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1假设你是明启中学的学生王磊,你的好友李宏今年暑假将赴英国参加为期两个月的海外交流活动。如果选择主办方安排的住宿,他需要额外支付较高的费用。但他也可以通过为当地社区养老院提供每月三十小时的义工服务,获得在养老院免费住宿的机会。李宏通过邮件向你征求意见,写一封回信,内容须包括:1.你对此事的明确态度;2.你的理由。2 Im glad to hear that you have access to participate in an overseas communication activity in Britain which will last two months.I suggest that you should choose working as a volunteer thirty hours every month for the local community aging hospital to gain a chance to stay in it for free.My reasons are as follows.Not only can you enhance your social experiences,but also you can reduce your costs.Contrary to the accommodation arranged by the host,you can save a lot of money.Undoubtedly,the cost must have been high if you choose it.Staying in the aging hospital,the contrast couldnt be greater.On one hand,only by working as a volunteer can you gain a free stay.It sounds great!Your arrival will add colors to the atmosphere there.On the other hand,during our spare time we will also spend time helping others in our society teaches us to be a warm-hearted person.Your arrival will also reduce the burdens there.As an old saying goes,“we can gain both things at the same time”,so why not choose it?I hope that you will take my advice,best wishes that you will have a good time there,it is a golden chance that you will gain in summer vacation.In short,enjoy yourself.3What matters is not where you live but how much you can learn in this trip.Above all,you can keep company with some native senior citizens here who have a hunger for a listener and a friend.You can also be exposed to local culture with their help.4Not only can you improve your language skills,which is of vital importance to your stay in Britain,but also your social ability will be enhanced so that you are capable of addressing different things.Not only will your experience the happiness when helping the aged but also you can listen to the senior citizens talking about their life from which you can get a deep understanding of the countrys culture and practice and that will benefit you a lot.5假如你是启明中学的王磊,你的学校最近准备引进一个机器人充当食堂服务员或者图书管理员的工作,并在学校的贴吧上向同学们征求意见。你在贴吧上回复向学校提出意见。1.明确提出你的观点;2.通过比较,说明你这样选择的理由。(可从工作效率和服务范围等作比较)通过比较6你是王华,临近寒假,你的好朋友刘伟写信向你咨询他的寒假计划。目前有三个备选方案,一.去美国某高中参加冬令营;二.应征某历史博物馆临时讲解员;三.提前学习下学期的高中课程。请给刘伟写回信,谈谈你的看法。信中必须包括:1.你建议的方案;2.你如此建议的理由;3.你对于执行此方案的建议。7你叫Jenny,你的网友Peter(高一学生)即将面临期末考试,近日,他就是否要请家教来帮他复习迎考发邮件向你求教,请给Peter回复一封电子邮件,邮件必须包括以下内容:1.结合你自身的学习经历就是否要请家教表达你的观点及理由;2.就复习迎考给出2条主要建议。结合你自身的学习经历8AI技术迅猛发展,可见的未来就将有很多人会失业。作为高三学生你会因为AI的发展而改变你将要填写的志愿吗?请表明你的观点,并陈述理由。*审题(2018改变你将要填写的志愿吗建议:时间允许的话,圈出题目中 的重点提示,写出outline,再动笔。9各类从句、强调句、倒装句、分词10There are people,I am sure,who will say that the water is too cold.His words,to some extent,are right.The question,from my point of view,deserves thinking over.4.What he did yesterday was dissatisfactory.1.There are people who will say that the water is too cold.2.His words are right.3.The question deserves thinking over.What he did yesterday,by no means,was satisfactory.There is little,if any,hope of winning.5.There is little hope of winning.11Obviously,comparing all the candidates,I dare to say he is the best choice.Tourism,frankly,may promote the mutual understanding among nations.2.Comparing all the candidates,I dare to say he is the best choice.1.Tourism may promote the mutual understanding among nations.Most researchers believe that,in theory,mobile phones are absolutely safe.in theoryabsolutely3.Technological changes will lead to unemploy-ment.Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.12I sincerely hope that my suggestions will be put into practice,and am fully convinced that the course will function effectively with our joint efforts.131.The mayor is very satisfied in her work.2.When I hear of the birds song,I always think of the springtime.The mayor is never dissatisfied in her work.I never hear of the birds song without thinking of the springtime.3.It is possible to master a foreign language within a short period of time if you use a good study method.It is not impossible to master a foreign language within a short period of time if you use a good study method.141.From my observation,many people today spend their time receiving more and more education,working more and more hours,and making more and more money.2.A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization,for the work they do,and for their abilities,desires and needs,will find that respect is returned.153.I am in favor of equal rights for women.I think women should especially have the right to compete with men for jobs on equal termsThey should get the same pay as men for the same job.They should also have equal opportunities for promotion.I am in favor of equal rights for women,especially the right to compete with men for jobs on equal terms,the right to get the same pay as men for the same job,and the right to have equal opportunities for promotion.161718 开头段:1.From my perspective,the most suitable person is my roommate,Sophia,who has really taught me what the word“excellence”means.2.Hearing the activity of selecting an image ambassador on campus,Id like to recommend my classmate,Sophia,who is our spiritual leader.3.From my perspective,Jack is significantly better than any other candidate in our school.4.My recommendation is a top student in my class named Jack,who enjoys a good reputation among all the students of our school.5.It is essential to choose an image ambassador on campus,who should be good at both academic and daily life skills.My strong recommendation is Jack,who is really a perfect fit for this title.I can find his various good qualities and let me show you some.6.If you ask me who has helped me most,I think there may not be a second alternative.No one is superior to Tom in helping others.19中间段:1.He has so many admirable personal qualities that there is no better suitable person for this great honor in my heart.2.As is known to all,the image ambassador on campus is the symbol of the whole school students.3.Therefore,its necessary for him or her to get good marks in both studying and sports.4.Another reason,which is also very important,is that he has charming appearance and elegant behavior.5.To represent our school,the image ambassador should have these qualities,which are absolutely necessary.20具体事例:1.Moreover,it was her warm heart that had left me a deep impression.There was once a classmate of hers who had trouble in getting along with others.He was so frustrated that nearly tried to commit suicide.Fortunately,thanks to Sophias company and patience,he was inspired to walk out of the darkness.He told me that she seemed to be an angel to him who delighted his whole world.2.My confidence is based on his previous experience of participating in Model United Nations.Representing China,Ling once served as an ambassador to discuss international affairs.“I firmly believe”,with gestures and cheerful accent,Lings speech was so stimulating and convincing that everyone present was deeply shocked.With such perfect performance,Ling can be certainly qualified for the position.213.One of her most unforgettable experiences may be a living example accounting for my recommendation.In spite of her ordinary physical quality,she signed up for the long jump in the sports meeting with her earnest heart to participate in this meaningful activity.Unfortunately,at first,the result was so poor that she could hardly be on the rank.Although the bad result made her in low spirits,instead of giving up,she insisted on training and signed up for the next meeting again.She held a firm belief that only by insistent practice could she succeed.No sooner had she had spare time than she took great pains to practice the long jump.Finally,she won the first prize through trail and error.杨逸雯 22结尾段:1.I was quite moved by this,and I think you cant find anyone who is more helpful than him.Ignoring him will be a great loss.2.It never dawned on me that I could be the same as he.3.In a nutshell,I would appreciate it very much if you could give me the opportunity of becoming our schools image ambassador.4.It would be highly appreciated if you could take my recommendation into account.5.As it is a symbol of a schools overall strength,selecting a suitable ambassador is of great importance.6.Obviously,comparing all the candidates,I dare to say he is the best choice.个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论


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