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牛津英语9A第一、二单元词组整理UNIT ONEbring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 read your stars 读你的星象 have lots to eat and drink 有很多吃的和喝的worry about (not) doing sth= be worried about (not) doing sth 担心(不能)做某事be familiar with sth= know sth very well 对熟悉animal signs 生肖in Chinese culture 在中国文化里people in the West 西方的人find out more about 找出更多关于learn more about 对加深了解 Western culture 西方文化Students Union 学生会a new chairperson 一个新主席recommend sb as/to be. 推荐某人成为be represented by creatures 由动物代表 just for fun 只是为了有趣divide into four parts分成四份date of birth 出生日期decide to do sth 决定做某事make a right decision 做出正确的决定people born under the same star sign 生于同一星座的人share similar characteristics 具有相似的性格特点an energetic and active person 一个精力充沛且活跃的人too impatient 太没有耐心like to be the leader 想要做领导a selfish person 一个自私的人/a stubborn person 一个顽固的人/an out-going person 一个外向的人at times/from time to time/sometimes/now and then 有时do not give up easily 不轻易放弃/give up doing sth 放弃做某事a curious and clever person 一个好奇心强且聪明的人feelings change easily 感情容易变化love to talk 喜欢交谈love your home and family 爱你的家和家人take care of others=look after others 照顾他人save money 攒钱full of confidence 充满自信buy your friends nice gifts=buy nice gifts for your friends 给你的好友买好礼物worry to much 过于担心be practical 心灵手巧的、实事求是的pay attention to details 关注细节a polite and fair person 一个有礼貌且公正的人an elegant person 一个高雅的人love beautiful things 喜爱美丽的东西love peace 热爱和平argue with others与别人争论quarrel with others 与别人争吵discuss with others 与别人谈论a powerful person 一个强大的人have lots of energy=be full of energy=very energetic充满活力keep secrets 保密forgive others for their mistakes 宽容别人的错误be humorous=have good sense of humour 很幽默enjoy life 享受生活love travelling to different places 喜欢到各地旅行be good at making and planning things 擅长计划安排事情patient enough 足够有耐心wait for a long time 等待很长时间without getting angry 不会生气 66.kind and wise 既善良又有智慧hate to be like others 讨厌与别人一样 try to do everything differently 试着做事与众不同be gentle and easy-going 既绅士又随和be creative and imaginative 创造力和想象力都很丰富dream about everything 憧憬一切explain sth to sb = explain to sb sth 给某人解释某事make an explaination 做一个解释care only about oneself 只关心某人自己treat everyone equally 公平的对待每个人 feel sure about ones own ability 对某人自己的能力感到确信be friends with sb 与某人成为朋友tell jokes 讲笑话seem to be lucky 似乎很幸运share food with others 与别人分享食物do well in(doing) sth 在某方面做得很好show off 炫耀、卖弄balloons of all colours 各种颜色的气球each of us 我们每个人the whole cake 整个蛋糕organize the party 组织聚会at all times=all the time=always 总是do/make an experiment 做实验in the laboratory 在实验室have/get a bad toothache 牙疼得厉害see the dentist 看牙医be very interested in sth=show great interest in sth 对很有兴趣the first cloned sheep 第一只克隆羊lay/be awake 醒着a glass of lemonade 一杯柠檬水pass the football to sb 把球传给某人have been on the phone for half an hour 已经打了半个小时的电话plan to do sth 计划做某事go to dancing lessons 去上舞蹈课have bicycle repaired 把自行车修一修a wallet lying on the ground 地上的钱包be born in the year of the Goat 生于羊年have a lot to celebrate=have a lot of celebrations 有很多值得庆祝的事have success at sth=succeed in sth=do sth successfully做某事很成功around the middle of the month 大约在本月中旬be given some money 得到一些钱be available on request 已经要求便可提供,备索call sb on 123456 打123456联系某人e-mail sb at 邮件地址 发邮件到联系某人have lots of fun doing sth 做某事很有乐趣spend money wisely 明智的花钱have problems with/doing sth 做某事有麻烦get/have lots of rest 好好休息feel weak 感到虚弱organize things well 很好的组织事情get more organized 变得更有条理come up with/think of new ideas 想出新点子who else 还有谁be suitable for 适合. get full marks 得满分in an English test 再一次英语测验中never forget the things he needs to do 从不忘记他需要做的事be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事make a speech 做一次演讲give a talk 作报告to a large group of people 面向一大群人try ones best 尽力 do extra work 做额外的工作get good marks 得到好的分数an excellent chairperson 一个很出色的主席many good personal qualities 许多好的个人品质in front of the whole school 在全体师生面前the rest of the summer holiday 暑假的剩余时间do not mind doing sth 不介意做某事agree with us 同意我们have all the qualities to be a good chairperson 拥有成为一名主席的所有优秀品质Its my pleasure=with pleasure 别客气、这是我的荣幸the most suitable