a big football game in TV. _7 Please say “sorry” on Tom . _五、 代词(一)人称代词人称代词的主格在句中做_ , 是动作的_; 人称代词的宾格在句中做_, 是动作的_ .1. _often play games with my friends after school . (我) 2. Excuse _ , where is Zhongshan Road ?(我)3 ._(他们) give _(她)many books . 4. _(他) helps _(我们)to plant trees .5 ._(我)beat _(他)twice . _(他)beats _(我)twice .(二)汉语意思中有“的”形容词性汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词不能_, 后面必须加_ ; 1 This is _ book.(我的) 2 That is not _ruler . (她的)3 These are _ apples . (他的) 4 Those are _pencils . (他们的)5 Are these _ pens? (你的)六. 先分类,后填空。A.钟点 B节日 C生日 D季节 E星期几 F年份 G月份 H具体日期 I早上,中午,晚上In + _ On +_At +_ Sunday _ July _ the spring _ Flag Day _ 8:30 _Toms birthday _ _ 6th, June _ the evening_ the autumn _ the morning _ the first of May七 连词成句8. is Flag Day today ( . )9. What on Flag Day do do you (?)10. We and the flag sing songs we fly ( . )11. Bread my favourite food is ( .)12. We on TV watch a game football big ( . )13. I like I too like Thanksgiving think ( ! ) 14. Its family a big dinner ( . )8. Do your to thanks say dog you ( . )Module 4 Unit 2 Our favorite festival is .同步测试一 短语翻译:1. 中秋节_ 2.端午节_3. 春节_ 4.龙舟赛_5. 制作蛋糕_ 6.一顿特别的饭_7. 挂灯笼_ 8. 舞龙_9. 让我们做._ 10.校车_11. 看着_ 12.寻找_13. 在这一天_ 14.在冬季_15.元宵节_ 16.谈论_二连线1 Have you got any stamps from China ? A Yes, there is .2 What do you do on Flag Day ? B Its the Lantern Festival.3 Whats your favourite festival ? C Sometimes.4 Is there a letter for me ? D Yes, I have.5 Do you miss China ? E We carry flags and we sing songs.三选择( ) 1 We look at them , and they look at _. A we B they C us ( ) 2 _ can jump and _ can run. A We , we B We , us C We , our( ) 3 Who is it ? Its _. A I B me C we ( ) 4 _is your favourite festival ? Spring Festival. A What B How C Where ( ) 5 We say thank you _our food and friends. A for B in C on ( ) 6 Are these _maps ? Yes, they are. A you B your C we( ) 7 We always have special meals_ Thanksgiving Day. A in B on C at ( ) 8 Thanksgiving Day is _ favourite festival. A I B me C my ( ) 9 What do you do _Flag Day? A of B in C on( ) 10 Can you tell _more about it ? A me B you C I 四选词填空 thank-you special more family favourite A: Hi, John. Can you tell me _about American festival ?B: Well, Thanksgiving is my _festival. We always have a _meal.Its a big _dinner. We should say “_” for our food , family and friends.1. I am _( I / me ) and you are _( you / your ).2. Now we _( real / really ) must stop.3. We can jump and we _( can / could ) run.4 We _( us / all ) go to see the sports game.五连词成句。1. We the eat Mid-Autumn at Festival moon cakes( .)2. Do dragon at Festival you eat cakes Dragon the Boat( .)3. We to go all the see boat dragon race( .)4. she delicious moon makes ( .)5. we a special have dinner family ( .)6. people yuanxiao eat and hang do dragon dances lanterns( .)7. lets some eat apples.( .) 8. Is in it winter (?)9. Dragon the Boat Festival is for Chinese people a special day .六、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Tomorrow _( be ) Flag Day.2 Well , _( thanksgiving ) is my favourite festival.3 Simon _( carry ) flags.4 Can you tell me more about _( china ) ?5 Christmas Day is an _( America ) festival。6. Lets _(play) football on Sunday.7. We are _(have) lots of fun.8.We are _(look) for the school bus.9. She _ (make) moon cakes.10. _ (be ) it in winter?七、阅读理解,判断对错( T or F )Hello,everyone.Do you know Spring Festival? I like it very much. On Spring Festival, I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family.In the evening,we watch TV and making dumplings. Most Chinese people like eating dumplings. I like eating them,too. At night we go outside to look at the lanterns and play with fireworks(烟火).It is very wonderful.( ) 1 On Spring Festival , we make mooncakes. ( ) 2 I like Spring Festival very much.( ) 3 Most Chinese people like eating dumplings.( ) 4 We wash the coat on Spring Festival.( ) 5 I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family on Spring Festival.


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