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,McGraw-Hill/Irwin,Copyright 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.,Chapter 1,Introduction to Human Resource Managementand the Environment,Introduction,HRM is charged with programs concerned with people,Getting every manager involved,Effective use of people,Achieving individual & organizational goals,HRM Activities,HRM Orientation,Action,People,Future,Global,A Brief History of HRM,Masons, carpenters, leather workers, other craftspeople,EnglishGuilds,Changing work conditions and social patterns,IndustrialRevolution,Scientific management, welfare work, industrial psychology,World Wars,A Brief History of HRM,ScientificManagement(Frederick Taylor),A Brief History of HRM,The worker,Industrial Psychology,Individual differences,Maximum well being,A Brief History of HRM,Personnel departments were created to deal with: Drastic changes in technology Organizational growth The rise of unions Government intervention Employee-management conflict,A Brief History of HRM,The Hawthorne studies (1924 to 1933): Determine the effect of illumination on workers and output Pointed out the importance of socialinteraction on output and satisfaction Until the 1960s, the personnel function was concerned only with blue-collar employees Filing, housekeeping, social worker, firefighter, diffuser of union trouble,Strategic Importance of HRM,Today, HRM plays a major role in: Clarifying the firms human resource problems Developing solutions for them Strategic HRM differs from traditional HRM Traditional arrangements responsibility for managing human resources lies with specialists Strategic approach people management rests with anyone who is in direct contact with workers or line managers,Strategic Importance of HRM,Strategic Importance of HRM,For years, HRM was not linked to corporate profit Organizations focused on current performance HR managers did not have a strategic perspective Executives categorized HRM in a traditional manner It was hard to develop metrics for HRM activities Recognizing the importance of people made HRM a major player in developing strategic plans HRM strategies must reflect the organizations strategy regarding people, profit, and effectiveness,Strategic Importance of HRM,Assess/interpret costs and benefits of HRM issues,Use realistic, challenging, specific, and meaningful goals in planning models,Key Concepts to Apply,Analyze/solve problems from a profit-oriented point of view,Prepare reports on HRM solutions to problems,Train HR staff to emphasize importance of profits,Strategic Importance of HRM,HRM actions, language, performance,Strategic Importance of HRM,HRM accountability resulted from:,Concerns about productivity,Organizational downsizing and redesign,Increasingly diverse workforce,Competitive need to use all organizational resources,Strategic Importance of HRM,HRM and Organizational Effectiveness,For a firm to survive and prosper, reasonable goals must be achieved in: Performance Legal compliance Employee satisfaction Absenteeism Turnover Training effectiveness and ROI Grievance rates Accident rates,HRM and Organizational Effectiveness,Measure of Effectiveness,Reachinggoals,Usingemployeesefficiently,Influx/retention of goodemployees,Mission and strategy,Company structure,HRM,HRM and Organizational Effectiveness,The people who do the workand create the ideas allow the organization to survive,HRM and Organizational Effectiveness,Coping With Change,Growing global competition,Rapidly expanding technologies,Demand for individual, team, organizational competencies,Faster cycle times,Increasing legal and compliance scrutiny,Higher customer expectations,Mechanized, routine work now knowledge-based,HRM and Organizational Effectiveness,Employees + Good Management = $,Profitability gains Higher stock prices Company survival,Objectives of the HRM Function,Help the organization reach goals,Employ workforce skills/abilities efficiently,Increase satisfaction, self-actualization, quality of work life,Communicate HRM policies to all employees,Maintain ethical policies, socially responsible behavior,Manage change to the mutual advantage of individuals, groups, the enterprise, and the public,HRM Contributions to Effectiveness,Provide trained, motivated employees,Providing Trained, Motivated Workers,Reward good results,Dont reward non-performance,Make goals clear,Measure results clearly, fairly,Provide the right people at the right time,Increasing Job Satisfaction,This job is matches my skills perfectly,The company treats me equitably,I find this job very fulfilling,Dissatisfied workers can produce as much as satisfied workers, but they quit and are absent more often, and produce lower-quality work,Objectives of the HRM Function,Quality of Work Life,Objectives of the HRM Function,Communicating HRM policies to all employees: HRM policies, programs, and procedures must be communicated fully and effectively They must be represented to outsiders Top-level managers must understand what HRM can offer,Ethical & Socially Responsible Behavior,Show by example that HRM activities are fair, truthful, honorable,Do