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2011西安世界园艺博览会游览解说词Tour Commentary of International Horticultural Exposition 2011 Xian China(欢迎辞,在接团见面后讲,可以根据不同游客采用不同地方语言或者不同语气等讲解):(The guide says this greeting text after meeting the tour group. You can use different dialects and different tones according to the different visitors. )游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎来到“华夏故都,山水之城”西安!来到美丽的西安世界园艺博览会参观。“2010看上海世博会,2011看西安世园会。”我是导游员*,今天由我带领大家一起走进西安世园会,共同感受这里的精彩和美丽,体验这里的现代科技和绿色时尚。Hello, everyone. Welcome to Xian which is the Chinese ancient capital and a city with mountain and rivers. Welcome to visit the Xian World Horticultural Exposition. It is popular to visit Shanghai Expo in 2010. However, it is prevalent to visit Xian International Horticultural Exposition in 2011. My name is . Today I am going to serve as a guide for you. We will go to the Xian International Horticultural Exposition together to enjoy the colorful and beautiful scenery and experience the modern technology and green fashion. (西安世园会概况,边走边说):(The guide gives an introduction to the Xian International Horticultural Exposition during the tour.)有人把我们西安新修的火车北站比作粗犷的陕西壮小伙,那我们的西安世园会就是美丽的陕西俏姑娘!If the newly-built North Railway Station of Xian looks like a strong guy in Shaanxi, the Xian World Horticultural Exposition must be a charming girl in Shaanxi.(可以提问,大家觉得是不是?像不像?)(The guide can ask the visitors “do you agree with me” or “do you think so”)世界园艺博览会属专业类博览会,是由国际园艺生产者协会(AIPH)批准的世界性园艺展会,被誉为世界经济和科学技术界的“奥林匹克”盛会。它是世界各国园林园艺精品、奇花异草的大联展,是以增进各国的相互交流,集文化成就与科技成果于一体的规模最大的世界园艺博览会。从1960年首次在荷兰鹿特丹举办,至今已经举办过20多届了。The International Horticultural Exposition belongs to a professional Fair which is approved by International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH). It is a worldwide Horticultural Exposition which is regarded as the Olympic Games in the circle of the world economy and technology. It is a great exhibition of the distinguished gardening and horticultural art and unique flora from different countries, as well as the largest international horticultural exposition in scale for the purpose of the promotion of international exchanges, featuring cultural and technological achievements. It has been held more than 20 sessions since the first International Horticultural Exposition in Rotterdam, Netherlands. “灞上烟柳长堤,关中风情广运”。历史的薪火传承,时代的发展机遇,绿色引擎、大师创造、时空对话、天作之合,西安世界园艺博览会选在西安浐灞生态区举行,这是继2008年北京奥运会、2010年上海世博会之后,在中国大陆举办的又一重大国际盛会,是建国以来在西安、陕西乃至西北地区举办的规格最高、规模最大的一次世界性展会,也是中国大陆举办的第三次世界园艺博览会。In ancient times, there were full of beautiful willows and long causeways in Bashang and bustling trade activities with merchandise goods in Guangyun of Guanzhong. Because of the history factors, development opportunity, the green environment, the masters design, the world Horticultural Exposition will be held in Chanba Ecological District in Xian, which is another great international event after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo 2010. It is the first world fair with the highest standard and the largest scale held in Xian, in Shaanxi, even in the northwest of china, as well as the third world gathering in Chinese mainland. 2011西安世界园艺博览会属A2+B1级别的国际性园艺博览会。预计接待游客1200万人次。International Horticultural Exposition 2011 Xian is an international exposition at A2 plus B1 Level. It is expected to attract approximately 12,000,000 visitors.(在此,可以提问:有谁知道西安世园会的面积和举办时间吗?)(At this moment, you may ask the visitors who know the area and the holding time of the exposition.)西安世园会总面积418公顷,其中水域面积188公顷。换句话讲,它的总面积约6000余亩,水面约2000余亩。大家知道,上海世博会是5.28平方公里,共计约8000亩。两者面积差不多,但是各有特色。等大家游完后,就能比较出来。本届世园会从4月28日至10月22日在这里举行,会期178天,共有100多个国内外城市和机构参展。The Xian International Horticultural Exposition covers an area of 418 hectares (1 hectare equal to 15mu), of which 188 hectare are water areas. It is well known that, Shanghai World Expo covers an area of 5.28 square kilometers, totaling about 8000mu. The two expos are nearly the same in area but distinct in character. You will make out the differences between these two expos until the end of the tour. The 2011 International Horticultural Exposition Xian will be held for 178 days from April 28th to October 22nd, with more than 100 cities and organizations from home and abroad to participate.