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Translation,句子翻译-拆句法和合并法,Translation,拆句法和合并法:这是两种相对应的翻译方法。 拆句法是把一个长而复杂的句子拆译成若干个较短、较简单的句子。 合并法是把若干个短句合并成一个长句。 这里所谓的长句,是指语法结构比较复杂、从句和修饰语比较多、包含的内容层次在一个以上的句子。 汉语强调意合,结构较松散,因此简单句较多;英语强调形合,结构较严密,因此长句较多。所以汉译英时要根据需要注意利用连词、分词、介词、不定式、定语从句、独立结构等把汉语短句连成长句; 而英译汉时又常常要在原句的关系代词、关系副词、主谓连接处、并列或转折连接处、后续成分与主体的连接处,以及意群结束处将长句切断,译成汉语分句。这样就可以基本保留英语语序,顺译全句,顺应现代汉语长短句相替、单复句相间的句法修辞原则。,句子翻译拆句法,Translation,拆句法1)简单句拆译 Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States. 译文: 同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。 (在主谓连接处拆译) 2. Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh dispeopled the streets. 译文:阵阵寒风,带着雨意,街上冷冷清清,几乎没有什么人了。 赏析:为了使译句能够体现汉语句式的特点,译者进行了结构调整,将原文一句切分成四个短语(小句),充分利用句子内部语义上的联系,不用任何关联词,由风到雨,到街再到人,用白描的手法将一幅寒夜凄雨图呈现在读者面前。,Translation,2)并列复合句拆译 并列英语复合句常常在分句连接处加以切分,译成两个或两个以上的句子。例如: The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in the racially conscious 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled by their appearance in large numbers. 译文:在种族意识十分强烈的19 世纪的美国,招募中国劳工的做法并非普遍为人们所接受。由于工地上出现大批中国劳工,某些白人工人感到心绪不安。(在连词and 处切分),Translation,3)主从复合句的分译 英语复合句汉译时常在分句连接处加以切分,分译成两个或两个以上的句子。 1. A bankable actor is one with whose name a producer can raise enough money to make a film. 译文:所谓“摇钱树”的演员就是指这样一种演员:制片人只需抬出其大名来就可以筹措到足够摄制一部影片的经费。 (在with whose 前切分) 2. I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 译文:我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻名世界的。 (在定语从句前拆译),Translation,3. His delegation agreed with the Executive Director/ that the fund should continue working/ for a better understanding of the interrelationship between economic, social and demographic factors. 原译:他的代表团同意执行主任关于该基金会应继续为更好地了解经济、社会和人口的相互关系而努力的意见。 改译:他的代表团同意执行主任的意见,认为该基金会应继续努力, 以求更好地了解经济、社会和人口这三方面的相互关系。,Exercise,1. 中国政府高度重视可持续发展和矿产资源 的合理利用,把可持续发展确定为国家战略,把保护资源作为可持续发展战略的重要内容。,Answers,1. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to sustainable development and the rational utilization of mineral resources. /It has made sustainable development a national strategy and the protection of resources an important part of this strategy. (根据原文中各个句子所表达内容的重要程度进行划分。原文第一小节是对事情的总述,第二、三小节则是分述。所以,一般 先将总述部分翻译成一个独立句,分述部分译成另一个句子。),Exercise,Good governance produced more government revenues, which quadrupled over the last eight years. 3. Paris is the epitome of civilized city life, so humane in its architecture, so enchanting in its mix of style and history. 4. The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion picture.,Answers,2. 善治使国库日渐充实,政府收入八年来翻了两番。(将原文的非限制性定语从句译为一个独立句子。) 3. 巴黎是文明都市生活的理想典型,建筑典雅,风格与历史交融,引人入胜。(变名词词组adj.+n.为汉语主谓独立结构n.+adj.) 4. 南加州长年有阳光,气候温和,是拍电影的理想场所。(变名词词组adj.+n.为汉语主谓独立结构n.+adj.),因此,拆译法是将源语句中的某个词或短语译为目的语的单句或分句,或将源语的一个长而复杂的句子译成目的语的两个或两个以上的句子,以确保译文既清晰易懂,又忠于原文。,句子翻译合并法,edrtrde,合并法在翻译中的运用,合并法亦称并句法或合句法。合并法多用于英 语简单句子的翻译,特别是两个或两个以上的英 语句子共用相同的主语的时候,由于汉语不喜欢 重复主语,也不喜欢用代词作主语,不如把几句 话串联成汉语的一句话(孙致礼,2003:93)。 在汉译英过程中,合并法就是把两个或两个以上 的汉语句子加以合并,译成一个英语句子;也可 指把一个汉语复合句合并为一个英语简单句。,例如: 美国的军费开支世界第一。1999年,美国军费高达2879亿美元,约为欧盟、日本、俄罗斯以及中国军费综合的1.5倍。 The United States ranks first in military spending in the world, with the 1999 figure totaling U.S. $ 287.9 billion, about 150 percent of the combined military expenditures of the European Union, Japan, Russia and China. 使用并句法时,可用介词短语把两个句子连接起来,如上述译文中 的 with 和 about 150 percent of便是如此。但在更多情况下,可以用非限制性定语从句把两个句子合并在一起译。, 他用辛辛苦苦积攒了五年的钱买了一架照相机。然后,他带着它走遍全国,拍摄了许多祖国名胜古迹的照片。 With the money he had saved hard for five years, he bought a camera, with which he then traveled around the country, taking numerous pictures of the scenic spots and places of historic interest of our motherland. (用非限制性定语从句合并),两个或两个以上的简单句译为一个句子 Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration. They are persuaded that the repetition of a sound gives an effect of beauty. 我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得重复一个声音会产生美的效果。 (原文两句都比较短,且有相同的主语译文合成一句,语气较顺。), 现在,每年都有几百万人到长城游览。在旺季,几处最著名的景点总是让成群结队的游客挤得水泄不通。 Now, millions of people journey to the Great Wall each year, making its most popular sites besieged by hordes of tourists during busy seasons. (将原文中的第二句译成第一句的伴随状语,即把原文中两个有一定关系的简单句合为一个句子,且句意不变。这样更简练。), 中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家发展战略。 As a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, and takes it as the states development strategy. (原句被翻译成一个长长的英语单句。原句的第一句被译成一个有as引导的介词短语。),Exercise,1. The man was very miserable. He had no money about him. All his savings had been stolen. 2. It was in Mid-August. The repair section operated under the blazing sun. 3. 素昧平生的人也相互拍背握手,人人脸上泛着红光,个个都像疯了似的。 4. 我国人口众多,人均资源有限,资金不足。发展精加工高附加值的产品出口,是今后扩大出口的一个关键。,Answers,1. 这个人很惨,身无分文,因为他所有的积蓄被窃。 2. 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。 3. With glowing cheeks, strangers slapped one another in the back, shook hands and behaved like crazy men. 4. Considering the large population, limited per capita resources and shortage of funds in China, we should increase export of finely processed products and of those with high added value, which is central to further expansion of exports in the future.,


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