person 最合适的人选the newspaper says 报纸上说UNIT TWOwould rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做也不愿would rather do sth宁愿做 want to wear 想要穿There is nothing wrong with/ There isnt anything wrong with/Nothing is wrong with 没什么问题颜色/衣服look good on sb=sb look good in颜色/衣服某人穿某个颜色的衣服很好看 live in a world full of colours生活在一个五彩斑斓的世界 would be a dull place without colours没有颜色将会变得阴暗 do a project on colours 做一个关于颜色的课题colours of the rainbow彩虹的颜色 look out of the window朝窗外看 see a rainbow 看见一个彩虹 in the sky在空中 relationship between colours and moods 颜色和情绪的关系in a magazine在一本杂志里 something interesting about colours关于颜色的一些有趣的事 affect our moods影响我们的情绪 change our moods 改变我们的情绪make us feel happy使我们感到开心 calm colours冷色调/ warm colours暖色调walk into a room=enter a room 进入一个房间feel relaxed感到放松 the walls were painted blue墙被涂成蓝色 a calm and peaceful colour一个镇定平和的颜色 be good for our mind and body对我们身心有益 create a feeling of harmony创造出一种和谐感 represent sadness代表悲伤 feel blue=feel sad感到伤心 wear white= be in white穿白色的衣服 feel stressed感到焦虑 the colour of purity纯洁的颜色 on ones wedding day在某人的婚礼上give you a happy and satisfied feeling给你一种快乐满足的感觉 live in cold climates生活在寒冷气候里 create a warm and comfortable feeling创造出一种温暖舒适的感觉 orange represents joy成色代表快乐 bring you success带给你成功 cheer you up=make you cheerful使你开心、让你振奋 the colour of the sun太阳的颜色 remind sb of sth使某人想起. the colour of wisdom智慧的颜色 study for exams为考试而学习yellow stationery黄色的文具 feel tired or weak感到劳累或虚弱 wear energetic colours穿活力的颜色 such as/like/ for example例如give you energy=make you energetic给你能量 the colour of nature大自然的颜色 represent new life and growth代表新生命和成长 the colour of envy嫉妒的颜色 be green with envy非常嫉妒 be very jealous非常嫉妒、善妒的 be in need of sth=need sth需要某物 physical and mental strength体力和脑力 the colour of heat热量的颜色 represent power and strong feelings代表力量和强壮的感觉 make it easier for you to take action使你更容易做决定 have difficulty/trouble/problems doing sth做某事有困难 make a big decision 做一个大的决定feel unable to relax感到不能放松 feel sleepy=in need of sleep感到困倦 be satisfied with对.很满意 get good marks in tests考试中的倒好成绩 get full marks得满分 calm down镇定,冷静 be angry with sb生某人的气 worry a lot过于担心 get stressed变得很焦虑 have a strong personality有一个坚强的个性 like to be the leader想成为领导 prefer doing sth to doing sth比起更喜欢做 talk on the Internet在网上交谈 too far away太遥远 anywhere else其他什么地方 have some noodles吃一些面条 have Western food吃西餐 in the fitting room在试衣间里 buy a gift for someone为某人买礼物 I wonder=I want to know我想要知道 go shopping for clothes去买一些衣服 be in a bad mood心情沮丧/ be in a good mood心情很好 didnt talk to anybody不跟任何人讲话 all the afternoon整个下午 keep making phone calls to sb不停地打电话给某人 hear what he is saying听到他正说什么 talk so much about oneself过多的谈论某人自己 a very strange day非常奇怪的一天 seem to have a secret似乎有一个秘密 be not acting normally行为不正常 maybe/perhaps/probably或许、可能 talk to someone跟某人交谈 strange behaviour怪异的行为举止 think of想到 need someone like me需要像我一样的人 there is none left一个也不剩了 send an e-card to sb发一封电子贺卡给某人 colour the card orange=the card was coloured orange把卡片涂成橙色 colour therapy颜色治疗 as much information as you can尽可能多的信息 improve your life改善你的生活 promise to do sth承诺做某事promise sb sth=promise sth to sb承诺给某人某物 get your money back拿回你的钱 make a promise许下诺言 change your moods改变你的心情 have different colours and smells有不同的颜色和味道 rub oil into your skin=the oil is rubbed into your skin把油抹在你的皮肤上people with dark hair and dark skin长着黑发和黑皮肤的人look good in red and purple穿红色和紫色漂亮 pale skin苍白的皮肤 blonde hair金发 make an appointment约会 be afraid to go alone害怕一个人去 work at the Palace Museum在故宫工作 advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事 give some advice to sb=give sb some advice给某人提建议 free clothes免费的衣服 dont know what to wear不知道穿什么 too tight太紧了 try on试穿. look more powerful看起来更有力量could be stressed可能很焦虑 a little bit stressed有点儿焦虑 red and white are a good match红色和白色是一对好搭配 the power red balances the calm white力量的红色平衡了镇定的白色 keep the balance of the nature保持了大自然的平衡 colour paper彩纸 finish the project完成课题 the photo I used我用过的照片 I found it a bit strange我发现它有点奇怪 I cant say why我说不出原因 show it to everyone把它给每个人看 put it on the home page把它放在主页上


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