“绿色引领时尚”。西安世园会以“天人长安创意自然城市与自然和谐共生”为主题。“天”指自然,“人”指城市,“长安”是千年古都西安的历史名称,也是国家繁荣与安泰的象征。“天人长安”意味着城市自然和谐共生;“创意自然”是在尊重自然和不破坏自然的前提下,利用自然、修复自然,使自然为人类服务。Green leads the trend. The Xian International Horticultural Exposition establishes its theme as “Eternal Peace & Harmony between Nature & Mankind, Nurturing the Future Earth A city for Nature, Co-existing in Peace”. Changan is the historical name of Xian, a millennium ancient capital, and also a symbolization of the nations prosperity and stability. The theme of this fair means the nature and the city co-exist in harmony and peace, and mankind could take advantage of and restore nature on the premise of following the nature rules, in turn, nature resources would serve humanity.“种一粒上海世博会的种子”,西安世园会会让上海世博会的种子在西安生根、发芽,花开吐芳,醉美每个游客。The Xian International Horticultural Expo will follow and absorb the successful experience of Shanghai World Expo, developing to a marvelous fair for every visitor.(顺路可以问,西安世园会的会徽、吉祥物有谁知道是什么吗?想一想。)(The guide could find time to ask the visitors if they know the Expo emblem and mascot, and give some time for them to think.) 西安世园会的会徽命名为“长安花”,取意“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”。会徽的构思来源于老子道德经中:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,是由三、四、五、六边形自然花瓣组合而成的“百花吉印”;老子在我们陕西的楼观台“结草为庐”,写下了“道德经五千言”,影响至今。会徽蕴涵的意思是:三生万物,花开吉祥;四合为土,天圆地方;五叶生木,林森荫育;六流成水,润泽万物。其中,三边形状好像一个大写的汉字“人”,处在图案的中心,体现以人为本,代表着文化、责任和理性;四边形又好像西安的古城墙,代表着“长安城”,象征着和谐人居,同时也体现西安特色;五边形好似五瓣花,是自然界最常见的花朵形式,代表金、木、水、火、土五行,象征自然万物;六边形象雪花一样,如流水一般,寓意着上下东西南北六合,象征着包容一切的宇宙。从三到六的自然递进,正是体现了人、城市、自然、宇宙的和谐共生,充分展现了西安世园会“天人长安,创意自然”的主题。The emblem of this Expo is named after the Flower of Changan originating from a classical poem that describes a person on a galloper visited all the flowers of Changan with joy in one day. The conception of the Expo emblem comes from the Tao Te Ching of Laozi who said Tao produced one; one produced two; two produced Three; three produced all things. It is formed by the auspicious seal of hundreds of the triangular, quadrilateral, pentagonal, and hexagonal flowers. Laozi wrote Tao Te Ching with 5,000 sentences in the thatched cottage in Louguantai, Shaanxi, which still influences the culture of modern society. The meanings of the Expo emblem are as follows: the three can produce all and then the flower will be in auspicious blossom. The four directions produce the earth and then the sky is round and the ground is square. The five leaves produce a tree then the plants become vigorous. The six streams produce the river and then the water can moist all the things in the world. In the middle of the Expo emblem is a triangle whose shape looks like the Chinese character “人”(refers to human being). This embodies the spirit of people-oriented and reflects the culture, responsibility and rationality. The quadrangle looks like the ancient city wall in Xian, representing the Changan city. It symbolizes that people live in the harmonious environment and is typical of Xian. The pentagon like the most common flower with five petals in the nature represents the five elements in the nature-metal, wood, water, fire, and the earth, and symbolizes the nature world. The hexagon like the snowflake and water symbolizes the whole universe with the integration of the four directions and up-and-down. The Expo emblem reflects the harmonious development among the mankind, the city, the nature and the universe with the picture from triangle to hexagon precedence change to be identical with the theme of this fair- Eternal Peace & Harmony between Nature & Mankind, Nurturing the Future Earth A city for Nature, Co-existing in Peace 西安世园会的吉祥物“长安花”,它的形象来自于西安市花石榴花,整体的形状和色彩以石榴为创意的核心,与会徽相呼应,采用亮丽鲜艳的红色,喜庆而又热烈。吉祥物的发型好似一朵正在盛开的石榴花,显得生动活泼,寓意和谐吉祥。吉祥物长安花体现了独特的地域文化和民俗气息,给人以可爱欢快之感。