not discriminate,Protect the basic rights of employees,Apply to all HRM activities,Trends and Changes,Telecommuting,Outsourcing HRM,Family medical leave,Child care,Spouse relocation assistance,Pay for skills,Benefit cost-sharing,Union-management negotiation,New lifestyles, aging population,Urgency & Fast Cycle Times,New products and services,Customer Service,Training and education,Increased Emphasis,Objectives of the HRM Function,Shorter cycle times mean less time to: Train, educate, and assign managers Solve sexual harassment complaints Recruit and select talented people Improve the firms image Learning provides a framework for decreasing cycle time,Learning Framework,Culture that rewards learning,Emphasis on working efficiently, quickly,Key Learning Areas,Leadership behaviors,Quicker, more flexible decision making,Empowerment,Objectives of the HRM Function,New Technology,Competition,Causes of urgent, faster management behaviors,New opportunities,Who Performs HRM Activities,Two groups normally perform HRM activities: HR manager-specialists Operating managers The effectiveness of the human resource declines more quickly than all other resources An investment in people effects organizational effectiveness more than money, materials, or equipment,HRM Activities,Meetings,Phone calls,Problem solving,Training,Operating Managers,HRM Specialist,Recruiting,Selection,Compensation,HR departments typicallyfound in companies with200+ employees,Scheduling work,Outsourcing,Downsizing,Rapid growth or decline of business,Restructuring,Globalization,Increased competition,Contributors to HRM outsourcing,Outsourcing,Some executives assume that outsourcing can: Reduce costs Improve flexibility Permit the hiring of specialized expertise There is little empirical support for these assumptions,Interaction of Operating & HR Managers,Promotion,Transfer or termination,Working conditions,Discipline,HRM Specialists(staff),Joint-decision Conflict,OperatingManagers(line),Employment planning,Interaction of Operating & HR Managers,Rewards,Organizational planning,Labor relations,Employee authority over job,HRM Specialists(staff),Different Viewpoints,OperatingManagers(line),Interaction of Operating & HR Managers,Demography,Technology,Globalization,Sweepingbusinesschanges,Forcesimpactingroles,HRM as Company Police,Inflexible,Over-attentive to detail,Interaction of Operating & HR Managers,Understand all aspects of the business,Become strategic partner with line managers,Analyze every activity and prove its value,Seek out operating managers,Help managers avoid problems,HR specialists are encouraged to,Be flexible and open to ideas of others,Interaction of Operating & HR Managers,Evaluate use & satisfaction among other departments,Educate everyone about HRM services,Ascertain company needs for its competence,Have HRM strategic plans build on firms strengths,HR must be proactive, integral part ofmanagement and strategic planning,Develop competitive advantage over other firms,Developing a Competitive Advantage,These must become so important and effective that every unit in the firm knows they are needed for success: The compensation system Training opportunities Diversity management programs,HRMs Place in Management,To educate others about the HR implications of decisions, HR executives must understand,HR Department Operations,AverageHR Dept,Less than 150 people,Personnel Ratio,Average = 1 specialist per 100 employees,Less for construction, retailagriculture, wholesale, services,More for public utilities, durable goods manufacturing, banking, Insurance, government,HRM Strategy,HRM Strategy,Organizations internal strengths/weaknesses,Changes in the environment,Anticipated actions of competitors,Clarifying Meaningful HRM Objectives,More specific,Strategy: The plan that integrates major objectives,Objectives: Goals that are specific and measurable,Policies: Decision making guides,Procedures/rules: Specific directions for decision making,More specific,More specific,HRM Policy,A policy is a general guide that expresses limits within which action should occur Arises from past or potential problems Frees managers from making certain decisions Ensures some consistency in behavior Allows managers to concentrate on decisions where they have the most experience and knowledge,HRM Procedures,Procedures (rules) are specific directions In standard operating procedure (SOP) manuals Helps ensure consistent decision making Should be well-developed, but not excessive Develop for only the most vital areas,Organization of an HR Department,HR specialists are usually located at the headquarters of an organization,Chief HR Executive,Typically reports to the top manager,Small/Medium Firms,Nonprofits,HRM is typically a unit in the business office,HRM and another function may be in a single department,Plan of the Book,Part 1: Introduction to HRM and the Environment,Part II: Acquiring Human Resources,Part III: Rewarding Human Resources,Part IV: Developing Human Resources,Part V: Labor Management Relations & Promoting Safety and Health,


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