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一堂英语读写课的教学设计The camel that I rode had a bad temper.一、教学目标:通过阅读,了解澳大利亚的风土人情,增加对外国文化的了解;同时感受作者的写作思路和遣词造句的技能,从而对自己接下来的仿写有所启示,在实践中不断地提高自己的阅读能力和写作水二、教学程序:1. 导入(1)要求学生回答以下2个问题:Where have you been? What do you think of it?Have you ever been to Australia? What do you know about it?(2)出示几幅有关澳大利亚的图片并要求学生谈论图片的内容。(3)向学生介绍这节课的教学内容:Today we are going to read a letter from Tony, he will tell us something about Australia. Are you interested in it?2. 泛读要求学生快速地阅读课文,并回答以下2个问题:Where is Tony now?What does he think of his trip?3. 精读要求学生仔细地阅读课文,并完成以下练习:(1)How many paragraphs are there in the letter? Whats the main idea of each paragraph?(2)Can you finish the following form?Write notes about these.Uluru:The Aborigines:Australian lifestyle:Weather:Language:Events during the trip:(3)Check()the true statements.The Aboriginal name for Uluru is Ayers Rock. ( ) The rock is always purple. ( ) Stories about the creation of the world are an important part of Aboriginal culture. ( ) Water sports are the most popular in Australia. ( )When its winter in Australia, its summer in China. ( )The special expressions which Australians use are still in English.( ) Tony didnt find riding a camel very easy. ( )4. 复述课文要求学生对课文内容进行复述,并给出下列短语:On the first day., The Australian family life., The weather here., They speak., The next day., Finally. (1)老师先给学生做示范,用较慢的语速进行复述,以便学生能抓住Key words。(2)叫2个学生进行复述。(3)全班同学在老师的引导下一起复述。5. 小结课文Now we know a lot about Australia, its people, its lifestyle, its food and its language, it is really a unique country. Do you think so?6. 仿写要求学生仿照这封信的格式,写一封信给他们的朋友,告诉他/ 她你曾经到访过的某个地方,内容包括the people, their lifestyle, their food, their language and the events during the trip。(1)要求学生先在脑海中构思一遍,想出一个大致的框架。(2)动笔,要尽可能地运用自己所熟悉的短语和句型,越简单越好。(3)写完后和同学交换修改。7. 点评抽查2个学生的作文,投影在屏幕上展示给学生看,并与学生一起进行修改,最后进行点评。8. 课后作业布置要求学生把堂上作文带回家进行修改,第二天上交。


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