The mascot of Xian International Horticultural Exposition is named the Flower of Changan, its core conception is represented by shape and color creatively designed mainly from the city flower of Xian- pomegranate in response to the Expo emblem. It is the vivid purplish red with the atmosphere of festivity and warmness. The hairstyle of the mascot is like the lovely pomegranate flower in blossom expressing the harmony and auspiciousness. The mascot changan flower brings to people the feelings of lovely and cheerful with the unique local culture. (在由贵宾入口去往灞上人家的路上讲)(The guide gives the following explanations on the way to the families in Bashang from the distinguished guest entrance.)接力世博,相约西安。西安,古称“长安”,现在是陕西省省会,地处关中平原中部,北临渭河,南依秦岭,是陕西省政治、经济、文化中心,辖9区4县,总面积10108平方公里,城市建成区面积369平方公里,常住人口800多万。在全国区域经济布局上,西安作为新亚欧大陆桥中国段陇海兰新铁路沿线经济带上最大的中心城市,是国家实施西部大开发战略的桥头堡,具有承东启西、连接南北的重要战略地位。We gather together in China again after the Shanghai Expo because of The Xian International Horticultural Exposition. Xian, with the ancient name Changan, is the capital of Shaanxi province now. It is the political, economic and cultural center that is located in the middle of the plain of Shaanxi, closing to the Weihe River in the north and the Qin Ling Mountains in the south. It includes 9 districts and 4counties with a total area of 10108 square kilometers including city area of 369 square kilometers. It has got more 8 million residents. In terms of the regional economic structure of China, Xian, as the Chinese part of the European and Asian Continental Bridge, is the largest city in the economic belt along the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway. It is the bridgehead of Western Development Strategy which connects the West with the East, the North with the South in china. 西安和上海,地理位置上,一个地处东部沿海,一个深居西北内陆;发展程度上,一个是东部沿海地区的国际化大都市,一个是正在发展中的西北经济科技文化大都市;文化上,一个是包容开放海派文化的代表,一个是中国传统文化的发祥地。西安世园会区别于上海世博会,最大的特点就是生物多样性的展示,追求多元文化的融合和共生,世界的融合、对话与交流。Shanghai locates in the east coast of China, while Xian is situated in the northwest of the mainland. From the point of development, the former is a cosmopolis of the east coast and the latter is a developing northwest metropolis of economy, technology and culture. From the point of culture, one is the tolerant, international culture representative; the other one is the birthplace of traditional Chinese culture. The significant difference of the Xian International Horticultural Exposition from the Shanghai Expo lies in the display of the biodiversity in pursuit of the fusion and coexistence of multi-culture, as well as the fusion, dialogues and communication of the whole world.(可以和游客互动,提问你来过西安吗?对西安的印象如何?去过或者知道哪些景点?)(The guide could interact with visitors by asking some questions. For example, have you been here before? What impressed on you about Xian? Have you been to any place of interest or do you know some scenic spots in Xian)? 西安世园会的举办地西安浐灞生态区成立于2004年9月,是西安市重点发展的“四区一港两基地”之一,规划总面积129平方公里,它是一座生态型城市新区,这里将生态治理与城市建设进行有机结合,一方面通过对河流的综合治理和流域的生态重建,改善生态环境,完善城市形态,提升城市综合承载力;另一方面通过基础设施的建设,发展符合区域实际的特色产业,与其他区域形成错位发展,丰富城市内涵、提升城市品质、增值城市价值。2010年10月17日,浐灞生态区顺利通过国家环保部组织的国家生态考核验收,标志着浐灞生态区在中西部地区率先晋级为国家级生态区。Chanba Ecological District, the hosting site of the Xian International Horticultural Exposition, was built in September, 2004, and is one key development region of the four districts, one harbor and two bases. The total layout area of this district is 129 square kilometers. It is a new city with the characteristic feature of ecosystem where the ecological environment and city construction are perfectly combined in two ways: in one way, the comprehensive management and the ecological reconstruction of the rivers promote ecological environment, perfect the urban form and improve the citys comprehensive load-bearing capacity; on the other hand, the construction of infrastructure, the development of the regional characteristic industries and malposition management enrich the citys connotations, improve the citys quality and add the citys value. On October 17, 2010, Chanba Ecological District was checked and accepted by the National Environmental Organization, which means the Chanba Ecological District has been first in the rank the national ecological districts in the middle and west regions.