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新蓓蕾版小学六年级英语测试卷 基础达标 测试时间:60分钟一 给老师读出所学音标。(20分) 二 写出下列短语。(20分) 坐飞机: 坐轮船: 交通规则: 红灯停: 交通灯: 科学博物馆: 向左转: 向右转: 直行: 邮局:三 单项选择。(10分) 1._ do you go to the park? A. How B. Where C. What 2.I go to my grandparents_ foot. A. On B. by C. at 3.Thank you_ A. Excuse me B. Im ok C. You are welcome 4.Is it far from here?_,its not far. A. No B. Yes C. Sorry 5._ is the bank? Its next to the bookstore . A. What B. Where C. Who四 连词成句。(10分) 1. can how I zoo to the get(?) 2. it is here from far(?) 3. to how go do you school(?) 4. by go I school to bike(.) 5. often on go school to I foot(.)五 阅读短文,回答问题(20分) Jack and John usually go to school by car. They drive past supermarket, a bookstore and a shop. The shop is next to the bookstore. Lucy and Lily usually go to school by bus. They pass a bank and a post office. The bank is next to the post office. Mike usually goes to school by bike ,he passes a subway station, library, and a gym.1. How many students are there in the passage?2. How does Mike go to school?六 请画出你们心目中的数学老师。(必须写几句简单的英语) (20分) 小调皮们要认真啦!新蓓蕾辅导中心希望你们有进步哈!加油,加油


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