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新概念英语二册测试题 第二单元题 目一二三四五六七八九分 数 Class Name_ (听力部分 共两大题,计20分)一根据你听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10分)1. A. At 6. B. At 6:30. C. At 6:15.2.A. Sally. B. Millie. C. May.3.A. Behind the cinema. B. On the right of the cinema.C. On the left of the cinema.4. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.5.A. To the cinema. B. To take a walk. C. To the post office.6.A. At 7:00. B: At 6:00. C: At 6:30.7.A.To take umbrellas. B: To take some warm coats. C: To take some food.8.A. Three. B. Two. C: Eight.9.A: Lilys. B: Peters. C: Peters sisters.s. B. Janes. C. Bobs.二. 根据你听到的对话内容,判断正误。 (T or F) (共10分)11.Amy and Bob will do something together this weekend.12.They are going to meet at Bobs house.13.Amys aunt will teach them how to fish.14.They will leave early in the morning.15.Amys uncle has a boat.笔试部分 (共七大题,计80分)三根据汉意写出下列短语 (共10分)16. 出 发_ 17. 大声喊_ 18. 傍晚时分_ 19. 醒 来_20. 过去常常做某事_ 21. 每两个月_22. 在海岸上_ 23. 一个新的世界纪录_24. 住院 _ 25. 不再 _四根据所给中文意思补全下列单词 (共10分)26. 径直str_ _ _ _t27. 后悔r _ gr _ t28. 焦急的anxi _ _ sly29. 医院h _ sp _ tal30. 黑暗d _ _kn _ss31. 仅仅s _ _ _ly32. 诱惑t_mp_ _tion33. 纪录 re_ _ _ _34. 成功s_ _ _ _ _d35. 害怕fr _ _ _ _五选择题 (共10分)( ) 36. I like sitting by the river _ fine afternoons.A. atB. inC. onD. for( ) 37. The English _ each other, but I dont understand them!A. understandB. understandsC. are understandingD. understood( ) 38. I didnt know the way _ my hotel, so I asked a porter.A. ofB. forC. toD. from( ) 39. It is one of the ugliest faces _ I have ever seen.A. whenB. whoC. whoseD. that( ) 40. Ever since he moved in, he _ trouble with cars and their owners.A. has B. hadC. has hadD. have had( ) 41. The ball struck him so _ hard _ he nearly fell into the water.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; asD. such; as( ) 42. He spoke _ slowly _ clearly, so I didnt understand him.A. either; orB. neither; nor C. both; andD. not; but( ) 43. _ Frank used to make spare parts for aero-planes.A. In the twentyB. In his twentyC. In the twentiesD. In his twenties( ) 44. The woman took the parcel and walked out of the shop without _.A. payB. payingC. to payD. paid( ) 45. Among them _, who swam the channel herself when she was young.A. Debbies mother will beB. will Debbies mother beC. will be Debbies motherD. Debbies mother be will六从方框中选出合适短语的正确形式填空 (10分)used toset outcall atpick upto be foundcall outrush out ofwait forhappen totake short rests46. In the letter he was asked to the station.47. The girl was able to explain what had _ her.48. One afternoon she from the coast in a small boat.49. He never expected the bicycle _.50. Some people on the bank to the man, but he didnt hear them.51. As a boy, he _ work in a small shop.52. Debbie intends to _ every two hours.53. He saw two thieves a shop and run towards a waiting car.54. The bicycle was in a small village 400 miles away.55. Most of Debbies friends will be _ her on the English coast.七用正确的介副词填空 (共10分)56. The firemen tried to put _ the fire.57. Remember to wake him _ at six in the morning.58. The room is full _ water.59. _ seeing her mother, she burst into tears. 60. He walked _me without greetings. 61. He often stays at home _ Sunday mornings.62. We cannot live _ water or air.63. When he was a boy _ fifteen, he used to work fourteen hours a day.64. When I was having a walk, I was caught _ the rain yesterday.65. The thief was arrested _ the police last week. 八根据所给提示,做句型转换 (10分)66. We must clean the table. (改为一般疑问句) _67. Do you intend to pay the bills? (用be going to 改写句子) _68. She is going to go to school tomorrow. (就划线部分提问) _69. He will see his car. (改为否定句) _70. I picked some stamps in the room. (改为被动语态) _71. Tom asked me to open the door. (改为被动语态) _72. The box is very heavy. I cant carry it. (用sothat句型把两句合并为一句)_73. There are beautiful flowers in the park. Many people go and see them. (用suchthat句型把两句合并为一句)_74. I watched TV last night. (用tomorrow evening 改写为将来进行时)_75. Class One is big. Class Two is bigger. (改写为含有比较级的句子)_九. 阅读理解 (共20分) (A)Here are some facts about homes in the United States and the people who live in them. In the early 1990s, about 50% of the Americans owned their homes and the rest rented (租) their homes. The rented homes were usually apartments (公寓).74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities. 26% live in the country. Dogs live in about 40% of all homes in the US. About half that number have cats.Families in the US are becoming smaller. On the average (平均), 2.64 people lived at home in early 1990s. In 1960, the average was 3.5.Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms.An American moves, on the average, twelve times in his or her life. In Japan a person moves about five times, and in England a person moves eight times.( ) 76. Most Americans live , according to the passage. A. in or around the citiesB. in citiesC. around citiesD. in the country( ) 77. How many American families own a cat? A. About 40%.B. About 20%.C. About 74%.D. About 26%.( ) 78. On the average, there were people in an American family in 1994. A. more than 3B. only 3.5C. less than 2D. about 2.64( ) 79. in the US have their own bedrooms. A. All of the peopleB. Most of the children C. Half of the teenagersD. Only some of the teenagers( ) 80. What can we learn from the passage? A. In the early 1990s, most of the Americans owned their homes. B. Families in the US are becoming bigger and bigger. C. A Japanese moves more often than an American. D. An American moves more often than an Englishman.一根据你听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。1.W: When do you usually get up?M: I usually get up at 6 in the morning. But this morning I get up at 6:15.Question: What time did the man get up this morning?2.M: Who runs fastest in your school?W: Sally runs faster than Millie. But Millie runs faster than May.Question : Who runs fastest in your school?3.M: Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to the post office?W: OK. Walk along the street, take the first turning on your left and then youll see a cinema. Its on the right of the cinema.Question: Where is the post office?4.W: What would Daniel like to drink, tea or coffee?M: I have no idea.Question: Does the man know what Daniel would like to drink?5.M: Where are you going, Miss Green?W: Im going to send a letter home.Question: Where is Miss Green going?6.M: When will the meeting begin?W: Its only 6:30. It will begin in half an hour.Question: When will the meeting begin?7.W: What should the visitors remember to do?M: They should remember to take their umbrellas with them.Question: What should the visitors remember to do?8.W: What did you do yesterday?M: I bought three English books. Peter bought three Chinese books and two geography books.Question: How many books did they buy yesterday?9. W: Lily, your bag is too heavy.M: Yes, but Toms bag is heavier than mine , his sisters is heavier than his.Question: Whose bag is the heaviest?10. W: Andy, I hear your bike was not here.M: Mine was here. , but Janes wasnt.Question: Whose bike was here?二。根据你听到的对话内容,判断正误。W: What are you going to do this weekend, Bob?M: I have no idea. What about you, Amy?W: I dont know. Do you want to do something together?M: Sure. What do you want to do?W: How about going fishing on Saturday?M: OK! Where are we going to meet?W: Lets meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can teach us fishing on the lake.M: What time shall we meet?W: Lets leave early in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.M: Great! It will be very funny. See you on Saturday.W: See you then.


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