我们看到的广运潭位于灞河中下游,古时称为“灞上”,这里不仅历史悠久,而且文化深厚,是盛唐时期主要的港口之一。Guangyun Lake, called Bashang in ancient times, lies in the middle and lower reaches of Ba River, and is the important port of Prosperous Period of Tang Dynasty with the long history and profound culture.唐代在浐水与灞水之间的洼地上修建过著名的广运潭,作为重要漕运码头。天宝二年(公元743年)唐玄宗曾在这里举办了规模盛大的水运博览会。In the Tang Dynasty, Guangyun Lake was built on the low-lyind land between the Chan River and the Ba River where Tang Xuanzong, an emperor of Tang Dynasty, once held a vast Waterway Expo in 743 A.D. 世界瞩目的欧亚经济论坛每两年在这里召开一次,国际顶级体育赛事F1摩托艇在这里激情上演;作为中国西北首个“国家级水生态系统保护与修复试点”和西北首批“国家湿地公园”所在地,浐灞生态区已经成为中国西部都市型生态区的示范区,今天在此举办西安世园会,也可以说万众瞩目,众望所归。The European and Asia Economic Forum that draws the worldwide attentions is held every two years in the site which also saw the top international sports event F1 motorboat performance. Chanba Ecological District has been the ecological demonstration zone as the first water ecosystem system protection and restoration area and the first location of the National Wetland Park. So it can be said that choose this Chanba Ecological District as the hosting site of Xian International Horticulture Expo is welcomed by all. 现在,让我们走进“灞上人家”,西安世园会的第一处特色服务区,体验一下灞上风光。Now lets go into the families in Bashang, as the first distinctive service zone of Xian International Horticultural Exposition, to take in the scenery of Bashang. (在灞上人家处讲)(The guide will give an explanation when they are close to the house in Bashang )“灞上”是刘邦、项羽楚汉争霸中“鸿门宴”的所在地,这里既有丰厚的历史与文化,又有极佳的自然景观。来到灞上人家,别致的建筑风格与优美的景观体验,让我们更多的感受到陕西关中的人文精神和自然风貌。建筑以中国传统四合院为蓝本,采取四水归堂的形式,并以建筑尺度的延展、表皮的变异与功能的变通作为切入点,力图使建筑摆脱简单的文化标识,真实的成为一个个容纳新生活,催生新故事的盒子。建筑采取簇群式的布局方式,可以最大程度的亲近自然,感受豪迈的秦川风情和淳朴乡韵。如果是晚上,游客朋友们可以在此波光摇橹,沉醉月影,聆听天籁之声,尽情放松心情。In the history Bashang was the location where Hong Men Dinner happened (a famous ancient story that Xiang Yu, King of Chu Kingdom, invited Liu Bang, King of Han Kindom, to have dinner together in order to kill him). It is a place with long humanistic spirit and the natural scene from the elegant style of architecture and scenic and natural wonders in Guangzhong Shaanxi. The buildings are mainly based on the Chinese traditional courtyards in the form of Si Shui Gui Tang. The buildings distinguished each other from the surface reversion and the functional flexibility in order to become a box to contain the new life and stories rather than just a simple culture sign. The buildings adopt the Cluster layout to close to the nature to the greatest extent or degree and experience the heroic Qin Chuan scenery and the village simplicity. When in night, the visitors can row a boat and listen to the true sound of nature and relax yourself in the moonlight.当我们走过灞上人家,经过短暂而惬意的休息,将共同步入企业园。After we pass the families in Bashang and have a short time rest, then we will enter the Enterprises Park. (在企业园等园处讲)(The guide will give an introduction to the Enterprises Park where they are visiting.)西农生态科技园。此园紧扣2011世园会“天人长安创意自然-城市与自然和谐共生”的主题,采用水系景观、园林小品景观和丰富变化的植物景观,突出西北农林科技大学园林、园艺“新、特、奇”和“农、林、水”的特色。园内分为3个景观区:入口处的景观设计围绕着农的主题进行设置,特色的景观柱以麦穗的形象为原型进行艺术的提炼;中心景观区由水系景观、园林小品景观和丰富变化的植物景观构成;温室景观区室外是以“燃烧绿色的火焰”为主题的艺术喷绘,节能温室内展示区主要展示一些利用农业科技手段培育的植物。The design of Xian Agriculture Ecological Technology Park closely coincides with the theme of this fair - Eternal Peace & Harmony between Nature & Mankind, Nurturing the Future Earth A city for Nature, Co-existing in Peace. It presents the water system, park and garden landscapes to highlight the park and garden feature of creative, special and exotic and the combination of agriculture, forest and water provided by Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry. There are three parts of landscape in the whole park. The sightseeing area at the entrance is designed around the subject of agriculture with the characteristic feature based on the picture of ears of wheat. The sightseeing in the middle is formed by the water system and park and garden and abundant plants landscapes. The last one is art dyeing of the Green House Landscape with the topic of Flames of Green outside the house and display of some nurtured plants using the agriculture technology measure.中国电信科技园。此园采用钢结构、玻璃幕墙为主,以高科技理念、现代化建造,充分考虑到可持续利用,同时玻璃的通透象征了中国电信的开放和自由,从而可以让更多的人去认识和了解中国电信。屋顶采用了玻璃幕墙和张拉膜的造型,这个造型像一艘扬帆起航的大船,象征了中国电信不断超越的理念和追求。The Chinese Telecommunication Technology Park is constructed with steel structure and glass wall on the idea of the high-technology and modern construction fully considering about the strategy of sustainable development. In addition, the glass represents the openness and freedom of Chinese Telecommunication Industry to make more people know it. The roof is built with the glass wall and the tensioned membrane structure looking like sailing a ship representing the idea and pursuit for the continuous development.“无痕的建筑”园是一个概念型的空间艺术作品,大胆、前卫、极富创造性,意图通过环境、建筑、人之间的本质关系在视觉过程中的相互换位,自然的产生出错综复杂的、微妙的情境环境意识。对当代人类与未来生存过程中的关系进行心理的、意识的、精神的相关研究和展示。The Non-trace Construction Park is a bold, popular and creative, conceptual space art work to produce the situational environmental awareness by intricate vision changing the environment, the architecture and the mankind. It shows the psychological and spiritual research about the relationship between the modern humanity and the future existence.生态新材料园以营造生态城市节能减碳为中心,保护地球、自然生态为主题;重点展示“新统麟活性合成泥土”等高科技产品。该活性合成泥土可塑性极强,可随意造型、组合成山水缩影等一系列小品,并可养殖植物。这种边坡防护生态稳定系统、垂直景观绿化系统、节能减碳的新型材料,成为了二十一世纪绿色产业生态城市的新宠。The Ecology and New Material Park is built on the idea of effective ecology save-energy strategy and with the topic of global and nature protection. It mainly shows the high technology such as the earth made from new flexible elements which can be used to make all kinds of small landscape statue and to cultivate the plants. All of the features make this new element the hottest material in the 21st century. 利用现代媒介方式使室内室外空间互为一体的视觉形态,在植物配置上拟用多种植培方式,与自然土壤的种植关系及其与生长环境间的对比关系,结合人们在各种感官上取到赏心悦目的审美需求,满足了人在其中享受着“活性合成泥土”给予的生活情趣。该展馆利用现代媒介方式使室内室外空间互为一体;在植物配置上利用多种植培方式,从而产生了“步移景异”的效果,使人们在感官上取到赏心悦目之感,满足了人在其中享受着“活性合成泥土”给予的生活情趣。The inside and outside spaces are blended into one through the modern media way. The plants can give the visitors the vision pleasures and make them enjoy the delight of live supplied by the activated earth because of the many ways to cultivation and the comparison between the nature earth and the surroundings. With modern media, the exhibition hall merges interior space and exterior space. In addition, the hall also utilizes several kinds of plant cultivating methods to produce “various scenes from different angles” effect and entertain the visitors; thus, people can enjoy the pleasure of “active synthetic soil” in the hall.红豆杉主题园。园内红豆杉展示区分为室内、外两部分。室外部分通过园区环境的景观设计充分将红豆杉以各种形式穿插其中,包括:红豆杉造型绿塔、红豆杉灌木色带、红豆杉球、红豆杉剪形、红豆杉盆景。园区内建有玻璃温室。详细介绍红豆杉的育苗、培育、生长的过程。充分展示出红豆杉这一濒危珍贵植物“形”的价值。另一方面介绍红豆杉的药用价值及其提取“紫杉醇”的工艺流程。通过两个方面全面深入的介绍红豆杉这一濒危珍贵植物。作为世园会重要的企业展示区,我们利用自然地形营造欧式庭院水系及其他富有特色的景观设施,如:造型展示景墙、植物绿墙、模纹绿篱、四季花坛、超现实主题雕塑、庭院雕塑等赋予园区别具特色的观赏价值。There are indoor and outdoor parts for the Taxus Park. The outside sightseeing is deigned by all kinds of Taxus forms including the Taxus green tower, Taxus shrubs belt, globe-shaped Taxus, Taxus decorative shapes, Taxus potted landscapes. There are glass green house for the Taxus with the detail description about the process of Taxus seeds, cultivation, and growth which show the rare plants Taxus value. In other hands there will be the description about the Taxus medical value and the technological process of extracting the ZiShanchun. Through these two aspects the visitors can fully understand the rare plant Taxus value. There are some European courtyards and other characteristic sightseei


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